19750916 City Council Minutes328. . : CLAIMS FOR DAMAGES Council acknowledged receipt: of a. Claim"for Damages from 'Mrs., Fred.,$aling.. '..This:was..referred to the. City Clerk for processing. The.City Engineer notified that the protest .period has expired.on the LID-195, underground wiring for 5th Avenue;. One protest was received-, so they are proceeding with the improvdments including the sidewalk project.., The meeting adjourned at..10:25 P.M., and re -convened in the.Mayor's Office for an Executive Session. .IRENE Clerk .. . .VARNEY "MORAN City September 16, 1975 ROLL CALL The regular.meeting of_the Edmonds City Council was called to order by Mayor Harve Harrison at 7:3&-P.M. in --the. Council--Chambers--at the -Edmonds Civic Center. •---All -council • members, were -present except Nordquist•;-- .&6 had notified'th'e City Clerk. APPROVAL- OF- MINUTES= The minutes of fle meeting -of September 9, 1975 had been -posted, mailed and distributed. Councilman Gellert stated that -on page 3;• 228-236th UAB Project, the motion should also contain the statement ; that "these would be the last monies spent'by the City of Edmonds". Councilwoman Bruns said that it was Shippen that voted against and not Bruns. The minutes were then approved. COUNC•IL' •PARTICIPATION•. 'Councilman Clement said that -he will also -be -out of town on,the-23rd in addition•to-the 3Oth. 1 1 Councilwoman Shippen said that she will not be at;the meeting on -the 23rd of -September. Councilwoman Shippen said that -she would like to discuss -decorative streets lamps for 5th Avenue from Main to Maple or Alder, depending on cost. She asked that this be placed on the agenda for the 30th of September work meeting. She said that we still have some funds in the Underground Wiring. - Councilman- Gellert • said • that• •he would -not be.at the- meeting •on• -the - 30th and therefore expressed his concern for depleting that fund as other projects may come up where this fund may be needed. Council'man`Gellert said that he has -heard many complaints with -regard to underage -children running motocycle's in the woods,•a park area, etc:- Chief Foster said that -our ordinance -requires that anyone riding a motocycle on vacant property -have permission from the property owner.- He said that in most cases they find the child does not have permission, and he is advised to stop or be subject to violation. Building .Official,..Harry Whitcutt, said-.ihat tlie` major complaint -.is with the moise. The City Attorney,,John Wallace, said that there have been regulations adopted by the State which -were effective on September lst. He said that an ordinance-is.presently being drafted which will be brought -to council for first-reading:on.the 30th-of September or next week. Councilman Anderson asked if -.we will be able to-enforbe this.- The Attorney said this would require an operator- with, a decibel counter -to operate -it' -at 'the prescribed, distance.--Chief-•Foster said that they - -are -presently--researching:this-- and., have not yet -decided-on_the_ best-piece•of equipment for our purpose. • Mayor Harrison said that he had received a communication from the South Snohomish Count •Public y County Action for Cultural Center. He said they are asking the city to pass a resolution supporting the creation of -a Recreation District in South Snohomish .County .for. •.the -.purpose 'of. construction, main- tenance and operation of an auditorium/cultural center in South Snohomish County. Council had re- .ceived copies=of the letter and the attached resultion. Councilman Gellert thought it should say construction or acquisition,, and said he would lend his moral'support to the proposal.' No decision was made to place the'item-on•the agenda: Mayor Harrison noted tht the city employees have been working on some rules and regulations since `October; 1974. The rules,'as prepared,by the Personnel Rules-and--Regulations-Committee,-was pre- sented to the council: The purpose of the document is to provide a personnel_ management system Whereby all employees will be dealt with in a uniform and equitable manner. The Mayor thought perhaps he acid the council could discuss this at an informal meeting at a•later•datet and perhaps, adopt these Rules and Regulations by resolution. It was decided to discuss this at the -work meeting on the 14th of October: - REPORT -FROM GOLF -COURSE COMMITTEE - - Tom'Berry, 8432 Olympic View Drive, stated that surveys have indicated that'a golf course would be -a thriving.business on this 120.tacre site. (University Property). He said that they have not gone very far"with•-an economic feasibility report-on,their own, but the Everett Herald had done -one based on population density, and availability of- golf'courses­at present_. Mr: Berry' said• that it seemed to'indicate' a golf course in this location would do very well. 