Ordinance 3484'-P ORDINANCE NO. 3.184 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EDMONDS, WASHINGTON, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO 3.136 AS A RESULT OF T]NANTICIPATED TRANSFERS AND EXPENDITLIRES OF VAzuOUS FUNDS, AND FIXING A TIME WHEN THE SAME SHALL BECOME EFFECTIVE WHEREAS, prevlous actons taken by the Crty Councrl requfe lnterfirnd transfers and rncreases rn appropnatons. and WHEREAS, state law requres an ordrnance be adopted whenever money ls transferred ftom one fund to another. and WHEREAS. the General Fund # 001 requ[es mcreased approp at]ons for unantlclpated burldrng marntenance expenses ($10,000) the fund havmg suffictent endrng fund balance to cover these costs. and WHEREAS, the Flre Apparatus Fund # 005 requrres hcreased appropnatrons to corer finance charges on the Flre Truck Lease ($1,700) the fund halmg suffictent endmg t'und balance to cover these costs, and WHEREAS, the LEOFF Medrcal Insurance Resene Fund # 009 requrres rncreased appropnahols to cover hcreased asslsted hvtng care er.penses ($15,000). the fund havrng sufficlent endlng fund balance to cover these costs. and WHEREAS, the Travel ard Tralnlng Fund # 008 requrres an appropnatron to fansfer cash remamlng ln the fund rn order to close the fund ($856), the fund havrng sulficrent endrng fund balance to cover these costs. and WHEREAS, the Youth Scholarshrp Fund # 122 requres addlhonal approprrahoDs for student scholarshrps ($1.200). the fund havlng sufficlent endlng fund balance to cover these costs. and WHEREAS, the PFD Project Fund # 13.1 requrres an approprtatlon to [ansfer cash remammg ln the fund rn order to close the fund ($16,'137). the flrnd havlng sufficlent endmg fund balance to cover these costs, and WHEREAS, the Caprtal Improvement Fund # 325 requlres an appropnatlon to transfer cash remarnmg rn the fund m order to close the fund ($95.291), the fund havrng sufficrent endmg fund balance to cover these costs, and -l WHEREAS, the Equrpment Rental Fund # 511 requrres an addrtlonal appropnatlon to pay for a pofilon ofthe new 800 Megahertz radro equrpment requred for publc sat'ety. the fund havmg accumulated thls amount to replace radlo equlpment as necessary, and WHERXAS, the Medlcal Self Insurance Fund # 520 requfes an applopnatton to transt'er cash remammg m the fund rn order to close the fund ($ I ,4 I 0) . the fund havlng suffictent endmg fund balance to cover these costs, arrd WHEREAS, the Fuemen's Penslon Fund # 617 requres addlhonal appropnatrons to pa] hrgher than antrcrpated benefit costs (S5,000), the fund haYrng sufficlent endmg fund balance to cover these costs. and WHEREAS, rt has been a pEctlce to consolldate these actrons lnto a mtd-vear ordmance and a year-end ordmance. mstead of adoptng an ordmance each tlme the Crty Councll takes actron, NOW, THEREFORE. THE CITY COL]NCIL OF THE CITY OF EDMONDS. WASHINGTON. DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS Sectron 1 Sectlon 1 of Ordrnance No 3436 adoptmg the final budget for the fiscal year 2003. ls hereby amended to reflect the changes shown rn "exhblt A" adopted herern by reference Sechon 2 Effectlve Date Ttus ordrnance, berng an exercrse of a pouer specrfically delegated to the Clty leglslatrve body, ls not subJect to leferendum, and shall take effect fi\.e (5) days after passage and publlcatlon of an approved summary thereof conslstlng of the t'tle APPROVED MAYOR. GARY HAAKENSON ATTEST/AUTHENTICATED CITY CLERK. SANDRA S CHASE -2- APPROVED AS TO FORM OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY BY W SCOTT SNYDER FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK. PASSED BY THE CITY COL]NCIL PUBLISHED EFFECTIVE DATE ORDINANCE NO ]484 t2/t2/2003 t2/t6/2003 t2/21/2003 12/26/2003 -3- SUMMARY OF ORDINANCE NO. 3.I8.I of the Crty ofEdmonds. Washington On the l6th day of December, 2003. the Crty Councrl of the Crty of Edmonds, passed Ordrnance No 3484. A surnmary of the content of sald ordlnance, conslstlng ofthe tltle, provrdes as follo*s AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EDMONDS. WASHINGTON. AMENDING ORDINANCE NO 3.136 AS A RESULT OF LNANTICIPATED TRANSFERS AND EXPENDITL]RES OF VAzuOUS FTINDS. AND FIXNG A TIME WHEN THE SAME SHALL BECOME EFFECTIVE The full text ofthls Ordrnance wlll be marled upon request DATED thls 17'h dav ofDecember. 2003 CITY CLERK. SANDRA S CHASE iUSS.lo')142 DOC l,00uo6 q00Or0/)-.1-