Ordinance 3483. !.Adt" Cn u to 1 ,zct> 0006 900000 \l SS/amg/gz 712|03 R 8/14/03glz R9/02/03JZL R 10/13/03lzL ORDINANCE NO. 3.183 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EDMONDS, WASHINGTON. AMENDING THE PROVISIONS OF EDMONDS CITY CODE TITLE 7 UTILITY CHARGES AND REGULATIONS TO ADD A NEW CHAPTER 7 2OO ILLEGAL DISCHARGES TO STORM WATER SYSTEM AND WATERCOURSES. AMENDING THE PROVISIONS OF EDMONDS CITY CODE TITLE 6 HEALTH AND SANITATION TO ADD A NEW CHAPTER 6 70 POLLLITION OF WATERCOURSES, AND FIXING A TIME WHEN THE SAME SHALL BECOME EFFECTIVE WHEREAS, federal la\{ Irlcludrng the Water Pollutlon Control Act 33 U S C Sectron 1251 cl reg. establshes oblectrves for the protectlon and presen,ahon of the publc health. safety and general welfare. and WHEREAS. the Crty wshes to meet those oblectlves. comply wlth state and federal lau. and ass6t state and federal agencles to the maxrmum extent plactrcal rn order to rnsure the cleanLness of the waters of the Clty of Edmonds and to provrde a healthful envlronment to 1ts cltzens, and WHEREAS. rllegal drscharges to both the Clty's stom*ater collectlon system and to local watercouses may contflbute detnmental polluhon, NOW. THEREFORE, THE CITY COL]NCIL OF THE CITY OF EDMONDS. WASHINGTON. DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS l\!\\5,18792 DO( .1/000 06 9000 00/ i -1- }!!AqL Trtle 7 of the Edmonds Clty Code UtrhB Charges and Regulatrons rs herebl amended by the addrhon of a new Chapter 7 200 Illegal Drscharges to Stom Water S$tqqlqdf atglqS!$9! to provrde m rts enhrety as follo\a s 7.200 ILLEGAL DISCHARGES TO STORM WATf,R SYSTEM AND WATf,RCOURSES 7.200.010 Purpose and Intent 7.200.020 Delinitiotrs. 7.200.030 Applicabilify. ResponsibilityforAdministretion. 7.200.050 Scvcrability. 7.200.060 UltimatcRclporlibility. 7.200.070 DischergcProhibitions. 7.200.080 Suspcnsion of W.tcr Service, Samtary Sewer Service and Municipal Scprr.t. Storm Scwcr Systcm Accass. 7.200.090 hdustri.lorCotrstructionActivityDischrrg.s. 7.200,100 MonitoringofDischarges. 7.200,110 Requirement to Pr.vcnt, Control, end Rcducc Storm W.tcr Pollut.nts by th. Usc of BMPS, 7,200,120 WrtcrcourscProtcction. 7.200.130 NotificrtionofSpills. 7,200.110 Enforccment. 1.200.150 PcnaltiesnndCollection. 7,200,160 Appc.l of Noticc ofviolation, 7.2OO.|7O Enforcem.nt M.asurc! Aftcr App.rl. 7,200.180 Cost ofAbrtcmcnt of thc violation. 7.200.190 Viol.tions ofFederal Cleen Wat.r Act, 7,200.200 InjunctivcRGliGf. 1.200.210 CompcnsatoryAction. 7.200.220 Violations D..m.d a Public Nuisencc. 7,200.230 CriminalPros.cution, 7.200.210 Rcmcdics Not Exclusivc. 7.200.250 SupcrccdingEffcct. 7.200,010 Purposc.ndlntcnt The puposes ofthrs chapter are A To provrde for the health. safety, and general \^elfare ofthe cltlzens of the Crty of Edmonds, WA through the regulatron of non-storm water drscharges to the storm dramage system to the maxlmum extent practrcable as requrred by federal and state 1a!\' l\lss5.t87trt Doc 4/00006 900000/i -2- B To establNh methods for controlllng the mtroductlon of pollutants lnto the munlcrpal sepamte stom sewer system m order to comply *lth the requlrements of the Nahonal Pollutant Discharge Elimlnatron System (NPDES) permrt process Specfically I To regulate the contnbuholl of pollutants to the munrcrpal separate storm sewer system by stomwater drscharges ftom any user 2 To prohiblt llllclt Connectrons and Illegal Dlscharges to the Clty's mul)lclpal separate storm sewer system 3 To define the Clty's legal authonty to carry out all mspectron, surverllance and monltormg necessary to effecfuate sard purposes C To plotect and enhance water quahty and aquahc w dllfe and rts habltat by preventmg harmful drscharges to local watercourses 1,200.020 Dclinitions. For the puposes ofthrs chapter, the followrng shall mean A Best Management Prachces (BMPS) Schedules of actuvlhes. prohlbltrons of prachces. general good housekeeprng practces, polluhon preventron and educatlonal prachces, malntenance procedues. and other management prachces to prevent or reduce the drscharge of pollutants dlrectly or lndrectl, to stormwater, recelving waters, or stormwater conveyance slstems. BMPS also mclude teatment practlces. operatmg