19670606 City Council Minutes• company of payments for a claim from Marguerite A. and Albert S. Robar. REQUEST FOR AUTHORITY FOR CHANGE ORDER IN CONTRACT FOR LID #151 A request was made by the Engineers for a change order in the contract for, LID #151, Unit 4 sewers. This was for a revised quantity of pit run and back fill material's. It was moved by Councilman Tuson, seconded by Councilman Slye to authorize the change ordeb. Motion carried. LETTER OF INTENT FOR ANNEXATION PROCEEDINGS A letter of intent for annexation proceedings was received from Ervin Woerner, for Lot 13, Berquist Addition. It was moved by Councilman Slye, seconded by Councilman Harrison that the letter of.intent be accepted, and a hearing on the letter be set fo'r June 6. Motion carried. RESOLUTIONS FROM PLANNING COMMISSION Two resolutions were presented from the Planning Commission: Resolutions #230 and #231, designating the comprehensive plan as commercial and rezone to CG of the property occupied by Sambo's (newly annexed). A motion was made by Councilman McGinness, seconded by Councilman Tuson that June 201' be set as the.date for the hearings on Planning Commission Resolutions #230 and #231, Files CP-5-67 and AZ-1-67. Motion carried. ORDINANCE AMENDING LEGAL DESCRIPTION It wasmoved by Councilman Olds, seconded by Councilman Bevan that proposed Ordinance #1301 be passed, amending the legql description in Ordinance #1299, the annexed area south of the Meadowdale Junior High School. Motion carried. CASH PREPAYMENT ORDINANCE - LID #152 • A motion was made by Councilman Olds, seconded by Councilman Bevan that proposed Ordinance #1302 _be passed, cash prepayment expiration on LID #152. Motion carried. F� The meeting was then adjourned. -C in 4 4 O i 4 A e- - -,.- � City Clerk 61 June 6, 1967 ROLL CALL Regular meeting of the Edmonds City Council was called to order by Mayor Maxwell with all councilmen present. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes of the meeting of May 16 had been posted and mailed, and since there were no omissions nor corrections, they stood approved as presented. HEARING: PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT ROLL - RESOLUTION OF INTENTION #213 Hearing was held on Resolution of Intention #213, proposed paving of Pine between 9:q! and 101'. Engineer Wayne Jones gave the costs of the projectaand explained the zone and termini method • of assessments. City Attorney Murphy then explained the procedure for an LID from its forma- tion throughthe protest period and payment of the assessments. Hearing was then opened. Mr. Jack Paxson;'-938 Pine, inquired when sidewalks were brought into the prlject. The Engineer answered that sidewalks had beenincluded for some time now in street paving LID's. Roy Herling, 931 Pine, asked about the SE corner of Pine, and when was this R/W purchased by the City. Mrs. Hoos, north side of the street, stated that condemnation of the Joyce property for that R/W had taken place a few years,ago, and she remembered payment having been made at the time by the city to the Joyce's. She was also worried about additional R/W being taken here. She was told that the city now has a 50 ft. R/W on the street, and additional R/W will not be necessary. Mrs. Demeroutis asked if there would be any additional R/W taken off her property. She also questioned the necessity for sidewalks and complained about the cost of the assess- ments. Tom Belt, 10191, mentioned that in some areas, people had a longer period than 10 years in which -to pay off their assessments on LID's. Mr. McMaster, 10:21, asked how many feet from Pine were -involved in the LID. (300 ft.) It was also asked why a larger project was not done under an LID and reduce the costs, but it was pointed out that regardless of the costs of the project, a street LID was on a standard price for assessments, and only the total cost of the project would be increased, not individual assessments. Also, this partibulak project was brought to council by way of a petition from the property owners involved. Mrs. Demeroutis asked if the assessments could be financed over a longer period of time rather than the 10 years. Attorney Murphy read the state statutes regarding a 20 year assessment with 22 year bonds. It was noted, however, that the City Treasurer might have trouble selling 20 year bonds locally. A show of hands in the audience revealed that out of approximately 18 assess- ments on this roll, 10 properties were represented, and 5 seemed to want a longer than 10 year period for payment of assessments. No one else wished to comment, and the hearing was closed. A motion was made by Councilman Olds, seconded by Councilman Kincaid that the Attorney be instructed to draw an alternate ordinance to be considered for an extended period of time for payment of assessments, not to exceed 22 year bonds. Motion carried. Both proposed ordinances will be considered at the next council meeting. 