19731211 City Council MinutesEl the directors of the Park and Recreation Department, Public Works Department and the City Engineer with regard to justification for increases in their staff. A motion was made by Councilman Nelson and seconded by Councilman Gellert that we allocate five people to the Public Works Department, these people to be cross -trained so that they can be used wherever necessary; and one person for the Engineering Department. Following some discussion, the motion was voted upon and carried, with Councilwoman Shippen voting against. Council then proceeded to discussion of the Arterial Street Fund. Improvement . of various streets was considered. The ponding problem on Dayton Street between 2nd and Railroad Avenue was discussed at great length. Councilman Nelson moved, seconded by Councilman Anderson, that we expect to take only $30,000 to be taken from Street Arterial Funds for the reconstruction of Dayton Street to take care of the ponding problem. City Engineer, Leif Larson said that he would like to make this subject to engineering. Following discussion, the motion was voted upon and carried with Councilwoman Shippen voting against. Councilman Gellert then made a motion to add to the 1974 budget, the paving of 88th Street from 196th to Olympic View Drive, which was in the 1975 budget. It was pointed out that this was a consideration for a Capital Improvements Budget and should be considered at a later time. Councilman Gellert then said that he would withdraw his motion. In going over the Mayor's Budget Message, it was decided to delete the word "beautification" on page 3 under the heading "The Undergrounding Wiring and Beautification Fund". City Planner, Joe Wallis, asked if all items brought in under beautification will be brought in as a separate item. The Mayor answered in the affirmative. • Harold Hatzenbuhler, with the Disability Board, said that he would like to make an appeal in behalf of the Board. He said that $500.00 had been allocated to them, but that this would only pay some of the medical payments that are submitted to the Board. These requests for payment reflect balances remaining which are in excess of insurance coverage. In addition, Mr. Hatzenbuhler stated that the Disability Board has ruled that members of the Police and Fire Departments will take a physical every three years if they are under 40 years, of age, and once a year if over 40 years of age. Next year they have 25 physicals scheduled for a total of approximately $2400. He said they are requesting $3,991.00 for the Disability Board. During discussion on this matter, Ron Whaley, M.A.A., said that perhaps this would be a good idea so that all these payments could be taken care of under one fund, and that the Disability Board could then rule on each request for payment. A motion was made by Councilman Gellert and seconded by Councilman Anderson that we transfer from the Police and Fire Department budget $5,000 for benefits to be transferred to LEFF Disability Board budget for existing claims under the LEFF Act which are not insured. Jim Murphy, City Attorney, pointed out that provisions have not been made for annual or tri-annual physicals. This, he said, would be a� new item also to betput.to the Disability Board. There was some discussion regarding physicals. The motion was then voted upon and carried unanimously; Herb Gilbo, Director of Maintenance and Operations, Public Works, briefly went over the Public Works budget. There was a brief discussion on gasoline consumption. Mr. Gilbo said that in talking to the County, he had been told that we will be allocated fuel on the basis of 1972 usage. Councilman Nelson made a motion that the $10,000 allocated for code revision, be deleted from the budget. Councilman Anderson seconded and the motion was voted upon and carried with Councilwoman Shippen voting against. • There was no further business to come before council, and the hearing was closed at 10:40 P.M. s Eleanor Queal ., Deputy ity Clerk Harve H. Harrison, Mayor December 11, 1973 (Work Meeting) ROLL CALL The regular work meeting of the Edmonds City Council was called to order by Mayor Harve Harrison, with all council members present, except Anderson and Nordquist who arrived later. