19741210 City Council Minutes208 • vote on it; and that it appears that the City Attorney and the Engineer have reservations. Councilman Gellert stated that Councilwoman Shippen's motim would help clarify the matter and get the funds shown in the right place. THE MOTION WAS THEN VOTED UPON AND CARRIED. There was a great deal of discussion regarding cash on hand, LID guaranty monies and park funds: The following motions were then made. MOTION: COUNCILMAN GELLERT MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILWOMAN SHIPPEN THAT INSTEAD OF $27,610-EmNG REMOVED FROM THE EXPENDITURES FOR GRADING, -BASE AND SURFACING, THAT'$2,610 BE REMOVED.FROM THE EXPENDITURES FOR GRADING, BASE AND SURFACING, MOTION CARRIED. MOTION: COUNCILWOMAN SHIPPEN MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN NORDQUIST THAT $18,500 OF THE ENGINEERING EXPENDITURE IN THE STREET FUND BE TRANSFERRED TO THE STREET ARTERIAL FUND. MOTION CARRIED, WITH COUNCILMAN WELLING VOTING "NO". MOTION: COUNCILWOMAN SHIPPEN THEN MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN NORDQUIST THAT.$18,500 BE PLACED IN THE PARK IMPROVEMENT FUND. MOTION CARRIED WITH COUNCILMAN WELLING VOTING "NO". MOTION: COUNCILMAN GELLERT MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN NORDQUIST THAT THE BUDGET BE APPROVED WITH ALL THE AMENDMENTS. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. The City Attorney mentioned that the budget will be adopted by ordinance with the staff supplying the figures. APPROVAL OF, AND SET BID DATE FOR BACKHOE FOR WATER/SEWER DEPARTMENT Jack Mitchell, Water -Sewer Superintendent, made the request for this piece of equipment and suggested a bid date of December 19th. The cost would be $17,000. Mr. Mitchell stated that the work load necessitates the purchase of this equipment,'and that it can be utilized by other departments as well. Following discussion, COUNCILMAN NORDQUIST MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN ANDERSON TO CALL FOR BIDS FOR A BACKHOE ON DVCEMBER 19TH. MOTION CARRIED. PROPOSED ORDINANCE REZONING FROM RS-6 TO RML ON 3RD AVENUE BETWEEN HOWELL & ALDER City Planner, Joe Wallis,,remarked that this matter was heard last week, and ,the ordinance has been prepared per the instruction of the council. Councilman Gellert commented that he had looked at the property, and he felt that RML is MOTION: the highest use that this property should be put to. COUNCILMAN GELLERT MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN ANDERSON TO PASS ORDINANCE #1744. MOTION CARRIED WITH COUNCILMAN NORDQUIST VOTING -AGAINST. PROPOSED ORDINANCE DELETING WORD "STORY" (Planning Commission Res. 0453) MOTION: COUNCILMAN ANDERSON MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN NORDQUIST TO PASS ORDINANCE #1745. MOTION CARRIED. CLAIMSFOR DAMAGES Council acknowledged receipt of a Claim for Damages from James Lee Easter. This was referred to the City Clerk for processing. There being no further business to come before council, the meeting was adjourned at 10:30 P.M. IRENE VARNEY MORAN; gity Clerk H. HARVE HARRISON, Mayor December 10, 1974 ROLL CALL The regular work meeting of the Edmonds City Council was called to order by Mayor Harve Harrison -at 7:30 P.M. in the Council Chambers of the Edmonds Civic Center, with all council members present. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes of the meeting of December 3rd had been posted, mailed and distributed. Councilman Gellert mentioned the motion regarding transfer of funds from the street fund to the street arterial fund on thebottom of page 2. He said the amount was approximately $27,000. Then the next motion off page 3, he said this should have indicated that this was a motion to re -consider, as $25,000 had previously been transferred. The minutes were then approved with the notations as mentioned. ANNOUNCEMENT REGARDING SEAVIEW PARK DEVELOPMENT Rod Garretson, Director of Parks and Recreation, -stated that today in Olympia the Interagency Committee (IAC) did agree to fund the development of Seaview Park. This will amount to a grant from them of $65,000 to the city phased over two' years. Mr. Garretson stated that the budget adjustment made last weekkto grant $40.999 to the Park Department will be adequate for the first year of work. 1 1 U 1 • 1 1 L • COUNOIL;•'PARTICIPATION 209 Councilman Nordquist asked that the