9 860 HEARING: PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT ROLL - RESOLUTION OF INTENTION #214 Hearing was held on the preliminary assessment roll for Resolution of Intention #214, proposed improvement of Casper from 3rd to 9k, 91q from Casper to Puget Drive, and Puget Drive from 91' to 200' east of Olympic Avenue. Engineer Wayne Jones explained the scope and cost of the project. Engineer Larson then told of the reason for beginning this project, which was to put in improvements for storm drainage, sidewalks, curbs, and gutters at the same time that the state would be paving the area. Hearing was opened. Mr. Johnson, 342 Casper, complained that widening of the street to 44 ft. would have the pavement right Up 'to the houses. Mrs. Gary Eden, Puget Drive, asked how wide the pavement on her street.was now. Bess Snyder, Puget Drive, lamented that she would be living on the street if it is widened. Mrs. Lagerstrom, 734 Casper, asked how much property will be taken for R/W and would the property owner then have a re-evaluation of his assessment, to eliminate the footage that is taken by the City. Bill Gouge, 848 Puget Way, wanted to know who proposed the improvement in the first place. It was answered that the State proposed the improvement on the highway and the council felt that now was a good time to put in storm drainage, etc. and also add sidewalks for the protection of the school children who will be walking in the vicinity to the new school. Dr. Johnson, 859 Puget Way, a newcomer to Edmonds, felt that a four lane highway would be detrimental to the city and spoil the serene image of Edmonds. Mrs. Eden stated that her road (Puget Drive) was surfaced just last year by the state, and why would they be doing it again. Malcolm DeYoung, 7th and Casper, said his children will be using the new school on Olympic"and he still has a petition with 67 signatures in protest of the project, including the need for sidewalks. Earl Shipman, 735 Casper, was in favor of the road and side- walks, but felt the street did not need four lanes. It was explained that the width did not mean four travelling lanes, but rather two lanes for traffic and a parking lane on each side. It was asked who would maintain the street when it is improved, the city or the state. This was answered the state. A gaestion was asked on the centerline bf the street. Ron LeFebvre, Casper, said that the state does not need a four lane street. He also asked how many proper- ties were involved in the project. There were 115 assessments on the roll. He then asked to whom the protests should be given. A gentleman stated that of all the people he had contacted in regard to the project, only one person was in favor of it. The question was then asked about long range plans for -diverting the ferry traffic when the freeway access route is built. Mrs. Zahler, 71�, asked if 3rd Avenue from Casper is a state highway. Mrs. Cunningham, Grand- view, stated that there were so many dead ends and culdesacs that children are forced to go on thoroughfares, -so why couldn't all the people help pay for arterials. The Mayor pointed out that people here on the first hearing tonight were being charged $10.00 a zone front foot, and those lucky enough to live on this particular state highway were only having to pay $6.00 a zone front foot. A gentleman said he was turned down by the city when he wanted to put in a sidewalkin front of his house on Puget Drive. Dennis Gaasland, 828 Puget Way, complained that the approach to Puget Way from 1961' is very gad; that to go north or south to 991 from Puget Way is hazardous; he was against the highway with four lanes which would encourage more traffic, and his children will have trouble crossing 9111 with four lanes of traffic. Carl Callahan, 9th and Casper, asked if the road is narrower than 40 ft., will the state pave it. The answer was yes, but the city cannot use arterial money without improving the street according to standards. A gentleman in the audience asked if the church paid assessments. It was also asked if the plan was to pave down past Brookmere and over the bridge. Ron LeFebfre was concerned with the proposed width of the improvement on Casper. The City Attorney gave an explanation of the pro- test method wherein the law required a written protest amounting to 60% of the total cost of the project, less