19671003 City Council Minutes386 Hammond Construction Co., this retainage be reduced to $5000,00, Motion carried. • There was no further business, and the meeting was adjourned. City Clerk 'Mayor C'X7 Monday, October 2, 1967 Public hearing on the Final Budget for 1968 was opened by Mayor Maxwell, with all councilmen present, and all City Department Heads in attendance. Mayor Maxwell discussed each item in the proposed final budget for 19689 and there was no one in the audience who wished to comment. Councilman Harrison proposed a policy that all expenditures over $1000.00 be first authorized by the council. However, it was noted that informal bids were always obtained on items of this amount, and that the'council auditing`committee had to approve every purchase before payment is made. Council members felt that not only would this tend to disrupt an operation which was now working satisfactorily, but that since it was so close to election time, perhaps this should wait until a new council could set its own policies. There was no further comment, and the hearing was closed and meeting recessed to Tuesday, October 3 at 8:00 P.M. October 3, 1967 ROLL CALL Regular meeting of the Edmonds City Council was called to order by Mayor Maxwell with all councilmen present. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes of the meeting of September 19 had been posted and mailed, and since there were no omissions nor corrections, they stood approved as presented. FINAL BUDGET 1968 Hearing on the final budget for 1968 had been held on Monday, October 2. It was moved by Councilman McGinness, seconded by Councilman Olds that proposed Ordinance #1329 be passed, adopting the final budget for the City of Edmonds for the fiscal year commencing January 1, 1968. Motion carried unanimously. A motion was then made by Councilman Slye, seconded by Councilman Tuson that proposed Ordinance #1330 be passed, levying the general taxes for the City of Edmonds for the fiscal year commending January 1, 1968. Motion carried unanimously. HEARING: ON PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION #242 AND #243 Planning Commission Resolution #242 was presented, recommending a change from commercial to multi -family, commercial to multi -family and single-family, and from multiple to single certain areas on 76th W. as described in File CP-7-67. City Planner Merlin Logan pointed out the exist- ing comprehensive plan and zoning of the area in question, as well as the surrounding areas and the proposed changes being petitioned for by the Lake Ballinger Action Group. 11r. Logan also read the minutes of the Planning Commission on this hearing, and stated that he felt there would be no harm in removing the multiple zoning along 76M; that it was probably best left as single family as requested and for the reasons he had stated at the Planning Commission hearing. The hearing was then opened. Mr. Bob Boye, chairman of the Lake Ballinger Action Group, projected a map of the Lake Ballinger area on the screen and spoke in favor of the changing of the comprehensive plan to make this area primarily single residential. He noted that restrictive covenants specifying single family dwellings were on some deeds, and he added that the members of the Action Group were tired of defending themselves from all the rezone requests in the Ballinger area over the past couple of years. They now felt that if they could change the comprehensive plan to single residential, it would put a stop to the requests once and for all. At this point, it was thought that Planning Commission Resolution #243, File R-7-67, recommending a change from RML to RS-8 for property at the intersection of 761 and 205'4, should be included with the hearing on #2429 and since there was no objection from the audience on this, it was decided to hold both hearings simultaneously. Mr. Humason, Lake Ballinger, said he wished to keep the Lake area single residence, and that multiple could depreciate the value of his property. lie felt also that multiple zoning would creep along the avenue and eventually envelope all the property. Dick Patterson said he wanted single for all properties along 761�, including the ones at the corner intersection which they were asking to be changed from RML to RS-8. Bill Lancaster noted that there was a traffic problem now on that street, which would be complicated by RML zoning with more families moving into the area. A gentleman from 74k stated that the people were trying to seek a long term solution to the zoning problems in the area; seeking that which the greater number of people wished - single residential. Mr: Jack Hulling attorney representing Mr. William Light, spoke in opposition to the proposed rezone from RML to RS-8 of the corner property under Planning Commission Resolution #243. Mr. Hullin said that the west half of lots 16 and 17, which Mr. Light owned, were simply not residential property, and he passed a picture of the intersection 68 • to the council to substantiate his statement,. He mentioned that in 1964 the City of Edmonds had adopted a comprehensive plan showing this,area to be multiple, and felt that it should remain so, being a buffer between the residential and commercial areas. He added that taking away multiple zoning on lots 16 and 17 would be depriving Mr. Light of