19730807 City Council MinutesM • HEARING DATES.SET FOR PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTIONS Planning Commission Resolutions #411, # 4129 # 413, and # 414 were presented to council for setting of hearing dates. Upon recommendation, a motion was made by Councilman Nelson, seconded by Councilman Gellert that Planning Commission Resolutions # 4119 # 4129 #•413, and # 414 be set for August 7. Motion carried. There was no further business, and the meeting adjourned at 11:10 P.M. t Irene Varney Mora , City Clerk rve H. Harrison,'Mayor August 7, 1973 RnT.T. CALL Regular meeting of the Edmonds City Council was called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Mayor Harve Harrison, with all council members present. APPROVAL -OF MINUTES Minutes of the council meeting of July 31, 1973 had been posted, mailed and distributed, and with no omissions nor corrections, they were approved as written. COUNCIL PARTICIPATION • Councilwoman Shippen asked if the other council members had received copies of the pros and cons for various methods of financing -solid waste disposal. -This was a memo from Rod Hanson. She said. -she would get:_copies of this material to the council so that the matter could be put on the agenda for discussion. Mrs. Shippen said she had been reading the minutes of the Community Development Council wherein the Capital Improvements Program was mentioned. She thought this should be a council matter -and she would like to adopt this evening the Prior Report's approach to handling the capital improvements system. She then made a motion, seconded by Councilman Gellert to set on the August 14th agenda - that we consider adopting Prior Study's approach to Capital Improvements Program. Motion carried.unanimously. Councilwoman Shippen said that she recalled an ordinance being passed prohibiting ground signs at the time pole signs in neighborhood business zones was being discussed. She noticed that a number of these are still up, especially at Five Corners and 212th and 76th, primarily at service stations. She said she would like to have this ordinance enforced. This was discussed briefly. Councilman Tuson said he had received some calls from citizens regarding the work being done on 3rd Avenue. He said he thought there was a lack of communication, and that it would have beena good idea to let the people know that this work was going to be done. Councilman Gellert stated that he had, this past weekend, bicycled on Olympic is Drive and considered that the path is unsafe and that it is not solid or smooth enough. CAO Whaley said this is not the final surface. He said they feel Olympic View Drive should have a new surface and that possibly the bicycle path can be incorporated with the final improvement next Spring. After some discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Gellert and seconded by Councilman Tuson that within 90 days the Engineering Department present to the City Council a set of proposed standards for bicycle paths within the city. The motion carried,,with Councilwoman Shippen voting"no". Councilman Nelson said that he had noticed an article in the newspaper regarding the tax levies in South County, and he thought that he would report on the stand being taken by the Association of Washington Cities in our behalf and in behalf of other cities as well. They are attempting to have the property re-evaluation program extended to 1974. (, Councilman Nelson announced that the legislature had appointed him to the Washington State Municipal Research Council. This council does research for the Association of Washington Cities and Towns and for the Association of Washington Counties. Councilman Nelson stated that since the filings have been completed with regard to the council positions, would a person employed by the City full time or part time be eligible to serve on the Council. City Attorney John Wallace stated that the statutes for Code Cities specifically prohibit a Mayor or Councilman from receiving compensation from two sources within the city. n U • CORRESPONDENCE Mayor Harrison read a letter he had received from the Edmonds -South Snohomish County Historical Society which was formally opened last Friday, August 3rd. It stated that approximately 250 persons attended the -opening, including the Mayor and they thanked him for being with them on that occasion. It also thanked the Mayor and Council for making the building available to them for museum purposes. The letter was signed by Doug Egan, President of the Society. The Mayor read two memos, one from Chief Cooper stating that the 1973 Crown Class "A" -Pumper and equipment has been delivered. It was equipped as called for in our specifications except for minor items. Chief Cooper recommended payment in full of $68,496.96. The other memo was from the Firemen's Pension Board stating that they had met on this -date and discussed the possibility of loaning monies to the General Fund for the purpose of paying off the pumper. After analysis of their present investments, a motion was made to advise the Council that the funds could be loaned at an interest rate of not less than 7.5%. That memo had been signed by Allen Tuttle, who had acted as Chairman - of the Pension Board Meeting. Mr. Tuttle explained to council that one of the Pension Board's bond issues would mature in-1974 and another in 1976 and.. that if they had to be sold at this time, they would take a loss., This loss would be 7.5%. Following some discussion, Councilman Tuson asked how much money is in the Contingency Fund. This was to come up under Item 410 on the agenda, however CAO Whaley was asked to give a statementr.egarding the funds available. Mr. Whaley stated that what Chief Cooper and Mr. Tuttle.had brought to the Council tonight is because of previous council action. At the time discussion • was held regarding awarding the bid for construction of the pumper, the Contingency Fund was mentioned as a means of paying for it. With respect to the Contingency Fund, the beginning balance in January, 1973 was $33,614,.plus property tax receipts through June 30, 19739 $58,757, making a total of $92,317 less a transfer to the Transportation Fund .