19740409 City Council Minutes118 0 MOTION: (MOTION: April 9, 1974 ROLL CALL The work meeting of the Edmonds City Council was called to order by Mayor Harve Harrison at 7:30 P.M. with all council members present. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Minutes of the regular meeting of April 2 had been posted, mailed and distributed, and with no omissions nor corrections, they were approved as written. COUNCIL PARTICIPATION Councilman Winters brought to council attention three problems that are often discussed and never seem to be resolved, and he said he would like to see them placed on continuing agendas for this reason. They were: (1) Off-street parking in the downtown area; (2) Undergrounding in the downtown business area; and (3) The sidewalk ordinance. It was noted that the downtown parking plan would be going to the Planning Commission this week and would probably be pre- sented to council at the next meeting. Councilman Winters then MADE A MOTION TO PLACE THE ABOVE THREE ITEMS ON A CONTINUING AGENDA BASIS. Councilman Gellert said he did not favor the continuing agenda for these items; that the -under - grounding committee, in conjunction with Capital Improvements Program, did set some priorities and would be presenting them, perhaps in May. Councilwoman Shippen reminded council that on the 17th at 2 o'clock in the council chambers there would be a meeting for discussion on undergrounding and anyone interested was invited to attend. She then stated that she felt it was the council's re- sponsibility to watchdog special individual interests and see that they are brought to council and do not die. Councilman Winters' motion died for lack of a second. It was then MOVED BY COUNCILMAN ANDERSON, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN NORDQUIST THAT THE SUBJECT OF SIDEWALKS BE PLACED ON THE APRIL 23 COUNCIL AGENDA, TO BE CONCLUDED WITH DIRECTION TO THE STAFF FOR PREPARATION. MOTION CARRIED. Councilwoman Shippen said she would like to see a map to show the sidewalk situation, much like that used for the water mains. Councilman Nelson distributed copies of a letter regarding the time element in connection with any change in form of government. Councilman Anderson inquired about the status of;buaning within city limits, and it was answered that permits were issued by the Fire Dept. for burning of certain types of materials. Councilman Anderson also asked about the possibility of prohibiting parking back from certain intersections, including 208th, where buttons marked the parking lanes. This would expedite the left turn problem there and at 212th and 76th, 220th and 76th, etc. PRESENTATION OF WATER RATE STUDY City Engineer Leif Larson distributed copies of the Water Rate Study and re- viewed its contents, which included background; scope of work; present and future needs for maintenance and operation, including water system improve- ments maps; financial requirements including water and sewer cash operations and estimated income on $2,000,000 bond issue for both first and second lien bonds; discussion on bonded indebtedness and general bond covenants; present water usage and rates; proposed water rates with tables showing rates and charges; rate comparisons; and a proposed water rate ordinance.-' The report represented the results of studies undertaken to analyze the water rate structure of the city. Engineer Larson explained that the objective of the study was to develop a water rate structure which would provide adequate revenues for the continued orderly growth and development of the system, in addition to providing a sound financial base for continued maintenance and operation. The scope of work included a review of historical operations of the utilities; review of future operation and maintenance costs, proposed capital improvements and other major expense items; review water and sewer income and expense for 1973; project income and expense to allow for change in population, commercial and residential growth, and provide for forecasted operational and maintenance_ costs, system improvements and replacements; and review the adequacy of the present rates and charges of the utilities, and if necessary, propose new rate schedules and charges to insure the continual sound financial operation of the utilities. Dick Kennedy, financial advisor from Seattle -Northwest Securities Corporation, spoke to council on the bonded indebtedness of the city and explained the difference between first and second lien bonds for council clarification. Mr. Kennedy noted that the bond market had gone up since the last time he had been before council on this proposed bond issue. He called attention to the tables on page 23,of the study, stating that table 1 showed a first lien situation, and table 2, second lien bonds. Engineer Larson explained that an analysis of present residential rates show they have been adequate for retirement of the present debt service and eurrent maintenance and operation expenses, but are inadequate for any additional in- C� 1 is 1 0 119 crease in debt service requirements. He then