19730911 City Council Minutes20 • #420 - This is a resolution recommending approval of amendment to Zoning Ordinance to remove statement from Section 12.13.130, G, setbacks for multiple family dwellings in Community Business Zone. City Planner Joe Wallis reported saying that the Planning Staff is the applicant in this case. After some brief statements, a motion was made by Councilman Gellert and seconded by Councilman Anderson to accept the recommendation in Planning Commission Resolution #420 and pass Ordinance #1678 amending the City Code to reflect this change. The hearing was then opened by Mayor Harrison. - Elmer Harris, part owner of Seville 217 expressed his objection to the proposed amendment, and Mr. McConnachie also noted his objections. No one else commented, so the hearing was closed. On call for the question, a roll call vote resulted in Gellert, Shippen and Anderson voting for and Nelson, Tuson and Winters voting against. Mayor Harrison then voted "no" and the motion failed to carry. SHORELINE MANAGEMENT APPLICATION - PACIFIC NORTHWEST BELL - UNDERGROUNDING TELEPHONE CABLE ALONG ADMIRAL WAY - FILE SM-3-73. Kay Shoudy, Assistant City Planner, reported that this is an application to bury telephone cable in the unimproved dirt shoulder along Admiral Way. City Engineer Leif Larson stated that all requirements have been met. Councilwoman Shippen asked if it would be possible to ask Burlington -Northern to bury their cables also. Mr. Larson reminded council that Burlington -Northern had denied all requests of this kind in the past. A motion was made by Councilman Tuson and seconded by Councilman Gellert that the -Shoreline Management Application • of Pacific Northwest Bell be approved. Councilman Nelson said he would abstain from voting on this matter as he is employed by the company. The motion was then voted upon and carried. A motion was then made by Councilwoman Shippen and seconded by Councilman Anderson to.ask the Mayor to contact Burlington - Northern to see if they will do anything at this time about undergrounding. Motion carried. CONSIDERATION OF PROPOSED SIDEWALK ORDINANCE City Engineer, Leif Larson suggested that because of the lateness of the hour and the absence of Councilman Nordquist, that this matter be postponed. A motion was then made by Councilman Gellert that this be placed on the work meeting agenda for discussion on the 11th and on the council. agenda for action on the 25th of September. Councilman Nelson seconded. Motion carried. PROPOSED ETHICS. ORDINANCE AS DECIDED AT AUGUST 14 COUNCIL MEETING Councilman Gellert made a motion seconded by Councilwoman Shippen that Ordinance #1678 be passed with the effective date being September 17, 1973. A roll call vote showed Councilman Nelson and Winters voting against, however the motion carried. Councilmen Nelson and Winters stated that they voted against simply because they feel that it duplicates HB #276. There being no further business to come before council, the meeting adjourned at 11:00 P.M. 0 t Irene Varney Mor , City Clerk Harve H. Harrison, Mayor • September 11, 1973 (WORK MEETING) ROLL CALL The scheduled work meeting of the Edmonds City Council was called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Mayor Harve Harrison with all council members present except Nelson. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Minutes of the regular meeting of September 4 had been posted, mailed and distributed. Councilman Anderson noted that under "Council Participation", he had reported that recommendations regarding -action to be taken on the complaints and suggestions involving the property owners abutting Yost Park would be reported at a later date by Director Garretson, not CAO Whaley as was written. There were no further omissions nor corrections; and the minutes were approved as corrected. MAYOR'S ANNOUNCEMENTS Mayor Harrison advised council members that within a few weeks the regional meetings of the Association of Washington Cities would begin. These were for the purpose of discussing various programs of mutual concern. He stated that there would be a meeting on Thursday, September 27 at 7:00 P.M. at the Holiday 0 • 21 Inn (Interstate 5), with the host Mayor.and City being Mayor Robert Anderson of Everett. Mayor Harrison asked for an indication from council as to who would attend, and the card to be returned to the Host City Mayor will state five reservations for Edmonds. The Mayor reported that a meeting had been held with the leaders of the "diving community" for discussion re/the sunken tugboat Alitak. It was the general consensus of opinion that it cannot be moved, but should be rotted away within two years. CLAIM FOR DAMAGES A claim for damages from Michael J & Susan B. Lanctot was acknowledged and re- ferred to the City Clerk for processing. REPORT ON EDMONDS ELEMENTARY SCHOOL LEASE CAO Mhaley reported that Edmonds School District 15 approved extending the lease on Edmonds Elementary to August 15, 1974 under the same conditions and terms as the past year. He recommended the City of Edmonds accept the offer, and it was moved by Councilman Tuson, seconded by Councilman Anderson that the City of Edmonds enter into this lease agreement for use of the school for this second year. Motion carried. ACCEPTANCE OF PROJECT - LID 191 City Engineer Leif Larson stated that the semi-final payment on the contractor's • estimate for LID 191 would be paid .this month, and the project has been com- pleted. Therefore, in order to expedite for reasons of payment of interest, he recommended that council accept the project in order to establish the 30 day lien period. There was some discussion on notification of the property owners that the project is completed and ask if there were any complaints before the project is accepted and payment made. Councilman Gellert then made a motion, seconded by Councilman Anderson to accept the project of the sewering south of Meadowdale Junior High, LID 191, subject to .the Engineer sending letters to all property owners asking for any possible complaints. Motion carried. REQUEST FROM CITY PLANNER REGARDING PRD City Planner