(by Council action) of $5,000, leaving a fund balance today of $87,371. Estimated collections through December 3.1 of this year, $43,477, which leaves an estimated amount to be available in the Contingency Fund through December 31 of this year of $130,848. • 1 A motion was made by Councilman Nordquist and seconded by Councilman Nelson that (Upon recommendation of Fire Chief Jack Cooper, that we accept the Crown Corporation's delivery of the pumper and equipment at this time and that payment be made in full in the amount of $68,496.96. Motion carried unanimously. A motion was then made by Councilman Nordquist and seconded by Councilman Tuson to take $68,496.96 from the Contingency Fund and pay the Crown Corporation for the pumper. Carried unanimously. Councilman Nordquist commended Chief Cooper for the equipment he is acquiring for his department. CAO REPORT Mr. Whaley mentioned that he had an Application for Street Use Permit which had come over from the Engineering Department. The applicant is Doug.Hager with Harbor Construction Co., and the building concerned is the new one.being constructed at 2nd and Main. The application is for a marquee on the 2nd Avenue side extending 31.�,'feet out from the face of the building and 20 feet long. Councilman Tuson asked if this is part of the structural portion of the building. Assistant City Engineer, Dick Allen, replied that this i:s cantilevered out and that this is a metal structure. City Planner, Joe Wallis said that from what information he has. -that the building appears structurally sound and they have commitments from the applicant with regard to landscaping. Mayor Harrison thought we should encourage marquees the full length of our commercial area so that shoppers are able to walk under cover as they go from store to store. Following some further discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Gellert that we accept this Street Use Permit on the marguee for the building at 2nd and Main provided that it meets all applicable building code requirements and that we instruct the applicants to provide. us with a Hold Harmless Agreement. Councilman Nordquist seconded. The motion was voted upon and carried unanimously. AGREEMENT WITH NORTHWEST SECURITIES (CONTINUED FROM JULY 24) Mr. Dick Kennedy stated that the contract had been re-worked.incorporating all the changes suggested by.City Attorney, John Wallace on July 24. A motion was made by Councilman Tuson and seconded by Councilman Winters that we enter into an agreement with Northwest Securities as revised by the City Attorney. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Kennedy discussed the present municipal bond market. . HEARING: PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION #411 This is a proposed amendment to the Official Street Map to remove the future 30 foot right-of-way on the east side of 84th Avenue West between 202nd Street SW and 204th Street SW, as set forth in -Planning Commission File No. ST-3-73. City Planner, Joe Wallis reported on this item and stated that the applicant is the staff. He showed slides of the Comprehensive Plan, etc. The Mayor opened the hearing. Mr. Gerald Lovell with R6id, Middleton went to the map C11 • and explained how the property had been developed. A gentleman in the audience asked if there had been proper notification, and the City Planner said that there had been the proper advertising and posting on the subdivision, but the particular owner to which the gentleman had referred, had not been notified for -the street hearing itself. There were some comments on grade of the street. Following some further comments, the hearing was closed. A motion was made by Councilman Nelson and seconded by Councilwoman Shippen to pass Ordinance #1671, amending the Official Street Map by deleting a portion of 84th West pursuant to Planning Commission Resolution No, 411. Following -a roll call vote, the motion passed, with Councilmen Nordquist and Anderson voting "no". HEARING: PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION #412 This is a proposed amendment to Sec. 12.13.210 C. requiring setbacks in the BC Zone abutting the right-of-way of U.S. 99 and Lake Ballinger Way of forty feet, as set forth in Planning Commission File No. ZO-1-73, City Planner, Joe Wallis, again said that the applicant is the staff. Mayor Harrison opened the hearing, however, no one wished to.speak on the mattet so the hearing was closed. A motion was then made by Councilman Nordquist.and seconded by Councilman Anderson to adopt Ordinance #1672, amending the City Code establishing a minimum setback requirement in the BC Zone abutting the right-of-way of U.S. Highway 99 and Lake Ballinger Way. Motion carried unanimously. HEARING: PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION #413 AND #414 City.Planner, Joe Wallis stated that this action is required to bring the newly annexed Chase Lake Area under the Zoning Ordinance. There are approximately 86 acres involved. The county zoning had been RR-8400, and Resolution #413 recommends re -zoning to RS-8. In Planning Commission Resolution #414, the recommendation is that property zoned by the county as MR, be rezoned to RML. There was some discussion, after which Mayor Harrison opened the hearing. No one wished to.speak on these matters, so the hearing was closed. A motion was made by Councilman Anderson to pass Ordinance #1673 amending the Official Zoning Map by adopting the zoning classification for certain property newly annexed, to be zoned single residential 8,000 square feet (RS-8) pursuant to Planning Commission Resolution No. 413. Councilman Nordquist seconded,. and upon a vote the motion carried unanimously. A motion was then made by Councilman Anderson and seconded by Councilman Nordquist to pass Ordinance #1674, amending the Official Zoning Map by adopting the zoning classification for certain newly annexed property, to be zoned multi -family residential, low density (RML).pursuant-.to Planning Commission Resolution -No. 414. The motion was voted upon and carried unanimously. COUNCIL TO DEFINE SPECIFIC DUTIES AND ROLL OF COUNCIL Councilman Nordquist was. the first to comment on this agenda item, saying that he had on several occasions discussed with the CAO the possibility