19741203 City Council Minutes2,0 6 M.A.A. Ron Whaley reported on the recent revisions to the budget. The revisions had been presented to the council members along with a summary prepared by the Director of Finance,".Allen Tuttle. Mayor Harrison then asked the audience for comments. Les Hanvey asked why sidewalk and trail improvement was cut out of the 19?5 budget. Mayor Harrison answered that it was because of lack of funds. Mr. Hanvey iaent on to say -that he objected to -providing for fluoridation and not for paths, as he considered providing paths for school children more - important. Ray Gould asked where sidewalks and trails were funded. Mayor Harrison stated that the council is suggesting the addition of $51,000 for sidewalks. Engineer'Larson pointed out that sidewalks 'are includ'ed'in'UAB projects and would not be shown in a separate sidewalk fund. More discussion followed, including the possibility of an addition to Fire Station #2 which would allow a 24 hour a day operation. There was council discussion on finding funds to accomplish that work. Mayor Harrison stated that it is important to increase our fire protection. MOTION: COUNCILMAN GELLERT.MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN NORDQUIST TO DELETE FROM FUND .11.09.65, 829:200 1OR THE 228TH-236TH STREET UAB PROJECT. MOTION CARRIED. ' MOTION: COUNCILMAN GELLERT MOVED; SECONDED -BY COUNCILMAN NORDQUIST TO DELETE_ 45;000 FROM ENGINEERING TO. BEAPPLIED TO. OTHER PROJECTS. MOTION CARRIED. COUNCILMAN GELLERT MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN NORDQUIST TO TRANSFER $429680 PRESENTLY BUDGETED AS AN. EXPENDITURE IN THE.STREET FUND FOR -STORM DRAINAGE-, INTO THE WATER -SEWER FUND. Following 'some-discusson,'this'motion and the'" second was withdrawn. MOTION: COUNCILMAN GELLERT THEN.MOVED,-SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN NORDQUIST THAT THE $42,680 STORM DRAINAGE'PRESENTLY SHOWN IN THE.STREET FUND, BE FUNDED FROM THE -WATER - SEWER FUND MAKING GENERAL FUND REVENUES IN THAT SAME AMOUNT AVAILABLE FOR OTHER•PURPOSES. FOLLOWING DISCUSSION,• THIS MOTION CARRIED. MOTION: COUNCILMAN GELLERT MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN NORDQUIST TO•DEFER $37,500 FROM THE SEAVIEW PARK IMPROVEMENT PROJECT, IN ANTICIPATION OF SPREADING IT OUT OVER TWO -YEARS AND PERHAPS BEING ABLE TO GET ?5% MATCHING MONEY. Discussion of the project followed. THE MOTION WAS THEN VOTED UPON AND CARRIED. Councilman Gellert pointed out that the previous motions make an additional $87,380 available in the general fund. MOTION: COUNCILMAN GELLERT THEN'MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN NORDQUIST THAT SUBJECT TO FINAL APPROVAL OF THE BUDGET TOMORROW NIGHT THAT WE ADD TO THE BUDGET $40,000•FOR SIDEWALKS; $5,000 FOR THE SENIOR CENTER;.$6,000 FOR BEAUTIFICATION; $259000 FOR FIRE STATION #2 AND'$11',380 TO THE CONTINGENCY FUND. MOTION CARRIED. THERE WAS NO -FURTHER BUSINESS, SO COUNCILMAN NORDQUIST MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN ANDERSON TO.CLOSE THE HEARING AT q:30 P.M. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, IRENt VARNEY MORAN, ghty,Clerk December 3, 1974 H. HARVE HARRISON, Mayor ROLL CALL The regular meeting of the Edmonds City Council was called to order by Mayor Harve Harrison at 7:30 P. M. in the Council Chambers of the Edmonds Civic Center, with all council members present. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes of the meeting of November 25th had been posted, mailed and distributed. Councilman Gellert noted that he'would like to have the words "for a given period" deleted from the motion in the 3rd paragraph under Council Parttcipation. Councilman Anderson noted that in the paragraph above with reference to SR 524, he was not clear on Councilwoman Shippen's meaning. She said that she meant to indicate that we would not proceed further -with the section from 81st to 88th, until we had an -impact statement covering the area from 81st to Main. The minuted were then approved with the notations mentioned above. COUNCIL PARTICIPATION Councilman.Welling asked what is happening with regard to the ambulance rates which.is on the extended agenda for.Decdmber loth. Mr. Whaley said that he has been in touch with the ambulance company and had received a letter yesterday. He said there is more data forthcoming, and he would•forward material in the council packets this webk. Councilman Welling.then asked how the item regarding gambling happened to be placed on the agenda. M.A.A. Ron Whaley stated that this had been placed on the agenda at the request of the Police Chief'and the City Attorney. City Attorney, James Murphy, stated that we have had some requests for gambling licenses in the city and there are also some very old