prccedures, and practrces to control slte runoff. sprllage or leaks. sludge or water dlsposal, or dramage Aom faw materrals storage B Clt! The Clty ofEdmonds, Washlngton C Clean Water Act The federal Water Polluhon Control Act (33 USC S 1251 e/ seq), ard arry subsequent amendments thereto D D[ector The Crty of Edmonds Pubhc Works Dlrector and/or deslgnees lw5\5+E79? DOCd'00006 900000/l -3- E HaTardous Mateflals Any material. rncludmg any substance, waste, or comblnatron thereol whrch because of rts quantrty, concentratlon, or physlcal, chemrcal, or lnfectious chalactenstrcs may cause, or slgnrficantly contflbute to. a substantial present or potentlal h^zard to human health, safety. property or the envlronment rvhen rmproperly teated. stored, transported. drsposed ol or othemse managed F Illegal Dlscharge AIly dlrect or ndrrect non-storm water dlscharge to the Clq's storm draln system. except as expressly e\empted by thrs chapter G Illcrt Cormectrons Erther (1) any drarn or conveyance. whether on the sudace or subsuface, whrch allorvs an rllegal dlscharge to enter the Clty's storm dmln system, \,atercourse or water body, includlng but not llmrted to coNeyances allowng any non-storm \rater dlscharge such as sewage, process waste\later, and wash water to entff the storm dlam slstem and any connectrons thereto ftom lndoor drams and smks. regardless of whether sard dram or connectron was prevlously allowed. permrtted, or approved by the Crty ofEdmonds. or (2) any dlam or conveyance connected from a commercral or mdustdal land use to the storm draln system whlch has not been documented ln plans, maps, or equrvalent records and approved by the Clty H Industflal Actlvlty Actlvrhes subject to NPDES Industnal Permrts as defined rn 40 CFR, Sectron 12226lb)(11) I Munlclpal Separate Storm Se$er Svstem A conr,eyance or system of conveyances (tncludrng roads wrth dralnage systems. muruclpal streets, catch basins, curbs, gutters. drtches. man-made channels, or storm drarns) 1 O*ned or operated by a mumcrpal corporahon or other pubLc e[tlty llth Junsdlctlon over management and drscharge of stormwater and whrch drscharges to suface waters of the state- 2 Deslgned or used for collectmg or con\€yrng stolm 3 Whch ls not pafi of a Pubhcly Owned Treahnent Works (POTW) POTW means any devrce or system used m treatment of munlclpal sewage or lndustrlal wastes of a hqutd nature wlnch rs publlcly ouned, and l$ \\5+n7,)r Doc,.1r00006 9000004 -4- 4 Wltlch ls not a combmed sewer "Combrned server" means a system that collects sanitary sewage, industnal wastewatel and stomwater m a slngle sewer system J Nahonal Pollutant Drscharge Ellmmatlon System (NPDES) Storm Water Dlscharge Permrt A pemlt rssued by the Envlronmental Protectron Agency (EPA) (or by the State under authoflty delegated pursuant to 33 USC $ 1342(b)) that autho zes the drscharge ofpollutants to waters of the Unlted States. whether the pemlt rs appLcable on an mdrvldual, group, or general area- wrde basrs K Non-Storm Water Dlscharge Any drscharge to the storm dram system that rs not composed enhrely ofstorm water L Person Any mdrvrdual, assocrahon. organlzahon, partnershrp, firm. corporahon or other entlty recognLzed by law and actmg as elther the owner of a premlses or as the owner's agent. M Pollutant Alythrng *hrch causes or contlbutes to pollutlon Pollutants may rnclude, but are not llmlted to palnts. varnEhes, and solvents, oll and other automotlle flu1ds. non- hazardous hqurd and solld wastes and yard wastes, refuse, rubbrsh, garbage. lltter, or other dNcarded or abandoned oblects and accumulahons, so that same may cause or contnbute to pollutlon. floatables. pesticrdes. herbrcrdes. and fertrhzers, hazardous substances and wastes, sewage, fecal colform and pathogens, drssolved and partrculate metals. anlmal wastes, wastes and resldues that result from constructlng a burldrng or stucture, and noxlous or offenslve matter of any krnd N Premlses Any burldrng. lot. parcel of land. or porhon of land. whether lmproved or unrmproved, lncludmg adlacent sldewalks and parkrng strlps O Stom Drahage Svstem Pubhcly-orvned facrhtres. rncludmg the Crty's munlclpal sep,llate storm sewer