arterial participation, to be received within 30 days following passage of the ordinance creating the LID. Hearing was then closed as no one in the audience had anything more to add. A motion was made by Councilman Olds, seconded by Councilman Bevan that proposed Ordinance #1303 be passed, creating LID #158. A roll call vote showed all councilmen voting in favor, and the motion carried unanimously. It was noted that the protest period would expire on July 6th. HEARING: PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION #228 - RIW ON 8k, DALEY TO 1951' PL. S.W., INCLUDING HINDLEY AND MELODY LANES Hearing was held on Planning Commission Resolution #2289 File No. CP-2-67, recommending the approval of a proposed amendment to:the comprehensive street plan by establishing street R/W for 0 Avenue from Daley Street to 1951� P1. S.W., including Hindley Lane from 8M Avenue to 9k Avenue, Melody Lane, and 1951� P1. S.W. City Planner Merlin Logan read the minutes of the Planning Commission hearing on this; the proposal being for 60 ft. R/W to Hindley Lane and 42 ft. north of Melody Lane. Hearing was then opened. Mary Burris, attorney from Seattle representing Eleven Property Owners, whose property would be ruined by a R/W through their acreage, was -present and protested strongly in behalf of her clients. A woman living on Brookmere Drive asked why the R/W was 42 ft. in one area, with 60 ft. to be established farther south. A gentleman from Brookmere Drive asked why Hanson was allowed to build in the area with his setbacks, and then the city require a greater street R/W of 60 ft. in the future, when the proposed road was only 36 ft. C. E. Jones, 8k Ave. N., stated he had a petition signed by 48 families protesting the R/W from Casper north. These petitions were then presented to the City Clerk. Fern Walsh, 759 Daley, stated she was opposed to the establishment of R/W and couldn't afford it. Carl Harshbarger, corner of 0! and Melody,;, said maybe setbacks were needed when the R/W was known, but the area is already built up on Melody. A gentleman felt the traffic would not warrant a 40 ft. R/W, but 30 ft. would be acceptable. Jim Astell, 1212 8t' N., questioned putting the RIW on the comprehensive plan now, when it was not on the original plan in 1963. He added that the property in the area is mostly all developed now, and he saw no reason to put it on the comprehensive plan if everyone who lives there is opposed. He asked why open 8k and have just another street for children to cross. The plan to provide a more adequate access to the area, especially for emergency use, such as fire trucks, was noted and Fire Chief Cooper was asked for his opinion. He agreed that, access to the area was poor at present, and stated that Mr. Astell, especially, should agree that in case of a fire, it was the first few minutes that were most critical and adequate access was an important factor. Lee Johnson spoke against the R/W proposal, and then asked that the petition that had been presented be read, which the Mayor did. A gentleman whose property abuts on the east boundary of the property owned by the eleven investors wondered if there would be enough property to build on if the road goes 361, • through. Lenore Collins, Brookmere Drive, wondered why the R/W was necessary. Horace Propst, member of the Planning Commission who had voted against the R1W resolution, stated that to his way of thinking, a way of life will be destroyed by opening up these streets and making a thoroughfare out of the area. A gentleman who lives on 195k P1. asked why not leave the area as it is and as the people who live there want it. Mr. Bob Caspers stated that he was in favor of 8k being opened up, but felt that setbacks could be made greater on the building requirements, and in some cases could then be waived if not needed. He also felt that people who had donated 50 ft. for R/W in the past should not be required to give 10 feet more now. Councilman Kincaid agreed with this. Lee Johnson gave his suggestion for an alternate route for street RIW west _of the proposed area as specified on the engineer -Is map. Mr. Russell Nelson, 741 Melody Lane, favored abandoning the idea of putting this on the comprehensive street plan, even if it was just to place this on the plan and not develop the street right away. A woman in the audience mentioned something about Metro coming into the area. Mrs. Buchmeier, Sound View Place, felt it was not possible to build a street without a vote of the people. No one else wished to add anything to the discussion, and the hearing was closed. It was moved by Councilman Olds, seconded by Councilman