19731009 City Council Minutesr� U 3 1 1 1 1 • 1 11 1 1 The ordinance proposes that the full 8 mills be levied this year, and the Mayor.., feels this is necessary in order to present a balanced budget. A motion was made by Councilman Tuson and seconded by Councilman Anderson to pass Ordinance 41680 levying the taxes for the City of Edmonds for the fiscal year commencing January 1, 1974. Councilman Nelson said that he would like to amend the motion to insert the word "estimated" in line 4, Section 1 of the Ordinance so that it will read "estimated assessed valuation. . ". Councilman Nordquist seconded the motion. The amendment was discussed at length. The amendment was then voted upon and carried unanimously and the motion as amended also carried unanimously. PROPOSED RESOLUTION FOR YOST PARK LANDSCAPING Park and Recreation Director, Rod Garretson, stated that Landscape Planner, Bill Talley and Tom Alsop and he would present an updated version of the original Yost Park landscaping scheme that had been presented and accepted by the council on July 24th. Following that approval the Public Works Department was instructed to ascertain what portion of the project could be done using city forces and what the resulting cost would be. Mr. Garretson passed out a sheet to the members of the council showing the work to be done, some of which will be done by the city forces and some by the contractor. The work will be divided into two phases, the first one totaling $20,655 and the balance $13,072. Bill Talley, with the assistance of Tom Alsop projected several slides on the screen showing the master plan and the first and second stages of the work to be done. Following the slide presentation there was quite a bit of discussion regarding drain tiles, catch basins, cost of the picnic tables and the advisa- bility of asphalting the driveway and parking area. A motion was then made by Councilwoman Shippen and seconded by Councilman Nordquist that Resolution #286 be adopted, and that $20,655 be transferred from the Contingency Fund to the General Fund of the Park and Recreation Department and that this amount be used to construct Phase I of the items as listed in the presentation by the Park Department. Following some discussion, the motion was voted upon and carried with Councilman Nelson voting against. AMENDMENT TO FINAL APPROVAL'OF PARKVIEW FIRS City Planner, Joe Wallis stated that the applicant in this matter has asked for a delay of at least two weeks. A motion was made by Councilman Nelson and seconded by Councilman Nordquist to postpone this item to the October 23rd council meeting. The motion carried unanimously. SETTING DATES FOR HEARINGS ON'PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTIONS Planning Commission Resolutions 421, 422'and 424 were presented for setting of hearing dates before the council. A motion was made by Councilman Nordquist and seconded by Councilman Anderson that Planning Commission Resolutions 421, 422 and 424 be set for hearing on October 16th and the motion carried. Planning Commission Resolution #423 was presented, recommending denial of an amendment to the Official Street Map of the City of Edmonds to extend 2nd Avenue South immediately south of Alder Street. City Planner, Joe Wallis reported that 1.00% of the property owners involved did not want this extension. A motion was made by Councilman Nelson and seconded by Councilman Nordquist to uphold the recommendation of'the Planning Commission to deny the amendment to the Official Street Map to extend 2nd Avenue South. Motion carried unanimously. There being no further business to come before council, the meeting was adjourned at 9:00 P.M. fyg:: i t, � (/�?_ -, - -, � Eleanor Queale , Deputyr Clerk October 9, 1973 ROLL CALL :)A�zz�,z Harve R. Harrison, Mayor . The regular work meeting of the Edmonds City Council -.was called to order'by Mayor Harve Harrison with all council members present except Gellert and Nordquist. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Minutes of the regular meeting of October 2 had been posted, mailed and dis- tributed, and with no omissions nor corrections, they were approved as written. AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION The Northshore Chapter of the Seattle "Sweet Adelines" singing group entertained with several songs. 32 MEETING WITH RESIDENTS SEEKING ANNEXATION - EVERETT TRUST & SAVINGS AND VICINITY n LJ Mr, E. M. Bye, Jr., Manager of the Westgate branch of Everett Trust and Savings Bank, was present to represent the proponents of this annexation. City Engineer Leif Larson reported on the permanent improvements adjacent to this area, with concrete sidewalks,.curbs and gutters and asphalt roadway. Also, sanitary and storm sewers have been installed, and a permanent cast iron water main installed by the Olympic View Water District. Accordingly, from an engineering standpoint, Engineer Larson could forsee no problem in the annexa- tion of this area. Mr. Bye stated that there were a total of five properties in the.proposed annexation and four have given their approval of the acceptance of the existing indebtedness of the City, as well as the proposed zoning regulations. Following some further discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Tuson, seconded by Councilman Anderson that the City accept the proposed annexation, and that all.property within the territory.hereby sought to be annexed shall be assessed and taxed at the same rate and on the same basis as property within the City of Edmonds for any now outstanding indebtedness of said City, including assessments or taxes in payment of any bonds issued or debts contracted, prior to or existing at the date of annexation, and that simultaneous adoption. -of proposed zoning regulations be required. The motion carried. Mr. Bye was advised that since oouncil had expressed the opinion that this was a