'Mr. Berry mentioned a letter which had been 'received from Roy L. Gospj:1-Argronomist with- the.University of Washington,,commenting than thiswould, be .a, beautiful, site for a golf course: 'He suggested that hiking trails -and natural areas be incorporated -.between fairways; so- that hikers .can take'addantage of the area. This report together w th 'one"from Geo'rge-.-Hartman, *soil. scientist. with the Soil' Co:Eservation--Service, were' provided to the council. Mr. Hartman said in his letter that the soils on -the site are almost exclusively Alderwood E �J 329' • 1 gravelly sandy loam. This soil goes to a depth of 24 to 40 inches and rests on hardpan. Angelo Citoli, a local -restaurant owner;"said that he had been on the Park'Boewd�in'Be'llevue for several years when he was a resident there.- During that time to,put-on a drive -fora bond -issue for a golf course which was successful. Mr'. C-itoli'said the bond issue was passed by 86% and he offered 'his services to the Golf Course Committee as he'felt the•matter''should'be looked into further. - Mr. Harold Anderson, 8412'-Olympic View Drive, said that they now have over 3,000 signatures of persons.in favor of a golf course. He went through.the:incomes of several area golf courses indicating - that -they are money makers. -.Mr. Anderson said that golf coursesdo not generate an unusual amount of traffic, such as would result from a football or baseball field.',He said the Committee proposal would be for bike trails, equestrian trails, tennis courts and jogging trails in conjunction with the course. They also felt that a playground area adjacent to the course.',would be suitable. He said they would expect to have at least a 150' green belt around the course. Mr. Anderson asked if the committee could appear before the council again on October. 21st, if that could. -be arranged.* Rod:Garretson, Director of Parks and :Recraation , said that he had surveyed: seven municiapFlly operated: golf courses, and with one exception they clear $25,000.annually after maintenance and operating expenses. They Mayor said that certainly this 120 acres is large enough fora variety of uses, but is unusable in its presenttstate. He' thought that•.it would'need'to have some sort of revenue producer to justify the clearing and development costs.of the -site. The .Mayor thought...it.would be'advisable to continue this item until the.21st of. October with another presentation and conceptual study of'the site. ri Councilwoman Shippesaid that shA would like to inquire of the County Park Board and�Director as, -to. their, pliL, s - for. the park.'. Mr. Garretson said' that ;he. had,a• mee_ t.ing, today with the County Park Director,.: and- they advised him that' they have. no plans at this time. He said they wantinput from all of the South County cities as to what* they would like'. However, at this time they have no plans and no money. Mrs. Shippen said that she would like to have an official reply as to suggestions they receive. George Sherwin, 18107 - 85th Place West, said tha_t�.hh would hope.the council realizes that what has been heard this evening.may not represent.the-thoughts'of the majority of Edmonds residents. He felt the site could be developed -for multiple recreation uses, without having a revenue.producer such as a golf course. Mr. Sherwin felt that if the property is to.be developed, there should be a full and complete public hearing that is well advertised. Bob Gustafson, 8602 Olympic View Drive, said that he favordd the golf course, tennis courts, trails, etc. .but he did not ,.feel there should be "sand .. boXes" and swing sets put in various places. Councilman Gellert-thought.it would be a good idea for the Park Board to =hear this%proposal either, -before, the council- do-es,,*or=at. the. same'. -time. The Mayor said that -the. Park f.Board r-could be` invited to the.'mee.ting:.on the-21st; of ;October.. PROPOSED'.RESOLUTION ADOPTING REVISED-STREET'.STANDARD . Joe -Wallis, -.the City Plariner,= reported on this item •. and reviewed thec.past ; action taken. by the Planning Commission on the.matter. The revised street: standards and. the minutes, of the -July•23rd-Planning Commission meeting were:presented-,to the Mayor . and Council... He -,noted that =the-. new =standards attempt to provide a greater flexibility to. meet the varied conditions of site development to preserve the characteristics of the city. He said thatahe motion was made to forward .this to the council via resolution. Following some discussion, the council stated that they would like to have additional MOTION: time to'study the presentation, and felt that they could not'vote on:it this.evening. COUNCILMAN CLEMENT MOVED,.:•SECONDED BY,,! COUNCILMAN GELLERT:TO;HEAR THE REVISED.STREET STANDARDS.:ON.,_OOTOBER 7TH. MOTION CARRIED.. RE -HEARING ON_ PLAT.*=OF::WATERVIEW-i MANOR The •CityjPlanner-.reviewed;.the previous:actions taken .on, this matter.... He.;read.