19670103 City Council MinutesIS 0 -LID CASH'PRE—PAYMENT,PERIODS EXPIRED — #137, #145 and #146 Itoyuase&oVedoby�.Couxcilm'an,--iTuson;.,secoxded by Councilman Slye, that -Ordinance #1250 be passed stating the Cash -prepayment period for LID #137•had expired, and.stating amount and number of bonds to be issued. Motion carried unanimously. A motion was made by Councilman Slye, seconded by Councilman Olds, that Ordinance #1251 be passed stating the Cash -prepayment period for LID #145 had expired, and stating amount and number of bonds to be issued. Motion carried unanimously. It was moved by Councilman Tuson, seconded by Councilman Slye, that' Ordinance #1252.be.passed stating the Cash -prepayment period for LID #146 had expired, and stating amount and number of bonds to be issued. Motion carried unanimously. APPOINTMENT TO PLANNING COMMISSION Mayor Maxwell announced the appointment of William B. Hamilton, 640 - Ub Way, to the vacancy on the Planning Commission, created by the resignation of Herman Sater.. Councilm�Ln Tusom moved, seconded by Councilman Kincaid, that the appointment of William B. Hamilton to the Planning Commission be confirmed. Motion carried. BID OPENING SET FOR SEWER TREATMENT PLANT EQUIPMENT It was moved by Councilmax.Tusom, seconded by Councilman Kincaid that the bid opening date for sewer treatment punt equipment be -set for January 25,.1966 at 2:00 P.M. in he`Edmonds Civic Center. Motionccarried. SET HEARINGS ON PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTIONS Planning Commission Resolution #201 was presented, File No. R-18-66:;'and, Resolution #202, File . No. CP-25-66:, vwcommemding amendment to the zoning map and comprehensive plan to designate as commercial on 41b S. north of Howell Way. It was moved by Councilman Slye, seconded by Council- man TusoR, that January 24, 1967 be set as the date for hearing on this resolution. Motion carried. Planning Commissiox Resolution #203 was presented, File No. R-21-66 and Planning Commission Resolution #204, File No. CP-28-66, to rezone and. designate as "Commercial" that certain property lying SE of ittersectiox of Edmonds Way & 9t S. Motion was made by Councilman Slye, seconded by Councilman Tuson, that January 24, 1967 be as the datefor hearing on these resolutions. Motion carried. Planning Commission. Resolution #205, File No. R-23-66 recommending amendment .to the Official Zoning Map by rezoning from RML to BC that certain property lying on the NW corner of 76W W. aid 244Lh S.W. Motion was made by Councilman Slye, seconded by Councilman Tuson, that January 24, 1967 be set as the date for hearing on this resolution. Motion carried with Councilman Olds abstaining. Planning Commission Resolution #206, File No. R-26-66 was -presented recommending amendment of the official zoinixg map by rezoning from Open Space (OS) to RML that -certain -property on 23OW S.W. at 76!b. Motion was made by Councilman Slye, seconded by Councilman Tusonn that January 24, 1967 be set as the date.for hearing on this resolution. -Motion, carried. Planning Commission Resolution #207, File No. CP-23-66 was presented recommending amendment of the comprehensive street plan by extending 203rd St. S;:'.iN. as a 50. f6ot. r/w. westerly from 76tb Ave. W. to 81st Ave. W. It was moved by Councilman Slye, seconded by Councilman Tuson that January 24, 1967 be set as the date for hearing on this resolution. Motion carried. Planning Commission Resolution #208, File No,. CP-31-66 was presented recommending adoption by ref- erence of "design -standards for major & secondary streets in the state of Washington".. Motion was made by Councilman Slye, seconded by Councilman Tuson, that January 24, 1967 be set as the date for hearing on this resolution. Motion carried. Councilman Bevan announced the hearing on the acquisition of property by the Port of Edmonds had been postponed due to a legal technicality until January. There being no furtherbusiness the meeting was adjourned. January 3, 1967 ROLL CALL yor END (OF .... 32........... EXAMINATION STATE EXAMINER Regular meeting was called to order by Mayor Maxwell. All councilmen were present. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes of the meeting of December 20,,1966 had ,been posted'and mailed, and since there were no omissions nor corrections, they were approved as presented. AUDITING OF BILL ON STORM DRAINAGE WORK Contractor's estimate #3 on storm drainage work was presented for payment from revenue bond money, and it was moved by Councilman Slye, seconded by Councilman Kincaid that contractor's estimate #3, semi-final, on storm,.drainage system be approved in the amount of $9471.60 and the City Clerk be authorized to make payment to Olympic View Plumbing. Motion carried. 