19741202 City Council Minutes205 • MOTION: COUNCILMAN ANDERSON MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN NORDQUIST THAT THE MATTER OF PRD DEVELOPMENTS FOR TRACTS LESS.THAN 5 ACRES BE REFERRED FOR STUDY TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION. MOTION CARRIED. MOTION: COUNCILWOMAN SHIPPEN MOVED,THAT WE REVIEW THE RIGHT-OF-WAY WIDTHS REQUIRED IN SUBDIVISIONS AND PLATS; AND REVIEW ALSO .STREET WIDTHS, AND SIDEWALK STANDARDS, IF SIDEWALKS ARE REQUIRED. COUNCILMAN GELLERT SECONDED. MOTION CARRIED. FINAL PLAT APPROVAL - L. E. NESS ADDITION - 9 LOT -PLAT AT 7700-200TH S.W. The City Planner and City Engineer recommended.approval of the.plat, subject to.final acceptance of the improvements and the posting of the maintenance bond. MOTION: COUNCILMAN GELLERT MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN ANDERSON TO APPROVE THE FINAL PLAT OF THE L. E. NESS ADDITION, SUBJECT TO THE ENGINEER'S•APPROVAL OF THE IMPROVEMENTS AND POSTING OF THE MAINTENANCE BOND. MOTION CARRIED. SET- BID DATE FOR DRAINAGE CONSTRUCTION PROJECT - 68TH W. & 156TH S.W. City Engineer, Leif Larson, setting the bid date for December 19th., He stated MOTION: that there have been problems in this area with washouts. COUNCILMAN NORDQUIST MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN ANDERSON TO SET IECEMBER 19TH TO OPEN BIDS ON THIS PROJECT. MOTION CARRIED. PROPOSED ORDINANCE.REGARDING ESTABLISHMENT OF CITY JUDICIAL SYSTEM Councilman Anderson stated that he did not feel prepared to vote on this item MOTION: yet, and THEREFORE, MOVED TO POSTPONE TO DECEMBER lOtH AND SINCE THIS IS A WORK MEETING, TO POST A SPECIAL NOTICE TO INDICATE THAT WE WILL BE HAVING AN • ORDINANCE HEARING THAT NIGHT.' COUNCILMAN WELLING SECONDED. AMEND: COUNCILMAN GELLERT MOVED TO AMEND TO CHANGE THE DATE TO THE 17TH OF DECEMBER. COUNCILMAN ANDERSON SECONDED. THE AMENDMENT WAS VOTED UPON AND CARRIED AND THE MAIN MOTION AS AMENDED ALSO CARRIED. RECONSIDERATION'OF PROPOSED ORDINANCE REGARDING REMOVAL OF JAIL'SENTENCES FOR CERTAIN MINOR OFFENSES. Councilman Welling stated that he understood that we would discuss these two matters concurrently, so HE MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN GELLERT THAT CONSIDERATION OF THIS ORDINANCE ALSO BE DEFERRED TO DECEMBER 17TH. Councilman Anderson remarked that he looks at these matters a little separately, and that he would personally be infavor of this action. THE MOTION WAS VOTED UPON AND CARRIED WITH COUCILWOMAN SHIPPEN VOTING AGAINST, FOLLOWING'A ROLL CALL VOTE. - ]RESOLUTION OF MATTER RELATING TO EDMONDS VS. HORDYK (AID CAR ACCIDENT) M.A.A. Ron .Whaley reported that letters regarding the matter had been sent to the council members. The City Attorney explained the situation to the council and Mayor, stating that choices are to either accept the fact that there is nothing there and let it go, or proceed forward and force bankruptcy. Councilman Welling thought perhaps it should be deferred for a time, as the situation might MOTION: change, COUNCILMAN WELLING MOVED TO LOOK AT THIS AGAIN SIX MONTHS -PRIOR -TO... THE THREE YEAR PERIOD FROM WHEN THE.ACCIDENT OCCURED. COUNCILMAN NORDQUIST­ SECONDED. MOTION CARRIED. PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVAL - SIESTA _FIRS - 9 LOT SUBDIVISION - P-7-74 • City Planner, Joe Wallis, informed council that this had not been posted and advertised properly. He said that the applicant has been advised and it -has been scheduled for next months Planning Commmssion meeting. CLAIMS WR DAMAGES Council acknowledged receipt of a Claim for Damages from Bill L. Bishop. This was referred to the City Clerk for processing. There being no further business to come before council,.the meeting was adjourned at 11:00 P.M. IRENE VARNEY MORAN, City Clerk H. HARVE HARRISON., Mayor December 2, 1974 - COUNCIL BUDGET HEARING ROLL CALL The meeting was called to order by Mayor Harve Harrison in the Council Chambers of the Edmonds Civic Center at 7:45 P.M., with all council members present except Shippen. BUDGET HEARING In accordance with State Statutes,.hearing was held on the Final Budget for the City of Edmonds for the year 1975. 