the highest and best use of his property, and doing so at the request of people who did not even abut on his property. As for the restrictive covenants on the. deeds, Mr. Hullin stated that this was for a court of law to decide, and should be excluded from the argument tonight. David R. Good, attorney represent- ing Jack Jones, owner of the east half of lots 16 and 17, said that Mr. Jones found no quarrel with the Lake Ballinger Action Group in changing the comprehensive plan in CP-7-679 and also wished to have a final solution to the piecemeal requests for rezones in the area, but this in itself would do no injustice to either the Light or Jones properties. However, the commercial complex on the corner is a fact of life and will not go away, and therefore a reasonable com- promise would be to leave the intersection as is at RML which was zoned only 3 years ago and change the comprehensive plan as requested in CP-7-67 to single residential along the rest of 76t W. Mr. Hanna•couldn't understand why a number of people living in apartment: -houses on the intersection could ge less bothered by traffic noise than one family living there in a single residence; that he felt allowing apartment houses on the corner would not be a solution to the problem. He also felt that with one section left RML, this multiple would have a tendency to creep along the avenue. Dick Patterson stated that everyone could come in and ask for multiple zoning if they wanted more money value for their property. Mrs. Spanfelner said that apartment houses would not improve the situation; that it would mean more families with more children who would need to walk to school on a narrow street with heavy traffic and this would certainly compound a bad situation. Mr. Hullin then stated that the fulluse of the property on the north- east corner of 7611 should be allowed and this would not detract from the property on the Lake. Mr. Good added that what was right,for'the:property in 1964 is also right now; and taking away the RML would be expensive to the lots on this.intersection. Mr.. Boye noted that apartments with 18 units on these lots 16 and 17 would funnel all those people down to the Lake. No one else wished to add anything to the discussion, and the hearing was closed. Councilman Olds noted that when this street becomes an 80 ft. R/W arterial, many of these people • here tonight would come to the city for rezones themselves, and he did not feel that now was the time to change the comprehensive plan. Following further discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Tuson, seconded by Councilman Slye that proposed Ordinance #1331 be passed, redesig- nating as multi -family and single residential certain areas on 761� W. pursuant to the recom- mendation in Planning Commission Resolution #242 and File CP-7-67. Councilman McGinness stated that in support of the motion, he felt that people had moved to Edmonds for the reason that they wished to live in a residential community, and he felt they should have it. A roll call vote was taken, with five councilmen voting in favor; Olds and Bevan against, and the motion carried. A motion was then made by Councilman Kincaid, seconded by Councilman McGinness that proposed Ordinance ##1332 be passed, for rezoning from RML to RS-8 Lots 15, 16 and 17 of Block 6, Lake Ballinger Land Company's Subdivision'No. 1 pursuant to the recommendation in Planning Commission Resolution 7#243, File R-7-67. Councilman Olds stated that he felt this intersection should be commercial, not multiple or single, and he therefore moved to amend the motion to delete lot 17 and request that it be sent back to the Planning Commission for further study. This proposed amendment to the motion died for lack of a second. A roll call vote was then taken on the original motion, with all councilmen except Ulds voting in favor, and the proposed Ordinance -#1332 was passed. HEARING: ON PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 3#247 Hearing was held on Planning Commission Resolution #247, File AZ-4-67, recommending an amend- ment to the zoning map by designating as BN property annexed to the City of Edmonds by Ordinance ;#1313. City Planner Logan projected a map of the area on the screen. Hearing was opened, but since no one wished to comment, the hearing was closed. It was moved by Councilman Slye, seconded by Councilman Ulds that proposed Ordinance }#1333 be passed, zoning the area as described in File AZ-4-67 as BN pursuant to Planning Commission • Resolution 11247. Motion carried unanimously. CORRESPONDENCE Council acknowledged receipt of a document from Bonnie Merrill,. claiming damages for the death of her husband. A letter from City Planner Logan called attention to a vacant lot which is for sale across from the Civic Center on 51� Avenue, and presently zoned CB. Council was asked to check into the possibility of purchasing this for the Civic Center complex. A letter from the Director of Public Works noted that a large swing set had been installed at the Maplewoos Park site, and that now that small children were using this extensively, estimates would .be obtained for installation of a fence. A letter was received from Gordon DeLap asking to purchase the city owned lot in the 1000 block on 1Oth Avenue N. The property had been appraised at $5500.00 by