19751118 City Council Minutes35.0 November 18, 1975 Rnl I CAI I The regular meeting of the Edmonds City Council was called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Mayor Harve Harrison in the Council Chambers at the Edmonds Civic Center with all council members being present except Clement. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Minutes of the meeting of the IOth of November had been posted, mailed and distributed and with no omissions nor corrections, they were approved as written. COUNCIL PARTICIPATION Mayor Harrison said that he had several appointments to make this evening. He ­first asked for re- appointment of Larry Naugh.ten to the Planning Commission in Position No. 4. Mr. Naughten has been MOTION: serving since 1973. COUNCILMAN GELLERT MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILWOMAN BRUNS TO CONFIRM THE APPOINTMENT OF LARRY NAUGHTEN TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION IN POSITION #4. MOTION CARRIED. Tom Carns has recently resigned from the Planning Commission as he was just elected to a position on the City Council. The Mayor said that he would like to appoint Valena Walker to the position which was held by Mr. Carns. Mrs. Walker is from the Ballinger Area, as -is Mr. Carns. She has lived in the city for six years and is employed by General Telephone Company. The Mayor pointed out that this is Position #3 and expires on October 9, 1980. The Council briefly ,,i.nterviewed Mrs. Walker. COUNCILMAN MOTION: ANDERSON MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN NORDQUIST TO CONFIRM THE AP:POINT,MENT„OF,.VALENA WALKER TO REPLACE TOM CARNS ON THE PLANNING COMMISSION. MOTION CARRIED. Mayor Harrison noted that he has received a resignation from Lee Drake who has been serving on the • Board of Adjustment. The Mayor.asked for confirmation of the appointment of Al Bailey to serve in Position #3 on the Board. -The term expires at the end of next year. Mr. Bailey is a retired manufac- turer's representative in the auto parts business, and lives at 825 Sprague Street. He also was a recent candidate for -Port Commissioner. The Council also briefly interviewed Mr. Bailey, and following MOTION: this a MOTION WAS -MADE BY COUNCILMAN WELLING AND SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN ANDERSON TO CONFIRM THE APPOINT- MENT OF AL BAILEY TO POSITION #3-ON THE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT. MOTION CARRIED. Mayor Harrison said that there are two positions open on the Park Board and that he would like to offer one name at this time. Position #2, now being held by Paul Weaver and Position #3 held by Margaret Lerfald are the positons that will be open. The Mayor asked for confirmation for Margaret Johnston to serve in Positon 7#3 which will expire in September 1981. Mrs. Johnston lives on Hgih Street and is the wife of Tom Johnston, the Director of the -Edmonds Fire Department Home Safety Program. Following her interview MOTION: by the Council, COUNCILWOMAN SHIPPEN MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN GELLERT FOR CONFIRMATION OF MARGARET JOHNSTON TO SERVE IN POSITION #3 ON THE EDMONDS PARK BOARD. -MOTION CARRIED. The Mayor said that a vacancy was left on the Fair Housing Commission when Valena Walker left and that he would like to appoint Lilly Boot to that position. Mrs. Boot was a recent candidate for the legis- lature. Councilman Welling asked if the staff ever considers appointments to vacancies of persons already MOTION: - serving on a Board or Commission. The Mayor said many such appointments occur. COUNCILMAN GELLERT MADE A MOTION TO CONFIRM THE APPOINTMENT OF LILLY BOOT TO THE FAIR HOUSING COMMISSION. COUNCILWOMAN BRUNS SECONDED AND THE MOTION WAS CARRIED. Councilman Nordquist asked that in the future names of prospective appointees be submitted to Council, so that interviews can be done prior to the Council meeting. The Mayor said,that this would be done. Councilwoman Shippen said that the Municipal Street Tree Plan has now gone through all channels, and the MOTION: committee would like to -place this on the Council Agenda. COUNCILWOMAN SHIPPEN MOVED, SECONDED BY COUN- CILWOIIAN BRUNS THAT A HEARING ON THE MUNICIPAL STREET TREE PLAN BE SET FOR DECEMBER 16TH.