19621204 City Council Minutes• December 4, 1962 The regular meeting of the Edmonds City. Council was called to order by Mayor McGinness with all council members present. In answer to a Street Committee request for an alley grade between Maple and Alder from 9M to 10M, Wayne Jones reported that such a grade was made in 1955 and is on file with Reid, Middelton & Associates. A Resolution from the Snohomish County Planning Department was presented for Program 701 involving Mountlake TerracO, Lynnwood, Woodway and Edmonds. After much discussion, it was decided to meet with Mr. Rupeiks and the County Planning Board to study .the proposal. and then decide whether or not to pass the Resolution. It was moved by Councilman Slye, seconded by Councilman Sorensen that the regular monthly bills be paid and warrants drawn on the proper accounts.. Motion carried. A motion was made by Councilman Slye, seconded by Councilman Tuson that the following bills against LID #105 be paid: Edmonds Tribune -Review $24.26; Jerald C. Hall $150.00; and Industrial Projects final estimate in the amount of $1279.80. Motion carried. A motion was made by Councilman Slye, seconded by Councilman Sorensen that contractor's final estimate on LID #107, Admiral Way sewer, in the amount of $5,632.53 be paid to Manor Construction Co., and the City Clerk be authorized to issue interest -bearing warrants to Grande & Co., Inc. to cover the amount..'Motion carried. A motion was made by Councilman Slye, seconded by Councilman Smets that the following bills against LID #108, sewers for the Ballinger area be allowed: contractor's estimate #3 to Taylor Utilities Construction Co. in the amount of $96,810.38; Reid, Middleton & • Associates, $59400.00 for engineering.service; Snohomish County Auditor for $129.90 for recording easements for sewers; Snohomish County Auditor, $6.00 for recording 3 sewer easements; R. W. Flannery, $200.00 payment for sewer easement; William L. Hintze, $50.00 payment for sewer easement; and that interest bearing warrants be issued to Southwick, Campbell, Waterman Co. in the amount of $1029596.28 to.cover these bills. Motion carried. It was moved by Councilman Slye, seconded by Councilman Sorensen that a bill against LID #109 to the Edmonds Tribune=Review in the amount of $16.83 be paid. Motion carried. A motion was made by Councilman Slye, seconded by Councilman Smets that a bill from Lake City Sand and Gravel against LID #110 in the amount of $5,100.00 be paid. Motion carried. It was moved by Councilman Slye, seconded by Councilman Simpson that the following bills against LID #111 be paid: contractor's estimate #3 Manor Construction, $749.39; Edmonds Tribune -Review, $14.39; Jerald C. Hall, $150.00; and Reid, Middleton & Associates,$45.00. Motion carried. A motion was made by Councilman Slye, seconded by Councilman Sorensen that the following warrants against LID #113 be drawn in favor of Lake City Sand & Gravel, estimate #2, $4,199.00; Hall, Bennett & Hansen, $292.50; and Reid, Middleton & Associates, $45.00. Motion carried. It was moved by Councilman Slye, seconded by Councilman "orensen that the following bills against LID #115 be paid: Manor Construction, $1,846.75; Jerald C. Hall, $150.00, and the Edmonds Tribune-Revvew, $34.88. Motion carried. A motion was made by Councilman Slye, seconded by Councilman Smets that the bills against • the Edmonds Civic Center be paid, to Lynnwood Sheet Htetal, Venne Beauchamp, Inc., and Dan Miller. Motion carried. It was announced that nothing was to be done concerning the Freeway access until further notice from the State Highway Dept. is received. Mr. Reid is arranging a meeting between the State pd the City Council for a future date. It was moved by Councilman Sorensen, seconded by Councilman Harrison that Quit Claim deeds from the following be accepted for street purposes: Fred J. and Olive G. Carlson, and Carl A. and Selina 0. Oberg; Lee 0. and Marynel Terry; and Orin 0. and Irene Y. Overcash. A motion was made by Councilman Slye, seconded by Councilman Harrison that the Attorney 'be instructed to draw an ordinance to accept the petition from Anderson Homes; that it has been found the area involved is less than 10 acres, and that 75% of the assessed valuation signed the petition, and the hearing on the annexation be held December 18, 1962. Motion carried. It was moved by Councilman Slye, seconded by Councilman Christensen that the hearing for annexation for the Westgate commercial area be held Dec./8, 1962. The Annexation Committee found that it contains less than 10 acres, and the attorney was instructed to prepare an ordinance subject to finding that the petition contains 75% of the assessed valuation of the area. Motion carried. A motion was made by Councilman Slye, seconded .by Councilman Harrison that the hearing for annexation of the Richard Potter petition be held December 18, 1962. The Annexation Committee finds it contains less than 10 acres, and that the attorney be instructed to prepare an ordinance subject to findings that the petition contains 75% of the assessed valuation of the area. Motion carried. 