-..the..motion from the Planning Commission Minutes of June 25th which included limitations_on.':`the-access, wherein lots 4 and.;5 ,were..: to._.have no vehicular.:"access to the private._.ro.ad: and -were' .to : be,: served .from .the llth Avenue road. It also provided for drainage improvements such..as':..a,.holding,pond suggested by the Engineering Department and other drainage improvements that .would be acceptable to the, Engineering Department..-.. It was, approved: with these requirements.:.� It _was:aizbsequently heard by-the.r City Council and was denied because of -the problems involved with traffic from the driveways: o.f .the .two lots facing on Olympic Avenue. Mr.. Wallis pointed out that the present proposal is slightly changed. There is no.w•.a..culdesac with 3 lots accessing.to the culdesac. The. Council was provided with copies of the. revised plan. The. plat :now provides."for_.a'301 rightrof=Vy:.w th ,24'..of paving curb, to curb. The City Engineer said they have also indicated the ponding requirement of the 2,000 cu. ft. storage and-have:met,:.engineering.requirements:in connection.with'.that: :He recommended_approval-.:.subject to final engineering and whatever' is required in connection with .the. street- standards.:.: .The:: City Attorney noted that.the council action would be limited'to the modification that ha.s been requested. Councilman Welling said that all --the people that. might have_`abjected. to -=a 30" application --have--no.t:;had the opportunity..to be heard'. Mr.: Wallace -said that it was -his understanding.that .this-plat_was coming back for re -hearing based upon -the submission by the,applicant.of a street that would:comply with the.,new :proposed street.standards- ..'In that- event. there would,rbe' no, necessity-1,f anew rstreet standards were adopted, and.their proposal .complied with -.that,. to have 'a modification: :In that instance, the council could give final approval. He said if there were some dramatic changes to the extend that the. Planning Commission has not heard that applicatio n, then you would, have'to go back. -through the entire.-process::with-�aiPlanning Commission hearing=!and...then<the.:.counc-il:=l.'.Councalinah,Gellert asked if, the councihcould, take -.action<.-"subject.)•to". =The..City Attorney raid-n.ot recommend' that : this be done, because the�.-new. street: standards have •been =postponed for..: three weeks, and the.!developer really is not going to gain anything in' advance of having the approval. He would not at; this:•time be able to commence any construction on -the site'until the standard -is adopted.: Councilman�Gellert asked why..there-was no access shown on -the sketch •for .lotsi4 and 5. ,Nr.'Weston,.,representing.•the developers, said .that they left it out, because they are willing:to .do wha.tever,..the.council;advises,"!in that respect. The hearing was then opened. Mr.. Weston said that they would like to have.approval this evening, subject to approval of .:the.staiidards,..as:'they :could then begin preparation of the plat, ::perhaps rough -in the road and get the sewer and water in. City Attorney, John Wallace, said that pre- liminary approval -if granted subject to the approval of a future standard for streets does not authorize the applicant to,acommence any kind, of construction. There is no -right to,.proceed until that standard., is-in..fact%;adopted. .Max Meyring,' 23423 Highway 99, `Edmonds, said. that;;•if they got • 'f. 3au preliminary approval they could at least work,on the plans, and the plat would not be recorded • until the street standards,are adopted in:the final -form. Ed Robinson, 9815-88th Avenue West, commented that -it would seem to the benefit of -the city to keep*the pavement width.to a minimum. Clare Redwood wanted to know.why it is unacceptable to have driveways on Olympic Avenue. The City Planner stated that they did not feel that it is appropriate to have.cars backing onto MOTION:_ arterial streets such as this:is. *The hearing was then closed. COUNCILMAN GELLERT MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN CLEMENT TO APPROVE THE PRELIMINARY PLAT OF WATERVIEW MANOR AS OUTLINED IN THE DRAWING RECEIVED'FROM MEYRING AND ASSOCIATES (WHICH IS NOT -,DATED), SUBJECT TO ENGINEERING REQUIREMENTS; A 20' PAVED SURFACE; SUBJECT TO THE SUBSE,QUENT-APPROVAL OF THE STREET STANDR DS AND SUBJECT TO ACCESS FOR LOTS 4 AND 5 BEING OFF -THE CULDESAQ,.. MOTION -CARRIED, WITH COUNCILMAN WELLING VOTING AGAINST. COMMUNITY MASTER PLANNING FOR FIRE PROTECTION Fire Chief, Jack Cooper, reported'on a conference he and.the Mayor -attended in -San Diego, California. regarding master planning for fire protection. The'city has been chosen as one of ten in the nation to participate in the validation of this program. The funding -comes -from the"Department of Commerce. They have written a manual which Chief Cooper received a copy..of''and.which was