19751014 City Council Minutes3� 8 • PROPOSED ORDINANCE ADOPTING REVISED STREET STANDARDS MOTION: MOTION: MOTION: Engineer Leif Larson gavd. a brief explanation on the street standards. Mrs. King, representing the Transportation Committee; said the committee had reviewed this and then sent on July 21 a memo to the Planning Commission regarding the street standards and suggesting that council review the committee's suggestions before passing this proposed ordinance. There followed lengthy discussion on street standards. Following this, a motion was made by Councilman Anderson, seconded by Councilman Nordquist to pass proposed Ordinance #1793, adopting new standards for public residential access streets, public residential access street dul-de-sac length under 400 ft, public residential access street one-way loop street, public residential access street easement road four lots or less, access easement road for one lot, easement turn -around, driveway turn -around, and options thereto. Coun- cilwoman Shippen then moved, seconded by Councilman Gellert to amend to state that right-of-way requirements on residential access streets be 60 ft. maximum, 50 ft. standard+ and 40 ft minimum. Following some further discussion, it was moved by Councilwoman Shippen seconded by Councilman Nordquist to amend Engineer's Drawing A from 7 feet to 5 feet from face of curb to property line. Vote on this amendment carried. The first amendment also carried, with Councilman Clement voting against. The main motion, as amended, then carried. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE REQUEST RE 5TH AND MAIN FOUNTAIN IMPROVEMENT AND BENCHES Al Kincaid, President of the Edmonds Chamber of Commerce, presented a request to council regarding the improvement of the downtown service area. He stated that the Chamber had some surplus monies which they intended to use to improve the fountain, and asked if the city would participate. The request was to install a spray ring at the fountain and to include underwater lights. The total cost would be in the neighborhood of $850 and $928. The Chamber has $100 from the Algoma Garden Club and $200 from the Edmonds Arts Festival to put into the spray ring area. Mr. Kincaid asked -if the city would assign up to $300 to help with this project. The Chamber would donate this amount, also. Chet Bennett spoke in favor of the city participation in this, and there followed some discussion. A motion was • then made by Councilman Nordquist, seconded by Councilman Gellert to allocate $300 for the spray system for the fountain, and take the money from the Beautification fund. The motion carried. Al,Kincaid then spoke of the benches needed in the downtown area. He showed council pictures of concrete benches in the $25 to $35 range. Discussion followed, and Mr. Kincaid offered to install one bench at 5th and Main on a trial basis. He also noted that if council would give approval, the Chamber might buy 4 benches and place them at that 5th and Main area. The indication was that this item should go before the ADB, and no further action was taken at this time by council. SECOND READING: PROPOSED ORDINANCE RE SUBSEQUENT DEVELOPMENT OF ADDITIONAL APARTMENT UNITS IN PRE - .EXISTING DUPLEX AND/OR APARTMENT BUILDINGS, & COVENANTS RUNNING WITH THE PROPERTY. MOTION: There was brief discussion, and a motion was made by .,Councilman Nordquist, seconded Gellert to pass proposed Ordinance #1794, and the motion carried. DISCUSSION ON COUNCIL SALARIES MOTION: In regard to the discussion on council salaries, because of the late hour, it was moved by Councilman Gellert, seconded by Councilman Clement that this item be placed on the October 28th council agenda. Motion carried. There was no further business, and the meeting was adjourned at 11:45 P.M. rZLTp�. MMMM o HAI—S-ON, Mayor October 14, 1975 (Work Meeting) ROLL CALL • The work meeting of the Edmonds City Council was called to order at 7:30 P.M. in the Council Chambers of the Civic Center by Mayor Harve Harrison with all council members present. