Ordinance 3480"* 0006 900000 WSS/gz 12110/03 ORDINANCE NO. 3480 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EDMONDS. WASHINGTON AMENDING THE CITY'S COMPREHENSIVE PLAN TO CLAzuFY THE BOL]NDARY OF THE COMMLINITY COMMERCIAL DESIGNATION FOR CERTAIN PROPERTIES ADDRISSED AS 231I.I - ]312.1 lOOTH AVENI]E WEST. AND TO CI-ARIFY THAT THE F,ASTF,RN HALF OF THE PROPERTY AT 23I2I IO2ND PLACE WEST IS DESIGNATED *SINGLE-FAMILY/ RESIDENTIAL". REZON- ING DESIGNATED PARCELS ADDRESSED AS 23114 - 2312.I 1OOTH AVENUE WEST FROM RS-8 AND RM-2.I TO BN AND THE EASTERN HALF OF PROPERTY ADDRXSSED AS 2312I 1O2ND PLACE WEST FROM RM 2-4 TO RS-8. AND FIXING A TIMF, WHFN THF, SAME SHAI,I, RFCOME F,FFFCTIVE WHEREAS, the CltJ Counc ls m recerpt ofthe recommendahon ofthe Plannmg Boald that the Comprehensrve Plan Map be amended to sho* that certam lots fiontrng on 100rh Avenue West are and shall remarn as "Communrty/Commercral" whrle at the same tlme clanlflng that all lots accessrng to the West are desrgnated as "Srngle-Famrly/Small Lot", and WHEREAS. a pubhc heanng uas held on sald recommendatlon on November 18. 2003, and WHEREAS, the Crt) Councrl finds. based upon the evrdence adduced at the pubhc hearrng, the mformatlon lncluded m the record and the recorDmendatlon of the Planmng Board that the changes set forth rn Frle No R-03-73 are rn the pubhc lnterest and comply wlth all the oltena set fofih m the Edmonds Communlty Development Code for amendments to the Comprehensrve Plan, rncludmg but not llmrted to conslstency $lth the Comprehensrr,e Plan. and {wss558!4t DOC l/00006 900000/) \tllEREAS, on December 2,2003, a closed record hearrng was held on the recommendahon of the Plannrng Board that certam propertles located at 21114 through 23124 100th Avenue West be rezoned from "RS-8" "RM-2 4" to "BN" (Nerghborhood Busmess). aod that the eastem half of the property addressed as 23121 102"d Place West be lezoned from RM- 2 4 to RS-8. and WHEREAS. the CIty Councll finds that such a rezone ls ln the publlc mterest and comples wrth the c tena establlshed by the Edmonds Commumty Development Code for a rezone rn that such propertles urre conslstent vvlth the Comprehensrve Plan, sultable for the uses deslgnated to establlsh a logrcal zomng boundary and transltlon for the area and that such rezone rs therefore m the publrc mterest, NOW, THEREFORE. THE CITY COLINCIL OF THE CITY OF EDMONDS, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS Sectlon I The Clty's Comprehensrve Plan Map 1s hereby amended to clanfy that lots flonhng on 100rh Avenue West and addressed as 23114 100rh Avenue West are classrfied as "Commumty/Commerclal" whlle at the same tlme clanrymg that all lots accessmg to the West are desrgnated as "Srngle-famrly/Small Lot " Sald changes are shown m the record of the ploceedmg rn Attachment I to Flle No R-2003-73 and are mcorporated by thls reference as fully as rf herem set forth Sectlon 2 The Commumty Senlces Duector rs hereby autho zed to effectuate the amendment ofthe Comprehensrve Plan Map, to show such changes Sechon 3 Certam real properhes located at 23114-23121 100th Alenue West are hereby rezoned ftom "RS-8" and "RM-2.1" to'BN" (nerghborhood busrness) The eastem half ofproperty addressed as 23121 102'd Place West rs hereby rezoned froln RM-2 4 to RS-8 Sard {wss5588tt Do(.100006 9000004 propefiles are deplcted on the attached Exhrbrt A and rncorporated by thrs reference as fully as rf herern set forth The Commumty Se lces Dlector rs authorlzed to change the desrgnation of such plopertles on the officral zontng map ofthe Crty Sechon 4 Effectlve Date This ordrnance, berng an exercrse of a po.,rer specrfi- cally delegated to the Crt] legislatrve body. ls not sub.lect to referendlun. and shall take effect five (5) days after passage and pubhcahon of an approved summary thereof conslstrng of the htle APPROVED MAYOR GARY HAAKXNSON ATTEST/AUTHENTICATED CITY CLERK. SANDRA S CHASE APPROVED AS TO FORM OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY. BY W SCOTT SNYDER FILED WITH THE CITY CLERI( 12112/2003 PASSED BY THE CITY COLTNICIL 1211612003PTIBLISHED ),2/2II2OO3 EFFECTIVE DATE 12/26/2003 ORDINANCE NO 3480 {\\'ssi5Et4l Doc l/00006 9o0o0o4 SUMMARY OF ORDINANCE NO. 3.180 of the Crty ofEdmonds. Washington On the l6'h day of December, 2003, the Clty Councrl of the Clty of Edmonds. passed Ordhance No 3480 A summary ofthe content of sald ordmance. conslstlng ofthe trtle. provrdes as follors AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EDMONDS. WASHINGTON AMENDING THE CITY'S COMPREHENSIVE PLAN TO CLAzuFY THE BOL]NDARY OF THE COMMLINITY COMMERCIAL DESIGNATION FOR CERTAIN PROPERTIES ADDRESSED AS 23114 - 23124 1OOTII AVENUE WEST. AND TO CLAzuFY THAT THE EASTERN HALF OF THE PROPERTY AT 23I2I IO]ND PLACE WEST IS DESIGNATED*SINGLE-FAMILY/ RESIDENTIAL", REZONING DESIGNATED PARCELS ADDRESSED AS 23114 . 23124 IOOTH AVENUE WEST FROM RS-S AND RM-2 4 TO BN AND THE EASTERN HALF OF PROPERTY ADDRESSED AS 23121 lO2ND PLACE WEST FROM RM 2-4 TO RS-8. AND FIXING A TIME WHEN THE SAME SHALL BECOME EFFECTIVE The full text ofthrs Ordrnance rvrll be mailed upon request DATED thls l7'h day ofDecember. 2003 CITY CLERK. SANDRtr\ S CHASE l$ \s5s8lJ,1 I DO(,1/0n006 900000/l