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Councilwoman Shippen stated that she would like to add to the minutes for last week her reasons for voting against several motions. In the December 3rd minutes, page 1, fifth line from the bottom of paragraph 6, she would like added the following sentence, "Councilwoman Shippen said that she would support 4 water department personnel, plus one clerk -typist in Public Works". In the • • M 1 1 • 1 1 7th paragraph, 5th line from the bottom, following "against" she would like added, "because since Arterial Funds can only be used fou.streets, disposition of those funds should be left to the Engineering and Pubiic Works Departments". Councilman Gellert said that he had a similar item. On page 1 of the December 4th minutes, paragraph 1 under BUDGET, he would like added after "Beautification", "beeause that amount was voted for the fountain and mini parks earlier in the year". Councilwoman.Shippen stated that she would like clarification in the second paragraph from the bottom of page 2 of the December 4th minutes under BUDGET. She said that the $5,000 was not to be used for a study of the Pine Ridge Park area, but only for preliminary architecture and design study for the pool cover. Councilman Gellert said that perhaps it would be better to delete the reference to Pine Ridge Park. The minutes were then approved as amended. STAFF COMMENTS Ron Whaley, said that City is under the new WISHA Law, which deals with the safety and enforcement and education of employees in the field of safety. He said that Lieut. Tom Johnston of the Fire Department has taken over the duties of Safety Committee Chairman. He introduced Lieut.' Johnston, who passed out a report to the council members. Lieut. Johnston reported that the City of Edmonds was inspected on the 19th and 20th of November by a team from the Division of Safety. They found 33 violations which were not of a serious nature and the city has 30 days to make corrections. Lieut. Johnston noted that Edmonds pays Industrial Insurance and Medical Rates which are below average because of the safety program which has been instituted in the city. He also mentioned that he had ordered copies of Link, a magazine put out by the Department of Labor and Industries, for each of the council members. Mr. Whaley noted that we are paying a high rate on vehicle insurance, but if the city comes up with a defensive driving course, and employees driving city vehicles receive a card stating that they have sucessfully completed the course, we expect that our vehicle insurance will be less. City Planner, Joe Wallis, thought perhaps the council was of the opinion that the building height restrictions have not been administered properly. He said they are administering the height restrictions within the present code, and if there should be more stringent restrictions, then the code should be revised. Mayor Harrison noted that he was in receipt of a letter from Metro Transit:;. containing a report on Metro Contract Service for the year to date which shows Edmonds $3,000 plus. Councilman Gellert, in answer to Joe Wallis' earlier reference to height restrictions, reiterated his motion that was made at the December 4th meeting. It said in part, "...and any unspecified protrusions not specifically in the ordinance be held in abeyance until the Amenities Design Board is in operation." DISCUSSION ON ANIMAL CONTROL PROBLEM Dr. DeRosier had asked for this matter to be placed on the agenda, but he did not appear at the meeting. Police Chief, Marlo Foster, said that he is not recommending that this contract be renewed. He also stated that he had a verbal committment that our animals would be taken care of, but that he is not in a position to report at this time. He mentioned that a proposal is being taken before the Everett City Council and that he will have a report soon. Mayor Harrison asked what has been the problem at the ABC Clinic? Animal Control Officer, Dick Waldrop said that pens for the animals have not been built and that the facility has not been kept clean. Virginia Knouse, in the audience, said that she would appreciate being included in any discussions regarding the animal control matter. She wondered if there was some way to obtain private foundation funds to build an animal shelter. Councilman Gellert said that if Edmonds is going to go into an agreement with someone else, perhaps the Mayor should appoint someone to represent us on the governing body. Chief Foster said that he has asked that Edmonds be`included in the planning for whatever is going to happen with regard to the animal shelter. Councilman Nelson asked Mrs. Knouse if the Claws organization is in a position to make an offer to the Chief of Police for animal shelter? She replied that anything they could do would simply be a stopgap measure. Further discussion followed. Mayor Harrison asked Chief Foster -if he would get together with his counterparts in other cities to evaluate the animal problem. Chief Foster said he would do this. Mayor Harrison asked Planner Wallis about the status of the public parking study. 