logical annexation, the next procedure was to pick up a petition for annexation to circulate in the area for the necessary signatures. STAFF COMMENTS City Engineer Leif Larson asked for council authorization to change the bid opening date on LID 192 from October 18 to the 25th, since the plans and specifications are not completed. Therefore, it was moved by Councilman Anderson, seconded by Councilwoman Shippen that council authorize the change from the 18th to the 25th of October for opening of bids on LID 192. Motion carried. City Planner Joe Wallis distributed a Shoreline Management schedule to council members. Councilman Tuson inquired of CAO Ron Whaley about the alleged leak in the roof of the swimming pool. Rod Garretson was not present, but City Engineer Leif Larson answered that there was indication of condensation in the shower room and might not be a leak at all. This would be checked during the week and reported upon at the next meeting. FIRST READING: PROPOSED SIDEWALK ORDINANCE First reading was held on the proposed sidewalk ordinance. Assistant City Engineer Dick Allen projected slides on the screen to show the sidewalk situation in various areas of the city. The proposed ordinance was then reviewed, and there was discussion on approved materials in the planting strips, the proposed 75% and 25% payment, hardship cases, and maintenance problems. Mayor Harrison said he hoped the Design Committee would tackle this problem with the view toward continuity in entire blocks within the city. He also suggested perhaps a city fund could be created with which to pay the 25% (within 30 days) of the citizen obligation in hardship cases, and then have the citizen pay this back to the city in installments. He also suggested perhaps the 75-25 could be changed to a 50%-50% project. In answer to possible city maintenance of the sidewalks, Director Herb Gilbo stated that this could become a horrendous problem. Dave Larson, in the audience, noted that in regard to Third Avenue sidewalks, it would be a hardship on older folks living there to have repairs made, and he agreed with the suggestion of spreading the funding over a period of years as the Mayor had suggested. Miss Lila Hunter stated that she felt the sidewalks should be maintained by the city along with maintenance of the streets, and even a citywide public works tax would be preferable, with the city then being responsible for all the maintenance. Dr. Suchert, stating that he owned property at Five Corners, remarked that he felt people should maintain their own sidewalks and planting strips. DISCUSSION ON PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 415 - APPRAISALS FOR SMITH PROPERTY Mayor Harrison reported that two appraisals had been received for the Wayne Smith property in the Shell Valley area. Appraiser Earl Stay quoted $15,000 with $1,000 for a pedestrian walkway and $3,000 for condemnation of a lot. 1 • 1 0 �' I 1 • 3.3 Appraiser.Larry Hubbard quoted a price of $16,500. There was discussion, and the Mayor suggested that'if the Smith's were interested, they could contract zone for a 5 unit development and this would provide a 60 ft. R/W through the property. City Attorney John'Wallace advised that stricter requirements could be imposed by contract, but lesser would mean a variance. A woman in the audience stated she was a neighbor to the east of the Smith property, and that her driveway is now on the Smith's property, and that she had offered to purchase the piece of land on which her driveway is situated." Councilwoman Shippen noted that if the goal is to link up Pine Ridge and"Yost Parks, council should have a finished plan to show if there is to be a street or walkway; the land needed; and all necessary information to get the overall picture. Mayor Harrison said,he felt a roadway would be best. Dave Larson remarked that since the Smith -Is have their plat coming before the Planning Commission tomorrow night, the Commission would need indication from the Council on the city's needs for the R/W. Councilman Winters asked the Smith.�s who were in the audience, what they thought about the appraisals received by the city for their property. Mr. Smith answered that he had close to $17,000 in the property at this time, and he would have to give the appraisal some thought. City Planner Wallis projected a drawing.of the R/W plan in Shell Valley, as adopted by council to date. • There was discussion on the tunnel and possible problems associated with its use. Following some further discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Nelson, seconded by Councilman Anderson to place on the comprehensive thorough- fare plan the extension of 86th Ave. W. with the existing R/W as shown, and project it north to Main Street and intersect on Main opposite to the existing 86th Place W., and that this be referred to the Planning Commission. Motion - carried. DISCUSSION OF PROPOSED ORDINANCE REGULATING MASSAGE PARLORS, ETC. Police Chief Marlo Foster reported to council on the need for an ordinance to regulate massage parlors, etc, in the city. He stated that there was at present only one massage parlor and one masseur with facilities in his home. Mr. McCready, who has his business in his home on Lake Ballinger Way, stated that requiring all people in this business to have a license, which involves written exams.as well as giving a demonstration massage before a group of examiners which includes a doctor, nurse, etc. who subject the examinee to several oral questions, would eliminate some of the problems now associated with this type of profession. Chief Foster introduced Snohomish County Prosecutor Schillberg, who explained to council the need for proper regulation of massage parlors, etc. in all cities. He stated that this was a definite legal problem, and ineffective to take care of in cities once the situation exists, since employees of the