19741112 City Council Minutesr_1 LJ 199 MAYOR'S BUDGET MUSAGE Mayor Harrison presented a balanced 1975 preliminary budget and message to the council. CLAIMS FOR DAMAGES Council acknowledged receipt of a Claim for Damages from Marjorie L. Miller. This was referred to the City Clerk for processing. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 11:50 P. M. IRENE VARNEY MORAN, C' y Clerk H. HARVE HARRISON, Mayor November 12, 1974 ROLL CALL The work meeting of the Edmonds.City Council was called.to..order..by:-Mayor Harve Harrison at 7:30 P. M. in -the council chambers -at -the Edmonds.Civic Center, with all council members present'.except Winters:: • APPROVAL.OF.MINUTES is 1 1 MOTION: MOTION:. Minutes.of'the.meeting of November 5th-had been posted,•mailed:.and,distributed. Councilman, Nelson stated that he would -,like to make an addition on'. pap 51.. during discussion on•Councilman..Gellertos.amendment, He wants..addedtafter .Councilman Gellert -mentioned that -on page 2,..under:the heading "Shoreline Management Plan",..he.would like•to.-add-.that.the attorney had advised:.co.uncil members.that-ihey could.participate­in the.hearing, ,following,the. announcement .that they own shoreline -property. The minutes were, then --approved,: with the additions as noted. COUNCIL PARTICIPATION Coiincilwomaa Shippen--said that she-gathered•from the Amenities Design Board Minutes that.'enforcement was a -problem, and she asked Planner Wallis.-how.great.a problem it is. He said .they,have had very good cooperation.:from.the Building. Department . on 'enforcement of ..the. stipulations and .requirements set. out. by the Board:. Mrs.--Shippers-then asked what does.happen if people do not comply -with the requirements. `Harry Whftcutt,.-the Building Official; answered that.the..- ordinance is enforceable, and. said .that .the- business license can. -be suspended and they could ask them -to vacate the premises. A question,.was-raised 'regarding the statubs - o f . the Alaska Publishing Company structure. , - Mr. Whitcutt said -that they were asked,to comply with•the requirements of,the,Amenities Design:,Board,.: and that' action .will tie;: taken,.if they do not.. Following more-discussion,.:.the .Mayor said that no matter what -action is .taken -by theofficials,.it-.vill come back to the city council, and•he said that'he would back up any action taken by•the-Building and °Planning'Departments and the Amenities'Design Board. . Councilwoman Shippen-asked,the City Planner if the tree cutting and.vurb cut:. restrictions, on. the plat- .at the -northeast corner of 220th, and: 9th,.;had .:been'met. Mr. Wallis said that,they had not, and that had been.pointed.but at:.the.time'. of the final approval.. She then asked if" and is forfeited'in.such-a.case.' ' What was covered by' the ' bo'nd' was -discussed, -and the City, 'EBgineer, thought it best .if he , evaluate the .property and report ~back - to the- council:.' ' - Mayor Harrison then asked confirmation for the re-appointment'of Don Westlin rd:y to the Amenities Design Boa;. COIINCILMAN._NORDWIST MOVED,,SECONDED BY COUNCIIXAN ANDERSON TO RE -APPOINT - DON: UUTLIN , TO THE: -AMENITIES . DESIGN BOARD. MOTION, CARRIED. Councilman:Nordquiet reminded council of the-invitatiow to meet with'the-- Edmonds School District.. Board ,on.the 25th of November..: Councilman ,Nordquist then said .that. he would like the .meeting times, for, the.;... 24th and"31st:'changed,.because of:.the. holidays.- HE THEN,MOVED,. SECONDED. BY COUNCIL•ANNMON, TO. , CHANGE THE MEETING OF DECEMBER 24TH . TO THE.:.'23RD AND'... THE MEETING,, SCHEDULED .FDR .,THE' 33AT TO THE ..3OTH.: Councilman .Gellert stated' that the 23rd was agreeable'with him, but pointed out that.'-the..31st-is a 5th Tuesday and:,therefore, a work meeting. After discussion, Councilman :-Nordquist withdrew''his motion;'and"Councilman Anderson withdrew the second. 