19571203 City Council Minutesr Representatives from Washington Gas Co., and West Coast Telephone Company appeared at the Council meeting to discuss the tax which is to be placed on Utilites, the first of the year. A motion was made by Councilman Kincaid and seconded by Councilman Tuson that Ord. #714, setting the interest rate at 5% on unpaid assessments and'the Bonds issued and sold to Terry Thompson & Co., for-L: I: D:-#7A. Motion carried. In answer to a letter received by Mayor Maxwell from The American Legion, for per— mission to erect a decorated Christmas Tree at the intersection of 5th and Main Street, A motion was made by Councilman Purton and seconded by Councilman Sorensen that this be granted. Motion carried.' There beingo further b ness the meeting a dj d. i City Clerk Mayor cember 3, 1957 The Council met for its regular session with Mayor•Maxwell presiding with the following Councilmen present Tuson, Sorensen, Cloud, Kincaid, Blackbourn and McGibbon. This being the night set for a hearing on an annexation North of the City limits, A ttorney Bennett, representing Attorney Holte, reported the presented petition for the annexation has 75.6% of the property has signed the petition. A petition protesting the annexation was turned over to the Council.. A motion was made by Councilman Kincaid and seconded by Councilman Blackbourn that this meeting be recessed until'next Tuesday night, continuing action for one week. Motion carried. Two bids were received for Diesel Oil for the City Hall for 1958, one bid from Edmonds Diesel'Delive°ry with a price of 16,4 cents per gallon, the other bid`from $ater & Kincaid for 14,3 cents per gallon. A motion was made by Councilman Sorensen and seconded by Councilman Tuson that we accept the bid from Sater & Kincaid, the low bidder. Motion carried. The State Examiners report was brought before the Council and the comments read. Engineer Reid recommended that we accept the low bidsfrom Star Septic Tank Co., for the disposal of sludge from the Treatment Plant, for the next year, their bid being $973. A motion was made by Councilman Tuson and seconded by Councilman Cloud that we accept this bid. Motion carried. A motion was made by Councilman Blackbourn and seconded by Councilman Sorensen that December 17 be* set f&r a hearing on the vacation of Laurel Way, Monger Addition #6. Motion carried. In exchange for an easement from Mr. Case, for utilities. the City is to wave the $300 connection fee for a sewer. A motion was made by Councilman Tuson and seconded by Councilman Blackbourn that Resolution #29, establishing a Planning Commission and a Comprehensive Zoning Plan and a Subdivision^ for the City of Edmonds, be passed. Motion carried. A motion was made by Councilman Sorensen and seconded by Councilman Cloud that Resolution #30, which follows be passed and published. Motion carried. Resolution #30 Whereas, Anita Busch has diligently served as CityyClerk for the City of Edmonds since January 1st, 1945, and prior thereto worked in the City Clerk's office for nine years, and Whereas, during the time so spent she has been diligent and devoted a great deal of time and effort to the tasks assigned to her, and Whereas, the Mayor and the City Council of the City of Edmonds feel that there should be a fitting commendation for one who has applied herself so diligently to the tasks so given, and Whereas, it was felt by the said Mayor and City Council that a permanent record of such commendation be made, Now, Therefore, it is hereby resolved that the Mayor and the Edmonds City Council hereby commend Anita Busch for the fine work which she has done during her several terms as City Clerk for the City of Edmonds. IT Is Further resolved that a copy of this"Resolution be spread upon the Minutes of the Council meeting of December third, 1957. It is further resolved that a copy of this Resolution be furnished to the said Anita Busch and•an additional copy be given the the "Edmonds Tribune Review" for publication, in order that the citizens of Edmonds might be made aware of this expression of gratitude for the invaluable services rendered by the said Anita Busch. Dated this third day of December; 1957. Attest; Anita Busch, City Clerk Gordon Maxwell, Mayor Passed December 3, 1957 Published, December, 1957. