2011-12-01 Tree Board MinutesCity of Edmonds Citizen Tree Board Minutes December 1, 2011 Members present: Joan Bloom, Anna Marie Heckman, Dawna Lahti, Sandy Seligmiller Members Absent: Laura Spehar, John Botton Staff present: Dave Timbrook, representing Edmonds Parks Department The minutes of last meeting were approved. Dave invited Joan, as a new council -member -elect, to a tour of Edmonds Parks and this should be set up by mutual agreement. Mr. Schoppert-Yost, who was an October citizen -attendee, has just died and the Douglas fir of Hutt Park he loved was mentioned to be one of the heritage trees when this program is begun. Thanks go to Barbara Tipton for completing the application for Tree City status. Anna expects to hear from Washington State about a stipulation they have, namely a calendar of the city's tree work. This will be included in a cover letter to the application early next year because Rich Lindsay is seasonally very occupied and he would have to sign off on it, if not develop it himself. Dave is willing to be contacted to help with composing it and should be "cc'd" in regard to the project. Edmonds' tree work is currently on an as -need -arises basis with the climb- ing being hired in. Anna stated that the dollars spent for climbers "count" in calculating the work done. Sandy Seligmiller, who has compiled a selection of similarly sized cities' significant tree programs, reported on the progress of this aspect of our work. She pointed out that as a board we need to establish categories: legacy, significant or heritage are popular programs. Secondly, ques- tions of who funds, who administers, how does the registration happen. A common method is a website listing of the trees the city has named. These questions will be further addressed at the January meeting as we are all assigned to read her document and think obout how Edmonds ought to proceed. Some brainstorming took place over the general idea of recognizing existing trees. There is a memorial tree program where donors are listed on a board at the Frances Anderson center. But exactly where those trees are and if the hornbeams widely planted as street trees in Edmonds are memorial trees is not common knowledge and Dave will investigate and report to the board in January. For sure some along 7th, a magnolia removed from the town center and on which is a memorial to women veterans are, along with the Christmas offerings planted at Yost. The Parks Department has trees they can declare "special" already to start the program. It should be ascer- tained that recommended special trees be in reasonably good health and the Parks Department will likely be willing to do such an assessment. The program decided upon must be announced to the public and how this should be done must be determined. What limitations to cutting (if public) or postive reinforcements to care (if private) should special tree status entail? The update on the web -page is as follows: "Edits" to Rob have been incorporated. A main contact from the board to Janna and Rob needs to be appointed to keep the page current. Sandy was willing to serve but has a "Mac". She will send a test message to Anna as a trial prior to next meeting. The new members to fill our losses are already in process and must be appointed by the full council. We are urged to encourage persons we know who might be interested to apply when the application process begins. The Tree code will need to be professionally written once funding is available, since it is beyond the scope of this body, though we ought to have influence as to its content and tenor. The January meeting will include discussion of the Arbor Day tree -planting at Yost and what we might plan for the coming year. Finally, beautiful pressed flower cards donated by Sandy were signed to thank our PUD presenters of September. Respectfully submitted, Dawna Lahti, note -taker for this meeting.