brought to council attention on pages 32 and 33 the rate comparisons with cities in the greater Seattle area. He then recommended the rate basis as shown in the proposed ordinance. Mr. Kennedy advised council that Seattle -Northwest Securities could proceed on the basis that the city indicate intention to raise rates as stated in the proposed ordinance. There followed discussion on rates and financing, and a MOTION WAS MOTION• MADE BY COUNCILMAN GELLERT, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN ANDERSON TO SCHEDULE A HEAR- ING FOR MAY 7 FOR THE PROPOSED ORDINANCE ON THE WATER SYSTEM AND INSTRUCT THE CITY ENGINEER AND BONDING HOUSE TO PROCEED ON THE BASIS OF THESE PLANS: AND ON THE TWO MILLION DOLLAR SECOND LIEN BOND BASIS. THE MOTION CARRIED: The City Engineer advised that there was no legal requirement for a hearing. Mr. Dick Kennedy gave council an explanation of the tax exempt municipal bond market index and offered to furnish the city with copies of the market index until the bonds sold. DISCUSSION ON ANIMAL CONTROL Councilwoman Shippen gave a review of what had been done to date on the inter - local agreement. She reported that there had been three meetings so far, with haphazard representation. Either the county commissioners did not send a repre- sentative or the meeting failed to draw a quorum, etc. She advised that Com- missioner Hill had said the county was ready to go ahead and build a shelter, provide the service, and have the cities,contract with the county. Council- woman Shippen said she would like direction from the council members so she would be prepared to -present the feelings of the City of Edmonds at the next meeting of the group. She asked if council preferred to continue with the joint approach, have the county -provide the service and contract with them, or any other suggestions. • Councilman Anderson stated that he thought the joint facility would be the preferable one. Councilwoman Shippen noted that there was another alternative suggested; that the four south county cities join together for one facility. However, it was pointed out that this would leave several isolated county areas, and this would pose some problems, since as Councilman Gellert noted, the county is not sold on supporting SNOCOM because they don't seem to realize it serves the unincorporated county areas. There was general discussion, and Mayor Harrison stated that he favored estab- lishment of a south county shelter for convenience of the citizens as well as for improved handling of the animals. Mrs. Virginia Knouse, representing PAWS, said she thought a shelter located locally was preferable to.one large facility operated by the county. There was discussion on a proposal of the possibility of charging $1.00 per capita from the south county cities and leasing approxi- mately five acres of land and having someone really interested in the animal control problem operate the facility, rather than having one large shelter operated by the county and employing disinterested people. Mayor Harrison said he would like to see Edmonds take the position of favoring a south county facility, and Councilman Gellert agreed, adding that he thought we should aban- don the county -wide concept and lean toward a regionally located south county venture. There was a question of the system not serving the county pockets, and it was felt that these unincorporated areas would have to be policed by the .county. Councilman Nordquist suggested that perhaps we should take the lead and set up something of our own. There followed some discussion on the present cooperation of the locally situated animal control officers. Mrs. Knouse said the four south county cities might build a facility for approximately $50,000, and Mayor Harrison answered that he liked Mrs. Knouse's suggestion of charging • $1.00 per capita and purchase or lease land for a facility. In summary, there seemed to be more support from council for a south county approach to the problem, rather than a joint county -wide venture. IT WAS THEN MOTION: MOVED BY COUNCILMAN WELLING, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN NORDQUIST THAT EDMONDS WITHDRAW FROM THE INTERLOCAL CONTRACT FOR JOINT ANIMAL CONTROL. City Attorney John Wallace advised that the contract had no express termination clause, and he could see no difficulty in withdrawing on the basis of the agreement not serving its purpose because of problems iri getting a quorum for meetings, etc. There was some further discussion, and IT WAS MOVED BY COUNCILMAN GELLERT, MOTION• SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN NELSON TO AMEND THE MOTION BY CHANGING THE WORDING FROM "WITHDRAW" TO "GIVE NOTICE OF EDMONDS, INTENTION TO WITHDRAW". ON CALL FOR THE QUESTION, THE AMENDMENT CARRIED. THE MOTION AS AMENDED THEN ALSO CARRIED. Because Councilwoman,Shippen will not be able to attend the next meeting for MOTION: joint animal control, COUNCILMAN NORDQUIST MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN GELLERT .THAT COUNCIL REQUEST THE MAYOR TO WRITE A LETTER REGARDING EDMONDS, INTENTION TO