system, by \\hlch storm water rs collected and/or conr,eyed, mcludmg but not llmrted to any roads wlth drarnage systems, munlcrpal sfueets, gutters. curbs, rr ets, prped storm drams. pumpmg faclhtles, retenton and detenhon basms. natural and human-made or altered drarnage channels, reseflolrs. and othel drarnage stluctures i\!5\548742 DOC,4/00006 900U00/)-5- P Storm Water Any surface flou. runoff, and drarnage consrstmg entrely of watel ftom any form of natural preclpltatron. and resultlng fiom such preclpltatlon Q Stormvater Pollution Prevenhon Plan A document rhrch descrrbes the Best Management Prachces and actrvrhes to be lmplemented by a person to rdentify sources of polluhon or contamrnatron at a premlses and the actlons to ellmlnate or reduce pollutant dlscharges to stom $ater. stom water coNelance systems, and/or recelvrng waters to the maxrmum extent practicable R Water Body Any landscape featue compromrsmg any body of uater. whether standmg or flowng, lncludrng but not limrted to Puget Sound, lakes. ponds, nvers, steams or creeks S Watercouse A lvater bod) consrstlng of a natural or altlficlal channel tbrough whlch $ ater flows T Wastewater Any water or other hqu1d. other than uncontammated storm \\'ater, dlscharged from a premlses 7.200.030 Applicebility. This chapter shall appl, to all non-storm \aater dlscharges entermg the stom dram system generated on any developed or undeveloped lands, unless exphcrtly exempted by the Crty 7,200.040 RcsponribilityforAdministratron. The Pubhc Works Dlrector shall admmlster, lmplement, and enforce the provlslons of thls chapter Any powers granted or duhes rmposed upon the Drrector may be delegated m w tlng by the Dlrector to persons or entrties actmg m the beneflclal mterest ofor m the employ ofthe Crty 7.200.050 Sevcrability. The provrsrons of thrs chapter are hereby declared to be severable If any provrsron. clause, sentence. or pamgraph of thls chapter or the apphcatlon thereof to any person, estabhshment. or cucumstances shall be held rnvald, such rnvahdlty shall not affect the other provrsrons or appllcatlon ofthls chapter {\'ss548792 DOC 4/00006 900000/)-6- 7,200.060 UltimateRcsponsrbihty. The standards set forth hereln and promulgated pusuant to thrs chapter represent mrmmum standards Complance by any person wlth the standards established under thrs chapter does not reheve any percon from any responsrbllrt) or obligahon lmposed pusuant to any other local. state or federal regulatlon 7.200.070 Dilcharg.Prohibitiors. A. Prohlbltron of Illegal Drscharges No person shall dlscharge or cause to be dlscharged lnto the munlclpal stom dmm system or any watercourse an) matenals, (mcludmg but not hmrted to pollutants or waters contarnmg any pollutants that cause or cont bute to a vrolatlon of applcable water quallty standards) other than storm water Contammants mclude but are not llmlted to the followrng I Trash or debrrs,2 Consfuuctlonmatellals.3 Petroleum products lncludmg but not llmlted to or1, gasohne. grease, fuel oll and heatmg orl,,l Antrieeze and other automotlve products.5 Metals rn erther partrculate or dlssolved form,6 Flammable or explosrve matenals, 7 Radloactlve matenal.8 Battenes.g Acrds, alkalE. or bases.l0 Pamts. stalns, resrns, lacquers, or vamrshes, l1 Degreasers and-/or solvents,12 Dram cleaners.I3 Peshcrdes, herblcrdes, or fertrllzers. 14 Steam cleanmg wastes,15 Soaps, detergents, or ammorua,l6 Swmmlng pool or spa filter bacluash;17 Chloune, bromlne. or other dlslnfectants,18 Heated water,l9 Domestlc a mal wastes,20 Sewage,21 Recreahonal vehrcle waste,22 Ammal carcasses,23 Food wastes.24 Bark and other fibrous mate als, 25 Larvn clpprngs, Ieaves, or branches. 