• MOTION CARRIED. Mayor Harrison noted that -he -had placed in the council packets a proposed questionnaire on the possible development of the University property as a golf course. It was suggested that this be sent out in the utility billings so that we can get a response from the citizens as to their feelings in this regard. He then read the suggested questions. Councilwoman Shippen suggested asking if the respondent had walked over the property. Councilman Nordquist suggested that the questionnaire indicate the ownership of the property, as he felt many people may not be aware of this. Councilman Gellert said that he would like some indication of where the respondent lives. City Planner, Joe Wallis, said that the cards can be color coded as was done in a previous survey. It was pointed out that this is on the agenda next week. It was suggested that the Golf Course Committee get a copy of the proposed questionnaire. Councilman Nordquist noted that Councilman Welling would, be leaving the Council soon and thanked him for his service:to the city. AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION Owen Stanley said that he would like to amplify on his report of last week regarding the need for low income housing. He said that 8.5% of the total population in Edmonds are senior citizens, and that 15.4% reside in the downtown area. Ike also said that a minimum of 120 new units are needed. Mr. Stanley sai that during the last week bids have gone out for the construction of low income housing. (Bids::went out from HUD). He -said that he had ta.l.ked to George Sherwin with the County Planning Department and he said that eight appl-icati.ons have been received for low income housing and only one from Edmonds. Mayor Harrison said that he has word from the City Planner: that we have had a number of inquiries about making bids and that they feel that there is some question about the economic; --feasibility of developing in the city because of the cost.of land, etc. The Mayor said that the city has redently liberalized the parking requirements for housing,for the elderly and there will be a proposal to the C'ity-..Council to liberalize the density as well. Joe Wallis said that there is a time limit and that a contract rezone might possibly be the most expeditious way to go about it. The bids have -to be back in by January 1st. There has to be some contingency proposal back in with the bids and he would like to,.communicate that the city would entertain that tyep proposal. During discussion Councilman Gellert asked the Attorney if a con- • tract rezone would have to go before the Planning Commission :first and then come back to the Council. The Attorney said this is so. Councilman Gellert said that fast action such as this would not be possible under an initiative and referendum process. Councilwoman Shippen said that the Housing and Community Development Board has representatives from.�.all the cities and the three commissioners that are partici- pating in the distribution of HUD grants, and Edmonds is one of those. She said that although legally the County Commissioners can distribute those funds in any way they wish, they have agreed to do it on the basis of the Policy Board recommendations. She said if Edmonds wants more money for housing, we are going to have to start thinking about our priorities for next year. 1 MOTION: 1 The P1ayor noted that there were several students in the audience and welcomed them to the meeting. A lady with_the students said that she would like to introduce her Campfire Group - Junior High Discovery and said they are studying citizenship. M & 0 AGREEMENT FOR FISHING PIER, Rod Garretson, Director of Parks and Recreation, said that he was requesting council approval of a main- tenance•and operation agreement with the Port of Edmonds that is acceptable to the State Fisheries Depart- ment. He mentioned a letter which had been forwarded to the council dated .October 17th that spelled out some of the proposed agreements and some of the other understandings between the three agencies. Mr. Garretson introduced Ray Buckley and Rich Costello from the State -Department of Fisheries. Mr. Buckl:ey presented an engineering study prepared by Reid, Middleton and Associates. It was pointed out that this is a 16' wide and 422' long fishing pier seaward of the north breakwater. Mr. Costello said that they have received from the State Legislature an appropriation of $450,000•to build such a'pier. It Was re- ceived on the basis that it would be operated -and maintained by local government in this area, either the Port or the City. He said that they do not have an agreement with the city at the present time, ex- cept a resolution passed-some\ti'me ago which supported the concept. Mr. Costello said,%that they had just received the engineer.vdU `report this morning and had just scanned it, but did concur with the design. He said further that in the midst of the preparation of the engineering report, they met with the Port Comm- ission and reviewed the basics of the design with them. Mr. Costello passed out a resolution passed by the Port which approves of the design, speaks to operation and the provision of parking and also speaks