2019-11-07 Citizens Climate Protection Committee MinCitizens Committee on U.S. Mayors Climate Protection Agreement Mission: 1. Encourage citizens to be a part of the solution 2. Encourage City staff and citizens to conserve current resources 3. Work with the City Council to implement ideas 4. Effectively address the future impacts of climate change DRAFT Climate Protection Committee (CPC) November 7, 2019 - Meeting Minutes In Attendance: Cynthia Pruitt, Kernen Lien, Shane Hope, Jenna Nand, Diane Buckshnis, Dawna Lahti, Lisa Conley, David Schaefer, Lisa Herb, T.C. Richmond, Mark Johnson (ESA Consultant), Steve Fisher, Hank Landau Opening: The regular meeting of the CPC was called to order at 8:47 am on November 7, 2019 in the Fourtner Conference Room of City Hall by Steve Fisher. Introductions & Minutes: Committee members signed in and attendees introduced themselves. A motion was made and seconded to approve the October minutes. Motion passed unanimously. PROPOSED PRIORITIES FOR CLIMATE ACTION ACTIVITIES TO PURSUE IN 2020 - Committee members in attendance reviewed the priorities proposed during the October meeting an added two additional priorities. 1) Connect with the Port perhaps helping them with encouraging Whale Watching. People are more concerned with nature and wildlife when they are familiar with them. 2) Implement an No Idling Campaign as the weather cools drivers sit in their cars with them idling to enjoy local views —add some No Idling Signs Action Item Person Deadline Responsible Review the priorities below. Evaluate when they should be pursued (i.e., due All Committee Nov 19, 2019 date); who should lead the action; what resources would be used (e.g., staff time, Members materials, etc.) Send you proposed Due Date, Leader and Resources to Cynthia. Climate Action Plan (C.A.P.) • Review 2010 Action Plan (e.g. goals to continue/goals reached) • Review documents, policies (e.g. previous reports and inventories) Media Outreach - engage the community to act to preserve Edmonds' beauty • Article: Edmonds Climate Action Plan • Article: Idle -Free Zones • Interview: Online with Teresa Whippel Special Events & Workshops • Blue Carbon/Edmonds Marsh Connect with Others • Work with the Port (whale watch tours, etc.) • Solicit support of individuals and organizations to promote programs (e.g. Interfaith Climate Action group) City Budget • Establish ongoing City budget item to maintain accurate carbon emission data each year. • Establish adequate annual budget amounts to meet City's target emission reduction plan, make these budgeted costs mandatory and use for offset funds • Add No Idling signs at scenic vistas Climate Tool Update An effort was made to quantify the effect of the State's Clean Energy Bill's decarbonization of the electric grid on our target goals. Plus we added in a rough of the estimate of the current conservative Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) standards (those proposed by the President) by adding these numbers into our data we can easily reach our 2035 GHG reduction goals. In addition, we note that there is plenty of emerging technology that will help further reduce our GHG by 2035. We cannot quantify the effect of this technology since it is still too new. Our Business -As -Usual line on the graph is based on the projected growth of our population without any attempts to reduce our energy use. As a result our energy use would increase as would our GHG. The next line down which shows a reduction in GHG includes our population growth, but factors in our proposed reductions using the ten strategies we've identified plus a reduction from the State's Clean Energy Bill and current CAFE standards. The graph is based off of conservative numbers using the ten strategies we focused on as well as numbers from the Clean Energy Bill and CAFE standards. This graph does not include the full range of possible magnitude changes that could be achieve. For example is a group chose to focus on converting all oil heated homes to electric heat there could be a big reduction in GHG depending on the number of homes involved. Some PUD staff focus on this issue which could have an impact on our goals. The new senior center has chosen to use electricity for their heating. The City is looking at putting more solar on their buildings which would reduce GHG. There are plenty of unknowns so we used conservative numbers. When you look at our big GHG producers by 2035 we will have made a big difference in energy and waste, but transportation will still have a large carbon footprint. There are a lot of unknowns when it comes to how transportation will change by 2035, we could make bigger strides in that area than we can currently anticipate. It would be useful for us to consider what other measures we could take so we could reach our 2035 goal more quickly? For example: if take action X then we could reach our goal more quickly OR if we work more aggressively on doing X then we could reach our goal more quickly. That could mean spending more money in a certain area, or using a new technology, or working to be ready to implement a new idea, action or tool when it arises. One of the tasks we are considering is putting together a White Paper on what other jurisdictions have done that might be easily transferable to Edmonds. One Idea seen at Alderwood Mall: Advertising on charging stations to fund the cost of the station. Two Options: 1. Look for specific ways of using what's available today to more aggressively achieve our transportation goals; or 2. Stand by our current recommendation but be ready to change course and take advantage of new technology or actions as they become available to us. There are408 so many unknowns right now with all the changes taking place so quickly. 78 We need a visual to show that there is not just a single line forward to our goal, but 2018 2050 a range of possibilities within the direction of that line —a bandwidth as it were, such as seen in the chart to the left. Our goals need to be achievable so that folks do not give up before we even begin. We also need to have a vision that people can easily grasp and be inspired by. Paint a mural of the future of Edmonds achieved through GHG reduction —perhaps hold a student art contest. Be sure to show what steps people can take to achieve this future. Remember to not make it too limiting so there is flexibility to adjust along the way. How can we move beyond combustion, or at least reduce it, and what would it look like if we did that? We need a realistic way to have a conversation with the community so they have the opportunity to provide feedback and be involved in this process. We also need to include youth and tap into those individuals committed to change. We are fortunate to be in the part of the country that will be mildly impacted by climate change. Ocean City, New Jersey will lose homes to higher waters in 15 to 20 years' time according to the Union of Concerned Scientists. That is not that far away. As a result, even more people will be moving into our area as climate refugees. Perhaps that would be a motivating factor to get people to act and overcome the inertia. While we can develop a long term vision, the devil is in the details. We need a broad vision that balances the needs of a majority. Talking about changing people's lifestyles is a difficult conversation, so we need to be optimistic without down playing the importance of acting now. Action Item Person Responsible Deadline Prepare a first draft of an adaptable vision for our plan and give to Shane, T.C. Nov 16, 2019 Kernen and Mark. Announcements & Public Comments: Jenna suggested that the Environmental Cuacases of the 32nd District of the Democratic Party would enjoy having someone from CPC come to speak to them about our progress. Hank & T.0 said they would be interested in pursuing that opportunity. Saturday, November 16 from loam to zpm at McCollum Park a Fix It Cafe will be held where you can bring broken items to be fixed by local repair experts. Next year we will focus on updating our C.A.P. In January, part of our team will present to the Council on our progress in 2019. Take into consideration that new council members may need additional background to bring them up to speed on our task. Adjournment: Meeting was adjourned at lo:oo am by Steve Fisher. The next general meeting will be on Thursday, December 5, 2019 beginning at 8:45 am in the Fourtner Conference Room at City Hall.