2013-11-25 Sister City Commission MinutesEdmonds Sister City Commission Meeting Date: November 25th , 2013 Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 7:06pm Attendance: Pos. 1 Michelle Van Tassell Pos. 2 Ray Olitt Pos. 4 Marlene Friend Pos. 5 Kay Vreeland Pos. 7 lyoko Okano Pos. 8 Kody McConnell Pos. 10 Beth Fuhriman Pos. 11 Jill Van Berkom Student Rep. Michelle Rockstead Commissioners Absent: lyoko (excused), Kay (excused), Jill Staff Liaison: Carolyn LaFave Pos. 3 Pos. 6 Rita Ikeda Pos. 9 Joseph Fletcher Pos. 12 Paul Anderson Guests / Public Comment: Michelle expressed gratitude to the Commission for the successful hosting of the delegation from Hekinan. She introduced former commissioner Jeanne Mazzoni, who coordinates the Friends of the Sister City Commission, 8 of whom were involved during the delegation visit and enjoyed participating and assisting. Jeanne also attended the Sunday evening host family feedback session and shared comments about that experience. Administration Agenda: Agenda was approved by the group. Minutes: Minutes for Sept. 23 and Oct 28 pending approval. Joseph will bring to next meeting. Treasurer's report: Kody provided via email; the end of Dec. statement will be more detailed and substantive Chair's Report: Michelle circulated a Christmas Card for commissioners to sign to send to AET Lauren Price. A gift box will be mailed to Lauren after Dec. 5 Commissioners are invited to bring small, non- perishable, not fragile items to Michelle's office at Coldwell, Banker, Bain by Fri., Dec. 5, and she will package them to mail to Lauren as our expression of support for her work in Hekinan. Ten host families attended a debriefing on Sun., Nov. 24, along with commissioners Michelle Van Tassell, Joseph, and Paul. Halloween was a highlight, as was the ECA Culture Fair. Hosts would have liked more time with guests, perhaps being able to attend an event with guests. Hosts offered to include hotel guests for a meal or event. How to draw a larger audience for the ECA event was discussed .. maybe with more advance notice. There was much constructive feedback received, which will help make improvements for hosting future delegations. Discussion continued on ways to recruit students for the 2014 exchange. Renting the Edmonds Theater marquee to advertise the student delegation was suggested. Additional ideas: sponsor an "Anime Day" at the theater, a taiko drum event, Boys' and Girls' Days celebrations, a tea ceremony as a cultural event. In December, the commission will discuss fund raising in more detail. lyoko received some feedbacks from Hekinan, which was basically positive, along with other official communications. Paul, Ray, and Beth each shared comments received in email from Hekinan. Michelle will deliver a report to the Edmonds City Council on January 7t". All who can are asked to attend in a show of support. PR Report: -Kay was absent due to illness, so Michelle shared she had discussed with Kay publishing a public "thank you" in the Edmonds Beacon, and a lookback to honor the founding commissioners of ESCC. Paul asked re "The Edmonds Patch", an online news source. Carolyn has sent PSA's to the Beaon as well as to MyEdmondsNews. Paul said that Facebook "likes" are increasing, including lots of reports from Hekinan delegates. Staff Report: For the 2014 student delegation, 1 application has been received, and references received for a second applicant. Marlene asked if a person living in Ballard could be considered for the student delegation. Michelle recommended we wait to see what more local response is, but that such an arrangement might be possible. On Nov. 29, a PSA will go out regarding open positions on ESCC. Student Representative Report: Michelle did not attend. However, it was reported that she is working on a video -type presentation to be used for promotional and recruiting purposes. Correspondence: Hekinan SCC has asked for a total of 12 delegates for the next exchange session (3 HS students, 2 Chaperones, 7 JHS students). A'thank-you' letter was received from Mr. Suzuki, the Hekinan SSC president. Old Business Highlights / Suggestions for 2018: Ray reported that many positive comments were received about the Halloween activity, time spent with families, and activities that did not require translation (physical or demonstrative). The few negative comments were that too much time or too great detail was used during some presentations. These included the medical facility tour, the Chihuly museum and outlet mall shopping. The group will follow up on these comments in further meetings. Follow up —Thank you letters: The group divided the list of'thank-you' and will endeavor to complete and return this within a week to Carolyn and Michelle. New Business 2014 Student Delegation Planning: A press release has gone out concerning the student delegation in the summer of 2014. Ballpark dates are the latter half of July and the first two weeks of August. All agree that the 'true exchange' model is best. Applications deadline has not been firmly set however it is usually the end of February. Items Tabled: New Business/Fund Raising/Community Event Announcements: Beth has chosen to resign from the commission. This resignation will be effect at the end of December. Jill has resigned effective immediately (resignation was email prior to the meeting). Next Meeting: Possibly December 16t", due to the proximity of the holidays. Adjournment: 8:50