Roy Stringer, and it was moved by Councilman Tuson, seconded by Councilman Kincaid that the city call for bids on the sale of the lot in the 1000 block of 10!' Avenue S., bids to be opened at 2:00 P.M. on November 6, with the minimum price set at $5500.00. Motion carried. RESOLUTION FOR BUDGET TRANSFERS A proposed resolution was introduced to authorize the transfer of unanticipated income within the Current Expense fund to Capital Outlay,.rroperty Acquisition, for final payment to the First Church of Christ, Scientist, and to Civic Center M. & 0. for expenses necessitated by enlarged office space. It was moved by Councilman Slye, seconded by Councilman Harrison that proposed Re§olution 4#162 be passed, and the motion carried. FINAL PAYMENT TO CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCH FOR PROPERTY • `�-� A motion was made by Councilman Slye, seconded by Councilman Kincaid that the council authorize 388 the issuance of a warrant in the amount of $32,500.00 to the First Church of Christ, Scientist for final payment of the property purchased from them. Motion carried. It was then moved by Councilman Tuson, seconded by Councilman Slye that the city reimburse the Water Dept. for the $25,000.00 which they advanced for this purchase. Motion carried. PUD REQUEST FOR POLE EASEMENT A letter was read from the PUD, indicating that they are reviewing plans for the proposed pole easement across 11t', and requesting a meeting on October 10 with the council. They also in- dicated their intention tocooperate with the city in connection with saving trees wherever possible. REPORT ON BIDS - PICKUP TRUCK FOR PARK DEPT. Bids had been opened on September 25 at 2:00 P.M. for a pickup truck for the Park Dept. Present at bid opening were the Mayor, City Clerk, City Supervisor, Director of Public Works, City Engineer, and Jim Campbell from Blume Chevrolet. Because of the Ford Motor strike,, only one bid was received: Bill Blume Chevrolet $2336.23 inleuding tax Since this bid was for a 1967 truck, and the only vehicle available was equipped with a number of unnecessary extras not called for in the specifications, it was moved by Councilman Slye, seconded by Councilman Tuson that the bid of Bill Blume Chevrolet for a 1967 pickup truck for the Park Dept. be rejected, and the council authorize a re -call for bids to be opened on December 18 for a 1968 vehicle. Motion carried. REPORT ON BIDS - TELEMETERING SYSTEM FOR SEWER PUMP STATIONS Bids were opened in the office of the Mayor on October 2 at 2:00 P.M. for a telemetering alarm system for the pump stations. Present were the Mayor, City Clerk, City Supervisor, City Engineer, and Ralph L. Baggerly representing Iiersey-Sparling Meter Co. One bid was received: Hersey-Sparling Meter Co. $28,645.00 $24,645.00 Alternate Bid - if the trenching, backfilling and patching where electrical conduit has to be installed is done by city crews. The Engineer stated that he would like to continue study on this, and a motion was therefore made by Councilman Tuson, seconded by Councilman Kincaid that action on the bid for the telemetering system be delayed until the council meeting of November 7. Motion carried. OLYMPIC VIEW WATER DISTRICT CONTRACT AGREEMENT Discussion was held on the proposed contract agreement with the Olympic View Water District for handling their sewage. Jim Reid gave an explanation of certain parts of the contract, which had been studied by council. Following this, a motion was made by Councilman Tuson, seconded by Councilman Slye that the Mayor be authorized to enter into contract with the Olympic View Water District and sign the agreement with them for sewer service in their area. Motion carried unani- mously. There was no further business, and the meeting was adjournE' 011 City Clerk 97 October 17, 1967 ROLL CALL The regular meeting was called to order by Mayor Maxwell with all councilmen present except Olds. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes of the meeting of October.3 had been posted and mailed, and with no omissions nor corrections, they were approved as presented. REPORT ON BIDS FOR MUNICIPAL AUDITORIUM Bids had been opened on October 6 for the design and construction of a proposed municipal auditorium under terms of a lease and lease -back agreement on file with the City Clerk. The Edmonds Driftwood Players, Inc. submitted the only bid. It was moved by Councilman Slye, seconded by Councilman Kincaid that the bid of the Driftwood Players, Inc. to build a municipal auditorium be accepted and the Mayor be authorized to enter into the lease and lease -back agreement with them. Motion carried. TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMITTEE The Mayor reported a new Traffic Safety Committee being organized to inform and educate the general public, and especially children, on all facets of traffic safety. Besides city personnel, he hoped that the newspapers, PTA, and other local organizations would participate in this worthwhile venture. FINAL PLAT OF CARMEL CONDOMINIUM Fol • • 1 City Planner Merlin Logan presented the final plat of Carmel condominium, built at 7th and Main according to city building specifications. Drawings of each apartment complex, which are separate- ly owned, were shown. These necessitate separate deeds and therefore separate legal descriptions. 0