0 i i.0 It was reported that Snohomish County Civil Defense has lowered their assessment of 120 per capita for 1962 to 8¢ per capita for 1963. .• It was moved by Councilman Christensen, seconded by Councilman Tuson that the Mayor be authorized to enter into an agreement with the Snohomish County Civil Defense at 8¢ per capita for 1963- Motion carried. A motion was made by Councilman Christensen, seconded by Councilman Slye that Ordinance #952, amending the Dog Ordinance, reducing the length of time for holding dogs from 7 to 3 days, be passed. Motion carried. It was moved by Councilman Christensen, seconded by Councilman Tuson that the City Clerk call for bids for Bonds for LID #110 and #116, in the amount of approximately $37,000.00 to be opened December 189 1962. Motion carried. A letter was read from Gordon Rowe, concerning his rockery on Casper Street. The letter was referred to the Attorney. A letter was read from the Henri de Navarre restaurant, concerning the revoking of their Class H license. After discussion, it was decided that the Council as such should not interfere. A letter was read from Stevens Memorial Hospital requesting a reduction in their building permit fee. It was decided to defer action until the next meeting, after finding out ghat a sturctural plan check would cost. Mr. Lawson was instructed to set a special meeting for Tuesday, December 11, for the Council in the committee room to discuss various matters. It wqs moved by Councilman Slye, seconded by Councilman Smets that we not have the bid opening for gas and oil until the first meeting in January 1963. Motion carried. Councilman Christensen brought up the subject of the local theatre and their adult shows which are not published as such.. The City Attorney was instructed to contact various agencies on existing ordinances for such cases. Councilman Tuson reported that through'.:the newspapers the Council was contacting service clubs on ideas for use for the old City Hall building. The Service Clubs are to be instructed to write the Council a letter by January 1, 1963 with any ideas they might have for the use of the building. There is also the possibility that the City might be able to use it themselves after hiring a recreational director, for Youth Clubs, etc. Warren Bradbury, appearing for the J. C., said they would like to look into the possibility of organizing a Youth Club in the old building. He was instructed by Mayor McGinness to write the Council a letter outlining their ideas by January 1st. Special meetings for the following committees have been called for Tuesday, December 11. Street Committee - 7:30; Water Committee - 7:30; and Building Code Committee - 7:30. A meeting of the Park Board was called for Wednesday, December 12 at 7:30 P.M. It was moved by Councilman Sorensen, seconded by Councilman Slye that the Mayor be authorized to purchase property north of Dayton St., wouth end of 2nd Ave., not to exceed 039100.00. 110 feet by 55 feet. Motion carried.. Mr. Walter Christiansen, 1000 - 23rd Ave. S., Edmonds, south of the Edmonds High School, and accompanied by 7 neighbors, was present to see -,..,what could be done about the drainage situation in their area. Also they said 10M St. was full of chuch holes and wanted to know what could be done to help this. Engineer Moran is to confer with Mr. Christiansen on Thursday, after 2 P.M. to try to reach an agreement.on what is to be done. A motion was made by Councilman Tuson, seconded by Councilman Sorensen that the Final Assessment Roll hearing on LID #1079 Admiral Way sewers, be held Januray 15, 1963- Motion carried. Meeting was then adjourned. ayor December 189 1962 Regular meeting was called to order by Mayor McGinness with all couhcilmen present. Bids were opened on the bonds and warrants for LID's #110 and #116. They were: Grande & Co., Inc. 4.20% 100.18% of par value net effective rate based on 5 yr. average 4.16%. Hughbanks, Inc. 4.20% 100.04 per $100.00 bonds. net effective rate of 4.1976. Statewide City Employees 4.30% Par. Retirement System Southwick, Campbell, Waterman Co. 4.35% Par, plus 090 for ea. $100. Net effective rate 4.332. C�7 1 1 • 1 • 1 A motion was made by Councilman Tuson, seconded by Councilman Slye that the City accept the low bid of Grande & Co., Inc. for the purchase of the bonds and warrants on LID's #110 and 0