speakers be identified in the verbatim transcript of a portion of the meeting of November 19th. M.A.A. Ron Whaley stated that today he, Councilwoman Shippen and the Assistant Planner, Kay Shoudy attended a meeting in the Snohomish County Planning Department where the Community Development Act was discussed. The purpose of the meeting today was to find out what the citita' want and find out what the County intends to do as far as applying as an urban county for this coming year. One question to be answered was whether the cities and County would go in together on an interlocal agreement, assuming Snohomish County does qualify as an urban county. Mr. -Whaley said that this Friday, the 13th, a letter must be sent by the County to HUD regarding the urban status of the County and applying for approval as an urban county. By January 17th it would be necessary that all cities and the County would have formed an interlocal agreement. In doing this, there are things to be considered such as who will bear the responsibility for various planning activities. Within these planning acitivities there are 3-year Comprehensive Plans required, Environmental Impact Statements required, etc. Mr.. Whaley said that by February 3rd HUD will advise if the County does qualify as an urban county. April 15th is the deadline for the submittal of all plans and applying for funding approval. Mr. Whaley said the alternate plan would be for each city to act separately and compete for discretionary funds. A great deal of ditscussion MOTION: followed. COUNCILMAN ANDERSON MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILWOMAN SHIPPEN TO PROCEED WITH INDICATING OUR INTENT TO EXECUTE AN INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT WITH THE COUNTY FOR PART OF THE URBAN AREA FUNDS AND STAFF WORK PROCEED FOR EITHER FORM OF APPLICATION WHICH MAY BE NECESSARY. MOTION CARRIED. Mayor Harrison read a letter from one of the Commissioners of Fire District #l. • He stated that the letter indicated that some revisions need to be made in the Mutual Aid Agreement which had been delivered to Chief Degnin last week. One revision mentioned was that the Chief (Degnin) feels that three or more men will be available to respond, but it cannot be guaranteed. He feels that since the people of Edmonds are not paying for a minimum of three.people, he does not want it to be a contractual obligation.' Another proposed revision is that no indication was made in -the contract of the verbal agreements by committee members to return to the District any tax monies derived from annexed properties from inception of the agreement. Mayor Harrison said that it was:his understanding that there was no agreement reached by the committee that the Fire District would receive tax monies from annexed areas. Councilman Gellert said it was his understanding that we would operate under this agreement until December, 1975; and that during the interim we would try to work out a mutually acceptable method for equitable reimbursement. Councilman Anderson remarked that the . reasoning behind this was that it would be some time before we would knowthe impact this agreement would have, and the costs involved. Mayor -Harrison stated that it.would.be appropriate for the city•to-address a letter back to .the Commissioners indicating these comments. Councilman Nordquist said that perhaps the suggestion could be made that the committee could meet again -to discuss this. M.A.A. Ron Whaley said that the Plan for National Disaster Preparedness and Emergency Operation for Snohomish County had just been received. He stated that Fire Chief, Jack Cooper, has served on this committee for two years, and is recommending adoption. Mr. Whaley said that they were looking for adoption and authorization for the Mayor to sign by December 16th. Councilman Gellert thought a copy should be mailed to all the council members for review, however, it was pointed out that -the document contained 121 pages. It was suggested that the Fire Chief prepare a summary for submittal to the council by next meeting. • NOMINATIONS'RE/COUNCIL VACANCIES Mayor Harrison announced that nomination will be open for the vacancies 'created by the resignation of Councilmen Gary Nelson and Jack Winters. Councilman Nordquist explained the procedures which had taken place with regard to filling the vanancies. Each