Bevan that the Attorney be instructed to draw an ordinance to affectuate the recommendation in Planning Commission Resolution #228 as set forth on Engineer's Drawing No. E-C-121. Before the motion was voted upon, it was moved by Councilman Tuson, seconded by Councilman Kincaid to amend the original motion by excluding the curved portion of proposed R/W from Melody Lane to 1961' S.W. and put on the comprehensive plan only that portion of 0 north to Melody, and then from 196k to 195A. A roll call vote on this amendment resulted in Council- men Harrison, Tuson, Slye and Kincaid in favor; Councilmen Olds, McGinness-and Bevan against, and the amendment carried. A roll call vote was then taken on the original.motion, as amended, with all councilmen voting in favor except Harrison, and the amended motion carried. At this point, Councilman McGinness asked that as much R/W as possible be obtained from the west side of the proposed street, since the east side had already contributed 50 ft. in the past. HEARING: PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION #229 - R/W ON 914 N. FROM DALEY TO CASPER Hearing was held on Planning Commission Resolution #229, recommending the approval of a proposed • amendment to the comprehensive street plan by establishing a 60 ft. street R/W for 94 Avenue North from Daley Street to Casper Street, in accordance with Planning Commission File No. CP-3-67. City Planner Logan read the minutes of the Planning Commission hearing on this, and the hearing was then opened. Pete Sommerseth, 9,'0 and Sprague, had a question on improvement of 9k. Bob Caspers wanted to know why the city was now proposing a 60 ft. R/W when it was proposing only 50 ft. a year ago. He added that a petition had been given to the Planning Commission recently asking for paving of 914 to a 30 ft. width under a Local Improvement District. However, the petition had not been received by the City Clerk for presentation to the council. Les Dunmire, inquired about the possibility of bonds being sold by the city to put in streets, and then have the people vote on which streets to improve. A woman asked how much money the city had to condemn property. It was explained that the gas tax money is used, but allowed only on arterial programs. Richard Myhre, 350 91� N., stated that the existing 30 ft.` R/W on 91' should' be used for a paving LID; that the city should do what it could with what it had for R/W. Dr. Boi sen, 9k N., stated that 91� and Casper had a count of 1700 cars, and an increase of 200 cars concerned him with two lanes of traffic. There was no more comment on the subject from the audience, and the hearing was closed. It was moved by Councilman McGinness, seconded by Councilman Olds that the Attorney be instructed to prepare an ordinance to affectuate the recommendation in Planning Commission Resolution #229, 60 ft. R/W for 9k from Daley to Casper, as shown on Engineer's Drawing No. E-C-102. A roll call vote was taken, with all councilmen voting in.favor except Harrison. Motion carried. HEARING: ON LETTER OF INTENT FOR ANNEXATION PROCEEDINGS - LOT 13, BERQUIST ADDITION Hearing was opened on the letter of intent from Ervin Woerner, to commence annexation proceed- ings for Lot 13, Berquist Addition. Mr. Woerner was present, and following his approval of acceptance of the indebtedness of the City of Edmonds, and since no one else in .the audience wished to comment, the hearing was closed. It was moved gy Councilman McGinness, seconded by Councilman Olds that the council accept the letter of intent and authorize a petition for • annexation to be circulated providing that all property within the territory hereby sought to be annexed shall be assessed and taxed at the same rate and on the same basis as property within the City of Edmonds for any now outstanding indebtedness of said city, including assess- ments or taxes in payment of any bonds issued or debts contracted, prior to or existing at the date of annexation. Motion carried. PETITION FOR ANNEXATION - AREA SOUTH OF CITY LIMITS OFF EDMONDS WAY BETWEEN 99�9! AND 100!' W. AND TO SOUTH BOUNDARY OF 232ND S.W. A petition for annexation of the area south of the city limits off Edmonds Way between 991�1 and 1002' W. and to the south boundary of 232nd S.W. was received, with property owners' signatures representing 95.55% of the assessed valuation of the area. A motion was made by Councilman Tuson, seconded by Councilman Slye that action be taken to waive the Board of Review since this is an area of less than 10 acres, and a hearing on the annexation be set for June 201'. Motion carried. CORRESPONDENCE CATV A letter was read from