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Minutes of the meeting of October 7th had been posted, mailed and distributed and with no omissions nor corrections were approved as written.. COUNCIL PARTICIPATION.0 Councilman'Gellert brought up the matter of council salaries and asked if anyone wished to discuss the subject this evening. He said he had received some comments about the discussion being delayed to the 28th of October, and since he had made the motion to place it on that agenda, felt he should be the one to offer the opportunity to speak this evening. However, the council members said that they would wait until the 28th. The Mayor announced that the Washington State Highway Commission will meet on Monday, October 20th and the time for our presentation is at 10:45 A.M. Mayor Harrison said that he and the City Engineer and Mr. Whaley will attend the meeting. Council members Gellert and Shippen indicated that they will also attend. r� U • 33.9 1 1 • 1 n U 1 1 MOTION: • Mayor Harrison noted that the Committee to Study Social Security Withdrawal is being restructured. The committee will consist of the Mayor or his appointee, three employees and one council member. Councilman Nordquist volunteered to serve on this committee. The Mayor stated.that a letter has been received regarding the sales tax on fuel oil.being supplied to the city for the calendar year 1975. The Mayoras Administrative Assistant said that last winter when we called.for bids to supply fuel oil, Sound Oil submitted their bid,.but did not use the bid form that was provided. Their bid was received; but did not include sales tax. They.have stated that in the previous nine years they.had submitted bids with tax added.. It was requested that council move to allow Sound Oil to add sales tax for the calendar year 1975. Discussion followed with Councilman Gellert stating that he would like to.have an audit of the Sound Oil books to ascertain their profit margin. `Decision on the matter was postponed until next week when more information will be available. Mayor Harrison read a letter received from Earl Torgeson, Chairman, of the Board of County Commissioners which noted that this body has recently withdrawn as a member of the Puget Sound Council of Governments, along with King and Pierce Counties. He gave his assurance that the action was maant to precipitate .some constructive change in the way regional planning, review and cooperation takes place. The County Commissioners have planned a meeting; inviting all council membbrs.• and Mayors within the county; to discuss the matter and will have County legal and.administrative staff present to review applicable statutes and their implications. The meeting will be held on.October.21, 1975 at 7:30 P.M. in the Commissioner's Board Room in Everett. Mayor.Harrison said that he will attend this.meeting, if Councilman Gellert"will'assume his duties as Mayor Protem on that ev4ng. PROGRESS.REPORT ON LONG RANGE FIRE PREVENTION PLANNING Fire Chief, Jack Cooper, reported that the city staff met today with.,a-�gentlemen.-from-the Advisory Committee for Master Planning on a national level. Chief Cooper stated that the Mayor, last week, appointed a portion of our steering committee, most of them from the staff level along with a builder and engineer and some from the Planning Commission. He said that the steering committee's duties are to provide guidance,tothe planning effort, review and monitor the planning process, recommend a plan to the administration and resolve conflicts and differences. Edmonds Assistant Fire Chief, Bud Klein, will be the team leader. Data will.come in to the steering committee which gill be analyzed.by them and then will.come from them to the council. Chief Cooper said that they will be reporting to the council on a monthly basis in writing. He also mentioned that week.after next he, Mr. Whaley and Chief Klein will be attending the first major conference on Master Planning in Orlando, Florida. He said that this is sponsored by the National Fire Prevention Control Administration, which is one of the newest agencies in the U. S. Department of Commerce. Chief Cooper said that the reason for the selection of Orlando as the first major conference site, is that Disney World was developed as a master plan for fire protection.. It was the first in the nation.to be planned in this manner. Chief Cooper reminded council that last December the city hired five people to initiate a home safety program. He said that it has become known throughout the country that Edmonds was the first city to do it in this manner. Most all other departments have taken care of, this with fire department per- sonnel. He said that they received a call today from the N.F.P.C.A. Office requesting that we fly someone to Washington, D, C. at their expense to give a presentation on our home safety program. This will take place on November 12, 13 and 14. Mayor Harrison pointed out that the trips for our personnel to these various places in the country are at no expense to the City. DISCUSSION