19740910 City Council MinutesC There -being no further business to come before council, the meeting QCas adjourned at 10:30 P.M. 177 C/ IRENE VARNEY MORAN, City Clerk HARVE H. HARRISON, Mayor September 109 1974 ROLL CALL The regular work meeting of the Edmonds City Council was called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Mayor Harve Harrison, with all council members present except Winters. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes of the September 3rd meeting had been posted, mailed and distributed, and with.no &missions, nor corrections were approved as written. COUNCIL PARTICIPATION Councilman Nordquist reported that he had attended a meeting of the Snohomish County Health District; and that the Board is recommending a 75t per capita assessment, which is the same as they have had since 1970. Councilman Nelson inquired what�the regulations wer.e with regard to the pickup • distance for garbage collection. Councilman Anderson stated that he thought it was 5019 and that if it was more they either would not pick.it,up or would charge extra. M.A.A. Ron Whaley stated that this is not specified in the city code. Councilman Anderson thought we should sit down with the garbage companies and establish a rate schedule taking into account the number of cans and the distance in feet. The Mayor directed Mr. Whaley to make a study with regard to this matter. Councilman Gellert noted that the Seattle Times' August 29th issue stated that the Burlington Northern had been charged with 20 violations of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899 iri dumping landslide debris in Puget Sound along their right-of-way,'between Ballard and Mukilteo. It stated that each offense proven is punishable by up $2,500 fine. The action was.filed by Uo S. Attorney Stan Pitkin and is set 'for hearing in Judge McGovern's Court. Councilman Gellert thought perhaps the city should intervene to see.if perhaps the fines could be :applied towards undergrounding their lines. He wondered if the Mayor.or someone on the staff could contact the U. S. Attorney or the Judge and suggest this MOTION: approach. Following a brief discussion, COUNCILMAN WELLING MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN ANDERSON THAT WE'REQUEST THE CITY ATTORNEY TO CONSULT WITH STAN PITKIN AND DETERMINE THE NATURE OF THE ALLEGATIONS AGAINST BURLINGTON NORTHERN TO DETERMINE IF ANY OF THE PURPORTED VIOLATIONS OCCURRED WITHIN THE CITY OF EDMONDS: AND AFTER A REPORT HAS BEEN RECEIVED, THAT WE FURTHER.CONSIDER MAKING AN APPEARANCE IN.COURT AT THE TIME OF SENTENCING TO SEE IF SOME FORM OF DAMAGES CAN.BE AWARDED THE CITY FOR ANY DAMAGE WE MAY HAVE SUFFERED. MOTION CARRIED. Councilman Anderson stated that he had some calls about 174th S. W. The City Engineer said that they have handed out easements and are attempting to establish a grade. Councilman Anderson said that some of the property owners on the south • side are dumping on the north side, and that the property owners on tle north side are disturbed -about this. Harry Whitcutt will check into this, Councilman -Anderson asked if we have any rules that apply to undergrounding in short plats. Leif Larson stated that it all depends on the size of the lot and when it was approved.. It may have been approved before the undergrounding ordinance. Councilman Anderson stated that he would have some interest in having the undergrounding requirements extended to individual lots. Leif Larson and Joe Wallis were asked to look at this again. Councilman Gellert asked if the bicycle path is going in on.Olympic View Drive. Mr. Larson stated that it was going.in adjacent to the street on the west side. Councilman Nelson stated that he would like to report on the meeting held last evening with the Port Commissioners regarding the fishing pier. Council._:' members Shippen and Anderson also attended along with Rod Garretson.' He said the discussion again centered .on the parking requirements,. They reaffirmed their original resolution and gave their encouragement to go ahead and begin the study; and he proposed -to the Commissioners that the city would initiate the study and obtaining any potential recommended consultant to do the job, so that we'will .have a solid foundation of fact upon which to make a final determination as to MOTION: the best place for parking to be located. COUNCILMAN NELSON MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN ANDERSON THAT THE MAYOR INSTRUCT THE CITY STAFF TO TAKE THE DIRECTION OF GETTING TOGETHER WITH THE IAC AND MAKING APPLICATION FOR RECEIPT OF THE'MONIES NECESSARY AND RECOMMEND CONSULTANTS: AND THAT THAT STUDY BE INITIATED•TO PROVIDE THE NECESSARY DATk AND FACTS FOR''THE COUNCIL AND COMMISSION TO CONSIDER .FOR THE PARKING PROBLEMS. He stated that this resolution was the,one passed several weeks ago,.and indicated that we were favorable towards a concept of a fishing pier and indicated that they will still look at this as a possibility. MOTIONCARRIED. 