19751104 City Council Minutes346 FIRST READING: AMENDMENT TO BUILDING HEIGHT ORDINANCE a rI MOTION: MOTION MOTION: Mayor Harrison said that he has invited Don Westlin and Sam Saindon to participate in this discussion. Mayor Harrison said that one item of concern was perhaps including the elevator penthouse in the building height'. The Building Official said that our requirements may be too restrictive, especially as it applies to three story buildings which may have elevators. He said that he would recommend that consideration be given to allowing an elevator to penetrate the buiding height envelope. It was thought that 2-1/2 feet to 3' would be sufficient. Don Westlin, architect, explained the situation with regard to elevators. There was a brief discussion on the Planning Commission action on this, and the attorney pointed out that when something is directed to the Commission for study'by the Council, they must act on it and forward their recommendation by resolution to the Council whether'it is accepted, rejected or modified. Larry Naughten, 729 Laurel, a member of the Planning Commission, felt that they were premature -in acting on -this before the Comprehensive Policy Plan was approved'. He felt the Policy Plan should be approved by the council before getting into the building heights. Mr. Naughten also felt that the height should be restricted to RS-6 and RS-8 to 25'. The Mayor said.that sometimes trees restrict view also, and Mr. Naughten said perhaps this could also'be incorporated into the ordinance. The City Attorney noted that the council will review the resolution from the Planning Commission next week. Councilman Gellert moved, seconded by Councilman Nordquist that we refer to the Planning Commission the question of the elevator penthouse and the chimney protrusions for multiple dwellings. Motion carried. SECOND READING: PROPOSED ORDINANCE RE/FUNERAL PROCESSIONS Councilman Anderson moved,'seconded by Councilman Nordquist to pass Ordinance.#1799. Motion carried. DISCUSSION ON COUNCIL SALARIES Councilman Nordquist moved, seconded by Councilman Anderson to postpone this item until next week • and that it be placed early on the agenda. Motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 11:30 PM to the Mayor's Office for an executive session. If VAIRE E VARNEY MORAN �ityClerk November.4, 1975 f H. H. HARRISON, Mayor ROLL CALL The regular meeting of the.Edmonds City Council was called to order by Mayor Harve Harrison at 7:30 PM in the Council Chambers at the Edmonds Civic Center with all council members present. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes of the meeting of the 28th of October had been posted, mailed and distributed and with no omissions nor corrections were approved as written. COUNCIL PARTICIPATION Councilman Clement announced, that he would not be present at the council meeting of the 18th of November. Mr. Clement said that in going over some papers he came across some CDC Minutes with respect to • a proposed ordinance on catapillars and he thought we should proceed on this before Spring. Coun- cilman Anderson said we should also do something about "pea patches". MAA Ron Whaley said that something is -being included in*the preliminary budget. Councilman Gellert mentioned a letter which had been received .fromlthe Edmonds Employee Association regarding implementation of portions of the Affirmative Action Program. They -indicated that there is very little chance for advancement from within the organization. Mr. Gellert said that he would like to point out for the record that the council recently advanced Mrs. Crosby to the position of Finance Director and that some time ago Chief Foster was advanced to Chief from within the depart- ment and the Data Processing Supervisor was also advanced from within the organization. Mayor Harrison said that it is the policy of.the City of Edmonds to advance from within whenever possible. There was some general discussion with Councilman Gellert commenting that opportunities for ad- vancement come from three areas, growth; job turnover and retirement. He said that the City has not grown any more than about 2,000 in the past five years, and fortunately we have not had a large personnel turnover. He said that in the case of retirement, he feels that there have been opportunities from within. Councilman Gellert said that a city with as low a turnover rate as the City of Edmonds has, cannot justify a full-time personnel director. Mr. Whaley said that he feels the Affirmative Action Program is being followed, and that for the few vacancies that have occurred they have been advertised even beyond what is required in the Plan. One of the other things that was attended to at the earliest moment was the Employee Rules and REgulations which the Council reviewed at their last work meeting. He said they have also been working on equalization of fringe benefits. Mr. Whaley said that he has on his desk at the present time a rough draft of a method of employee goal setting. Councilman Nordquist inquired about the format for the budget hearings. Fie said that in years past the Council has met with the department heads and discussed their needs. The Finance Director said the the preliminary budget document would hopefully be ready on this coming;Friday. Councilman Gellert asked that the document be delivered so that they will have time to review it before any budget discussions take place. COUNCILMAN NORDQUIST MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN GELLERT TO SET LJ n THE 17TH OF NOVEMBER AS ONE OF THE NIGHTS TO GO OVER THE PRELIMINARY BUDGET WITH DEPARTMENT HEADS INVITED. MOTION CARRIED. 