'Mr. Wallis said that he will be ready to make -this an agenda item for one of the January meetings. DISCUSSION REGARDING APPOINTING COMMITTEE TO STUDY MAYOR'S POSITION Councilman Nelson moved, seconded by Councilman Nordquist that the council E 5 :7 establish a 14 person blue ribbon committee that would be selected by the council (two per council person) to act as a governmental study task force and that nominations be made by the council for that committee on January 22. Councilman.Nelson stated that he thinks now would be a good time to look at our form of city government. We should think about whether we want a strong mayor-council.form of government or a city manager form of government; and also should we have a full time Mayor or a part-time Mayor. Mr. Nelson said that this committee should study the relationship of Edmonds with other govern- mental bodies such as the School Board, the Port Commission, Snohomish County Metro, etc. Councilman Nelson said that this committee could also study a proposed merger of cities; study inter -governmental procedures and recommend other procedures that might be of benefit to Edmonds; review community council possibilities as a possible replacement for the Mayor's Liaison Committee; study the ward system approach for the council representation; study the concept of council committees as they once were in existence and their relationship to a full-time administration and lastly he would like the committee to research and read the Prior Report and then obtain supplemental data to help sound out'and derive other vocations in the city government that might possibly be changed. Time involved to do this study was discussed. It was thought that perhaps studying the first two items would be quite enough to do at this time. Councilman Nordquist.suggested that the council discuss the list proposed by Councilman Nelson at the meeting prior to January 22, and then come up with a format to guide the study committee. The motion was then voted upon and passed unanimously. Councilman Nordquist then made a motion to place on the work meeting agenda for January 8th a discussion on developing a format for a study prospectus for the committee as proposed by Councilman Nelson, and to draw that from the list Councilman Nelson suggested tonight,: and any additional items. Councilman Gellert seconded the motion. On call for the question, the motion carried unanimously. City Planner, Joe Wallis asked if the staff would contribute anything to this study. Councilman Nelson said that they would supply data on request. DECIDE ON BUDGET FORMAT FOR NEXT YEAR (COUNCILWOMAN SHIPPEN) Councilwoman Shippen said that the thing she liked most about this year's budget was the supplemental material. She t& d��thbre-:�were eight items, Summary of Revenues, Summary of Expenditures, Distribution Ratios, etc., and she hoped that this would be made an appendix next year. She also said that in the 1972 budget pie charts were included, and she thought these were quite helpful. She also would like a summary of earmarked or designated revenues by State Law, by Counc_l Initiative or Mayor's Initiative. Mrs. Shippen said that the budget document was extremely awkward to work with. She said that she preferred the Terrace format. There followed some discussion on various methods to use in compiling a budget document. Mr. Whaley introduced Gil Hendricks, Accountant -Programmer, to the council members. Mr. Whaley said that he would -like to -have the budget format all established by mid -summer and that everyone be familiar with the document. Councilman Gellert said that*the budget could be done most efficiently by a Mag Card System and then all that is necessary is to change some of the figures each year: Mr. Whaley stated that the city is looking into this type of system at the present time. A motion was made by Councilman Nordquist and seconded by Councilman Gellert to continue this discussion to the January 8th work meeting. Mr. Nordquist said that he would like to see more examples of budget documents. Mr. Whaley said that he would like to have something in writing from each.council member regarding his likes or dislikes as far as the budget material is concerned. On call for the question, the motion carried. Councilwoman Shippen asked City Engineer Larson if it would be possible for him to make up maps and charts on sewers and storm drainage in preparation for the Capital Improvements discussions. The Capital Improvements Committee composed of Mrs. Shippen and Councilmen Gellert and Nordquist will meet on February 13th at 7:30 P.M. DISCUSSION ON SHORELINES MASTER PLAN FOR PASSAGE OF RESOLUTION ON DECEMBER 18 Kay Shoudy, Assistant Planner, stated that she did not have a formal presentation tonight, but passed out additional information to the council members. Councilman Nelson discussed page 34 of the Shoreline Management Master Program where it says, "Where the Edmonds Zoning Ordinance is in conflict with the provisions of this Master Program, the Master Program should take precedence."