Walter Nelskog, requesting a transfer of his permit for CATV for Edmonds Cablevision to GT&E Communications, Inc. He introduced Mr. Bill Heston from New York City, representing GT&E Communications, Inc., which is a subsidiary of General Telephone & Electronics. Discussion followed, during which time it was decided that the time element for completion of CATV in Edmonds was important, and that before a transfer would be allowed, it would be necessary for GT&E to furnish the City of Edmonds with a written declaration guaranteeing at least 80 completion of the Phase 2 and 3 area as started by Edmonds Cablevision within a period not to exceed twelve months. It was then moved by Councilman Olds, seconded by Council- man Bevan to authorize the transfer of Edmonds Cablevision to GT&E Communications, Inc. subject to the furnishing of a written guarantee and schedule &f completion as noted above, as well as • �__ a regular application for CATV permit made by GT&E, and adequate insurance affidavits furnished 362 the City of Edmonds. Motion carried, with Councilman Kincaid voting against. CLAIMS FOR DAMAGES A claim for damages from Barton B. Smith was acknowledged. A claim against LID #139 was received from Metro Paving, reduced to $2,989.24 from their original claim. A letter was submitted in behalf of Eugene E. Collias, asking for a reinvestigation of. a claim. A letter claiming a flaw in a fireplace f1tLe was due to requirements of the Edmonds Building Dept. was received from William King, and this was to be investigated. A letter was received from Capt. Shields in regard to a tree..which had been damaged by installa- tion of sewer, and which should be removed. It was noted that the PUD was going to remove the tree. A letter was received from Ralph V. Schapler, Vice President of the Everett Trust & Savings Bank, asking that this be noted as a preliminary letter of request for annexation proceedings for the bank property located in the Westgate area. No action was taken on this, pending further discussion. It was noted that the preliminary census figure assigned to Edmonds was 21,800 - which was approximately 380 less than the figure we submitted. A protest with adequate supporting data had been sent to the Census Board. FIREWORKS STAND PERMITS Fire Chief Cooper recommended permits be granted for the following organizations and locations who had applied for operation of fireworks stands in the City of Edmonds, and who had met all requirements: American Legion Post #66 Parker Plaza 620 Edmonds Way 61' and Dayton Amaranth Court #56 141 Dayton 828 Edmonds Way Jobs Daughters, Bethel 50 1677 Main Street It was moved by Councilman Tuson, seconded by Councilman Slye that the above listed permits be granted. Motion carried. APPROVAL OF FINAL•PLAT OF HENSEN ADDITION The Engineer submitted the final plat of Hensen Addition, and with his recommendation, it was moved by Councilman McGinness, seconded by Councilman Kincaid that the final plat of Hensen Addition be approved and accepted. Motion carried. PROPOSED RESOLUTION FOR BUDGET TRANSFERS A proposed resolution was presented, for authorization to transfer certain sums from unantici- pated income and unexpended items within the 1967 budget, and a motion was made by Councilman McGinness, seconded by Councilman Kincaid that proposed Resolution #154 be passed, authorizing this transfer. Motion carried. CALL FOR BIDS ON PUBLIC WORKS SEDAN A motion was made by Councilman Slye, seconded by Councilman Kincaid to authorize a call for bids for a standard four -door sedan for the Public Works Dept. Motion carried. REPORT ON STREET RESTORATION - LID # 139 - UNIT #1 SEWER PROJECT ACCEPTANCE OF PROJECT The streets in the area of the Unit #1 sewer project had been checked by all the councilmen, and they had condluded that except for one street (193rd P1. S.W.) all were in acceptable condition following restoration by the contractor. It was therefore moved by Councilman Slye, seconded by Councilman Tuson that the city accept the final construction on LID #139, to begin the 30 day period for filing of liens. Motion carried. STREET LIGHTS IN NEWLY ANNEXED MEADOWDALE AREA It was reported that in the newly annexed area south of the Meadowdale Jr. High School, fourteen -street lights had been installed by the PUD in accordance with the request of the City of Edmonds. AUTHORIZE ENGINEERING ON ENGINEERING ON LID#157 The protest period having expired on LID #157, paving of 25!' S. from 200' south of 511' S.E. to 11l' S.E., and there having been a 5.9/ written protest received, a motion was made by Council- man Kincaid, seconded by Councilman Slye to authorize the engineering on LID #157. Motion carried. It was noted by Mayor Maxwell that the protests received against the proposed Main and Olympic paving were still being checked for validity. NOTICE OF SALE OF BICYCLES A motion was made by Councilman Tuson, seconded by Councilman Slye to authorize the sale at public auction on Saturday, June 17 at 10:00 A. M. of bicycles accumulated by the Police Dept.