19750902 City Council Minutes323 • FIRST READING: PROPOSED ORDINANCE RESTRICTING PARKING ON 100TH W. BETWEEN 227TH & 232ND AND 196TH FROM EAST CITY LIMITS TO 81ST PL. W. The City Engineer reported that the parking restrictions were required in connection -with the channelization for the -signal at Westgate at 100th West,'and the channelization on 196th S.W. The proposed ordinance will -have its second reading next week. SECOND READING: PROPOSED ORDINANCE RELATING TO POWERS OF ARREST Chief Foster explained that the State'Legislature has enlarged the powers of police officers to make arrests on probably cause at the -scene of accidents, so we are bringing our ordinance up to be consistent with State Statute. It also involves amendments regarding theft, threats of violence and possession of cannibis: Councilman*Welling was concerned about possible harassment MOTION: of individuals without sufficient probably cause. Councilman Gellert moved, seconded by Council- man Nordquist for adoption of Ordinance #1787. Motion'carried with.Couricilman Welling voting against. SECOND READING: PROPOSED ORDINANCE REDUCING SPEED LIMIT ON 6TH BETWEEN.PINE.AND WALNUT AND ON 75TH PL. W. FROM MEADOWDALE ROAD TO.COUNTY PARK.. MOTION: Councilman Nordquist moved, seconded by Councilwoman Bruns to pass ordinance #1788. Motion carried. PROPOSED RESOLUTION TRANSFERRING FUNDS FOR THE PURPOSE OF INSTALLING STORM SEWERS IN A PORTION OF TALBOT ROAD M.A.A. Ron Whaley reported that this is a resolution transferring the sum of Twenty Thousand Dollars ($20,000) from the Water Revenue Bond Construction Fund 411.to the Street Arterial Fund 112 for the purpose of constructing storm sewers and necessary restoration on a portion of Talbot Road. This shall be in the nature of an interfund loan and is to be repaid within one.year. The City Engineer said that the schedule will be very tight,. but they are planning to advertise and • will be requesting a'bid date in the middle of September. Mr. Larson mentioned that bids will be opened for the storm sewers in Olympic View Drive on the 29th of August. He asked for ratification. MOTION: Councilman Nordquist moved, seconded by Councilman Welling to ratify the bid date on the Olympic View Drive storm sewers on the 29th of August. Motion carried. There was a brief discussion on the proposed work on Talbot Road with regard to the time schedule MOTION: and the percentage rate for the loan. Councilman Nordquist moved, seconded by Councilman Gellert TO pass Resolution #340 with a change in Section 1 to read,117% per.annum";.and.resolution to be subject to doing the work this year. Motion carried. SET BID DATE FOR SEAVIEW PARK CONSTRUCTION MOTION: Councilman lordquist moved, seconded by Councilwoman Shippen to set the 17th of September to open bids on Seaview Park. Motion carried. CLAIMS FOR DAMAGES Council acknowledged receipt of a Claim for Damages from Ernest Heinikin. This was referred to the City Clerk for processing. There being no further business to come before council, the meeting was adjourned at 8:30 P.M. IRENE VARNEY MORAN ity Clerk H. H. HARRISON, Mayor September 2, 1975 ROLL CALL e • The regular meeting of the Edmonds City Council was cd1led to order by Mayor Harve Harrison at 7:30 P.M. in the Council Chzmbers at the Edmonds Civic Center. All council members were present, with Nordquist arriving at 9:05 and Clement at 8:50 P.M. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Minutes of the meeting of -August 26th had been posted; mailed and distributed; and with no omissions nor corrections they were approved as written. COUNCIL PARTICIPATION Councilman Gellert, who'is the council representative'to the SnoCom Board, said they would like to have some expression from the various cities regarding their budget before the city budgets are approved. They indicated an increase of 16%. Salary increases would amount to 10-12% and 4% for increase in the scope of services. There would be one additional person to man the com- plaint desk, which is presently CETA funded. It is exprected'that the position would not be CETA funded next year. M.A.A. Ron Whaley said that to the best'of'his knowledge CETA funding would be taken through to June 30, 19%." After discussion, Councilman Anderson said that our financial condition is going to require a rather conservative position. Councilman.Gellert said that he feels the staff at SnoCom is running a very "tight ship", and that'the only question would be the CETA position. Councilman Gellert said that unless there is something way out of line, we normally -go along with the Board's recommendations. z Councilman Gellert noted that -a letter had been received from Mr. Bogart.of the State Highway Commission commenting on our long rangeplanning and design proposals for -SR 524. He said.that he would have liked to see an -expression on our plan from the entire Highway Commission, -rather than just the -local district engineer. Mr. Gellert stated that a tremendous amount of work went into the study,on the part of the staff, and he thought it was dismissed rather abruptly.