26 S t, sedrment, concrete, cement ot glavel, (ws\14u792 DO(,4/00006 9000004 -7 - Dyes (except as descflbed below under "permrssrble drscharges" Chemrcals, rncludmg suspected metals, not normally found m unco[tammated water, Any other process-assoclated drscharge except as otheNrse allowed rn thls sechon- Any hazardous materEl or waste not hsted above Permissrble Drscharges The follourng types of dlscharges shall not be consrdered rllegal drscharges for the purposes of thrs chapter unless the Director determines that the t)?e of drscharge. $hether sngly or m combmatlon wlth others. rs causrng or rs hkely to cause pollutlon ofsurface water or groundwater Potable water lncludmg i\ater from rvaler Lne flushrng and hydrant malntenarce, Uncontammated watel from qaM space pumps or footmg drams, Yard watenng, Dechlormated swunmmg pool water. Matelals placed as part of an approled habrtat restorahon or bank stab zahon prolect. Natural uncontammated suface water. sprlngs or groundwater. Flows from npanan habltats and wetlands, Common prachces for \!ater well dlsmfechon. Drscharges resultrng ftom drffuse or ublqultous souces such as atrnospherrc deposlhon, Drscharges resultmg from dye testlng authorzed by the Dlrcctor- Drscharges whrch result ftom emergency response actMhes or other achons that must be undertal.en mmedlately or wthln a tlme too shofi to allow full comphance wlth thls chapter so as to avord an rmminent thrcat to pubhc health or safety The Dlrector may fuiher define quahrymg actlvltres rn admmlstratlve gurdance The person responsrble for sald emergency response actrvlhes shall take all necessary steps to enswe that the drscharges resultrng ftom such actlvltles are mrnlmrzed and ensue that future lncrdents a1e prevented to the greatest extent posslble, Arr condltronlng condensatlon. Drscharges permrtted under an NPDES permrt, \rarver, or laste dNcharge order lssued to the drscharger and admmrstered under the autho ty of 27 29 30 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 11 t2 13 l\\ ss548791 DOC,.1/00006 900n004 -8- 14 15 the Federal Environmental Protectlon Agency, provlded that the dlscharger rs m flrll comphance wlth all requrements of the permtt, \4alver, or otder and other apphcable laws and regulatrons, and provrded that wnften approval has been granted for any dlscharge to the stom draln slstem. Other water souces not contammg Pollutants. Other types of drscharges as determmed by the Drector Prohlblhon of Il11clt Connectrons The constructlon. use. maintenalce or contlnued exlstence of llhclt connectlons to the storm draln slstem ls prohlblted ThN prohrblton expressly mcludes, wrthout llmltatlon, Ilcrt connectlons made ln the past, regardless of *hether the connectron was permissrble under Ia* or practrces applcable or prevarlmg at the tlme ofconnectlon A person ls consldered to be m vlolatlon of thls chapter lf the person connects a l1ne conveyrng sewage to the munlcrpal separate stom sewer system, or allows such a connectlon to contmue Suspcnsion of Wetcr Scrvic., Sanitary Scwcr S.rvicc rnd Municipal Scprratc Storm S.wcr System Access. C 7.200.080 A Suspenslon due to Illegal Drscharges m Emelgencv Srfuatrons The Drrector may, wrthout prror notrce. suspend water servlce. sanltary sewer servlce and./or munlclpal separate storn sewer system dlscharge access to a person when such suspensron rs necessary to stop an actual or threatened dlscharge $h1ch presents or may present lmmlnent and substantlal danger to the envlrofinent, or to the health or welfare of persons, or to the muruclpal separate storm sewer system or \ryaters of the State of Washmgton If the vrolato! falls to comply wlth an emergency suspenslon order. the Director may take such steps as deemed necessary to prevent or mrnlmlze damage to the munlclpal separate stom sewer system or waters of the State of Washmgton. or to mlnlmlze danger to persons B SusDensron due to the Detectron oflllegal Drscharge Any person drschargrng to the mumclpal sepalate storm sewer system rn lrolahon ofthls chapter may have hls/her \\atel selvlce, sanltary L$'SSiri7o2 OOC,4/000irb 9o0000/)-9- sewer servlce and/or munlclpal sepamte storm sewer system access temmated rf such termmatlon would abate ()1 reduce an lllegal drscharge. The Drector wrll notlfy a vrolator of the proposed temmahon of rts mumclpal separate storm sewer system access The vlolator may petrhon the Drector for a leconslderatlon and hearng as provrded tn thls chapter C Unauthorzed Remstatement A person corDmlts an offense and vlolates thls chapter rf the person re[states munlclpal separate storm server system access to premrses terminated pursuant to thrs sectlon. wlthout the pnor approval ofthe D[ector 7.200.090 IndustrialorConstructionActivityDischargcs. Any person or achvlty subject to a NPDES storm water dNcharge permlt, !