2019-01-03 Tree Board Minutes�-�oyO"10,� Notes for the Edmonds Citizens' Tree Board City Council Chambers — Public Safety Complex 5� 250 5th Avenue North, Edmonds, WA January 3, 2019 6:00 pm 1) Call to Order Meeting was called to order by Vice Chair Frank Caruso at 6:03 Present were Tree Board Members Bill Phipps, Barbara Chase, Gail Lovell, Suzanne Jurgenson, Frank Caruso, Steve Hatzenbeler, Vivian Olsen — (Doug Peterson was excused). Also, present was City Planner Brad Shipley and Council Liaison Diane Buckshnis. 2) Roll Call/Introductions Buckshnis volunteered s) Approval of Agenda and Meeting Notes Two items added to new business: web work and Garden Tour. Approved with minor correction to name of Tree Board Member. 4) Audience Comments - no one present. 5) Old Business/Discussion • UFMP, Discuss and agree on TB position to guide TB members on Citizens group Notified all that Frank and Vivian had been selected to work with Ms. Hope for a UFMP task force (using Davey Resource Group's draft as they are no longer under contract). Frank asked Bill if he could be an alternate and he said yes. Buckshnis said she would try to attend. Brad Shipley said that Ms. Hope had told him the task force would have a meeting in mid -January. Discussion ensued regarding coverage and attempting to determine coverage and if TB should recommend any type of coverage. Values from a low to 20% to 30% were given and other city comparable were given (Tukwila 20% and Seattle at 28% - Bill has researched all this for TB). No consensus made. Discussion ensued regarding code and clear -cutting of developers on short plats. Brad Shipley brought up that the code is vague in this area and Buckshnis said she hopes that the codes would be looked at soon as Shane presented some codes a few years ago about developments and trees (low impact development). Final consensus, let's see what the task force comes back with for the FEB meeting (put as agenda item). • Brochure to City web site, get it to whoever needs to post it TB members need to track down both brochures to ensure that we can get them on the Web. Shipley said that he could be of help on posting and may have it? But it maybe outdated. Buckshnis sent out two emails attempting to track down both brochures so that they can be put on web AND we can get the brochures made for the Small Tree Brochure. (put as agenda item follow-up and what about article on Suzanne for media?) • Set 2019 activity calendar and who will lead each activity For sure: Edmonds in Bloom Garden Tour (Gail ch), Saturday Market (Barbara ch), Tree identifying (Bill ch.), Arbor Day Planting (P&R) Discussed other engagements: Students Saving Salmon, Anchoring a Tree with a Guild and maybe Art Commission involvement, Demo Garden assistance, Citizen Tree Marketing Contest (Psst — good tree). Project identified as "Tree Listing for Edmonds" (Barb and Gail co-ch) MOTION: APPROVE $300 FOR SATURDAY MARKET TREES (can be big or small as discussion regarding the difference between the two years of hosting and tree give away). MOTION: APPROVE $200 FOR EDMONDS IN BLOOM PUBLICATION LITERATURE. Elect Chair and Vice -Chair for 2019 Frank volunteered to be Vice Chair 2019 and gave exciting news why. Co -Chairs — either Vivian and Doug or Vivian and Bill Doug was absent so Vivian was going to ask him and Bill seems somewhat ok with it. New Business At Garden Tour, Gail would like to have a table representing the Tree Board. Consensus — good idea and let the Garden Committee select place. Suzanne reported on the extensive work she has done for the web. Shipley was very helpful in discussing the City's webpages and how they operate. Consensus was to have Suzanne send out again and let's get that website updated (to get rid of that "tree size picture"). s) Tree Board Member Ideas and Comments Vivian suggest that we look inclusiveness of various neighborhoods such as Firdale Village. Buckshnis suggested maybe trying to put some tree labels on significant trees in the area. Also, discussed why conifers are not planted up by high school. 7) Adjournment: Ended at 7:45 Future meetings, February 7, 2019 & March 7, 2019