___ Motion carried. 0060 • SET BID -OPENING DATE FOR LID #140 It was moved by Councilman Tuson, seconded by Councilman Slye to set June 20 at 2s00 P.M. as the date for opening bids on LID #140, sewers for 81' and Puget Lane. Motion carried. CASH PREPAYMENT ORDINANCE - LID #138 The prepayment period on LID #138, sewers for Railroad Avenue and vicinity, having expired, it was moved by Councilman Slye, seconded by Councilman Olds that proposed Ordinance #1304 be passed, cash prepayment expiration on LID #138. Motion carried. AUTHORIZATION FOR APPRAISALS FOR R/W ON CASPER STREET A motion was made by Councilman McGinness, seconded by Councilman Olds authorizing appraisals for R/W on Casper Street, as shown on Engineer's Drawing 1.582. Motion carried. PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION #232 Resolution #232 from the Planning Commission was presented, recommending denial of a proposed amendment to the zoning ordinance, to delete beauty shops as an excepted use in home occupations. The period for appeal had expired, and since none had been filed, it was moved by Councilman Slye, seconded by Councilman Tuson to deny the proposal to amend the zoning ordinance, in accordance with Planning Commission Resolution #239, File ZO-3-67. Motion carried. 1 SET DATE FOR BIDS ON FUEL OIL A motion was made by Councilman Tuson, seconded by Councilman Harrison to authorize a call for bids to be opened June 19t' at 2:00 P.M. for fuel oil requirements for 1967-68 for the City of Edmonds. Motion carried. AUTHORIZE ENGINEERING ON LID #159 There having been no written.protests filed against LID #159, sewering of 1614 Ave:. S. between Bowdoin and Pine during the 30 day protest period, a motion was made by Councilman Tuson, seconded by Councilman Slye to authorize the engineering for LID #159. Motion carried. PROPOSED ORDINANCE AMENDING LEGAL DESCRIPTION IN ORDINANCE 2*1235 It was moved by Councilman Slye, seconded by Councilman Tuson that proposed Ordinance #1305 be passed, amending the legal description in Ordinance #1235, park property. Motion carried. Meeting was then adjourned. 44a:2,:Z / irsirry�� City Clerk �— June 20, 1967 A ) T.T. r d T.T. Regular meeting of the Edmonds City Council was called to order by Mayor Maxwell with all councilmen present except Olds. APPROVAL OF MINUTES • The minutes of the meeting of June 6 had been posted and mailed, and since there were no omis- sions.nor corrections, they stood approved as presented. HEARING: PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTIONS #230 AND #231 Hearing was held on Planning Commission Resolutions #230 and #231, Files CP-5-67 and AZ-1-67, recommending designating as commercial and rezone to CG property occupied.by;Sambo's annexation. City Planner Logan explained the designation for commercial for the property and the Boning of CG. Hearing was then opened. Since no one in the audience wished to comment, the hearing was declared closed, and a motion was made by Councilman Harrison, seconded by Councilmah Slye that proposed Ordinance #1306 be passed, placing the area as described in Planning Commission Reso- lution #231 on the comprehenbive plan as commercial. Motion carried unanimously. It was then moved by Councilman Slye, seconded by Councilman Harrison that proposed Ordinance #1307 be passed, zoning the area as described in Planning Commission #230 as CG. Motion carried unanimously. HEARING: ON ANNEXATION OF AREA OFF EDMONDS WAY BETWEEN 9914 AND 1001' W. Hearing was held on annexation of RT 14 and Lots 1 through 7 of Bergquist Addition. A waiver of the Board of Review had been obtained, and hearing was opened. No one in the audience wished to comment, and the hearing was closed. It was moved by Councilman Tuson, seconded by Councilman Slye that proposed Ordinance #1308 be passed, annexing this property to the City of Edmonds. Motion carried, with Councilmen McGinness and Kincaid voting against. PETITION FOR ANNEXATION - LOT 13, BERGQUIST ADDITION A petition for annexation, signed by 75% of the assessed valuation of the property asking to be annexed, was received for Lot 13, Bergquist Addition. A motion was made by Councilman Slye, seconded by Councilman Harrison that a hearing on the annexation be set for July 5-, and a request