vancancy was -to be filled individually. MOTION: COUNCILMAN NORDQUIST THEN -MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN GELLERT THAT ALL 25 NAMES WHICH HAVE BEEN SUBMITTED BE PLACED IN NOMINATION FOR THE VACANCY CREATED BY THE RESIGNATION OF. COUNCILMAN -NELSON, AND THAT THE VOTE BE CASE BY SECRET BALLOT. MOTION CARRIED. The balloting was as follows: Philip Clement - 3 Norma Bruns • - 1 Ramon Gould - 1 With three votes, Philip Clement was named to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Gary Nelson. MOTION: COUNCILMAN NORDQUIST THEN MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN WELLING THAT THE REMAINING 24 NAMES BE PLACED IN NOMINATION FOR THE VACANCY CREATED BY THE RESIGNATION OF JOHN WINTERS AND THAT THE VOTE EE CAST BY SECRET BALLOT. MOTION CARRIED. 0 210 • The balloting was as follows: MOTION: MOTION: MOTION: Ballot #1 Laura Hall 2 Norma:-, Bruns 2 Ramon Gould 1 Ballot #2 Norma. Bruns 2 Ramon Gould 2 Laura Hall 1 Ballot #3 Laura Hall 2 Norma Bruns 2 Ramon Gould 1 Ballot #4 Laura Hall 2 Norma Bruns 2 Ramon Gould 1 Ballot #5 Norma Bruns 3 Laura Hall 2 With three votes, Norma Bruns was named -to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of John Winters. Msygr Harrison mentioned that the Oath of Office Ceremony would be next week. APPROVAL OF AMBULANCE RATES Ron Whaley, M.A.A. stated that at the meeting of November 19th council asked • that some of the local ambulance companies be contacted to,get some comparative data for the rates which had been submitted by Sno-King Ambulance Company. This was done, and a written report had been submitted to each council member. "Discussion then followed, with council asking John Heldt questions. Mr. Heldt was representing Sno-King. There was discussion regarding the charges, with Councilman Welling asking what would be done if there were three patients transported at the same time. Mr. Heldt said that rate schedule he had submitted, indicating $40.00 each for second, third and fourth stretcher patients, was in error. He said this should read $25.00. Mr. Heldt was asked what the average bill per patient was, and Mr. Heldt said this was about $55.00. There was also some discussion with regard to Sno-King providing a Profit and Loss Statement. Mr, Heldt said that he could probably give the city a rough estimate within a week, if it were requested. COUNCILMAN GELLERT MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN NORDQUIST-TO ACCEPT THE REVISED RATES: REVISED BEING THAT THE 2ND, 3RD AND 4TH STRETCHERS SHALL BE $25.00 EACH RATHER THAN $40900 EACH; AND FURTHER THAT IF MORE THAN ONE PATIENT IS CARRIED, THAT THESE INCREMENTAL AMOUNTS BE SPREAD EQUALLY AMONG ALL PATIENTS; AND THAT RATES NOT BE ALTERED EARLIER THAN ONE YEAR. MOTION CARRIED. CONSIDERATION OF FORMS OF GAMBLING IN THE CITY OF EDMONDS AND TAXING FEES APPLICABLE THERETO. Council had received copies of letters and memos from the M.A.A., Police Chief and the City Attorney regarding this matter, along with a copy of a Model Municipal Ordinance Respecting Income €rom Certain Gambling Activities. Attorney James Murphy, stated that the State Law provides for certain forms of gambling, but gives the cities a local option to prohibit it if they wish. If they allow it, they may tax at the rates that are indicated. Chief Foster commented that if we are going to have.gambling that we should have reasonable taxation on it. • He said he finds the matter rather perplexing in light of the fact that some jurisdic,"tions are repealing their ordinances as of Marsh or April. It was his suggestion, therefore, that a committee be established to study and make recommendations. Councilman Gellert suggested waiting until next week when the new council members.are seated, so that they have more persons to draw from in establishing a committee. COUNCILMAN GELLERT THEN MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN ANDERSON, THAT BY NEXT MEETING, MAYOR APPOINT COMMITTEE FOR COUNCIL CONFIRMATION TO CONSIDER GAMBLING IN THE CITY OF EDMONDS; AND THAT COMMITTEE CONSIST OF TWO COUNCILMEN,.TWO BUSINESS PEOPLE AND THE.POLICE CHIEF. MOTION CARRIED. SET DATE FOR HEARING: PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION #459 - REVISION TO SUBDIVISION CODE ZO-18-74 COUNCILMAN NORDQUIST MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN ANDERSON TO SET JANUARY 7TH AS THE HEARING DATE FOR P. C. RES. #459. MOTION CARRIED. SET BID DATE FOR FUEL OIL REQUIREMENTS FOR 1 Herb Gilbo, Director of Maintenance and Operation, Public Works, reported that the city has contacted the County, with whom we normally participate in a 'dounty-wide bid for fuel. However, it appears,.that since we are still under _ Federal control of fuel allotments, we will be obligated to continue with our present supplier, Shell Oil Company. Cl 211 • 1 1 • M. A. A. Ron Whaley stated that we should proceed with setting a bid, -.