ordinances dealing with gambling in LJ 1 1 • 1 n U 1 207. • the city. Mr. Murphy felt these should be reviewed in light of the new gambling legislation.out of the State Legislature. Councilwoman Shippen asked that the Housing and Community Development Act be set for discussion of the 23rd of December. Councilman Gellert 'stated that he had met with Commissioner Ferrill, Bill Hulbert, Mr. Rice and Bill Shaw regarding the undergrounding policy and the staff people indicated that they would recommend to the Commission a policy regarding 50-50 sharing where any community could get up to 2%'of its annual revenues committed to undergrounding with a forward draw up to three years.' Mr. Gellert said that one other condition they stipulated was that the city would have to, in their undergrounding programs, have prior assurance and be able to use its legal power to force owners along the right-of-way to hook up. He said PUD indicated that they would not go along with'the program unless there was this assurance. Councilwoman Shippen asked if we had purchased the Smith property. It was;noted that'it has not been purchased. Councilman Nordquist asked that the City Clerk provide the council with a verbatim transcript of the portion of the November 19th meeting when Councilman Welling discussed the court situation. Councilman Nordquist announced that the council:l.,members have dinner reservations at the Edmonds Yacht Club on Friday night at 6:00 P.M. Council will be interviewing council applicants on that evening. • Mayor Harrison stated that there is a vacancy on the Park Board. Bill_Herrold's term has expired, but he has indicated that he would like to serve another term. The Mayor appointed him to a new term and asked for confirmation of the MOTION: appointment. COUNCILMAN NORDQUIST MOVED, SECONDED.BY COUNCILMAN ANDERSON..TO CONFIRM THE APPOINTMENT OF BILL HERROLD TO A NEW TERM ON THE PARK BOARD.. MOTION.CARRIED. RESOLUTION OF COMMENDATION TO JACK WINTERS Mayor Harrison paid tribute to Jack Winters, who resigned on November 26th as. a City Councilman. Mr..Winters resigned because of pressure of business. Mayor Harrison said he'thought it would be appropriate -to pass a resolution commending Mr. Winters for his servicd to the city.. He then read the proposed MOTION: resolution. COUNCILMAN ANDERSON THEN MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN NORDQUIST TO PASS RESOLUTION #325. MOTION CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE The Deputy City Clerk read a letter which had been received from R. C. Crum. Construction Co. requesting a refund of $200 which they had paid for a water meter installation. Mayor Harrison asked that the Building Department review the letter and report. Engineer Larson stated that this pertained to the increase in the water rates_. There was some discussion on this. Mayor Harrison stated that he felt that $100 would have been quite ample for a connection charge. He asked how the $200 figure had been arrived at. It was explained that this was a suggestion of the city'financial consultant. Mayor Harrison stated that he had An application for an AC liquor license from Pom peii, Inc. The Police Chief had made a report and recommended approval. • MOTION: COUNCILMAN GELLERT MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN WELLING TO APPROVE THE APPLICATION FOR AC LICENSE 1DR POMPEII. MOTION CARRIED. Mayor Harrison read a letter received from the City of Bremexton which stated - that they believe that wages and prices should be controlled. They enclosed a resolutionC affirming this, and asked that we join with them. COUNCILMAN WELLING MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN GELLERT TO DECLINE THE INVITATION. Councilman Gellert commented that he -personally, within the last two weeks, wrote a letter to Senators Magnuson and Jackson and Senator Mike Mansfield opposing imposition of mandatory wage and price controls. He said you can - control wages, and you can control prices, but you cannot control what people produce. He said that imposition of these controls would lead to massive shortages and a trmendous imbalance in our economy which ultimately furthers inflation, and therefore has the opposite effect than that which was intended. MOTION CARRIED. ADOPTION OF FINAL BUDGET FOR 1975 Councilwoman Shippen asked about the Street Fund and the Street Arterial Fund. She inquired if we will be able to improve the five arterials and the five access streeets which have been budgeted. Engineer Larson said that he felt we would have a reasonable,means of improving theip and that he is optimistic. There was a discussion on 1120 Gas Tax monies and how they can be used. The City Attorney stated that they can be used for street maintenance and