19740709 City Council Minutes156 Mayor Harrison recommended to council that they ado& - the proposed program subject to the EEA program picking up labor costs. There was discussion on the matter, and A MOTION WAS MADE BY COUNCILMAN GELLERT, MOTION: SECONDED BY COUNCILWOMAN SHIPPEN TO ADOPT PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 4439 SUBJECT TO THE AVAILABILITY OF EEA MONEY AND SUBJECT TO THE APPOINTMENT OF THE COMMITTEES BY MAYOR AND COUNCIL ON AUGUST 20. Councilman Welling said he felt council should take a more realistic look at the scope of the program and the costs before they waste anyone's time and also waste money. There was a great deal of discussion. This was followed by A MOTION MADE BY COUNCILMAN NELSON TO AMEND THE MOTION AND HAVE THE ADVISORY COMMITEE STUDY THE LAND USE AREA, AND THAT BE THE ONE AREA TO BE SET UP FOR THE PRESENT. This motion died for lack of a second. VOTE ON THE ORIGINAL MOTION THEN CARRIED WITH COUNCILMAN NELSON VOTING AGAINST. 6 YEAR STREET IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM City Engineer Leif Larson presented copies of the City of Edmonds' revised 6-year construction program for the period of 1975-1980, which requires updating annually by State Law. He was requesting that the resolution adopting this program be adopted in order to meet.deadlines established by the State. A proposed reso- lution was also prepared and ready. POTION: Because of the late hour, IT WAS MOVED BY COUNCILMAN GELLERT, SECONDED BY.COUNCIL- MAN ANDERSON THAT THIS ITEM BE POSTPONED FOR ONE WEEK. MOTION CARRIED. CLAIMS FOR DAMAGES A claim for damages was received and acknowledged from Erling H. Thorsen. This was referred to the City Clerk for processing ADJOURNMENT There was no further business to come before council, and the meeting was adjourned at 11:25 P.M. J:e� :1�� A4,Z_4J Iren6 Varney Mor , City Clerk July 9, 1974 ROLL CALL Harve H. Harrison, Mayor The Edmonds City Council Work Meeting was called to order at.7i30 P.M. by Mayor Harve Harrison, with all council members present. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Minutes of.the meeting of July 2 had been posted, mailed and distributed. City Engineer, Leif Larson, noted that the last sentence in paragraph 2, page 6 should re read as follows: "Therfore, the Engineer had the resolution prepared, following receipt of the -petition". Couniclman Nelson referred to page 1, under Council Participation - following the word "standards" on line 23, he would like inserted the statement "The intent of the motion being that we should let the people decide". He noted another correction on ,page 6 fourth line from the bottom, it should way each of the.Advisory Committes rather than "the". Counclman.Welling noted accorrectidn-dnPpage22,�%paragraph'2=��iext{=to�Iast'-j rie. It should say "impact of SR 104 to Highway 511. Following a brief discussion regarding the advisory ballot, the minutes were approved as corrected. COUNCIL PARTICIPATION Councilman Gellert reported that he,MMrs. Shippen, Dave Larson and John Wallace met on July 8th with representatives from PUD regarding undergrounding and the PUD presented a tentative proposal. The proposal indicated that 2% of the revenues be made availbble to undergrounding on a pro rate use basis. They would the create a revolving fund which would accumulate for three years and anything that is not.used from the earliest year, would go back into their general funds. Mr. Gellert stated that he received work today from Cecil Ferrill that it has been taken up at the Commissioners Meeting and the staff was given permission to pursue the legal implications of this policy. He said that PUD is hoping to get a resolution worked out for a new undergrounding policy befoM the%, budget hearings in October. Councilman Gellert said that they are meeting on a month to month basis to try to deep this program moving forward. Councilman Nelson mentioned that it had been brought to his attention that children are crawling into a drainage pipe located just west of Olympic.Elementary School. He wondered if someone could look into the possibility of putting a collar on the pip6. Mayor Harrison asked Engineer Larson to look into this. 1 1 I • 1 I E 157 • Councilwoman Shippen'noted that on the agenda for the Planning Commission Meeting '"tomorrow night, the problem of clarifying our building heights will be taken up. She asked Joe Wallis if the phrase 'in the-Building:Code regarding rooftop appurtenances was ever clarified:- Mr. Wallis said he believed it has been taken care of in the way we have defined the new building height. Mayor Harrison stated that he had a request from the City Engineer to set a bid date of August 8, 1974 for water pipe and.fittings in connection with the MOTION: $2,000,000 Bond Issue. MOTION MADE'BY COUNCILMAN GELLERT AND SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN NELSON TO SET AUGUST 8TH'AS THE BID OPENING DATE FOR VARIOUS SIZED WATER PIPE AND FITTINGS. MOTION CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE The Deputy City Clerk read a note from Dorothy Tuson thanking the Mayor and Council for a resolution"in Donald Tuson's memory, which had been presented to her. REPORT,ON CABLE TV