0 2.00 COUNCILMAN NORDQUIST ADE A MOTION, SECON DED BY COUNCILMAN M11M, TO MOVE THE MEETING OF THE , 24TH­TO, THE - 23RD, - AND -DECLARE 4M THE T MEETING, OF - THE - 31ST - AS A HOLIDAY. NOTION CARRIED, The budget was discussed, and the Mayor pointed out that -by not -passing the ordinance for de-critimalization, the budget is now out of balance.by about NOTIONt $309000. . COUNCILMAN WEIIING MOVED, SECONDED BY -COUNCILMAN -4;NORDQUIST -THAT-THE-- COUNCIL. CONVENE. NEXT oMONDAY -NIGHT AT. 7:30 P., M..;. FOR, THE, PURPOSE OF STUDYING -THE PRELIMINARY. BUDGET...'... MOTION CARRIED. NOTION.: NOTION: MOTION: MOTION: Councilman,Welling asked the;Public.Works,Director for a report as to how. many 0 ' after being ' people connected to,`,the sewer, contacted by letter to.do,so by the lot of November. Mr.; Gilbo said that the report is being_doneat the;prese.nt. time but there were very few violators*- He -said he will give a report in writing, by,next-week. DISCUSSION ON-SAI& OF CITY -OWNED, PROPERTY City Engineer,,Leif Larebnj reported on this -matter. He-had,forwarded-a written' report to Mayor, M.A.A. and,council listing the properties, appraisals and recommendations. There was a discussion regardin&,the.removal of the water tahk from the 10th and Maple site. Mayor.Harrison thought it was..encumbent.. upon the city to beautify., that propertyi.. -COUNCILMAN GEIJZRTM0VEDj._SECONDED - BY COUNCJUW NELSON THAT THE CITY BE AUTHORIZED FIRST TO REMOVE.THE-:TANK FROM., THE, 10TH.-- AND,MAPIZ,-,SITE ANDZUBSEqUENT• TO, THE REMOVAL OF THE � TANK9 PUT - IT OUT FOR BIDS. MOTION .CARRIED.. COUNCILMAN.-NELSON-MOVED9.-SECONDED,.BY,:COUNCIIMM,ANEERSCK,.THAT THE PROPERTY AT 9TH-AND,MAIN BE PUT,-UP,MR.BID:.'- MOTION CARRIED . Mr...Larson then reported that the 7th and Elm property -is the -ol&,opking-sitei­ and at one time was used as a dump. He said the fill.is questionable.., -There then followed a discussion on which ,properties had -been included in thi budget. Councilwoman-Shippe� btat :Odulthat shewouldlike to see the and ' ProVertY9. min e since we have a , imum amount it of propertyt-,and it will become-more.val"bl in the, future. Councilman- Gellert also thought .the - site - should -.be- retained it is w , nice "open space'!. ' Cotinci]Aan-Nordquist-concurred;.- A-MOTION-WAS-MAEE IH BY COUNCIAN NORDQUIST AND -SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN GELLERT THAT THE CITY. NOT SELL THE PROPERTY AT,7TH AND EX$0, Councilman Anderson said he is .in favor of retaining 'the property,- becauso--of the to ation'of our park properties now. There was more discussionj,,,du.r'iAg:Whic'h the abutting prpefty owners (who were in the audience) were ;aAked`if they are .aware that .the public would probably be running through. that�,,`ffil&lpertyi; They said - th6y', fealli6 this 9 but that' they. accept, that, .as they t in a position to p6tAize the ;propertythemselves. Councilman Welling thought the. best way to. ascertain -the true .,value. of.the property would be to put. 1t on the market. ikk,46TION WAS THEN: -VOTED 'UPON AND CARRIED FOLLOWING •A ROLL CALL VOTE WHICH''RESULI TED N A "NO" VOTE FROM _'U COUNCILMAN WE1JJ­NG�.;,AND ,NELS0Nt- AND THE, =4d`Aw.,'_'d;COUNCIL M-SERS,-VOTING'YOR.O. Mr. Larson said the next lot to conside'r is on the e.aot side of 76th. A*enud W.:jm in: the: 4acinity of 235th. COUNCIL10JR-dT W'I'ST MOVED, 'SEC, ONEED BY -, COUNCILMAN G & Z_ W. PUT OUT 11�n"MOTION CARRIED. E1 THE PROPERTY AT.Mi Mr. Larson',recommended retaining the ]rropetty.at,,9thand-Edmoiidss.'as it,acts -- sea transition strip between the'embankment and the aide461-kI, COUNCILMAN MOTION: ILM MOVED,, SECONEED Br -COUNCIIXAN .