WITHDRAW, SINCE COUNCILWOMAN SHIPPEN WILL NOT.BE PRESENT AT THE NEXT INTER -LOCAL MEETING. MOTION CARRIED. BRACKETT'S LANDING UNDERGROUND WIRING CONVERSION City Engineer Leif Larson distributed a memo regarding the-undergrounding of the service to the restroom building at Brackett's Landing, combined with a proposal to clean up the overhead system crossing Sunset Avenue at Bell Street. He noted that contacts were made with the abutting property owners with no sig- nificant willingness to participate in an undergrounding project. Included 0 120 LJ in the memo and report by the Engineer were estimated costs for -the underground- ing•and overhead,,relocation,-a sketch indicating these changes, and the -figures furnished by••the.utility companies. Engineer^Larson stated that since the project would involve undergrounding of a City owned facility with additional benefits -derived -by overhead,relocation, he requested -that council authorize the project, us ing.underground-ing funds... A memo from P.A.A. Ron Whaley also recommended this project.be charged to th-e undergrounding fund. MOTION: .A MOTION WAS MADE BY COUNCILMAN NORDQUIST, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN GELLERT.-TO AUTHORIZE PROCEEDING WITH THE UNDERGROUND WIRING CONVERSION -AT BRACKETT-'S LANDING AS REQUESTED BY -THE -CITY ENGINEER, USING UNDERGROUNDING FUNDS. -MOTION CARRIED. SET HEARING DATE FOR PROPOSED VACATION 81ST R/W THROUGH SIERRA PARK SITE City Engineer -Leif Larson. reported. that- he ,had- received a request •from.•Park Planning and -Recreation Department to take the necessary steps to vacate the portion of 81st Avenue West that lies within the Sierra portion of Seaview/ Sierra Park. The,Engineer reported that he would anticipate no problems in vacating this R/W, since the park abuts both sides of the street and the -abut- ting owners are recipients of vacated right-of-way. He• stated that the only conditions of vacation anticipated will be.the control of •development.near-the existing underground city -owned utilities (water and sanitary sewer'mains') presently in -the portion -to be vacated. -Engineer Larson therefore recommended proceeding with the necessary steps for vacation. City Attorney Wallace ad- vised that this would be accomplished via the resolution method, which could be prepared and passed on the 16th, and the necessary preparations in the City Clerk's office could be accomplished•in time -for -setting the-hearing--on-May 7. A MOTION WAS MADE -BY COUNCILMAN GELLERT, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN NORDQUIST-TO MOTION: _INSTRUCT THE CITY ATTORNEY TO PREPARE A-RESOLUTION•TO PROCEED -WITH THE -NECES- SARY STEPS AND SET THE HEARING DATE -ON PROPOSED•VACATION OF THE 81ST R/W THROUGH SIERRA PARK SITE FOR MAY 7. MOTION CARRIED. - ADJOURNMENT With.no further business to come before council, the -meeting was•adjourned at 9:.50• P.M.. . Irene Varney Mora City Clerk- HarveH. Harrison,'Mayor Apr'i 1 116 ; 19.74 . ROLL CALL. The regulAr, meeting of the Edmonds,City Council was called to order by. 'Mayor Harve Harrison `at 7:30" P.M:, with all council members.: present. ' APPROVAL'O.F MINUTES, Minutes o&'the' Work meeting of April 9 had been posted, mailed and distributed, and wit hi- n ` omis•s'ions •nor 'corrections, they, `were approved ;as wriktteh. COUNCIL' "PARTICIPATION. Councilman Welling.•asked. what has transpired ,with -regard to: -,the. Public Works 4uildin'g Addition. ' Leif 'Larson said he' is 'getting; the :outline specifications that'. the or`igti'nal _building was based, upon..'.', a will: us.e : his and" e.sketch'.`' a 1f f is of the proposed additionandrtheri ask for proposals to"" submitted in two steps, ,one would. be- a 'Sump' sum' figure for' the :design of. the entire building, which they, wl'1 review. ' The other would' be for' th`e ,;construction. M=. har'son sai;... is . will come before council :-to ,request 'a' proposal receiving date: : City -Engineer' Lamson reported that as 'a ' part of -the SR 104 'construction 'in the Ballinger ` aktial theme c ty..w3il bid. installing a looping water main `under t,4 , , r , ( r t 'the.highway.in the Traction right.of way between 244th Street SW and 242iid. Street SW P.U.D. �dersires . to, -,have th' o-ld' easement 'vacated as a ;cond�it`ikon```for giving the zc� �t�y an `easement for the new' water'' line.; ``` F�olaow ng more e`ominer ts, MOTION: � COUNCILMAN GELLERT MONIED, SECONDED BY . COUNCIh 4M'AN TVELS.�ON : ,THAT`; THE'' MAYOR ;BE ' -AUTHORIZED TO SIGN AN AGREEMENT VACATING THE'UTILITY")EASEMENT IN'EXCHANGE..FQR xv . OBTAINING AN EASEMENT, FOR ` THE . ;NEW :W TER LINE . MOT ION CARRTE,D.. AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION - Ward.Phillips,pointed out that the west side of the parking ,lot 'at.,Sun_set Beach is under `water` when it''tains. He wondered"' if the city' could require, the. person �^� frr�'i.i ti - - � - t., - 1. 1' that •did the''paving to •come back and correct ' it. Mayor _ Harr i, Mentioned ,to Engineer Larson that it would be. a •'good` idea to. pinpoint the lowest spo't`* next t 1 1 • I 1 0