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 A petition for the annexation of the following described property was brought before the Council. The north 145 ffiet of Tract fourteen (14)2 less the East 200 feet thereof; All of Tract fifteen (15) and Tract (16),,less the West 224 feet of the North 272 feet thereof; all in Fourtner's.Homestead Plat, according to plat thereof recorded in volume 1 of Plats, page 97, records of Snohomish County., Washington, Together with the portion of 220th street and 96th Avenue West adjacent thereto. Situated in Snohomish county, Wash. A motion was made by Councilman Kincaid and seconded by Councilman Blackbourn that Dec. 17 be set for the hearing. Motion carried. A motion was made by Councilman Blackbourn and seconded by Councilman Sorensen that the map for comprehensive zoning and planning, as amended by accepted. Motion carried. A motion was made by Councilman Tuson and seconded by,Councilman Cloud that the P. U. D. be asked to present their plan for the proposed street lights in the newly annexed territories. Motion carried. Attorney Holte is to prepare an emergency ordinance to cover the deficiencies in the waterdepartment.for 1957. A motion was made by Councilman'Kincaid and seconded by Councilman Sorensen that two interest bearing warrants be issued on L. I. D, 82 at 5%,,and the Treasurer is to hold and pay them from the street fund. Motion carried. A motion was made by Councilman Kincaid and seconded by Councilman Sorensen that the bills as approved by the auditing committee be allowed and warrants be drawn on the proper Rinds. Motion carried. A motion was made by•Councilman Tuson and s econded by Councilman Cloud that Change Order #1 for the Sunset Lift Station and change orders #3 and 4 for the disposal Plant, be approved. Motion carried. A motion was made by Councilman Tuson and seconded by Councilman Bla ckbourn that Est. #7, for payment to Venne Beauchamp, for the Disposal plant be approved. Motion carried. r A motion was made by Councilman Tuson and seconded by Councilman Sorensen that Est. #4,0 payment to Mr. Beauchamp, for the Sunset Lift Station be approved. Motion carried. The Council recessed until Next Tuesday night. December 10, 1957 The Council met for its recessed meeting with.Mayor Maxwell and Councilmen Tuson, Sorensen, Cloud, Kincaid, Purton and Blackbourn present. Attorney'Bennett, acting for Attorney Holte,-reported the petition for annexation is valid, and all requirements have been met, therefore the City Can allex all this propetty is the Council so desires. A petition from the property owners residing on the East side of 100th West, asking to have their property deleted from the annexation, was presented to the Council. After some discussion a motion was made by Councilman Purton and seconded by Councilman Blackbourn that action betaken on the petition as -presented to -the Council. A vote of the Council showed Tuson-nog Sorensen no,.Cloud'no, Kincaid no, Purton yes and Blackbourn no. •A motion was made by Councilman Sorensen and seconded by Councilman Kincaid that the area Wiest of-100th West and East of 100th West to the East of their property•lines, be deleted from this annexation. A roll call vote showed Tuson no, Sorensen yes, Cloud yes, Kincaid yes, Purton yes, and Blackbourn yes. There b eing7 no fu ther bus' ess the meeting adj iyCler The Council met for its regular session with Mayor Maxwell presiding, with the following Councilmen present Tuson, Sorensen, Cloud, Purton, Blackbourn. The Water Collectors and Treasurer reports were read to the Council. This being the night set for a hearing for the vacation of a portion of Laurel Way, and noone appearing to object to said vacation, a motion was made by Councilman Tuson and seconded by Councilman Blackbourn, that Ord. #716 be passed. Motion carried. The proposed Utility Tax again came up before the Council and was discussed with the Representatives of the Natural Gas Company and West Coast Telephone Co. A motion was made by Councilman Tuson and seconded by Councilman Blackbourn that a tax of 3% be placed on the basic rates of the Telephone Company and Water Dypartment, and a 2% tax be placed on the.Natural Gas Company. Motion carried. A motion was made by Councilman Tuson and seconded by Councilman Purton that we wave any set fee for any utilites. Motion carried. This being the night set for a hearing for the annexation of property for the West Gate School, a motion was made by Councilman Sorensen and seconded by Councilman Purton that Ord. #717, annexating this property be passed. Motion carried.