0 2,0 6 M.A.A. Ron Whaley reported on the recent revisions to the budget. The revisions had been presented to the council members along with a summary prepared by the Director of Finance,".Allen Tuttle. Mayor Harrison then asked the audience for comments. Les Hanvey asked why sidewalk and trail improvement was cut out of the 19?5 budget. Mayor Harrison answered that it was because of lack of funds. Mr. Hanvey iaent on to say -that he objected to -providing for fluoridation and not for paths, as he considered providing paths for school children more - important. Ray Gould asked where sidewalks and trails were funded. Mayor Harrison stated that the council is suggesting the addition of $51,000 for sidewalks. Engineer'Larson pointed out that sidewalks 'are includ'ed'in'UAB projects and would not be shown in a separate sidewalk fund. More discussion followed, including the possibility of an addition to Fire Station #2 which would allow a 24 hour a day operation. There was council discussion on finding funds to accomplish that work. Mayor Harrison stated that it is important to increase our fire protection. MOTION: COUNCILMAN GELLERT.MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN NORDQUIST TO DELETE FROM FUND .11.09.65, 829:200 1OR THE 228TH-236TH STREET UAB PROJECT. MOTION CARRIED. ' MOTION: COUNCILMAN GELLERT MOVED; SECONDED -BY COUNCILMAN NORDQUIST TO DELETE_ 45;000 FROM ENGINEERING TO. BEAPPLIED TO. OTHER PROJECTS. MOTION CARRIED. COUNCILMAN GELLERT MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN NORDQUIST TO TRANSFER $429680 PRESENTLY BUDGETED AS AN. EXPENDITURE IN THE.STREET FUND FOR -STORM DRAINAGE-, INTO THE WATER -SEWER FUND. Following 'some-discusson,'this'motion and the'" second was withdrawn. MOTION: COUNCILMAN GELLERT THEN.MOVED,-SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN NORDQUIST THAT THE $42,680 STORM DRAINAGE'PRESENTLY SHOWN IN THE.STREET FUND, BE FUNDED FROM THE -WATER - SEWER FUND MAKING GENERAL FUND REVENUES IN THAT SAME AMOUNT AVAILABLE FOR OTHER•PURPOSES. FOLLOWING DISCUSSION,• THIS MOTION CARRIED. MOTION: COUNCILMAN GELLERT MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN NORDQUIST TO•DEFER $37,500 FROM THE SEAVIEW PARK IMPROVEMENT PROJECT, IN ANTICIPATION OF SPREADING IT OUT OVER TWO -YEARS AND PERHAPS BEING ABLE TO GET ?5% MATCHING MONEY. Discussion of the project followed. THE MOTION WAS THEN VOTED UPON AND CARRIED. Councilman Gellert pointed out that the previous motions make an additional $87,380 available in the general fund. MOTION: COUNCILMAN GELLERT THEN'MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN NORDQUIST THAT SUBJECT TO FINAL APPROVAL OF THE BUDGET TOMORROW NIGHT THAT WE ADD TO THE BUDGET $40,000•FOR SIDEWALKS; $5,000 FOR THE SENIOR CENTER;.$6,000 FOR BEAUTIFICATION; $259000 FOR FIRE STATION #2 AND'$11',380 TO THE CONTINGENCY FUND. MOTION CARRIED. THERE WAS NO -FURTHER BUSINESS, SO COUNCILMAN NORDQUIST MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN ANDERSON TO.CLOSE THE HEARING AT q:30 P.M. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, IRENt VARNEY MORAN, ghty,Clerk December 3, 1974 H. HARVE HARRISON, Mayor ROLL CALL The regular meeting of the Edmonds City Council was called to order by Mayor Harve Harrison at 7:30 P. M. in the Council Chambers of the Edmonds Civic Center, with all council members present. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes of the meeting of November 25th had been posted, mailed and distributed. Councilman Gellert noted that he'would like to have the words "for a given period" deleted from the motion in the 3rd paragraph under Council Parttcipation. Councilman Anderson noted that in the paragraph above with reference to SR 524, he was not clear on Councilwoman Shippen's meaning. She said that she meant to indicate that we would not proceed further -with the section from 81st to 88th, until we had an -impact statement covering the area from 81st to Main. The minuted were then approved with the notations mentioned above. COUNCIL PARTICIPATION Councilman.Welling asked what is happening with regard to the ambulance rates which.is on the extended agenda for.Decdmber loth. Mr. Whaley said that he has been in touch with the ambulance company and had received a letter yesterday. He said there is more data forthcoming, and he would•forward material in the council packets this webk. Councilman Welling.then asked how the item regarding gambling happened to be placed on the agenda. M.A.A. Ron Whaley stated that this had been placed on the agenda at the request of the Police Chief'and the City Attorney. City Attorney, James Murphy, stated that we have had some requests for gambling licenses in the city and there are also some very old ordinances dealing with gambling in LJ 1 1 • 1 n U 1