Councilman Gellert reported on this item, stating that a meeting had taken place be city officials and company officers on June 19, 1974. He placed a map on the bulletin board which showed the cable TV coverage that the City of Edmonds now has. He said they had been given balance sheets and income.statements from Liberty `M for the past three years and a list fo the number customers for the past three years. In the past two and one-half years the customershhave increased from 3,200 to 3,600. Their maintenance history has been very steady and for the most part, give less.thean 24 hour service. Mr. Gellert stated that . hehraW. contacted the Public Utilities Commission to ask them if they had any figures on what is considered a fair rate of return. However, they did not have such information. The council had previously inquired as to plans for public access. Liberty said that they have no plans at present'for public acces, as they do not have funds available. They did, however, say that they can make it available if the city wantsto fund public access.. They also said that on Channel 3 or 10 we could have such things as City Council'Agendas published. Councilman Gellert stated that someone had asked abouth number of'customers that had dropped out during the past three years. This, he said, seems'to peak and valley according to the season; many people hookup up during the winter and then drop out during the summer. According the Liberty's financial records, the actual dollars costs of the system in Edmonds has dropped over the past three years. They lost money the first `two years and made money at.a rate of 1-2% the third year. In view of the facts presented, it was Mr. Gellert's opinion that the rate increase is reasonable. Mayor Harrison noted that the actual rate increase still does not exceed any of the neighboring systems. Councilwoman Shippen asked about the FCC rule requiring cable operators to provide public access facilities by March of 1977. The representative from Liberty stated that this was covered in.the memorandum which had been submitted to the Mayor and Council. He said that prior to determining.access, the council and the company should study the community's desires. Councilman Gellert stated that he would pass on totthe Council all the information he had as he would hot be at the hearing on this matter.which is scheduled for next week. DISCUSSION ON FLUORIDATION - IN CONJUNCTION WITH: ALDERWOOD WATER DISTRICT PROPOSE FRANCHISE., Councilman Anderson reported that this matter had come to his attention because • one of his colleagues asked him if the water in Edmonds was fluoridated or not. He said he has since become aware orT- the fact that the Seattle portion of the water is fluoridated and the Alderwood Water District portion is not. In'his further investigations, he has discovered the the majority of the citizens of the United States, who are on public water supplies, are receiving fluoridated water. He referred the council�to a memo which he had sent to the rest'of the council with a re-pr1;�rt_ of an article about fluoridation in Seattle, Councilman Anderson stated that fluorination is widely supported by Public Health authorities. They feel that the most significant public health issue on a cost ratio basis which can be done in this country, is to fluorinate water. He said that many people do not know if their water 'is fluoridated or not; and he thought we should clarify for the public what the situation is now. City Engineer, Leif Larson, showed on a map the areas which have fluaoridated water and those that do.not.. He stated that approximately one-third of our water supply is from Seattle (whi(th is fluoridated)' and twos- thirds from Alderwood Water (whd:cYi is not fluoridated). Mayor Harrison asked Councilman Anderson if he had any cost figures. Councilman Anderson stated that Seattle provides fluoridated water to their citizens.for,about 16c per capita per year. Mountlake Terrace's cost is 60� per capita, per year. Mountlake Terrace's cost -for the fluoride itself is 25a per capita., which is incluced in the 600.-. This indicates a cost of 35ii�40%"for material and the rest is for maintenance of the fluoridation center. He said.the logical thing would be to try to go on an area -wide basis to get Everett or Alderwood to indicate some interest in fluoridating further upstream. The Mayor asked Dr. Anderson -if he considered it a wise policy to fluoridate the water; and Dr. Anderson -answered that'he could see no valed reason not to, except for cost. He cited several examples of benefits to the health of adults as well as bhlldren. He mentioned that this matter will be on the agenda for the State Board of Health in October. • 158 MOTION: MOTION: MOTION: MOTION: • Councilman Welling inquired about the cost of a fluoridation station. The City .