repair as well as construction of arterials and access.' However, the Engineer stated that maintenance is not covered. There was quite some discussion on the definition of maintenance and repair. COUNCILWOMAN SHIPPEN MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN GELIERT TO TRANSFER THE GRADING, BASE AND SURFACING EXPENDITURES IN THE STREET FUND TO THE STREET ARTERIAL FUND. Councilman Welling stated that he would speak against the motion, as he does not feel well enough advised to • 208 • vote on it; and that it appears that the City Attorney and the Engineer have reservations. Councilman Gellert stated that Councilwoman Shippen's motim would help clarify the matter and get the funds shown in the right place. THE MOTION WAS THEN VOTED UPON AND CARRIED. There was a great deal of discussion regarding cash on hand, LID guaranty monies and park funds: The following motions were then made. MOTION: COUNCILMAN GELLERT MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILWOMAN SHIPPEN THAT INSTEAD OF $27,610-EmNG REMOVED FROM THE EXPENDITURES FOR GRADING, -BASE AND SURFACING, THAT'$2,610 BE REMOVED.FROM THE EXPENDITURES FOR GRADING, BASE AND SURFACING, MOTION CARRIED. MOTION: COUNCILWOMAN SHIPPEN MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN NORDQUIST THAT $18,500 OF THE ENGINEERING EXPENDITURE IN THE STREET FUND BE TRANSFERRED TO THE STREET ARTERIAL FUND. MOTION CARRIED, WITH COUNCILMAN WELLING VOTING "NO". MOTION: COUNCILWOMAN SHIPPEN THEN MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN NORDQUIST THAT.$18,500 BE PLACED IN THE PARK IMPROVEMENT FUND. MOTION CARRIED WITH COUNCILMAN WELLING VOTING "NO". MOTION: COUNCILMAN GELLERT MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN NORDQUIST THAT THE BUDGET BE APPROVED WITH ALL THE AMENDMENTS. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. The City Attorney mentioned that the budget will be adopted by ordinance with the staff supplying the figures. APPROVAL OF, AND SET BID DATE FOR BACKHOE FOR WATER/SEWER DEPARTMENT Jack Mitchell, Water -Sewer Superintendent, made the request for this piece of equipment and suggested a bid date of December 19th. The cost would be $17,000. Mr. Mitchell stated that the work load necessitates the purchase of this equipment,'and that it can be utilized by other departments as well. Following discussion, COUNCILMAN NORDQUIST MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN ANDERSON TO CALL FOR BIDS FOR A BACKHOE ON DVCEMBER 19TH. MOTION CARRIED. PROPOSED ORDINANCE REZONING FROM RS-6 TO RML ON 3RD AVENUE BETWEEN HOWELL & ALDER City Planner, Joe Wallis,,remarked that this matter was heard last week, and ,the ordinance has been prepared per the instruction of the council. Councilman Gellert commented that he had looked at the property, and he felt that RML is MOTION: the highest use that this property should be put to. COUNCILMAN GELLERT MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN ANDERSON TO PASS ORDINANCE #1744. MOTION CARRIED WITH COUNCILMAN NORDQUIST VOTING -AGAINST. PROPOSED ORDINANCE DELETING WORD "STORY" (Planning Commission Res. 0453) MOTION: COUNCILMAN ANDERSON MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN NORDQUIST TO PASS ORDINANCE #1745. MOTION CARRIED. CLAIMSFOR DAMAGES Council acknowledged receipt of a Claim for Damages from James Lee Easter. This was referred to the City Clerk for processing. There being no further business to come before council, the meeting was adjourned at 10:30 P.M. IRENE VARNEY MORAN; gity Clerk H. HARVE HARRISON, Mayor December 10, 1974 ROLL CALL The regular work meeting of the Edmonds City Council was called to order by Mayor Harve Harrison -at 7:30 P.M. in the Council Chambers of the Edmonds Civic Center, with all council members present. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes of the meeting of December 3rd had been posted, mailed and distributed. Councilman Gellert mentioned the motion regarding transfer of funds from the street fund to the street arterial fund on thebottom of page 2. He said the amount was approximately $27,000. Then the next motion off page 3, he said this should have indicated that this was a motion to re -consider, as $25,000 had previously been transferred. The minutes were then approved with the notations as mentioned. ANNOUNCEMENT REGARDING SEAVIEW PARK DEVELOPMENT Rod Garretson, Director of Parks and Recreation, -stated that today in Olympia the Interagency Committee (IAC) did agree to fund the development of Seaview Park. This will amount to a grant from them of $65,000 to the city phased over two' years. Mr. Garretson stated that the budget adjustment made last weekkto grant $40.999 to the Park Department will be adequate for the first year of work. 1 1 U 1 • 1 1 L