\'a1ver, or waste dlscharge older lssued to the dlscharger and admmlstered under the authodty of the Federal Envrronmental Protectron Agenc), shall comply wrth a)l prorrsrons of such permrt Proof of compliance wrth sard permlt may be requred ln a form acceptable to the Crty pnor to allowng drscharges to the munlclpal separate stom sewer system 7,200.100 MonitoringofDischergcs. A. ADphcab lt, Thls sectlon applles to all facihhes that have storm water discharges assocnted !r1th lndustflal actlvlty, lncludrng but not llmlted to constructlon achvlty B Access to Faclhhes 1 The Crty shall be permrtted to enter and rnspect facrhhes subject to regulahon under thrs chapter as often as may be necessary to detemme comphance wlth thls chapter lf a drscharger has secunty measues 1n force whrch requrre proper rdentrficatlon and clearance before entry into 1ts premlses, the drscharger shall make the necessary arangements to allow access to representatlves ofthe Drector 2 Premrses owrers, occuprers and ther agents shall allow the Crty ready access to all parts of the premlses for the purposes of lnspection. samplmg, examlnahon and copyrng of records that must be kept under the condlhons of an NPDES permlt to dlscharge stom water, and the performance of any addltlonal duhes as defined by state aud federal law t$ 5s5+87'r2 DOC,,00n06 q00000/l l0 - 3 The Crty shall have the nght to mstall on any pemrtted premlses such devices as are necessary rn the opmron of the Director to conduct monitoring and/or sampLng of the premlses' storn water drscharge 4 The Clty has the ght to requre the dlscharger to mstall monltormg equlpment as necessary The premrses' samphng and monrtonng equlpment shall be marntarned at all trmes rn a safe and proper operatlng condltlon by the drscha.rger at rts orl,n expense All devrces used to measure stomwater flow and quahty shall be cahbrated to ensue thelr accuacy 5 Any temporary or permanent obstructron to safe and easy access to the premrses to be lnspected and/or sampled shall be promptly removed by the operator at the wntten or oral request of the Drrector and shall not be replaced The costs of cleaflng such access shall be bome by the operator 6 Unreasonable delays ln allowrng the Crty access to a permltted premrses are vlolatrons of a storm water dlscharge permrt and of tfus chapter A person who ls the owner or operator of a premrses $,lth a NPDES permlt to discharge storm Bater assoclated wlth lndustrlal actlvlty corrmts an offense and vrolates thls chapter f the percon demes the Clty reasonable access to the pemrtted prehlses for the purpose of conductmg any actlvlty authonzed 01 requred by thls chapter 7 If the Drector has been refused access to any part ofthe premrses from whrch stomwater ls dlscharged, and he/she rs able to demorNtrate probable cause to belteve that thele may be a vrolation of thrs chapter, or that there rs a need to rnspect and/or sample as part of a rouhne lnspechon and samphng program desrgned to venfy complunce $lth thls chapter or any order rssued hereunder, or to protect the overall pubhc health, safety, and $eltare of the community, then the Drrector may seel lssuance of a search waEant froh any court of competentJu sdlchon 8 In addltlon, the Dlrector may suspend u?ter. safltary se\4er and/or storm dratn access or access to any party refusmg to provlde or delayrng access 7.200.110 Rcquir.mcnt to Prcvcnt, Control, end Rcducc Storm W.tcr Pollut.nts by th. Us. of BMPS, The City wrll adopt requrements ldenhrylng Best Management Pracilces for any achvlty, operahon. or fac,llty whrch ma] cause or 11i$ ss54t792 DOC 4/00006 sooooo/) contnbute to polluhon or contammatlon of storm water. the stom dram system, or waters of the Unlted States The owner or operator of a commerc1al or lndustnal establlshment shall provrde. at rts o$ar e\pense, reasonable protectlon from accldental drscharge of prohlbrted matenals or other $astes lnto the muficrpal storm dram system or \\atercourses though the use of these structural and non-structual BMPS Further, any person