-date for MOTION: diesel fuel for heating purposes. "'COUNCILMAN GELLERT MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMN ANDERSON TO SET JANUARY 3RD FOR THE BID CALL FOR FUEL RRQUIREMENTS FUR 1975• MOTION CARRIED. COUNCILMAN WELLING MADE A MOTION TO PLACE THE OATH OF OFFICE ON THE BOTTOM OF THE AGENDA FOR NEXT WEEK. He said that he felt the present council members'had spent a lot of time deliberating on the court system, and that the new council members would not be well enough informed to vote -on the matter. A ROLL CALL VOTE RESULTED IN COUNCILMEN WELLING AND NORDQUIST VOTING FOR AND THE REMAINING MEMBERS VOTING AGAINST. THE MOTION FAILED TO CARRY. There -being no further business to come.before council, the meeting adjourned at 9:00 P.M. -��'i . lip in H. HARVE HARRISON, Mayor December 17, 1974 ROLL CALL The regular meeting of the Edmonds City Council was called,to order by Mayor Harve Harrison at 7:30 P.M. in the Council Chambers of the Edmonds Civic Center, with all council members present. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes of the work meeting of December loth had been posted, mailed and distributed, and with no omissions, nor corrections, they were approved as written. COUNCIL PARTICIPATION MOTION: COUNCILMAN GELLERT MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN ANDERSON TO MOVE ITEM #14 REGARDING UTILITY TAXES, AHEAD OF ITEM #9 ON THE AGENDA. MOTION CARRIED. MOTION: COUNCILMAN ANDERSON THEN MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN GELLERT TO HAVE ITEM #11 ON TONIGHT�S AGENDA,.FOLLOW THE PROPOSED ORDINANCE ON UTILITY TAXES. MOTION ULRRIED. Councilwoman Shippen had some items she wanted set for discussion at futuire.• work meetings. On January 14th she would like to disucss trucks on 196th in terms of tonnage limits and speed limits; the Affirmative Action Program Proposal and a review of municipal parking and also the waterfront parking. On February llth:,, she would like to begin disucssion the 5th Avenue Improvement Project, including the cost (how far the $200,000 will take us in the right-of-way) and the range of the hookup cost. Also, to be considered -will be the landscaping and a time schedule for implementing the project. The City Planner asked for clarification with regard to the landscaping. Councilwoman Shippen said she would like to have some idea where trees would be planted and what kind. She also said -the sidewalks and the total project should be discussed. Councilman Anderson said that he has received several inquiries with regard to the progress of the project at 212th and 76th Avenue West. City Engineer, Leif Larson, said that the controller will not be available for installation until January. CORRESPONDENCE The Deputy City Clerk read a letter which had been received from Harold L. Shipman requesting that a slope easement be vacated by the City. This was referred to the City Engineer for a report back. A memo from the City Engineer was also read wherein he asked that L.I.D. hearing dated be set for :the 220th and 196th UAB projects be set. COUNCILMAN GELLERT '''MOTION: MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILWOMAN SHIPPEN TO SET JANUARY 28, 1975 AS THE L.I.D. HEARING DATE FUR THE 196TH UAB AND THE 220TH UAB PROJECT. MOTION CARRIED. Mayor Harrison announced that he had a letter from Herb Gilbo, Director of Public Works, stating that on December 5, 1974, Abe Blandin, Street Superintendent, was presented an Appreciation Award for Distinguised Service'at the 12th Annual Road and Street Supervisors Banquet held,at the Greenwood Inn in Olympia. OATH OF,OFFICE CEREMONY FOR TWO NEW COUNCIL MEMBERS Mayor Harve Harrison administered the oath of office to the newly appointed council members, Norma Bruns and Philip Clement. They then took their seats at the council table.