of the council getting together as a separate body on a weekend. They could at that time talk about issues, the future, programs that they would like to institute. He thought perhaps a time could be set aside before each council meeting when they could have a. "workshop". type meeting; that council should designate a leader and that they should have more input and better input. Mr. Nordquist thought there should be more research, and possibly some one from staff designated to do this. He then read several points contained in the June 1973 issue of the Western City Magazine Editorial page wherein each and every one of us is challenged to "Know Your Community". Councilman Nordquist also thought that the council should have its own part-time secretary, because of the volume of paper work involved. Councilman Nelson said that he had been to the library and taken notes and said that much had been written defining the roll of a council person. He said that the roll of a council member really ends up being ten separate items: 1. Legislator; 2. financier; 3. employer; 4. constructive critic; 5. buyer; 6. city policy maker; 7. an inter -governmental policy expert; 8. a planner and public relations person; 9. fundamental leader in the community and 10. all around "good guy". He also stated that the Mayor is the only person that carries out policies; that he proposes legislation, etc. He said he planned to get copies of a periodical published by the University of Iowa entitled, "Your Job as a Councilman." and a Handbook for Councilmen which is obtained through the Municipal Research Center, The last recommendation he had was a workshop for newly elected council persons conducted by the Association of Washington Cities, which will be held in November this year. Councilwoman Shippen said that council persons should continually be evaluating. She said she has been disappointed in council discussions as it seems when they are to discuss something that is a matter of opinion - they don't do very well. She thought the Mayor Pro -tern should be're-titled Council President; she would like better access to materials such as the Optional Municipal Code, Prior Study and Association of Washington Cities publications and she thought that council President" and any discussion led by that person so designated. I 1 • 1 1 0 • 7 Councilman Anderson said that as a new councilman he had tried to educate himself and had made appointments with staff members in order to learn more about how the city operates and that his education continues from week to week. He said he thinks the council is the force that.makes the community what they and the people think it should be. Mayor Harrison commented that in his political science education he had always been taught that there are not clear lines between the executive branch of the government and the legislative. He said that cooperation is the key and he offered his cooperation to the greatest extent possible. Councilman Gellert commented that governments have a tendency to grow and over- emphasize their own importance. He thought we should provide the services the citizens really want and need and not try to do more than that; and that we should have the smallest possible government to do what the people want and need.. Councilman Tuson said that tie thinks the residents should be able to call a councilman and talk about their problems and that the council member should be able to assure them that it will be..looked into; otherwise we will lose our small town complex. After some further discussion, Councilman Gellert made a motion seconded by Councilman Nordquist to place on the agenda for August 21st a review of the Council Calendar Method of meetings. Motion carried unanimously. REPORT FROM CAO ON STATUS OF CONTINGENCY FUND, ALONG WITH CONSIDERATION OF $21.500'-FOR PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT OF YOST PARK • This had been reported on earlier in the evening. Mr. Whaley made a few more comments, summing up by saying that financially we are in very good shape.'-'' Councilwoman Shippen asked Keith LaBelle to comment with -regard to -the Yost Park development.- He said that the timing is about right now to do this work before the inclement weather sets in. He stated that the money they have in. their budget would be reserved for work on other parks if possible. Councilwoman Shippen made a motion seconded by Councilman'Anderson that $21,850 be provided for the physical improvement of Yost Park out of the contingency fund. There was some discussion on whether to do the work now, or if it would be adviseable to take any more out of the contingency fund at this time. The motion was then voted upon and carried with Councilman Nelson voting "no". APPOINTMENTS Mayor Harrison.announced that he had appointed Mrs. Margaret Johnson, who lives in the Ballinger Area, to the Shoreline Advisory.Policy Committee to replace Lee Allberry. Mayor Harrison then appointed Howard Washburn to"the-Planning Commission to replace Bob Daley. Both these persons reside in the Ballinger Area. He asked for council confirmation of this appointment. Councilman Nordquist made the motion seconded by Councilman Anderson to confirm the appointment of Mr. Washburn. The motion carried, with Councilwoman Shippen abstaining. There being no further business to come before council the meeting adjourned at 10:50 P.M. • Eleanor Quealey, Deputy y Clerk August 14, 1973 ROLL CALL Harve H. Harrison, Mayor The regular meeting of the Edmonds City Council was called to order by Mayor Harve Harrison at 7:30 P.M. All council members were present. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Minutes of the council meeting of August 7-had been posted, mailed and dis- tributed, and with no omissions nor corrections, they were approved as written. COUNCIL PARTICIPATION Councilman Tuson questioned Councilman Nelson on a statement made at the Port Commission meeting regarding a boat landing ramp on the future plans. for Sunset Beach. Councilman Nelson answered that boat facilities were on -lithe r6lief drawing, but not on the future plans, and this was a misunder- standing. Councilman Tuson noted that in the minutes of the Community Development 0