_ City Attorney, John Wallace, said that the policy of the Act is to put limitations on the use of property and to prohibit development to be undertaken within the defined areas except as are consistent with the Shorelines Management Act. Following further discussion of the Act, the following motions were made: Councilman Gellert thought that a statement should be added on pages 28 and 29, under the heading, "Road and Railroad Design and Construction" to say "all electrical utilities incident to road and railroads should be placed underground wherever possible to minimize impairment of visual qualities". Councilwoman Shippen seconded the motion; it was then voted upon and carried unanimously. Council also wanted a statement regarding access to be added to this same section. A motion was made by Councilman Nordquist and seconded by Councilman Gellert that the City of Edmonds participate with the railroad to provide neighborhood access across the tracks. Motion carried unanimously. Councilman Nelson then made a motion, seconded by Councilman Anderson to strike the last paragraph on page 34 of the Shorelines Management Master Program. Motion carried unanimously. I �� 1 L� L� 1 9 63 1 CJ 1 There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 10:25 P.M. Eleanor Queal , Deput r y Clerk December 18, 1973 ROLL CALL Harve H. Harrison, Mayor Regular meeting of the Edmonds City Council was called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Mayor Harve Harrison. All council members were present. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Minutes of the work meeting of December 11 had been posted, mailed and distributed. Councilwoman Shippen noted that on page 3 under the discussion on the Shorelines Master Plan item, she had voted against the motion to strike the last paragraph on page 34 of the Program. Minutes were then approved as amended. STUDENTS IN AUDIENCE Mayor Harrison welcomed*a :group*of students from the"Woodway High School who were members of a history class studying local government. COUNCIL PARTICIPATION Councilman Nordquist wished the citizens of Edmonds, the Mayor, and his fellow council.members a merry Christmas from himself and his family. He then read an editorial from the December 23, 1970 edition of the Edmonds Tribune Review which was entitled "Spirit of Christmas", and which gave thought to the real meaning of the holiday. Councilman Anderson had three questions on the current warrant register: On page 3, #19747, hydrant rental, and the MAA explained that -this was interdepart- mental; #19824 the amount taken from equipment rental fund, and this proved to be purchase of the front end loader; and a question on the tuition costs for the Fire Dept. classes, which was to qualify the personnel by community college classes in addition to fire service training. Councilman Gellert was concerned about the warrants #19723 and #19780, and the cost for eyeglasses, and MAA Ron Whaley answered that the LEFF system requires cities to provide glasses for these employees, and he is in fact at present investigating a vision care program which might Help with costs and at the same time perhaps pro- vide inclusion of non -Leff system employees. Councilman Gellert also noted the number of conferences attended and paid for on this register, and wondered if an accounting had been made of how many man hours are missed due to people being away, and with the need for more manpower, perhaps this would add up over a period. MAA Whaley answered that all the conferences are pre -budgeted and approved and may have become bunched by occurring at the same time on the register. KING COUNTY METRO INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT Mr. Vic Sood spoke to council about the proposed contract with King County Metro. - He noted that they had met with Metro representatives and after along discussion, had come to an amicable agreement on the transit service. He then went on to give an explanation of the contract as presented, stating that some surplus would be used for reduced fares for senior citizens, and the operation would be on.a "break even" basis. He said there would be nine round trip buses per day between Edmonds and Seattle; that the contract would be for 10 months to .October 31, 1974 when union negotiations would take place. Mr. Sood told council he hoped they would give favorable consideration to signing the contract. Bill Nims added that the County Commissioners, as well as the cities of Lynnwood and Mountlake Terrace had already signed this interlocal-contract. There followed questions from council for clarification regarding the proposed contract, which'Mr. Sood answered. A motion was then made by Councilman Nelson, seconded by Councilman Nordquist to. approve the agreement for transportation services between Edmonds and King County. Metro and authorize entering into the interlocal agreement. Mayor Harrison noted that no money had been -budgeted for this. Councilman Nelson answered that if. monies would be needed, the contingency fund was available, but he had personally used the transit service today and stood all the way both to and from Seattle, and could not see losing money on this system. On call for the question, the motion to sign the agreement carried unanimously. RESOLUTION FOR TRANSMITTAL OF SHORELINES MANAGEMENT MASTER PROGRAM A proposed resolution was presented for transmittal of the Shorelines Manggement E