-. Following some further discussion, there was a question raised as to the method of appeal. -The City Engineer • said that he would check into it and report back. 324 FINAL APPROVAL SHELL VALLEY ROAD„ City Planner, Joe Wallis, said that he had received a request from the applicant for'a delay on this item. They are on the Planning Commission agenda for the loth, and they would like to wait on that action before scheduling the matter before the council.' TOW TRUCK APPLICATION - TERRY'S TOWING Police Chief, Marlo Foster, said that the applicant is Terry Heston and lists his business address at 5118-196th which"is a telephone answering service. He has one truck which does not meet the City of Edmonds licensing requirements. He'also listed proof of insurance. Chief Foster read a portion from the city code dealing with licensing requirements for tow truck operators with respect to permanence and quality of service. He said that the applicant has been an owner -operator for eight months and his previous experience is not substantiated in some instances. He said there is a substantial traffice record, and there was some question regarding improper handling of a stolen vehicle in Seattle. Chief Foster did not recommend approval.. There was then some discussion on the arrest record. Mr. Cyrus Dimmick, attorney for the applicant, explained some of the items questioned. He also said that there hasbeen some confusion about the purported stolen vehicle and that this is apparently being determined'by legal action. It was pointed out by'counsel for the applicant, that Mr. Heston has been licensed in the City of Seattle. Councilman Gellert said that he would be swayed by what the Seattle licensing requirement are and what they did. He asked if they could supply this information to the Police Chief some time in the,next week or so. Mr. MOTION: Dimmick said that they would be happy to do so. Councilman Gellert moved, seconded by Councilwoman Shippen to continue this item for one week while the'Police Chief ascertains the licensing relative to the City of Seattle. Carried. SECOND READING: 'PROPOSED ORDINANCE RE/RENTAL OF'PUBLIC AND PRIVATE CLUBS MOTION: Councilman Gellert moved, seconded by Councilman Anderson to pass Ordinance #1789. Motion carried. • SECOND READING:' PROPOSED ORDINANCE RESTRICTING PARKING ON 100TH WEST BETWEEN 227TH AND 232ND AND 196TH FROM EAST CITY.LIMITS.TO"81ST PLACE WEST MOTION: "Councilwoman Bruns moved, seconded"by Councilman Anderson to pass _ Ordinance #1790. Motion carried. REPORT ON BIDS OPENED AUGUST 28 FOR RECONSTRUCTION OF STORM SEWERS - MAIN STREET, VICINITY 86TH PL W City Engineer, Leif Larson, reported that bids were opened by the City Clerk, and only one bid was received. That was from Joint Venture, Inc.., in the amount of $11,675. He recommended award to the MOTION: only bidder as it was a reasonable bid. Councilman Anderson moved, seconded by Councilwoman Bruns that we accept the bid of Joint Venture, Inc:, in the amount of $11,675 for reconstruction of storm sewers on Main Street in the vicinity of 86th Place Wes. Motion carried:. REPORT ON BIDS OPENED AUGUST 29TH - OLYMPIC VIEW DRIVE STORM SEWERS - PHASE II Engineer Larson reported that two bids were received. The low bidder was Tri-State Construction in the amount of $29,876.50 and the second low bidder was West Coast Construction in'the amount of $31,379.00. He said the engineer's estimate was $26,800. Mr. Larson recommended that we not award this evening as he would like to report back to council on -the status of our 1/22'Gas Tax money to do this work and Talbot Road. He said he also wanted to re-evaluate the estimate in comparison to the contractors' bids on it. Mr. Larson said that there is another reason that he would like to do this also, and that is.that .cities are required to go to bid on items in excess of $5,000, but.if it is determined ,thdt,:th6� dity Torces can do the work for less, ;the. council_ can "authorise:. this. However, this has never been done.and he would like:",.to look up the possibility very carefully. MOTION: Councilman Anderson moved, seconded by Councilwoman Bruns to continue the question of the bids on Olympic View Drive to the September 9th meeting. Motion carried. Mr. Larson then requested authority to go out for bid .on the Talbot Road project on September 19th. • MOTION: Councilman -Anderson moved," seconded by Councilman Gellert to set September 19th as the date for the opening of bids on the Talbot Road project with a report back to council on the 23rd of September. Motion carried. AUTHORIZATION FOR MAYOR TO SIGN INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT W/CITY OF LYNNWOOD The City Engineer said that this "is in connection with the facilities planning for secondary treat- ment under.Public Law 92-500. The monetary participation for the City of Edmonds would be in the amount notto exceed $3,475.00 The agreement also authorizes the City of Lynnwood to act as the agent for the participating municipalities in applying for funds for the-.preparation.of,the facilities MOTION: plan. Following some discussion, Councilman Gellert moved, seconded by Councilwoman Shippen that the Mayor be"authorized to sign the interlocal agreement for facilities -planning the the Lynnwood area. Motion carried. REPORT OF DOCES AND STATE RIGHT-OF-WAY City Engineer, Leif Larson; indicated that this report was at the request of Councilman Nordquist. He then indicated the Doces property ona"map and the new alignment of Highway 99 He then indicated the old right-of-way. He then indicated portions of property that had been involved in an exchange between Doces and the Highway Department. Apparently a dispute then arose between Doces and the Turkey House Restaurant regarding access and signing. Mr. Larson said that he had been unofficially advised that the piece of property in question has not been declared excess by the State Highway Department, and that it is involved in some negotiations between the Highway Department and Doces. Councilman Nordquist-:said-that he brought this matter up, because he feels the City should be in- volved in any action taken here especially with regard to traffic movement. There "was