Joe Wallis asked council if they would give consideration or some indication of perhaps giving consideration He stated that the property owner who to a Planned is interested Residential Development. would prefer knowing if this would be considered before going ahead with having plans drawn, etc. Mayor Harrison and council members answered that at this point they would not know if it would be allowed, but it certainly would have to be considered. CHASE LAKE - FINANCING OF SEWER LID City Engineer Leif Larson reported that he had written Dick Kennedy of.Seattle- Northwest Securities requesting an analysis of LID/ULID cost on the Chase Lake sewer project. Mr. Kennedy was present and presented a schedule of methods of financing under both the LID and ULID. Following Mr. Kennedy's explanation, there was a great deal of council discussion on the methods, and especially on the different surcharges ranging from $8.00 per month to no monthly surcharge under the ULID. • A proposed letter to the property owners involved in the project was to be sent from the Engineer's office, subject to council suggebtions. Councilman Gellert said he hoped the property owners would receive the notice directly, not through the mortgage companies, which would not forward the notice in time.for next week's hearing. It was decided that the letters could either be hand delivered or mailed to the residents as listed on the recent census report. Councilman Gellert -.also suggested that the September 18 date for the continued hearing be mentioned in this letter. CONCLUSIVE REPORT FROM DESIGN COMMISSION COMMITTEE J. Ward Phillips, Chairman of the ad hoc Design Commission Study Group, reported to council on the five,months of study.by.that group. He introduced several members of the group who were present and named the members: Lee Barton, Paul Cook, Dave Larson, Diane Steinke, Sam Saindon, Joe Wallis and Dave Hermans. Mr. Phillips outlined the goals, policy, and objectives of the group in great detail. He then stated that they proposed and recommended that council.create by ordinance an Amenities Design Board, empowered to recommend the establishment of design districts, the establishment of goals, objectives and policy for said districts, and recommend legislation for -the implementation of said policies. The group felt that this Amenities Board should consist of five members and be composed of an architect and/or building.designer, a landscaper or landscape architect, a builder or developer, and. a person either educated or having practical experience in planning, and one lay person. There was a great deal of discussion, wherein powers and duties of a proposed board were mentioned, as well as that the design districts, when enacted, could.become part of the comprehensive plan. Landscaping, building elevation, signing and lighting would be considered. This would allow the city to have a coordinated effort. • 22 • Dave Larson noted that several downtown sites were owned by members'of the Study Group, and he was impressed by what they were willing to do with their properties in order to improve the area. It was thought that the Amenities Board should have something to recommend for all areas except single family residential. They would have the opportunity to review designs with the de- velopers, and some variations should be allowed from the rigid engineering requirements to make for a more interesting town. Lee Barton, Diane Steinke and Sam Saindon reiterated views of the Study Group. Following some further discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Anderson, seconded by Councilman Winters that first reading of the proposed ordinance creating an Amenities Design Board'be placed on the September 25 council meeting agenda. Motion carried. DOWNTOWN PARKING City Planner Joe Wallis reported on conclusions of the study of the downtown parking problem and gave recommendations. He recommended that an advisory parking commission be established which would recommend plans for off-street' parking, etc. The plan would be a guideline and eventually be accepted and become part of the comprehensive plan for the city. The commission would recommend the parking spaces to be provided and determine deficiencies. He suggested the BC area as an appropriate boundary for this study. Mr. Wallis recommended council instruct the Attorney to prepare an ordinance and the Planning Department be allowed to.proceed thereafter to indicate areas for parking and acquire the property to provide for this. Methods of financing were discussed, as aQgreat deal -of discussion on parking and the related problems AeAea8owntown area. These included locations that may not be available and would need condemnation action; possible parking LID's with . businesses participating; other means of financing; great benefits derived from public parking areas; parking areas downtown being used by the merchants themselves; and the tremendous value via revenue to businesses. An Attorney representing Marvin Smith, downtown propebty owner, inquired just where the council stood at this point. He was advised that there was no specific proposal at present regarding public parking. Planner Wallis again suggested that the Attorney be instructed to prepare an ordinance and the Planning Staff be authorized to proceed with the implementa- tion of the plan, including selection of the initial sites so that data on costs on development can be made. Mayor Harrison declared a recess for coffee break. Following the recess, Dave Larson commented on the parking needs of the city and noted that a distinction should be made between employee and customer panking. Businesses on the perimeter have a different situation than the core area downtown. He stated that hardest to solve is the problem in the core area. Regarding the requirements for parking spaces, the grandfather clause is quite specific in the present non -conforming retail areas. The city., with its power of condemnation and planning capabilities, should get into the parking problem and provide -funding via its bonding capability. Mr. Larson went on to say that the