establishments move from one to the other; and the real problem is that most of these places are run by one organization. The regulating ordinance would give control by the city over illegitimate operations. Following further questions from council members, and answers by Prosecutor • Schillberg, the proposed ordinance had its first reading. STATE HIGHWAY AGREEMENT FOR SIGNALIZATION AND ILLUMINATION ON ROUTE 104 FROM WESTGATE TO PARADISE LANE. City Engineer Leif Larson reported on a proposed agreement between the city and the Highway Dept. for signalization at the intersection of 100th Avenue W. and Edmonds Way and for illumination between Westgate and the recently completed section of Route 104 north of Paradise Lane. He noted that the Agreement indicates a total estimated cost to the city which includes both the signalization and illumination, but mentioned that he would recommend approval for the Mayor to execute the Agreement with the street lighting item included in the proposed contract as a deductible item. Upon being questioned about the funds to be used for this expenditure, he noted that the 1/20. gas tax money was available, plus council reserve. There followed some discussion on the use of the council reserve money. It was then moved by Councilman Nelson, seconded by Councilman Anderson that the Engineer's recommendation be followed, and the proposed Agreement be changed to state signalization, with the street lighting item to be included in the.proposed contract as a deductible item, and the Mayor be authorized to sign the revised contract agreement. Motion carried. COUNCIL PARTICIPATION ' Councilman Anderson asked the City Attorney about -,parking requirements on remodeled buildings, such as Milltown, for example, where the parking needs C� �4 • become greater when several businesses occupy a structure where one business was located previously. Attorney Wallace answered that if the building is not in fact enlarged upon, but merely remodeled, the grandfatherclause holds, and no further requirements are placed upon the building in regard to parking. Councilman Anderson then remarked that he would hope the council agenda was flexible enough to revamp, in order to move items up in cases of people waiting in the audience for a particular item. The Mayor assured him that this can be done at any time by -motion. Councilwoman Shippen questioned the City Engineer on the landscaping of the central area of 104 by the State Highway Department, and this led to discussion on plantings and maintenance. Fire Chief Jack Cooper invited members of the council to an Open House being held in the Fire Department on Saturday, October 13 from 2 to 5 in honor of Chaplain David Strand, who is moving to Denver-. Chief Cooper and Chief Foster both remarked that Chaplain Strand had been a great asset to the City of Edmonds and would be difficult to replace. CAO Whaley noted that the Preliminary Budget for 1974 would be presented to council on November 6. Councilman Nelson requested up-to-date copies�be furnished council members of the various members of Boards and Commissions, as well as Council Committees, etc. Mayor Harrison brought to council attention a letter he had sent to each member • requesting a change in the title of Chief Administrative Officer,to City Administrative Officer. He stated that this title is misleading, since the Mayor is the Chief Administrative Officer of the city, and a change would eliminate .. confusion with the public. Therefore, a motion was made by Councilman Winters, seconded by Councilman Tuson to instruct the Attorney to prepare amendments to the appropriate ordinances to affect this change. Motion carried. There was no further business to come before council, and the meeting was adjourned at 10:25 P.M. Irene Varney Mor n, City Clerk Harve H. Harr son, Mayor October 16, 1973 ROLL CALL The regular meeting .of the Edmonds City Council was called to order by Mayor Harve Harrison with all council members present. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Minutes of the regular meeting of October 9 had been posted, mailed and distributed, and with no omissions nor corrections, they were approved as written. COUNCIL PARTICIPATION • Mayor Harrison stated that he had a proposal from CTC Education Systems, Inc. of Lynnwood which provides for some of their students to work part-time with the City. CTC has applied for a grant to the U.S. Commissioner of Education pursuant to the Economic Opportunity'Act of 1964 to provide some of their students part-time work with public and private non-profit organizations. The city would like to use several of these students and the Mayor asked for authorization to sign this agreement. He stated that the city would be respon- sible for 20% of the salaries and that the agreement would terminate on the 30th of June 1974. Following some discussion a motion was made by Councilman Gellert and seconded by Councilman Anderson to authorize the Mayor to enter into an agreement with CTC Education Systems, Inc. Motion carried. Councilman Tuson asked Rod Garretson about the leak in the roof at the pool. Mr. Garretson explained that it is now being repaired by the contractor. Mayor Harrison read a list of council committees and city representatives appointed to attend these meetings. They were as follows: Snohomish County Humas Resources Steering Committee, Mayor Harrison; King -Snohomish County Manpower Consortium (KSMC), Mayor Harrison and Ron Whaley; Snohomish County Police Services Steering Committee, Mayor Harrison, Mr. Whaley and Chief Foster; Snohomish County Metro, Mayor Harrison and Bill Nims; SW Snoh. Co. Transit Board, John Nordquist; Snoh. Co..Solide Waste Steering Committee, Natalie Shippen; Snoh. Co. Health District, John Nordquist and Natalie Shippen; SnoCom, Max Gellert; LEFF Disability Board, John Nordquist and Jack Winters; Planning 0