RE "BILATERAL COMPROMISE AGREEMENT" FOR 228TH - 236TH WITH MOUNTLAKE TERRACE OFFICIALS M.A.A. Ron Whaley said that the last time this UAB project was discussed with respect to Edmonds' participation with Mountlake Terrace and the County, the council authorized participation for a total of $31,349.51. This is $27,200 committee for the future, plus $4,149.51 which has already been paid on the project. This information was sent to Mountlake Terrace via letter. A letter was received from Mountlake Terrace indicating a different impression of the compromise that was reached. They thought that the figures should have been $40,000 proposed; and assuming that Edmonds' total share of the construction cost would be $29,000, plus $10,000 share of right-of-way acquisition, plus approximately $1,000 for expected increased construction costs. Mr. Whaley said that Mr. White, the City Manager for Mountlake Terrace, had wondered how we came up with our figures. Councilman Clement explained that our original committment to this project had been a total of $25,000, and that the UAB had increased their participation by 9% and since we were not participating in this any more than the financing,that we were participating in the same way that the UAB is doing. Therefore, he felt that our liability should not increase any more than the UAB participation. Councilman Clement's motion had also stipulated that these funds were to be the last funds to be expended on this project by the City of Edmonds. There was discussion with comments from Mr. White and Harry Sherman, but no further action was taken. DISCUSSION ON PROPOSED RECREATION DISTRICT - PACC Pat McMahon, President of PAUG and Harry Sherman, Vice -President of PACC were present with regard to this item. Mr. McMahon noted that the council had received copies of a'proposed resolution in support of forming a recreation district to the South County line which would be limited to building and operating an auditorium faility. He said that this would not entail any money from the city now or in the future. Mr. McMahon said that all the council would be doing would be to indicate that this proposed recreation district would not conflict with our present Recreation. Department. He explained that after theresolution is passed by five city councils there would be an election by the people within the proposed district, and they would decide whether they want a recreation district. They would at thattime elect five commissioners. Mr. McMahon said that 5,500 signatures are also needed to get the proposition on the ballot. In answer to Councilwoman Bruns' inquiry, Mr. McMahon explAi.ned that if there is going to be any taxing, this will again go before the people for a vote. Following some further discussion, COUNCILMAN ANDERSON MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN BRUNS THAT THE COUNCIL INSTRUCT THE CITY ATTORNEY TO PREPARE AN APPROPRIATE RESOLUTION ALONG THE SAME LINES AS THE SAMPLE RESOLUTION; INCLUDING THE INSERTION OF THE WORD "ACQUISITION" IN THE LAST PARAGRAPH. MOTION CARRIED. In looking over the sample resolution, Mayor Harrison noticed a conflict in the second paragraph where it refers to the closure of the Edmonds Junior High School and that this would leave 100,000 people without a major meeting and performing facility. Mr. Sherman 340 said that this can be changed, but that the part that states that the recreation district will not interfere with our Recie ation Department should stay in. WORT FROM ATTORNEY RE/GENERAL TELEPHONE LETTER ON UNDERGROUNDING 5TH City Attorney,.John Wallace, handed out a memo to the Mayor and council on the above matter. He commented that he did not see any reason to change our position at this time. He said that we can require the General Telehpone Company to re -locate and place their facilities underground. Councilman Gellert asked what the procddure'is for implementation. Mr. Wallace said that what usually happens is that'the utility has installed the facilities and then brought suit to recover. MOTION: A brief discussion followed. COUNCILMAN GEM RT THEN MOVED WITH A SECOND BY COUNCILWOMAN SHIPPEN THAT THE CITY PROCEED IN TWO STEPS TO BE ACCOMPLISHED WITHIN THE NEXT 10 DAYS, THE FIRST STEP BEING A MEETING BETWEEN THE CITY STAFF, INCLUDING THE CITY ATTORNEY, WITH THE GENERAL TELEPHONE COMPANY STAFF FOR THE PURPOSE OF OBTAINING A COMPLETE CLARIFICATION AS TO WHETHER THEY WILL OR WILL NOT PROCEED WITH THE ENGINEERING BASED ON OUR REQUEST; AND SECOND, THAT WE TAKE LEGAL ACTION TO COMPEL IF THEY DO NOT