general dis- cussion on the interchange, the ramps and traffic movement on Highway 99. Mr. Larson indicated that a water line had been re -located, so that any discussion of this property "should also involve the city in the utility, in addition to the -right-of-way appects. Councilman Nordquist moved, seconded by Councilman Anderson that we write a letter to Mr. Bogart over.the Mayor's signature, asking for • 0 3 2'5 MOTION: MOTION: 1 a firm date as to the completion of the remainder of the interchange. Some discussion followed: Councilman Welling said that he thought the City Attorney should look into the whole matter of the change in that area. Councilman Nordquist then decided to withdraw his motion and make a new one. The second concurred. Councilman`Nordquist then ioved,.seconded by Councilman Anderson that we write a letter to Mr. Bogart inviting him to our work meeting of September 9th and ask him to explain the situation at 205th and the new freeway entrance; and also to explain what the plans are for the completion of the interchange at 205th and Highway,199. Motion carried. Councilman Welling then moved, seconded by Councilman Clement to direct the City Attorney to in- vestigate the facts surrounding the change if land in this connection and give' -us his opinion as to whether we have any rights in this matter;,, with a report back in two weeks. Motion carried. CLAIMS FOR DAMAGES Council acknowledged receipt of a Claim for Damages from Phyllis and Cliff Lawson. This was referred to the City Clerk for processing. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:35 P.M. NO�;, i. w N, September 9, 1975 (Work Meeting) MayorH. If.'HARRISON, • ROLL CALL The regular'work meeting.of the Edmonds City Council was called to order by Mayor Harve Harrison at 7:30 P.M. in the Council Chambers at the Edmonds Civic Center. All council members were pre- sent, with Anderson arriving at,9:00 P.M., having given previous notice to the .City Clerk's Office. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Minutes of the meeting of September 2, 1975 had been posted, mailed and distributed, and with no omissions nor corrections they were approved as written. COUNCIL PARTICIPATION Councilman Clement questioned the trees at 7th and Elm being cut down by volunteer workers. -The matter was discussed, with Councilman Nordquist. stating that when the work is completed a substantial barricade should be put up in order to discourage dumping, etc. Mayor Harrisori.said that he could see rio reason why Public Works could not supervise the job, and said further that for the next,,ree- weeks the city will provide a man to supervise the clean-up operation. Councilwoman Bruns mentioned"the memorandum received by council from Mary Lou Block reporting on the Snohomish County Public Transportation Improvement. Conference which was held on the 27th.of August, 1975. A°resolution was pried at that meeting which expressed.the desirability of a public transportation.benefit area to be created within the County. Cities were.asked to respond as to MOTION: their desire to be included inrthe area within 30 days. COUNCILWOMAN BRUNS MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN GELLERT THAT WE FORWARD OUR DESIRE'TO THE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS REGARDING INCLUSION IN THE TRANSPORTATION AREA AS YET TO BE DEFINED. MOTION CARRIED. Mayor Harrison announced that Lila.Crosby is being -promoted to the position. of Finance Director for the City,.which.places her;in.a Grade 11 salary classification. He asked for council confirm - MOTION: ation of the appointment. COUNCILMAN GELLERT NOVED,.SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN CLEMENT TO CONFIRM ..w!M APPOINTMENT.OF LILA CROSBY AS FINANCE,DIRECTOR FOR THE CITY'OF EDMONDS. MOTION.CARRIED. Mayor Harrison noted that the Junior'High.School has.been studied for some time now, and that the Arts and -Crafts Building was visited. -by him,.the'Library Board and.several others today and they feel that most of .that building canbe -put on 'a self -supporting -basis. He said that .they were thinking.in ter'ms.of the gyms,, the auditorium; etc. They felt -it could be.administered by the City and probably should be." The Mayor said that a number'.of organizations have expressed interest in working with the .city, -.and the School'District is interested in the city being the -administrator. He said that the city'should think over this aiiount:.of the project very soon and work with the interested organizations, and propose to the School.District that they maintain the exterior of the building. Councilman Gellert said that before we act on this he `'would like to get commitments from these other agencies is -to what extent they will'participate with us. 'He also wanted to know how much remodeling would have'to be done in order for the facility to function the way we MOTION: want. COUNCILMAN GELLERT MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN NORDQUIST TO PLACE THIS MATTER ON THE AGENDA FOR SEPTEMBER-30TH AND TO GET COMMITMENTS`FROM-OUTSIDE'AGENCIES, AND ALSO A CASH -FLOW PROJECTION. "CARRIED. Councilman Gellert noted that..he will be out of town for two council meetings-- on September 23rd .and 30th. Councilman.Clement.'noted that he will also be out of town on the 30th of September. Councilman Welling said that'sbme time past the question of council salaries had come up, and he MOTION: felt that something should be resolved -on the matter before'the coming elections. ..COUNCILMAN WELLING MOVED, SECONDED'BY COUNCILMAN NORDQUIST TO PLACE`THIS MATTER ON -THE AGENDA'FOR OCTOBER 7TRZ MOTION CARRIED: - 0