to acceptance on the part of the State Department of Fisheries. of the obligation to pursue funding to undertake major repairs, demolition or reconstruction of the structure should it be needed. The Department would also have to make arrangements for the placement of the structure in the harbor. He said they fell confident that they can make these arrangements at little or -no -cost. Mr. Costello said that application for IAC funds would have to•be made by June 1st for consideration at a September meeting. There was general discussion, mainly with respect to arrangement for parking. Mr. Garretson was asked to contact the Railroad and he said that this would be done tomorrow. COUNCILMAN GELLERT MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN ANDERSON THAT WE INSTRUCT THE CITY ATTORNEY TO PREPARE A RESOLUTION FOR HEARING ON THE 25TH OF NOVEMBER FOR ACCEPTANCE OF DESIGN OF. PROPOSED FISHING PIER IN EDMONDS; AND ANOTHER FOR MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION AGREEMENT BASED ON THE PARK AND RECREATION DIRECTOR'S RECOMMENDATION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY AUTHORIZATION TO CALL FOR BIDS FOR PURCHASE OF 1976 CHLORINE REQUIREMENTS - JOINT BID WITH LYNNWOOD AND ALDERWOOD WATER DISTRICT. Herb Gilbo, Director of Public Works, reported on this item and reviewed the requirements and the bidding MOTION : procedure. He requested a bid opening date of December 9th. COUNCILMAN GELLERT MOVED, SECONDED BY COUN- CILWOMAN BRUNS TO GIVE AUTHORIZATION TO CALL FOR -BIDS ON THE CHLORINE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE CITY OF EDMONDS FOR,THE CALENDAR YEAR 1976. MOTION CARRIED. REPORT ON TRAFFIC SITUATIONS IN AND NEAR SCHOOLS IN CITY OF EDMONDS Senior P61ice Officer Kenneth Estes and Assistant Engineer for Traffic Studies, Bill Nims, reported to the council'on this item. Slides showing various school crossings were shown and problems connected there- with explained. A folder of photographs was also circulated to the Mayor and Council and a written report indicating the areas studies, a summary and list of recommendations. Mr. Nims and Officer Estes recom- ment'installation of overhead "School Crossing" signs with flashing yellow lights and related equipment. In some cases it was also recommended that the shoulder be graded; that a gravel surface be placed along with drainage where needed. Councilwoman Shippen mentioned the situation at Five Corners. The City Engineer, Leif Larson, said that there have been no accidents there as most drivers are inclined to be pretty cautious because it is so complex. It was suggested that an adult crossing guard could be used for this intersection. There followed some discussion on funding of improvements. Les Hanvey, the School Safety Coordinator for the P.T.S.A. said that they have been doing a study on this subject also and asked MOTION: if they could discuss this further at a later date. COUNCILMAN NORDQUIST MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN ANDERSON TO PLACE THIS ITEM ON THE AGENDA FOR THE 23RD OF DECEMBER FOR FURTHER DISCUSSION AND REPORTS. MOTION CARRIED. PRESENTATION OF P.U.D. - 5TH AVENUE UNDERGROUNDING AGREEMENT The City Engineer noted that he had written a memorandum requesting that this matter be continued as they are still working on it. He said he hoped to get the draft back to the council -in a couple of weeks. Councilman Gellert asked what progress is being made with General Telephone. Attorney John Wallace said MOTION: that they are in the process of drafting and filing of suit. COUNCILMAN NORDQUIST MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN GELLERT TO SET THIS MATTER FOR DISCUSSION ON THE 23RD OF DECEMBER. MOTION CARRIED. AMENDMENT TO COMPREHENSIVE PLAN TO REMOVE PARK DESIGNATION FROM SHELL CREEK VALLEY City Planner, Joe Wallis, reviewed the action taken to date on -this matter. Mr. Wallis projected a map of the area on the screen with the designated section outlined. -It-showed the*area that is designated proposed park on the Comprehensive Map and that portion that is marked open space on the Shell Park PRD. Mr. Wallis pointed out that Shell Valley has been disignated in the Comprehensive Policy Plan as a pri- ority area in the acquisition of open spaces. Mayor Harrison asked if there would be any- particular harm done in leaving this on the Comprehensive Plan. Councilman Gellert said that.perhaps the -part that has already been committed to development should be removed -and leave the rest of it in an undertermined MOTION: state. COUNCILMAN WELLING MOVED TO INSTRUCT THE CITY ATTORNEY TO PREPARE AN ORDINANCE TO DELETE FROM THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN THOSE PORTIONS OF THE SHELL VALLEY PRD WHICH ARE NOT DEDICATED TO OTEN SPACE IN THEIR PRO AND DESIGNATE IT AS SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL. MOTION CARRIED. Mr. Wallis asked the council what their position would be if he is again approached with a proposal similar to that offered by Dave • Larson: •The council indicated that they would take it under consideration.' (Councilman Gellert seconded the above motion.) 