11 . CORRESPONDENCE 1 • 1 • 1 A letter was read from W. R. Harrison, 23rd Ave. S., complaining about the manner in which the LID for street improvement was being handled in the vicinity of l0y S.E. and 23rd Ave. S.; the debris being left by the contractor; and the upkeep of the roadway. It was explained that the extremely rainy weather as well as an easement necessary to complete storm drainage problems had held up the project. In answer to a telegram sent by the City of Edmonds in regard to matching funds for land acquisition, .a letter had been received from the Dept. of Housing and Urban Development stating that it would try to hurry the City of Edmonds' requisition. A copy of a proposed resolution was presented, requesting Edmonds' approval of the Alderwood Water District's comprehensive sewer plan as required by law. It was moved by Councilman McGinness, seconded by Councilman Slye that proposed Resolution #149 be passed, approving the comprehensive sewer plan of the Alderwood Water District. Motion carried. Mayor Maxwell noted that a meeting of the Snohomish County Board of Health had been set for January 24, 1967. AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION Mr. Freitag, owner of property on 85�!! P1. W., which the city had appraised and plans to purchase for a neighborhood park site, was present and stated that he had been offered $1750.00 by the city for his land. He had refuBed the offer, and had received a summons in regard to condemnation proceedings. Mr. Freitag felt he should receive $3500.00, and Lie_made tLiis offer to council for settlement. The council did not feel that they were in a position to negotiate with Mr. Freitag, and should not in any case exceed 10% over the appraisals of qualified people who had been hired to do the job. A re-evaluation of the property had been made by several real estate people, and they felt that the $1750.00 offer was adequate. However, Mr. Freitag suggested that if the city would pay him the $3500.00, he would take $1750.00 for himself and donate the remainder to the City of Edmonds Park Dept. for hiring of underprivileged young people for work in the city parks. Council agreed to take this offer under advisement. ANNEXATION OF COUNTY HALF OF 7614 AVENUE W. A resolution had been received from the County Commissioners to convey, release, and quit -claim the east half of 7614 Ave. W. from 178:!k S.W. or the south line of Meadowdale Sound View Tracts in Section 8, southerly to the centerline of Olympic View Drive in Section 18, Township 27 north, Range 4 east, W.M. It was therefore moved by Councilman Olds, seconded by Councilman Harrison that proposed Resolution of Intention #208 be passed, for annexation of the R/W as described, with the hearing to be held on January 179 1967- Motion carried. PURCHASE OF POLICE CAR Mayor Maxwell reported to council that a police car had heen ordered for the City of Edmonds for less than $2000.00, by taking advantage of the opportunity to participate with the city of Seattle in their once a year bid for police vehicles. This complete police package can amount to a $400.00 to $500.00 saving over what the City of Edmonds is able to purchase vehicles for from dealers who bid with us. PROPOSED ORDINANCE AMENDING STREET MAP - EXTENDING 4A AVE. S. AS 60 FT. RIW TO HOWELL WAY Hearing had been held on December 20 on Planning Commission Resolution #195, recommending ex- tending 4A Ave. S. as a 60 ft. R/W to Howell Way. The recommendation had been approved by council, and the attorney presented a proposed ordinance to amend the street map accordingly. It was therefore moved by Councilman Slye, seconded by Councilman Kincaid that proposed Ordinance #1253 be passed, amending the official street map by extending 4A Ave. S. as a 60 ft. R W to Howell Way, and the motion carried unanimously. SECOND READING: PROPOSED ORDINANCE TO PROHIBIT A PERSON FROM BEING BEHIND THE WHEEL OF A VEHICLE WHILE UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF LIQUOR The proposed ordinance to prohibit a person from being behind the wheel of a vehicle while under the influence of liquor came before council for its second reading. Following discussion, it was moved by Councilman Slye, seconded by Councilman Tuson that proposed Ordinance #1254 be passed. A roll call vote showed Councilmen Tuson, Harrison, Slye, Kincaid and Bevan voting in favor; Councilmen Olds and McGinness against, and the motion carried 5 to 2. RESOLUTIONS.,COAiMENDING DR. KENNY AND HERMAN SATER It was moved.by*Councilman Tuson, seconded by Councilman Kincaid that proposed Resolution #150 be passed, commending -Dr. F. J. Kenny for 33 years of service to the City of Edmonds as Health Officer. Motion carried. A motion was made by Councilman Kincaid,. seconded by Councilman McGinness that proposed Resolution #151 be passed, commending Herman Sater for his years of service to the City of Edmonds as member of the Planning Commission. Motion carried. LETTER FROM COUNCILMAN TUSON REGARDING MISSING 3 CONSECUTIVE MEETINGS A letter was read from Councilman Tuson requesting permission to miss the council meetings in February and one meeting in March while on vacation. Permission was granted. There was no further business to come before the council, and the meeting was adjourned. i y Clerk or