city could acquire the land and provide the initial financing, then the de- velopers would provide the desirable shops to bring people into town. He noted that private investors cannot do this with parking, especially in the core area, and parking should really be located in the perimeter. • Councilman Tuson was concerned with the possibility of senior citizens living in downtown homes being displaced for parking lots. Mr. Phillips suggested allowing the homes to be used during their lifetime and the area surrounding used for parking. He also stated that in some areas where grade allows, there could be parking on the ground level and the people displaced from downtown homes could then be given housing above this level and that would solve the problem. The proposal from the administration on parking, similar to the plan of Clark, Coleman & Associates of ten years ago, was published in the Tribune Review, and the Mayor offered this as being the administration.tt recommendation. It was therefore moved by Councilwoman Shippen, seconded by Councilman Winters to set for hearing and discussion on October 16 the Administration's proposal for public parking in the downtown area, and let the proposal 'include the defined area; proposed parking areas be outlined; and with specific suggestions on how to finance the acquisition. Motion carried. PROPOSED_ SIDEWALK ORDINANCE - DISCUSSION Assistant City Engineer Dick Allen reported on the maintenance, repair and construction of sidewalks. City sidewalks are not being maintained properly, and snow and ice are extra hazards in winter. Also, some areas do not'have sidewalks at all. Since the city is concerned with this problem, the Engineer= ing Department made a study of routine cleaning and maintenance, major repairs needed, major reconstruction needed, and areas where construction of sidewalks is needed to complete a route. The Engineering Department recommended a pro- posed ordinance, to be prepared by the Attorney, with the general policies as outlined for additions to chapter 7.20 of the Edmonds City Code. A copy of • this proposal was distributed by the Engineering Department. 2.3 CAO Whaley stated that the city has no policy on sidewalks, and it needs one so as to determine responsibility.for repairs and construction. He brought to council attention two cases of past claims for damages from injuries received from tripping and falling on downtown sidewalks. Engineer Dick Allen stated that the present sidewalk ordinance is not compre- hensive enough and not equally applied. He_felt there was a definite need for a program that would define responsibilities. Ward Phillips proposed that curbs be omitted from any sidewalk responsibility of the abutting owner unless a cut is needed. He asked for separation of curbs from sidewalks; that the repair costs be shared by city and owner on a 50-50 basis; recommended holding until further review by the Amenities Board, if created; and that all financing be explored (federal help, if available) before any action is taken. The Engineering Department -will try to refine the proposed ordinance for the September 25th council meeting and consider both inclusion and exclusion of curbs. Dave Larson suggested.allowing,.besides.the regular portland cement as stated, a cut-out block sidewalk,.for example, to lend interest and flexi- bility. Mayor Harrison suggested that.Ward Phillips present a plan on his ideas of sidewalks. DISCUSSION OF YOST PARK ALLOCATION Director of M & 0 Herb Gilbo, presented figures of Yost Park landscaping, and the differences in cost from the original submitted by Talley & Associates • was discussed. There.had been an oversight on the estimate by Talley, and -the matter was taken under advisement. UNDERGROUNDING POLICY - DOWNTOWN AND ARTERIAL AREAS A short report was presented to council, suggesting creation of a 50% city and 50% utility participation in the downtown area and arterials. All other undergrounding was suggested to remain the originally proposed 1/3, 1/39 1/3 participation. MOTEL STUDY Mayor Harrison stated that he feels the need for transient accomodations in Edmonds, and he had asked Joe Wallis to look into this for him. Two proposals had been received for a market analysis for proper location and proper size of units. A comprehensive study by Harris, Kerr, Forster & Company would be $5,000, and Lowenthal & Horowitz quoted a market analysis for $4,000. The Mayor noted that it was a public obligation to do .this, since -industry will not do the study. Councilman Gellert suggested waiting until an Amenities .. Board is created to determine what would be best for the city, and he felt at this time the study would be premature. Mayor Harrison said the firm would only determine what kind of demand there might be and the economic feasibility of such a project. He added, however, that $2,000 would seem to be a better figure for this service. There was no further business, and the meeting adjourned at 12:05 P.M. 1 Irene Varney Moran City Clerk Harve�H.Harrison, Mayor September 18, 1973 ROLL CALL The regular meeting of the Edmonds City Council was called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Mayor Harve Harrison with all council members present. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Minutes of the work meeting on September 11 had been posted, mailed and dis- tributed, and with no omissions nor corrections, they were approved as written. COUNCIL PARTICIPATION Councilman Gellert stated that he would be absent from the next three council meetings, and wished this to be on record. He also mentioned an item in the warrant register that showed Mayor's.expense listed under equipment rental, and had a question on the street'improvement program that showed 7th completed from Bell to Casper. Councilman Gellert also noted that he had not received a copy of the Board of Adjutment minutes since -about last June. The Planning Department will take care of this item; Councilwoman Shippen inquired as to how much money from the UAB funds would be available for beautification. City Engineer Larson will obtain this informa- P