-Engineer said that he will have a new estimate made, if the council desires. Councilman Nelson thought the attorney and the City Engineer -could begin conver- sations with Alderwood to get some idea of whether they are interested, and cover the legal aspects.of such a move. A MOTION WAS THEN MADE BY COUNCILMAN ANDERSON AND SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN NORDQUIST TO INSTRUCT THE ENGINEER TO SUPPLY A MAP OF THE CITY DELINEATING THE FLUORIDATED AND NON -FLUORIDATED AREAS AND MAKE THIS MAP AVAILABLE`'TO THE MEDIA AND THE'PHYSICIANS AND DENTISTS IN THE AREA. A gentle- man in the audience state that he had children ages 9,6 and 3 and they have no cavities which he believed due to the fact that their water is fluoridated. Capt. Shields pointed out that we would be paying for fluoridating 100% of the water, but what is used for human consupmtion is very little. He thought therefore, that it would be more reasonable to put an attachment on the faucet -'-- which would accomplish the same thing. Following some more discussion, the motion was voted upon and carried. COUNCILMAN ANDERSON THEN MOVED TO PETITION THE ALDERWOOD WATER DISTRICT FOR THEIR INTEREST AND SUPPORT IN PROPOSING A PLAN FOR FLUOB3DATION OF AREAS SUPPLIED BY THEM THAT ARE NOT NOW FLUORIDATED. COUNCILWOMAN SHIPPEN SECONDED: THE MOTION WAS VOTED UPON AND CARRIED. Councilman Welling asked that the City Engineer be instructed to look into the cost to us of putting a :' fluoridation station on our 12" line in the event we do not get the cooperation of the Alderwood Water District. The City Attorney pointed out that a franchise cannot be let on a work meeting night, so this was postponed until next week. DISCUSSION ON ADVISORY BALLOT IN UTILITY BILLS'FOR HIGHWAY 196TH Engineer Larson reported on this agenda item. He read a letter from the UAB, dated May 24, 1973, which stated that in order'to receive UAB funding, a project • must be place under contract or construction within 18 months from the date of authorization. Mr. Larson stated that this project was authorized the last of August, 1973. The Mayor then read a letter which had been received today, from the Urban Arterial Board. The letter requested clarification fo Edmonds' intention to withdraw or remain in the project. The requested a reply by the 16th of July, so that it could be presented at their July 18th meeting. Wes Bogart, State Highway Engineer, commented that unless Edmonds takes some definite action, there may be a delay in the project as a whole which would put the City of Lynnw000d in: -difficult position. General discussion followed. Councilman Nelson asked how much -money has'been spent on the project so far. Wayne Jones, from Reid Middleton, said that approximately $16,000 has been spent on preliminary engineering. There was more discussion on funding and design of the highway, with Mr. Bogart commenting. The questionnaire to be sent to the citizens to obtain their opinions regarding the proposed improvement on 196th was then discussed; and also the possible participation in this project. Councilman Nordquist did not think a true reading could be obtained from these questionnaires. He said that he talked to people ;n the shonoing area at 76th and 196'th and the people_ did- want .the project, `abut within reason. COUNCILMAN NORDQUhST,THEN-MOVED-_-SECONDED'BY COUNCILMAN WINTERS TO GO AHEAD WITH THE -PROJECT, CONSIDERING -FOUR LANES FROM 76TH-TO.81ST9'-BUT VERY STRONGLY CONSIDER THREE LANES FROM 81ST TO 88TH. There was more discussion of the design and where it should terminate. MOTION WAS THEN VOTED UPON AND CARRIED. COUNCILWOMAN.,,S- rI-PE'EN MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN GELLERT THAT THE DESIGN FROM 81ST TO 3RD AND CASPER BE CONSIDERED AS AN ENTITY AND DESIGNED AS SUCH, WITH ACCOMPANYING ENVIORNMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT DONE BY CITY STAFF... Following discussion, COUNCILMAN NELSON MOVED TO AMEND THE MOTION TO INCLUDE THE ACTION PLAN PROCEEDINGS. MRS. SHIPPEN SAID WHE'WOULD SECOND if action plan does not mean that the street will be designed and then have public hearings. She thought that through questionnaires you can • get an idea what people want before you begin. Councilman Gellert said perhaps the business community -is on entity that should be polled in this matter; then the people along the route and the people served by the route. City Engineer, Leif Larson, wanted to know if.the council was rescinding its action of two weeks ago (to withdraw from the project)? He was answered affirmatively. THE AMENDMENT CARRIED AND THE MAIN MOTION AS AMENDED ALSO CARRIED. SNO-KING AMBULANCE PROBLEM Fire Chief Jack Cooper reported on this matter. Chief Cooper answered paragraph by paragraph a letter which had been received from Sno-King Ambulance Service regarding purported problems. The report was submitted in written form to the Mayor and council. Sno-King's letter asked for a hearing before the council, and mentioned several instances of "interference" from the Edmonds Fire Department on recent calls. Chief Cooper stated that our Fire Department has a very good working relationship with Stevens Hopitial Emergency personnel. He said many doctors have commented that our E.M.T's do an outstanding job. Chief Cooper then answered questions from the council. Councilman Gellert wanted to know if the city aid car has -all the equipment that an ambulance has. Chief Cooper said the aid car has all the equipment that any ambulance in the South County Area has; and that in fact we are required to have this by our own city ordinance