1 Councilwoman Bruns, as ex-officio to the Park Board, noted that the Park Board indicated at their last meeting that there should be -an appraisal on the Larson property. The City Engineer has re- quested proposals from two appraisers and two real estate people and that he will report as soon as they are received. He said that these are proposals for making appraisals. HEARING: ON APPEAL FROM AMENITIES DESIGN BOARD DECISION - H. J. NICHOLSON City Attorney, John Wallace, instructed the council that this. would be a de novo hearing, and stated that they must listen to all the :evidence and apply the criteria set forth in 12.20.050 of the Edmonds City Code which also incorporates the intent section of the same chapter 12.20.010. Mr. Wallace then said that the council must make a full statement of reasons for any decision they make. He also said that the sign is presumably coming to the council in compliance with the Sign Ordinance. Joe Wallis, the City Planner, then reviewed the action taken at the Amenities Design Board hearing. - He then showed slides of the property and.the location of the proposed sign. He did confirm that the sign conforms to the code. Mr. Wallis also showed a sketch of the sign. Mr. Nicholson, the applicant, presented a folder containing some photographs to the council members. He commented that the only reason given to him for rejection of the sign was that the Board did not like reader boards. Mr. Nicholson said that the folder shows signs presently in use in the Westgate Shopping Area. He remarked that he did not intend to light his sign and that the purpose would simply be to address his customers. He asked that the Council grant his request for a reader board so that he could be afforded the same privileges as others in the neighborhood. Mr. Nicholson offered to use a portable sign which could be lower. He pointed out that the lower edge of the reader board would be 8' off the ground and that this was for the purpose of preventing vandalism. He said that • he would be open to suggestions. Councilman Gellert read the minutes from the Amenities Design Board dealing with this i.tem. The Board commented that in instances Where reader boards have been approved, it has been because the building is just invisible to the passing motorist, but that Mr. Nicholson's business is highly visible. Comments were made by Capt. Shields and Ed Aliverti. Councilman Anderson then moved, seconded by Councilman Welling that Mr. Nicholson's appeal be upheld on the basis of the fact that the sign as proposed does not constitute a visual blight. The motion failed to carry following a roll call vote. Council members Welling, Nordquist and Anderson voted in favor and the remaining members against. Councilman Clement then moved, seconded by Councilwoman Shippen that Mr. Nicholson's appeal be denied as the reader board will not enhance the value of neighboring property and the proposed sign adds to an already existing condition of oversigning and therefore constitutes a visual blight. This motion carried with Welling, Nordquist and Anderson voting against and the other members voting in favor. At this point Councilwoman Shippen asked where they are in the review of the Sign Ordinance. Mr. Wallis said that they are in the draft form and also said that•he would like to have the input from' the Comprehensive Policy Plan as a backup for the zoning ordinance amendment. DISCUSSION ON COUNCIL SALARIES Councilman Nordquist introduced the .subject and commented that the council salaries have not been reviewed for five years. He also detailed some of the time spent by council members in the performance of their duties as elected officials which includes work on various committees and research with re- spect to council agenda items. Councilman Nordquist explained the council salary arrangement in the City of Lynnwood, and went on to suggest that perhaps the salary in the City of Edmonds should be adjusted to $40.00 per meeting. Councilman Welling thought that this was a realistic figure. Councilman Clement felt he could not. approve of an increase and felt that a salary increase cer- tainly would make no difference in the amount of time he could::devote to council matters. He suggested • perhaps having the council members paid for the 5th meeting in the month.when it occurs and if attended. Mayor Harrison commented that a part-time Mayor cannot keep with community affairs and that these duties must be shared with the council members. One of the areas of concern is that the Mayor feels that the council should sit on a classification,•review board for department heads and then that the department heads should sit on the review board for the non-exempt personnel. Mayor Harrison said that the council shou.ld-,be1,prepared to meet one additional evening per month to adequately perform this function', and that he would therefore endorse Councilman Nordquist's suggestion -for salary increase. MOTION: Councilman Nordquist moved to ,raise the council salary from $20.00 to $25.00 per meeting and pay for the 5th meeting when it occurs. Councilman Anderson seconded. Councilman Gellert said that he feels we are going to have a very difficult time keeping the budget in balance this year and perhaps it will AMEND: be necessary to sacrifice levels of service and "tighten our belts". Councilman Clement then moved to amend that the rate of $25.00 per meeting be established effective January 1, 1977 and that the pay for the 5th meeting be effective January, 1976. The amendment was voted upon and carried, with Welling, Gellert and Shippen voting against following a roll call vote. The main motti:on also carried following a roll call vote with Welling, Gellert and Shippen voting against. The City Attorney stated that the ordinance can be presented for passage on the 18th of November. PROPOSED RESOLUTION RE/EDMONDS ARTS COMMISSION Robert Anderson stated that on the 18th of March the Edmonds City Council passed an ordinance, #.1.765 which established the Edmonds Arts Commission. A proposed ordinance regarding funding had been delivered to the Mayor and Council for their review. The proposed ordinance called for the appropriation of 1% of the total project cost of any municipal constructi'on project to be allocated for works of art and public facilities and 1% from the general revenues of the City to be allocated to the Municiapl Arts