-NGRDQKST��TO'IRETAIN.THE,.,PROPERTY AT ITA 9TH ANDEDKONDS ACCORDING:20 THE ENGI&EVIZ-RECOMMMATIONO." MOTION CARRIED.. The City .Engineer stated .that,the property at.8th and Aloha - Street ,was acquired,. by the city during the construction of -Aloha Street. He said.it has. been idle MOTION: for 7 or *8 years, and recommended selling ",it. ;� t. COUNCILMAN NEIU.5GN.,_MOVED.9. SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN .,NORDQUIST:TO 0F1ER FOR: BID -THE PROPERTY AT'STH AND ALDHA, MOTION CARRED. Mr. setting etting a.bid date for Items.29 49 and.6, and. that l0th . . and Maple be put out. for. bid "after the removal of the he water :tank. COUNCILMAN -' MOTION: NORDQUIST MOVED, SECONDEDA BY COUNCILMAN &RiSdN:TO SET DECEMBER -12THrIS THE BID DATE FORITEMS, 29 4; and 6,,,Wl',TH,:A REPORT:;QN_BIDS-T0 THE COUNCIL ON LEC-04MR 17TH- MOTION CARRIEDO GRANADA ESTATES = REVIEW:OF WALKWAY REQUIREMENTS P.:.6.;72 City PlAnner, Joe Wallis, reviewed this matter for the council. He'said'in April of1972 there was.a preliminar planning,,Commission. y-subdivision-.approyal by.the plannin �Qommiss on. In June.of 1972,,.the city council. approved the.pr6liqiinary subdivisidn'l' with the recommendation of the Planner andthe Engineer. In ­ .conjunction 'with that there three: requirements ,by- the,. Planner; -a -.61 wide ��public 4ighti-of-way v, -andl and :6#' d6cokaitive,,fence along tree cutting a* between ,16ts: 7 �w restrictions ' " I 88th to the.rear.'. He showed 'i que, Mjr�. Wallis stated I" I the, itrea, U. I " qtion on a map� that. the,,subdivider�';ds now, requesting.: -.that ?tfiii tight -of -way be".i'.releaoed- from - the requirements. Mr.,Waliis'Aatea.'that .they .have a litter ifitheir files ­er , , ­ 0 from the School District indicat-ink'tfiat Maplewood is now -A. school fro the two. handicapped, and is*not.a *to walk�--�;t' 'schbol. Mi. Wallis saidthelots have been I - : ype sold without the right-of-way, and diie to an error'the right-of-way was not included on the final plat. He said the subdivider has agreed to go in and 0 1 0 MOTION: 1 MOTION: MOTION: MOTION: ' install the fence. He said there was an -additional stipulation: that evergreen '= ivy -be planted between the fence:And the -paving right-of-way. Mr. Walli"s. said thatthe subdivider has.agreed to all-the--requirements,•except that he would like the release on the walkway requirement. There was some discussion - and Councilman Anderson said -that -we -don't know if Maplewood would always bea special school; it might , become• a ne`ighborhodd� school � again and the • walkwo :: -could come in •handy. , COUNCILMAN .NORDQUIST MOVED,.. -SECONDED• BY_COUNCILkAN GELLERT THAT•BASED ON THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE CITY PLANNER, THE CITY.RELEASE THE .RIGHT-OF-WAY RIGHTS TO THE 60,WALKWAY ON THE:PROPERTY LINE BETWEEN'LATS.;7 AND:8' OF GRANADA ESTATES, SUBJECT TO THE FENCE AND THE PLANTING OF. IVY REMAINING, AS REQUIREMENTS. THE MOTION. CARRIED, WITH COUNCILMAN ANDERSON.VOTING, "NO% REPORT ON,LANDSCAPING:ON SR 104 City Engineer, .Leif ,Larson, reported, that. by letter. ,the City -requested_ ,the District 1 Engineer for.reimbursement for the City to provide ;the annual maintenance of the limited access area. They have.replied thatl_they simply do not -have sufficient ,funds -at •this -time• to --enter into -any -agreement of this land. REPORT ON JUNIOR ',HIGH.SITE AS. POSSIBLE CITY FACILITY M. A. A: Ron Whaley, -'stated, that approximately two months -ago, :.the .:council asked fora.report regarding the possibility of using• the. Edmonds ..Junior.High School as.a city.facility. Portions of the study were assigned to -various members of the staff and,several mbetings were held: City Planner, Joe -Wallis. then -reported stating that the -structure is fully utilized -by -more than school__ activities. It is used. for numerous sports activities and for cultural events. Mr. Wallis said that -the maintenance costs