AGREE TO PROCEED. THE MOTION CARRIED, WITH COUNCILWOMAN BRUNS ABSTAINING. AUTHORIZATION FOR JOINT PARTICIPATION WITH LYNNWOOD FOR OUTSIDE STREET SWEEPING SERVICES Abe Blandin, Street Department Superintendent, requested council authorization to call for bids for street sweeping services to be performed by outside agencies for the calendar.year 1976. He said that the City of Lynnwood would initiate advertising, etc. Mr. Blandin proceeded to explain the reason for this move, the proposed,diea to be covered and the anticipated costs. Councilman Gellert said that he would like to have some side.;by side comparisons to facilitate the decision - making process. Councilman Welling said that he would like to see the operating costs for our machine for a whole year, and how many hours a man works with the machine and if his -salary is MOTION: charged to something else or not. COUNCILMAN CLEMENT:MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN NORDQUIST TO PLACE THIS ON THE AGENDA FOR OCTOBER 28TH FOR REPORT AND DISCUSSION. MOTION CARRIED. DISCUSSION -ON PERSONNEL RULES.AND REGULATIONS FOR CITY OF EDMONDS • M.A.A.Ron Whaley reviewed the history behind the formation of a committee .to study and compile a Handbook on Personnel Rules and Regulations for thefCity of Edmonds. Mayor and council members had been provided with copies several weeks ago for their review. Mayor Harrison said that he did not feel there should be any formal action taken by the council and that this should be admin- istrative. There was discussion with one change suggested and that had to do with the maternity leave. It was felt that this should be 6 weeks rather than 4 weeks. There being*no.further business the meeting adjourned at 9:45 P.M., The Mayor announced that there will be an executive sessions in his office following the meeting. O., October 21, 1975 ROLL* CALL :26L&:46� - . H . H : HARRISON, Mayor 'The regular meeting of the Edmonds City Council was called to order at 7:30 P.M. .in the Council Chambers of the Civic Center by Mayor Pro-Tem Max Gellert, -with all council members present except Anderson, who had notified the Mayor that he would be one hour late. Mayor Harrison was representing the city at another meeting. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Minutes'of the meeting of the 14th of October had been mailed, posted and distributed and with no omissions nor corrections were approved as written. COUNCIL PARTICIPATION CJ Mayor Protem Gellert read a letter from Joan Swift a member of the Coterie, following an inquiry from Councilwoman Shippen. Mrs. Swift.explained to the council that the Club had been awarded $875 by the American Revolution Bicentennial Commission to be used towards the publication of a book on the history of early Edmonds as a bicentennial project. In May Mrs. Swift had asked council to contribute towards the matching funds that were needed. The council voted for a matching contri- bution of $500, with the remaining $375 through donations. It was also stipulated that if the $375 — could not be raised in.the'allotted time, the city would.make up the deficit up to the full $875.00. Mrs. Swift said that to this date individual donations total $400, however, since the application was made for a grant to produce this book, the costs have risen by the same amount. She said that they anticipate raising more money by'donations; but they would like to know if -the city would raise their contribution from the $500 up to�the $875 matching money that the council voted to grant. Councilman MOTION: Welling then moved, seconded by Councilman Clement to authorize an amount not to exceed the $875.00 matching money for the- publication of a history of'early Edmonds by the Coterie. The motion carried, with Councilman Nordquist voting against. 'Councilwoman Shi-ppen made reference to -a memo from'the City Engineer in which he'asked that the code be revised to require electrical and telephone services in connection with major repairs and remodeling to go underground. Mr. Larson said that it was his understanding that they.were to evalutate each particular request, so there had been no action to palce the item on the agenda. He said that it is MOTION: still his recommendation that it be placed on the agenda. Councilwoman Shippen made a motion which was seconded.by Councilwoman Bruns that revision of City Code Sec. 6.3O.to require electrical and telephone services in connection with major repairs go underground be set for discussion at the work meeting of November loth. Motion carried. .