Fund. There followed general discussion, with Councilman Clement commenting that the Council has not yet seen the budget for 1976 and he felt that it was inappropriate to commit ourselves further until the budget has been reviewed. Councilman Clement suggested that the ordinance be re -drafted to exclude in Section 4 the sentence (the phrase) after "appropriation" regarding the 1% of the general revenues and drop that completely along with the next sentence. It would then read, "....:the City Council shall each annual budget make a appropriation for the allocation and 348 MOTION: MOTION: appropriation into the Municipal Arts Fund for the purposes enumerated in Section 1 of this Ordinance." The second sentence in Section 4 would then be stricken. He said that the re- draft.should specifically include Public Works projeots.with which people will comerphysically in -contact, such as park development, library, etc. He commented that he did not want the pour - over clause. Ed Aliverti-asked if.the Commission woulld know a do-Ilar figure. Councilman Clement said that there would be a line item.in the budget. This would be for the general fund. Council- man Clement moved, seconded by Councilman Anderson to re -draft the ordinance. Motion carried. REPORT ON BIDS FOR SEAVIEW'PARK TENNIS COURTS (BIDS OPENED OCTOBER 31) Written bid reports had been presented to Mayor and Council. Rod Garretson, Director of Parks and Recreation, stated that he was requesting authorization to re -bid as the bids had come in $10,000 over the estimated cost. There was some discussion, with the City Engineer advising that the construction time should be left open so that the. City could take advantage of the best possible weather conditions. Mr. Garretson indicated that the specifications would be re -written. Councilman Gellert moved, seconded by Councilman Anderson to give authorization to go out for bid on the latest specifications, but leave the actual construction time open and do not construct until the City Engineer says it is advisable. Motion carried. PRESENTATION OF PUD - 5TH AVENUE.UNDERGROUNDING AGREEMENT Copies of the proposed agreement had been presented to Mayor.and Council, Some discussion followed, but it was decided that the matter should be further discussed with the P.U.D. and the City Engineer MOTION: requested that the matter be continued. Councilman Gellert moved, seconded by Councilwoman Bruns to continue this matter until the 18th of November and that the attorney provide an ordinance that satisfies the P,U.D. and the City. Motion carried. Councilman Gellert suggested that the portion regarding ornamental lighting be omitted. PRESENTATION OF PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION #479 - PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO BUILDING HEIGHT DEFINITI City Planner., Joe Wallis, reported on this item and said that this is an amendment to the zoning code and the basis was excessive variance requests. He said that the planning Commission heard this on the 24th of September.and recommended that the building rectangle method be used. Mr. Wallis projected. slides on the screen and explained to the method to the council. Roger Hertrich, 1020 Puget Drive, said that he did not see any reason to change from the old method. The Building Official, Harry Whitcutt, placed two sketches on the bulletin board which indicated the two forms of determining the building height and explained each. Further comments were made by Robert Kette and Jim Mueller. MOTION: Councilman Gellert then moved, seconded by Councilman Anderson to.continue this item to the 18th of November. Motion carried. PRESENTATION OF PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION #480 - REVIEW OF ALLOWABLE BUILDING HEIGHTS IN VARIOUS ZONES This item was presented by the City Planner, who commented that he had no specific recommendation. MOTION: There was general discussion. Councilman Gellert moved, seconded by Councilman Clement that the City Attorney be instructed to draw up an ordinance and that a public hearing be held on November 18th to hear the following proposed ordinance: That the allowable building heights in all RS zones be reduced to 25' measured at the mid -point of a ditched roof, except that the maximum height above the mid -point of the pitched roof may not exceed the 25' maximum yb more than an additional 5'. MOTION: Motion carried. Following some further discussion, Councilman Gellert.then moved that the hearings on Planning Commission Resolution #479 and #480 both be heard on the 25th of November indtead of the 18th and that Resolution #480 be heard ahead of #479; this will be together with proposed ordinances. Motion carried after a second by Anderson. SECOND READING: PROPOSED ORDINANCE DECREASING SPEED LIMIT ON OLYMPIC VIEW DRIVE TO PERRINVILLE MOTION: Councilwoman Shippen moved., seconded by Councilwoman Bruns to pass Ordinance #1800. Motion carried. • There bei.ng no further business, the meeting adjourned at 10:35. P.M. IRENE VARNEY MORAN, C' y Clerk November 10, 1975 ROLL CALL H. H.H RRI.SON, May r The regular work meeting of the Edmonds City Council was called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Mayor Harve Harrison in the Council Chambers at the Edmonds Civic Center with all counoil members present, except Welling, Anderson and Gellert. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1 Minutes of the meeting of the 4th of November had been posted, maildd and distributed.. Council- woman Bruns said that she had reviewed the remarks in the minutes concerning the letter received from the Edmonds Employees Association. She wished to add that the council 'expressed concern that all the facets of the Affirmative Action Plan would be care of in a timely manner. The minutes were then approved. COUNCIL PARTICIPATION Councilman Clement made reference to a letter from Merle Steinman concerning the road and one from some neighbors. The City Engineer said that the City Attorney had written a letter to Mr. Steinman