responsrble for a premises whrch rs, or may be, the souce of an illegal drscharge, may be requrred to lmplement, at satd person's expense, addrtronal stucfural and non-structural BMPS to prevent the further dlscharge of pollutants to the munlclpal separate storn sewel system Complmnce wlth all terms and condltlons of a vahd NPDES permlt authonzrng the drscharge ofstom water assoclated *rth mdustllal achvlty, to the extent practlcable, shall be deemed comphance wlth the provlslons of tlns sechon These BMPS shall be part of a stomwater pollutlon preventron plan (SWPP) as necissary for comphance wrth requ[ements ofthe NPDES permrt 7.200,120 WatcrcourscProtcction. Evely persol ov,nlng propefiy through whrch a \ atercourse passes, or such person's lessee. shall not pollute, contamrnate. mtroduce new vegetatlon rnto, or srgmficantl] retard the flow of later through the u?tercourse, and must comply wlth all cntrcal areas protection requirements establfhed m Chapter 20 l5B ECDC In addltlon, the owner or lessee shall malntaln exrstlng p vately owned structures \rthm or adJacent to a watercourse. rn a maDner that such structures wlll not become a hazard to the use, functlon, or physrcal rntegnty ofthe watercourse 7.200.130 NotificrtionofSpills. Notwlthstanding other requtements of law. as soon as .rny person responsrble for a premrses or operatron, or responsrble for emergency response for a premlses or opelahon has mfomatlon of any known or suspected release of mate als rvhrch are resultrng or may result rn rllegal drscharges or pollutants dlscharging rnto storm water. the stom drarn system. or watercourses, sald pemon shall take all necessary steps to ensue the dlscovery, contamment, and cleanup ofsuch release In the event ofsuch a release ofhazardous matenals sard person shall rmmedlately notrry emergency response agencles of the occurence l1a emergency dlspatch servlces In the event of a release of non-hazardous mateflals, sard person shall notlfy the Drector m person or by phone or facslmlle no later than the next busrness day Notlficatrons m person or by phone shall be confirmed by wfltten notrce addressed and malled to the Clty of l\rtss5.18792 DOC 4/0000f, 9000004 Edmonds wrthrn tlree busmess days of the phone notrce If the drscharge of prohbrted matenals emanates from a commercral or ndustnal establlshment, the owner or operator of such establlshment shall also retain an on-slte rlrltten record of the drscharge and the actions taken to pre\,ent its recurence Such records shall be retalned for at least three years Enforcemcnt, A Crvrl Penaltles Process Adopted Edmonds Commumty Development Code (ECDC) Chapter 20 110 Enforcement procedures are hereln adopted m full wrth the provrso that repeat offenders or vlolatrons deemed an lmmedlate publc hazard shall be subject to a complEnce and appeal hmellne as deemed appropnate by the Dlrector based on the speclfic nature and extent of the vlolatlon B Enforcement Orders Whenever the Director finds that a person has vrolated a prohrbrtron or farled to meet a requrement of thls chapter, the Dfector may order compllance by \ultten order to coEect vrolahon or notlce of clvll violation to the responslble person Such notlce may lequlre wlthout llmltatlon The performance of momto ng. analyses. and reportmg. The elmmatron of rllrcrt connections or illegal drscharges. That vlolatlng drscharges. plactlces, or operahons shall cease and desNt. The abatement or remedlatlon of stom water polluhon or coltamrnatron hazards ald the restorahon of any affected property. and Payment of a fine to cover admmrstatlve and remediatlon costs as provlded under ECC 7 200 150, and The lmplementahon of source control or teatment BMPs 2. C Complance Deadlmes If abatement of a \lolatlon and/or restoratron of affected property rs requrred. the notrce shall set forth a deadLne withrn whrch such remedlahon or restoratlon must be completed Sard nohce shall further advrse that. should the vlolator farl to remedrate or restore wlthm the establshed deadhne, the work rvill be done by the Clty or a contractor desrgnated by the Pubhc Works Duector and the expense thereof shall be charged to the violator I w\s5437', DOC..100006 