0 18 Mayor Harrison stated that he had an application for The Curiositea Shopped They are applying for a license to serve wine by the glass or open bottle on the MOTION: premiseso The Police Chief recommended approval, COUNCILMAN GELLERT MOVED9 SECONDED BY COUNCILWOMAN SHIPPEN TO.APPROVE THE LIQUOR LICENSE APPLICATION FOR CURIOSITEA SHOPPE. MOTION CARRIED. Mayor Harrison stated that we have a vacancy on the Board of Adjustment; and that they have been having trouble getting a quorum. He suggested Al Knoke, and stated that Mr.-Knoke is willing to serve in this capacity and that he has some planning experience. The Mayor stated that Mr. Knoke-has an application. before the Board of Adjustment and would not be able to take a seat until this has been resolved. Councilwoman Shippen said that it was her understanding that the council had begun a policy whereby the council interviews prospective appointees. It was the consensus that Mr. Knoke should be invited to the next council, meeting and be interviewed prior to the start of the meeting. It was noted for the record that this procedure is to be followed in the future. CORRESPONDENCE The Deputy City Clerk read a letter from the Snohomish County Metropolitan Municipal Corporation regarding a meeting.on Section 208, Federal Water Pollution Control Act. The meeting will be held at 3:00 P.M.,, Monday, September 16th in the Snohomish County Commissioners Board Room; 6th Floor, County Administration Building, Everett, Washington. They urged that all municipalities attend so that they can make a unified countywide decision. CLAIMS FOR DAMAGES . Claims for Damages were received and acknowledged from John Nordquist and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Wirtz. These were refer'bed to the City Clerk for processing. DISCUSSION ON BLUE RIBBON COMMITTEE REPORT Mayor Harrison stated that he would like this discussion to.be very informal, and to involve the audience since he noted that virtually all of the Blue Ribbon Committee members -were -present. He stated that the action tonight would be to decide if this matter should go on the ballot or not. The Mayors time priorities were discussed; however during further discussion, the Mayor.pointed out that he and Councilman Nelson had the.original idea to appoint the Blue Ribbon Committee to investigate a possible change in form of government for Edmonds. City Attorney, James Murphy, stated :that.you would have to have a."yes".or,"no" vote on the -council-manager form of government and a separate advisory ballot regarding the question of.a.full-time Mayor. This was in response to the Mayor's statement that he would like the issue of a full- time Mayor to be put before the people.- There was general discussion on election MOTION: costs and a date for the election. COUNCILMAN ANDERSON MOVED TO DIRECT THE ATTORNEY TO DRAWAN APPROPRIATE RESOLUTION LEADING TO A SPECIAL ELECTION ON THE MATTER OF ADOPTION. OR REJECTION OF THE COUNCIL=MANAGER FORM OF GOVERNMENT FOR EDMONDS: AND THAT THE DATE COINCIDE WITH A SCHOOL ELECTION. COUNCILWOMAN SHIPPEN SECONDED THE MOTION, FOLLOWING SOME DISCUSSION. A ROLL CALL VOTE RESULTED IN COUNCIL MEMBERS GELLERT9 SHIPPEN AND ANDERSON VOTING "YES"; AND COUNCILMEN WELLING9 NELSON AND NORDQUIST VOTING "NO". MAYOR HARRISON BROKE THE TIE BY VOTING 11NO119 ON THE BASIS THAT 'HE THOUGHT THE BALLOT SHOULD CONTAIN BOTH THE ISSUE 07 COUNCIL-MANAGER FORM OF GOVERNMENT FOR EDHONDS9 OR A FULL-TIME MAYOR. Councilman Nelson stated that he will make a motion for re -consideration at the next council meeting, as hopefully Councilman Winters will be present at that time. MOTION: COUNCILMAN GELLERT THEN MOVEO9'SECONDEDIBY COUNCILWOMAN SHIPPEN TO HAVE TWO BALLOTS9 ONE OF WHICH IS BINDING AS TO WHETHER THE PEOPLE DESIRE A COUNCIL-MANAGER FORM OF GOVERNMENT FOR THE CITY OF EDMONDS; AND THE SECOND BEING AN ADVISORY BALLOT ALLOWING THE CITIZENS TO VOTE WHETHER THEY WANT A FULL-TIME MAYOR FOR THE CITY, THIS ELECTION TO COINCIDE WITHA SCHOOL ELECTION. FOLLOWING SOME DISCUSSIONS THE CHAIR RULED THIS MOTION'OUT OF ORDER. There being no further business to come before council, the meeting adjourned at 10:00 P.M. IREWE VARNEY MO 9 City Clerk September 17, 1974 ROLL CALL. 2&iW:dW_?L.. HARVE H..HARRISON9 Mayor The regular meeting of the Edmonds City Council was called to order at 7:30 P. M. by Mayor Harve Harrison, with.all council members present. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes of the meeting of September loth had.been posted, mailed and. . distributed. Councilman Gellert noted that on page 1, paragraph 39 5th line down, the word "to" was left out preceding $2,500. The minutes were then approved as corrected. LJ 1 • d 0 1 1 E