and by State law. Chief Foster stated that in the 11 years he has been with the city, there have been two 6ajor highlights with regard to giving emergency aid to the injured or sick, ie. establishment of Stevens Hopitial and when the city got itsdwnz aid crew. He said it is now a team effort with regard to=.emergency services, whereas previously there were many times long delays before 0 159 • 1 MOTION: • lJ an ambulance would arrive on the scene, evidence may -have been destroyed, etc. Mayor Harrison pointed out that the city receives much correspondence complementing our aid crew. TRUCK LOAD LIMIT Councilman Nordquist said that he would like to have truck load limit enforcement policy. He wondered if the Police.Chief could come back with a report on this matter. Chief Foster said that the load.limit has not been enforceable in Edmonds due to the fact that we do not have the weight equipment required; the situation is not of a large enough magnitude to bring in special people and we do not have enough manpower. He said they did recently have the State Patrol come out and set up their equipment of 76th West, but most of the trucks checked did have a legitimate reason.for being on that.street. Following more discussion, Councilman Nordquist asked that this matter be set as an agenda item for July 23rd. ENGINEER's REPORT ON UNDERGROUNDING ESTIMATE FROM PUD AND TELEPHONE CO.-.15TH SIDEWALKS. The City Engineer said that they will have this report in two or three weeks which will be in two parts. One will be for the undergrounding and the other for just putting in the ducts,,so that undergrounding can be accomplished in the future without tearing up the sidewalks. 6-YEAR STREET IMPORVEMENT PROGRAM Engineer Larson requested that this item be postponed in view of earlier action this evening. A MOTION WAS MADE BY COUNCILMAN GELLERT AND SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN WINTERS TO POSTPONE THE ABOVE ITEM TO THE AUGUST 6TH MEETING. MOTION CARRIED. The meeting adjourned at 10:30 P.M., following which the council retired to. the Mayor's Office for an executive session. ELEANOR QUEAL T, Deput r ty Clerk July 16, 1974 r ROLL CALL HA VE H. HARRISON, Mayor The Regular Metting of the Edmonds Citjr. Council was called to order at 7:30.P.M. by Mayor Harrison. All council members were present except Gellert. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Minutes of ithe Work Meeting of July 9th had been posted, mailed and distributed, and with no omissions nor corrections, they were approved as written. COUNCIL PARTICIPATION Councilman Welling asked to be excused from the meeting of July 30th., Councilman Anderson.made reference to the.discussion'of last week regarding an action plan to complete the remaing portion of SR524. He thought we should pro- ceed with obtaining the public input. COUNCILMAN ANDERSON THEN MOVED THAT THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT BE DIRECTED TO PROCEED WITH ALL DUE SPEED WITH PWONNE3 AND FUNDS WITHING THE PRESENT BUDGET TO PLAN A SERIES OF NEIGHBORHOOD MEETINGS, SPECIFICALLY INCLUDING THE CASPEW TO 3RD AVENUE AREA: THE PUGETDDRIVE-OLYMPIC AVENUE AREA AND THE 81ST TO 88TH AVENUE AREA, FOR THE PURPOSE OF DISSEMINATING .INFORMATION AND RECEIVENG CITIZEN INPUT REGARDING POSSIBLE.ALTERNATIVE HIGHWAY PLANS FOR SR 524; EACH MEETING TO BE ATTENDED BY A REPRESENTATIVE FROM THE ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT AS WELL. COUNCILWOMAN SHIPPEN SECONDED. Councilman Nelson asked why this matter was going via the Planning Department.in lieu of the Engineering Department? Councilman Anderson stated that this is partly a planning affair. City Engineer, Leif Larson, stated that he thought this is an -planning problem.,at this time. He felt that if some of the basic plans for the city are changed, you would have to get back into the Toroughfare Plan, etc. Councilwoman Shippen said that the action plan calls for public opinion to be elicited so that it can be fed into the ultimate design. Engineer Larson stated that some way or another we have to get a balance of what is required with regard to safety and engineering and what the peoples''wants are. However, when it comes down to the final responsibility on the design, the engineer is the person who puts his name on the line and is staking his professional reputation on it. MOTION VOTED UPON AND CARRIED. AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION Jim Mueller, Chairman of the Blue Ribbon Committee, officailly presented the Committee Report to the council and Mayor: This committee had been established to study the form of government for the City of Edmonds, and was established by council action'on January 8, 1974. He expressed appreciation to council and all persons on the city staff, expecailly Ron Whaley and Judi Huber. The committee made',two major recommendations. They recommed.ed the adoption of the council- manager -form of government; and strongly suggested a special election on this matter be held not later than the 13th of May, 1975. The Committee further suggested that a resolution be adopted by the City Council and forwarded to the State Legislature that code cit�.s;be permitted to elect three councilmen every