9000u04 -13- 7.200.150 P.nrlti.sandColl.ction. A Crvrl Penaltres In addltlon to an] other Penaltles mentloned m this chapter, the Drector may assess fines of no less than one hundred dollars ($100 00) nor more than hve hundred dollars ($500 00) per day or portron of day thereof of the offense. to any person who farls to comply lvrth the provrsrons of thrs chapter The vlolator shall also rermburse the Clty for all costs assoclated wlth the enforcement of each vrolahon. mcludmg but not llmlted to admmlstratrve expenses, attomey's fees, Iegal costs and dlsbusements B Use of Collectlon Agencv Authonzed. The Crty may also m rts sole and exclusrve dlscretlon, utllze a collectlon agency to collect fines apphcable to thrs chapter When a collechon agency rs used, fines wrll be collected at a rate of 150 percent pursuant to RCW 19 16 500 7.200.160 AppcrlofNotic.ofvrolation. Notwrthstandmg other provrsrons of th$ chapter, any person recelvrng a Notlce of Clvll Vlolatron under ECC 7.200 140 may appeal the determlnatron of the Pubhc Works Drectol to the Healng Examrner The Appeal process shall be rn accordance wrth ECDC 20 110 0.10(C) The notrce of appeal must be recelved by the Drrector wthrn 10 days from the date of the Notlce of Clvll Vrolatlon The declsron of the Heanng Examrner shall be final 7.200.170 Enforc.mcnt Mcesurcs Aftcr Appcal. Ifthe vlolatron has not been corrected pursuant to the requrrements set forth in the Notlce of Clvrl Vlolatlon, or. in the event of an appeal. wtlun l0 dals of the decrsron of the muruclpal authorlty upholdrng the decrsron of the D[ector, representatlles of the Drrector may enter upon the subject prlvate property and are authoflzed to take any and all measures necessary to abate the vlolatlon and-/or restore the property It shall be unlawful for any percon. owner, agent or person rn possesslon of any Premlses to refuse to allow the Crty or desrgnated contEctor to enter upon the plemlses for the purposes set forth above 7.200.180 Cost ofAb.tcmcnt ofthc Violetion. A Abatement by Crty If the vrolahon has not been corrected pusuant to the requlrements set forth m the Nohce of Crvil iwsssts?'rt Do(,.t 00006 9000004 -14- Vrolahon. or rn the event of an appeal under ECC '7 200160, wlthn 10 days of the Heanng Exarmner ruhng upholdmg the Drrector's decrsron, then the Crty or a contractor desrgnated by the D[ector may enter upon the sub]ect premlses and ls authonzed to take any and all measures necessary to abate the vlolatlon and,/or restore the property. It shall be unlar.v'frrl for any person. owner. agent or person 1I1 possessron ofany premrses to refuse to allow the Clty or deslgnated contactor to enter upon the premrses for the purposes set forth above B Chargmg Cost ofAbatement I The Crty may recover aganst a property o\ arer ln uolatlon of thls chapter all attorney's fees, cout costs and other admmlstrahve expenses assocrated wlth enforcement hereof. rncludrng but not llmlted to samplmg and monltonng expenses. 2 Wrthrn 30 days after abatement of the vlolation by the Crty, the Dlrector may notli7 the property owner ofthe cost of abatement, lncludlng admlrustratrve costs The property o\\ner may file a uttten protest obJectrng to the amount of the assessment \,,,1th the Clty Clerk urthrn 15 days The Crty Clerk shall set the matter for pubLc heanng by the Clty Councll The decrsron of the Crty Councll shall be set fofih by resolution and shall be final C Urgency Abatement The Dfector ls authonzed to requlre rmmedrate abatement of any vrolahon of thrs chapter that constltutes an lmmedEte threat to the health. safety or well-berng of the pubhc. If any such vlolaton ts not abated llrllnedratel] as drrected by the Dlrector, the Crty of Edmonds rs authonzed to enter onto pnvate property alld to take any and all measures requlred to remedlate the vrolatlon Any expense related to such remedEtron undertaken by the Crty shall be fully rermbused by the Eopert, owner and/or responsrble party Any rehef obtarned under thrs sechon shall not prevent the Clty ftom seekng other and further rehef authonzed under thrs chapter 7.200.190 violations of Fedcral Clcan Water Act. Any pe6on who vlolates any provlslon of this