displayed in the Council Chambers. He said that the'Plan is a detailed formulation of a program of action of obtain and maintain a community fire protection system. Chief Cooper:said"that in October, 1978 the Plan will be presented to Congress for their adoption for.fire.service. planning throughout the United States. He said that we are to attempt to set it up and see if it will actually work. .Chief Cooper said that our cost involvement inthe community will be time and accumulation of data which is available through many sources. He said that. a steering committee"will.be set up whicli will consist of people within the city organization along with people.in the community.. He said that hopefully at the end of nine months they.will be able'. -to ask the City Council to.adopt.one of the first in the nation that has been set forth by a plan of this kind for the fire service. .Chief Cooper -said -that while they were in San Diego comments were made that the Edmonds Home Inspection Program is one of the finest in the country. He said they are looking very hard'at-the prograin with the possibility of funding our program for the next five years.': Mayor Harrison'said'that what this program is doing • is providing a "Bible" for communities to do-ther'lbng-range planning and is adding a degree of professionalism to.the fire service. e REPORT FROM ATTORNEY ON EXPLAPTATION OF CITYISSRIGHTS•RE/DOCES & STATE R/W Mayor Harrison stated that the City Attorney has asked that this miter be postponed for two weeks Mr.,Wallace said that.it has been very difficult'to find the principals that were involved in this matter. Mr. Boyer, who is with the Turkey House, asked what kind of delays will take place. There was some discussion on this, and the City Engineer said that.he"believes that before Highway right- of-way can be transferred it would require a Governor's Deed. Mr. Boyer was put on notice by the MOTION: City Attorney that if they build, they do so at their•peril.:-COUNCILWOMAN SHIPPEN MOVED SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN ANDERSON THAT THE ATTORNEYIS EXPLANATION -OF THE CITY!S*RIGHTS REGARDING THE DOCES MATTER WILL BE PLACED ON THE SEPTEMBER 30TH AGENDA. MOTION CARRIED. FINAL.PLAT OF BELLINIS GARDENS City. Planner, Joe Wallis, said that the final proposals and assurances have been forwarded to:the City on this application. He said that it does comply.,.and recommended. approval. City Engineer, Leif.Larson, said that they have started construction of the improvements,.the sewer lines andthave put up a bond to cover all the uncompleted work. There was a brief discussion.of the road. Mr. Larson said that it is a private easement road and read the covenant.that runs with the plat. He MOTION: recommended approval. COUNCILMAN CLEMENT MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILWOMAN BRUNS TO ACCEPT THE ENGINEER'S RECOMMENDATION FOR FINAL APPROVAL OF THE PLAT OF BELLINIS'GARDENS.. MOTION CARRIED. ACCEPTANCE OF WATER MAINS CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT AS COMPLETE BY.DI ORIO CONSTRUCTION CO.; ESTABLISHING- 30-DAY LIEN PERIOD.. The City Engineer asked that this item be postponed for one week as there is still some work to be completed. • ACCEPTANCE OF PUBLIC WORKS BUILDING ADDITION AND EQUIPMENT STORAGE SHED:.GONTRACT AS COMPLETE�BY J.R.'KEYES-CO., INC.; ESTABLISHING 30-DAY LIEN PERIOD. The City Engineer reported on this item that this.action is'for the"purpose of establishing the lien period so that suppliers or others can submit.any.claims they -may have: He recommended estab- lishing this retainage period. "Mayor Harrison'said that. -he has'inspected the new'buildng and finds that'the people are very happy with the building.' COUNCILMAN GELLERT"MOVED, SECONDED"BY ®UNCILMAN ANDERSON'TO ACCEPT THE WORK PER THE ENGINEER'S RECOMMENDATIONS. MOTION"CARRIED.' PROPOSED RESOLUTION TO AUTHORIZE GRANT APPLICATION FOR STEP-1 FACILITIES PLANNING STUDY. (BASED UPON CONTRACT AUTHORIZED BY -COUNCIL -AT MEETING OF 9/9/75)• . Mr. -Larson had forwarded a memorandum'to the council explaining that it'is necessary to submit an authorizing resolution with the grant application.,•He recommended that the resolution not be made effective until after the 23rd-of September. He said 'perhaps the resoliition* could be passed this evening subject to the signatures of -the signers.of, the:contract, or perhaps,it would be better to wait until the 23rd of September. It was',.however., pointed out`that there is the possibility of MOTION: no quorum on the 23rd and perhaps action should be taken'this evening. COUNCILMAN ANDERSON MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN GELLERT TO APPROVE RESOLUTION #341, SUBJECT TO THE EXECUTION OF SIGNATURES OF ALL.CONCERNED PARTIES. MOTION CARRIED:, There:being no further business, the meeting -adjourned at 10:00 P.M. IRENE VARNEY MORAN, f3ity Clerk $. H. RARRISON, Mayor 0