are substantial, --about $138,0000' Mr. Whaley.said the,Engineer!s Report indicated.that'the structure is structurally sound. He said there is minor dry rot in a few.places. • One area subject to- re -construction would be=.the stage and: -auditorium. The heating plant is in excellent condition. The -building may require extensive re -wiring -if the -use is changed. The property is,sprinklered. All.this information was. -contained," ' in a written report given,to the council. Mr. -Whaley said -there has been.some. discussion- regarding •leasing the property to the city, for`$1•.00 -a year.. There . , was some discussion, . and Dr. Richard #&Yk- and Mrs. E. R. Eckhart; - members-vf .the Cascade, Symphony Board of ,Trustees, wanted comment that~this is a very important facility for the,performing arts. Rich Allen stated that the auditorium ks the only place that can be,used'as,a convention center. Councilwoman ghippen said that since -we now have had a space needs report and'a report on the }, junior high property, it would seem that it is time to have a report on.the community needs. COUNCILWOMAN SHIPPEN THEN MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN. NORDQUIST•THAT THE -STAFF PROCEED WITH.A COMMUNITY ANALYSIS -.AND HAVE,:,A PRELIMINARY REPORT'TO THE COUNCIL.BY MARCH 1ST. MOTION.CARRIED. Dr. Hawk stated that the people with the Cascade.Symphony would -like to participate.inthis study. . MEETING WITH PETITIONERS FOR ANNEXATION Ron Whaley -.spoke in behalf of•himself and his wife, who was notable to be: present, in making a;request for annexation. There was a brief discussion, and the Mayor suggested that the petitioners circulate a petition and try to get a large portion of property for annexation.. Councilman. Gellert stated that he was opposed to one -lot annexations. COUNCILMAN NELSON.MOVED,. SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN GELLERT TO DENY THE PETITION MR ANNEXATION. -A ROOL CALL VOTE: RESULTED .IN: A !'YES" --VOTE ,FROM:COUNCIL..MEMBERS: NEL<SOR,. GELLERT. AND SHIPPEN AND "NO" FROM WELLING ,-NORDQUIST-.AND=:ANDERSON-. MAYOR:-HARRISON SAID THAT.HE DID NOT WANT TO SETA PRECEDENT, AND THEREFORE:.WOULD VOTE AGAINST WITH A "YES". VOTE.... REPORT ON'TREE-STANDARDS BY.BEAUTIFICATION COMMITTEE ' Marianne.Gibson, president of the Beautification Committee, presented a written report containing•recommendations"with regard to:a proposed ordinance regulating . the planting care and removal of street trees. There was-a:great deal of discussion; and itr.•wam,asked ifi the members of a the::tree • committee. could meet.' with theJAmenitiesrDesign Board-to:discuss this:, -.Mrs. Gibson •$Mated:that. they, schould- act ,only- in an- adivisory capacity.. COUNCILMAN .GELLFM MOVED;,;.: SCECONDED. BY. COUNCILMAN NELSON THAT THE,PROPOSED STREET TREE ORDINANCE BE -REFERRED TO THE AMENITIES DESIGN.�BOARD MR,,REVIEW AND. REPORTING BACK TO THE CITY -COUNCIL, AND MEETING BE ARRANGED BETWEEN, THE BEAUTIFICATION- COMMITTEE AND,THE-AMENITIES DESSIGN BOARD TO DISCUSS THIS ORDINANCE. MOTION CARRIED. . PRESENTATION BY,GOLF.COURSE STUDY,.COMMIT=_ _ This item -was 'postponed,. indefinetely'at the request of 'the committee. as. they felt:.they':need'ed':,mo're time.:for their study... SET DATE FOR HEARING:' ON.PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION #449 -.SETBACKS ONNPROPERTY IN CG ZONE NOT ABUTTING HY.` 9 t 201 40 2:0 • MOTION: COUNCILMAN GELLERT MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN ANDERSON TO SET NOVEMBER 26TH FOR REARM , ON ,THE ABOVE -MENTIONED MATTER.. • MOTION . CARRIED: CLAIMS FOR DAMAGES _.. Council acknowledged receipt:of:.a Claim for Damages from-Lotharand-Karea- -Bioictanski.".This.was-referred to -the City Clerk for Processing.