chapter or any provlslon of any requfement lssued pursuant to thls chaptel, may also be rn vlolatlon of the Clean Water Act and may be subject to the sanctlons ofthat act mcludmg clvll and cflmmal penalhes {u\\5411792 DOC ,1/00006 e000004 - 15 - 7.200.200 InjunctivcRclicf. It shall be unlawfirl for any person to vrolate any provrsron or fatl to comply \rth any of the requrrements ofthrs chapter Ifa person has vrolated or contrnues to vtolate the provisions of thls chapter, the Drector may petrtron any court of competent lunsdlctlon for a prehmmary or permzment mlunchon restammg the person from achvlhes whlch would create further vrolatrons or compellng the person to peform abatement or remedlatron ofthe vlolatlon 7.200.210 CompersatoryAction, In heu of enforcement proceedmgs. penalhes. and remedres authonzed by this chapter. the Drector may rmpose upon a vrolator altematlve compensatory actrons. lncludrng but not llmrted to storm drah stenc lng. attendance at complance workshops, and watercowse remedratron 7.200.220 Violrtions Drcmcd e Public Nuisancc. In addltlon to the enforcement processes and penaltles provlded, any condltlon caused or permltted to exlst m vrolatron ofany ofthe provrslons of thrs chapter ls a thxeat to pubhc health. safety, and u'elfare, and rs declared and deemed a pubhc nursance, and may be summanly abated or restored at the vlolator's expense. and/or a c1vll achon to abate, enjorn. or othen4lse compel the cessahol of such nulsance may be pursued 1.200.230 CriminrlPros.cution, Any person that has vrolated or contrnues to vlolate thrs chapter shall be Lable to cnmrnal prosecutlon to the fullest extent of the la*, and shall be sub1ect to a cnmrnal penalty of $250 dollars per vrolatlofl per day and/or lmpnsonment for a period of tlme not to exceed 30 days 7-200.240 Rcmcdics Not Erclusivc, The remedres hsted ln thls chapter are not excluslve of any other remedres avarlable under any apphcable federal, state or local law and lt ls wlthm the dlscretron of the Duector to seek cumulatlve remedies l\rss548791 DOC 4/00006 9000004 t6- 7.200.250 SuperccdingEffect, The provrsrons ofthrs chapter shall supercede the provrsrons of any other chapter of the Edmonds Crty Code or Edmonds Commu ty DeYelopment Code to. but onl, to, the extent of such mconslstency Sectlon 2 Trtle 6 of the Edmonds Crty Code Health and Samtatron ls hereb) amended b)' the addltro[ of a new Chapter 6 70 Polluhon of Watercourses to provrde rn rts entlrety as follows 6.70 POLLUTION OF WATERCOURSES 6.70.010 PollutronofWatercoursesProhrbrted. The drscharge ofpollutants to local watercourses ls prohrblted and rs gor,emed by Chapter 7 200 ECC Sectlon J Effectlve Date Thrs ordmance. berng an exercrse of a power speclti- call) delegated to the Clty legislahve body, rs not subject to referendum. and shall take effect fir,e (5) days after passage and pubhcatron of an approled summary thereof conslstmg of the trtle APPROVED MAYOR GARY HAAKENSON ATTFST/AI ]THFNTICATED CITY CLERK. SANDRA S CHASE APPROVED AS TO FORM' OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY BY W SCOTT SNYDER l\t ss548791DOC 4/00006 9000004 -tt- FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK PASSED BY THE CITY COL]NCIL PTIBLISHED EFFECTIVE DATE ORDINANCE NO 3.183 t2/t2D003 t2/t6/2003 t2t2t /2003 12/26/2001 lwss5t87q2 Doc,4/00006 900000/ )- 18 - SUMMARY OF ORDINANCE NO. 3483 ofthe Clty ofEdmonds, Washmgton On the 16'h day of December, 2003. the Clty Councrl of the Clty of Edmonds, passed Ordrnance No 3483 A summary ofthe content of sald ordlnance, conslstmg ofthe t1tle, provrdes as follows AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EDMONDS, WASHINGTON, AMENDING THE PROVISIONS OF EDMONDS CITY CODE TITLE 7 UTILITY CHARGES AND REGULATIONS TO ADD A NEW CIIAPTER 7 2OO ILLEGAL DISCHARGES TO STORM WATER SYSTEM AND WATERCOURSES. AMENDING THE PROVISIONS OF EDMONDS CITY CODE TITLE 6 HEALTH AND SANITATION TO ADD A NEW CHAPTER 6 70 POLLUTION OF WATERCOURSES, AND FIXING A TIME WHEN THE SAME SHALL BECOME TTTFCTTVE The full text ofthls Ordrnance wrll be marled upon request DATED thls 17m day ofDecember, 2003 CITY CLERK, SANDRA S CHASE iwss5r8792 DOC .r 0000b 900000/l -19-