01/14/2014 Public Safety and Personnel CommitteeMINUTES PUBLIC SAFETY AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Elected Officials Present: Councilmember Fraley-Monillas Councilmember Peterson JANUARY 14, 2014 6:00 P.M. City Staff Present: none The Meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. Councilmember Peterson was selected as chair. A. Discussion and potential action on resolution adopting policy regarding Councilmember participation by speakerphone or other technology Councilmembers Peterson and Fraley-Monillas agreed that this item should go back to full Council for approval with some discussion on a few items: 1) That no teleconference can be used for any quasi-judicial proceedings. 2) If calling in for a public hearing, that the Councilmember must call in for the entire public hearing, including any public comment. 3) Council can determine if a Councilmember must call in for the entire meeting, but both Councilmembers Peterson and Fraley-Monillas felt that should not be the case. 4) Both Councilmembers Peterson and Fraley-Monillas felt it was ultimately the Council president's responsibility to approve any requests from Councilmembers to call in, noting there had been no excessive use, and certainly no abuse of calling in to meetings in the past. Councilmembers Peterson and Fraley-Monillas briefly discussed the search for a consultant for Council training on conflict resolution. Councilmember Fraley-Monillas planned to contact state agencies for information. Councilmember Peterson planned to write Jeff Taraday to ask a question regarding executive session. There was no audience comment and no one else in attendance. Action: Send to full Council for discussion and approval. The meeting was adjourned at 6:28 p.m.