— " ... .: . ., ,. .. - - .... ..,., ... ... ... There.being no :further business to come.before the council, the=meeting adjourned-' at 10:35 *P. M, IRENE VARNEY.MORAN, C`ft Clerk H. HARVE HARRISON, Mayor November 26, 1974 ROLL CALL The regular meeting of the Edmonds City.Council was called to order by Mayor Harve Harrison at 7:30 P.M..in the Council Chambers at."the:Edmonds Civic Center, with all council members present, except Winters. APPROVAL OF MINUTES , The minutes• of the meeting, of November 19th had -been.-posted, .:mailed •and distributed, and with no omissions,nor.corrections; were approved'as written. • COUNCIL PARTICIPATION Councilwoman Shippen stated.that.she, the Assistant Planner and M.A.A. Ron Whaley, had attended a seminar on the Housing and Community Development Act today, and she thought.there were decisions that.the council is.going to have:to make as to how to proceed under that Act. She, therefore, said-she••would like - to have this matter set for.discussion"oa the,10th of December: Councilwoman Shippen stated that'we have received.a reply from the State Highway Department indicating that they would -not fund,an;environmental impact.statement MOTION: on SR 524. SHE THEN MADE THE MOTION THAT WE REPLY TO.THE STATE.HIGHWAY'DEPARTMENT, THAT SINCEWECONSIDER 'AN ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT.:-STATEMENT:SO IMPORTANT TO THE COMMUNITY, THAT WE. WOULD NOT PROCEED FUR WITH THAT SECTION OF SR.524, BETWEEN 81ST AND. MAIN,, WITHOUT AN. IMPACT STATEMENT PROVIDED "BY THEM .OR - FUNDED . BY THEM. COUNCILMAN GELLERT SECONDED'WITH THE SUGGESTION THAT "IT SHOULD BE THE STATE HIGHWAY DEPARTMENTS RESPONSIBILITY" BE ADDED TO THE PREAMBLE. MRS. SHIPPEN AGREED. MOTION WAS VOTED UPON AND CARRIED. Councilman Gellert referred to a letter from General Telephone Company regarding MOTION: the franchise agreement. COUNCILMAN'GELLERT'MOVED,-SECONDED BY'COUNCILWOMAN, SHIPPEN THAT. THE .CITY ATTORNEY PROCEED FURTHER -WITH TRYING TO ESTABLISH A . MUTUAL GROUND FOR A FRANCHISE AGREEMENT BASED ON THEIR STATEMENT THAT THEY ARE WILLING TO UNDERGROUND ALL THE.FACILITIES FOR A GIVEW PERIOD OVER TWENTY YEARS.. MOTION GARR3ZD. :.. Councilman Gellert stated further that .if General Telephone Company would like to discuss,this.with the council, perhaps they could•come down•during a work • meeting for•this`purpose. City Attorney, John Wallace, stated that they had indicated that they would like to do this. CORRESPONDENCE M.A.A;•-Ron Whaley stated -that Al Kincaid had•delivered,to him -a letter from" Mildred -Dooley which stated -that she was•so•well satisfied,-with,the;City of - Edmonds, the government,; -the Civic.Center;.the-activities o,f.:.all departments that she wanted to help -out in some small way. ,She enclosed a $10.00.bill, and -Mr. Whaley'said that he thought it would be appropriate -to donate it to the Aid Car.Fund. Mayor Harrison expressed his appreciation for the gift MOTION: from Mrs. Dooley. 'COUNCILMAN ANDERSON MOVED,.SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN GELLERT THAT M PUT THE TEN DOLLAR DONATION IN THE AID.CAR FUND, AND EXPRESS OUR APPRECIATION TO THE DONOR., MOTION CARRIED. Mayor Harrison announced that he had a letter from Councilman Jack Winters wherein -he submitted his remignation. Mr. Winters thought perhaps it would. be possible to select two appointees to the council at the same time. COUNCILMAN MOTION: GELLERT MOVED,.SECONDED BY,COUNCILWOMAN SHIPPEN THAT ACCORDING .TO -THE ORDINANCE, THE SECOND VACANCY BE DECLARED AND THAT APPLICATIONS FROM.,CANDIDATES-BE.SUBMITTED CONCURRENTLY, AND THAT WE THEN INTERVIEW CANDIDATES FOR THIS VACANCY ALSO ON THE 6TH OF DECEMBER-AND THAT. THE VACANCIES WILL BE 'FILLED ON-TUESDAY, THE LOTH OF DECEMBER. MOTION CARRIED. MOTION: COUNCILMAN GELLERT THEN MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN ANDERSON THAT WE SEND A RESOLUTION OF COMMENDATION TO COUNCILMAN WINTERS. MOTION CARRIED.