352 • PROPOSED ORDINANCE RE/COUNCIL SALARIES MOTION: COUNCILMAN NORDQUIST MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN AN DERSON TO PASS ORDINANCE #1801. MOTION CARRIED WITH COUNCILMEN WELLING AND GELLERT VOTING AGAINST. PROPOSED ORDINANCE RE/ARTS COMMISSION MOTION: The proposed ordinance was discussed briefly. COUNCILMAN GELLERT THEN MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN WELLING THAT IN SECTION 3 (1), THAT THE 1% SHALL BE INCLUDED UNLESS SPECIFICALLY .EXCLUDED BY THE CITY COUNCIL AT THE TIME OF THE ACCEPTANCE OF BID. MOTION CARRIED. PROPOSED ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 6.30.060 OF THE CITY CODE Leif Larson, City Engineer, presented this matter at the last council work meeting and at that time the City Attorney was instructed to prepare an ordinance. This then was the first reading. CLAIMS FOR DAMAGES Council acknowledged receipt of a Claim for Damages from Robert and Margaret Bolz. to the City Clerk for processing. There was no further business and the meeting was adjourned at 10:05 P.M. i . H. HARRISON, Mayor November 25, 1975 OATH OF OFFICE FOR TOM CARNS This was referred Edmonds Municipal Court Judge Richard Thorpe administered the oath of office to newly elected Councilman Tom Carns. Councilman Carns then assumed his seat at the council table and received congratulations from Mayor Harrison and fellow council members. RETIREMENT OF COUNCILMAN WELLING Mayor Harrison presented some mementoes to Councilman Welling. One was the name plate used at the council table and a plaque commemorating his service on the Edmonds City Council. ROLL CALL The regular meeting of the Edmonds City Council was then called to order by Mayor Harve Harrison with all council members present. APPROVAL OF MI14UTES Minues of the meeting of November 18th had been posted, mailed and distributed and with no omissiohs nor corrections, they were approved as written. CORRESPONDENCE • The Deputy City Clerk, Eleanor Quealey, read a letter which had been received from Jack McRae, 8519 Maple Lane, Edmonds, expressing interest in the annexation of a portion of Snohomish County bounded on the south by the County Line, on the west by Woodway and on the north and east by • Edmonds.. He requested information on such things as tax comparisons and what type of support the City would give in this effort. The council seemed generally receptive to the proposal, and the City Engineer indicated that his department could prepare maps, legal and petition. Council asked staff to respond to Mr. McRae's letter giving him whatever information he requested. HEARING: PROPOSED ORDINANCE REDUCING ALLOWABLE BUIDLING HEIGHT IN RS ZONES HEARING: PROPOSED ORDINANCE AMENDING THE BUIDING HEIGHT DEFINITION Councilman Gellert asked that items 7 and 8 on the agenda be heard concurrently. Assistant City Planner, Noelle Charleson, reviewed the items under consideration, and explained the method for measuring the buil'.ding height as in the proposed ordinance which was before the Mayor and Council. Miss Charleson said that the Planning Commission did not recommend that we lower the height limits in single family zones, and that the council on November 4th recommended that we do lower the height limit from 30'; in all single family zones to 25' except where there is a pitched roof - the mid -point of the pitched roof cannot exceed more than 5' above the 25'. Miss Charleson said that the problem of flat roofs should be addressed as they would have problems administrating that. $he then made reference to a handout she had presented to the council which showed a mansard roof 'Which is pitched, but is basically a flat roof. She said this situation should also be taken into consideration. She also wondered how a jagged -type roofline would be measured. The Assistant Plann said that they would like to go back and have the staff review this and perhaps set some sort of angle definition. She said they would like to come back in two weeks. The Building Official also said the staff could use some more time to resolve these problems. Councilman. Gellert asked that the staff provide the council with their proposal at least a week ahead of time so that it can be reviewed before the meeting. Mayor Harrison then opened the hearing to the public for comment on either of the above subjects.