19780718 City Council Minutes247 . July 11., 1978 - continued MAYOR Mayor Harrison announced that there was a group of people in attendance from the Edmonds Arts Festival Association who.had expressed interest in sharing some of the Edmonds Elementary School space if the City acquires it. Jim Hamlin, President of the Association, presented a letter to the Council offering the support of the Association. Their letter indicated they had investigated and found it was probable that they could secure private and/or government funds to assist with renovation of at least a portion of the property. They asked for suggestions as to how they could help and they indicated they also would be willing to go before the School Board in this regard. The Council expressed their appreciation for this support and urged that the Association do go before the School Board to let them know of the Association's interest. COUNCILMAN NORDQUIST MOTION: MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN HERB, THAT THE EDMONDS CITY COUNCIL EXPRESS ITS SUPPORT TO THE EDMONDS ARTS FESTIVAL ASSOCIATION IN THEIR ENDEAVOR TO ASSIST IN ACQUISITION OF THE EDMONDS ELEMENTARY SCHOOL. MOTION CARRIED. Mayor Harrison announced he had received two liquor license applications. Mr. Mike's Steak House requested an A and C license, and the Police Chief had recommended approval of the applicant and the location. COUNCILMAN NAUGHTEN MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILWOMAN ALLEN, TO APPROVE.THE LIQUOR LICENSE APPLICATION OF MR. MIKE'S STEAK HOUSE. MOTION CARRIED. The second application was from Brusseau's for a Class A, C, E, and F license, and the Police Chief had recommended approval of the applicant and the location. COUNCILMAN HERB MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILWOMAN ALLEN, TO APPROVE THE LIQUOR LICENSE APPLICATION OF BRUSSEAU'S RESTAURANT. MOTION CARRIED. Mayor Harrison advised that there would be a brief Executive Session following this meeting to discuss a personnel matter. REVIEW POLICY PLAN SECTION 204, 205, 206, AND 207 • Community Development Director John LaTourelle provided an analysis of some of the City ordinances which help implement the policies, as well as those which work to frustrate the policies. It was noted that the Street Standards Ordinance appeared as a frustration to several of the policies, but Councilman Carns expressed the opinion that it.was one of the best ordinances the Council had passed. Each of the policies was discussed, as was the implementation for each. Several motions were made MOTION: regarding implementation of the policies in the Policy Plan. COUNCILMAN HERB MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN GOULD, THAT UNDER IMPLEMENTATION OF POLICY 1, SECTION 204, IT BE STATED THAT THE AMOUNT OF CONTROL SHOULD BE INCREASED OVER ENVIRONMENTALLY SENSITIVE AREAS. MOTION CARRIED. COUNCILMAN MOTION: NORDQUIST MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN GOULD, THAT THE CITY OF EDMONDS WILL REMAIN IN CONTACT WITH THE COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT REGARDING POLLUTANTS REACHING THE URBAN DRAINAGE SYSTEM. (.POLICY 3, MOTION: SECTION 205). MOTION CARRIED. COUNCILWOMAN.ALLEN MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN GOULD, THAT UNDER POLICY 6, SECTION 205, IT BE STATED THAT COMPLETION WILL BE SOUGHT OF A LONG RANGE PLAN TO SEWER ALL OF THE CITY OF EDMONDS. MOTION CARRIED. Public Works Director Leif Larson had provided a \! MOTION: proposed inclusion to the Policy Plan, Section 206 - WATER RESOURCES. COUNCILWOMAN ALLEN MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN GOULD, TO INCLUDE THE RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR IN REGARD TO SECTION 206 - WATER.RESOURCES. MOTION CARRIED. With regard to Section 207 - WILDLIFE, Councilman Carns referred to the statement that "'People pressure' continues to destroy many organisms and their habitats each year." He felt the-tS tatement should be changed to indicate that "people pressure" r MOTION: may continue this destruction. COUNCILMAN CARNS MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN GOULD, THAT THE SECOND SENTENCE IN THE SECOND STATEMENT IN SECTION 207 - WILDLIFE, SHOULD STATE THAT WE SHOULD GUARD AGAINST DIMINISHING THE NUMBERS AND SPECIES OF MARINE ORGANISMS IN EDMONDS. MOTION CARRIED. With regard to Policy 5, Section 207, Councilman.Gould suggested that such public parks should be specified, identified, and zoned. • 1 F-J There was no further business to come before the Council, and the meeting adjourned to Executive Session at 9:05 p.m. 14e --" & etv IRENE VARNEY MORAN.dEITY CLERK July 18, 1978 04 i "m R 0 - N ,.. Nm , O. The regular meeting of the Edmonds City Council was called to order at 7:35 p.m. by Mayor Harve Harrison in the Council Chambers of the Edmonds Civic Center. All present joined in the flag salute. PRESENT STAFF PRESENT Harve Harrison, Mayor Charles Dibble, M.A.A. Mike Herb John LaTourelle, Community Development Director Phil Clement Fred Herzberg, Acting Public Works Director Katherine Allen Irene Varney Moran,.City Clerk John Nordquist Art Housler, Finance Director Ray Gould Lila Crosby, Administrative Services Director Tom Carns John Wallace, City Attorney Larry Naughten Jackie Parrett, Deputy City Clerk 0 24Si • July 18, 1978 - continued CONSENT AGENDA MOTION: Councilman Gould asked that Item (C) be removed from the Consent Agenda. A MOTION WAS MADE BY COUNCILMAN CARNS, SECONDED BY COUNCILWOMAN ALLEN, TO APPROVE THE BALANCE OF THE CONSENT AGENDA. MOTION CARRIED. The balance of the Consent Agenda contained the following: (A) Roll call. (B) Approval of Minutes of July 11, 1978. (D) Approval of access easement to Lot 16, Shell Park. (Pantley) (E) Right-of-way dedication in conjunction with recording of record of survey for building permits. (Gwinn Investment,.Inc.) (F) Report on bids opened J.u.ly 1'l,1978 for Cherry Hill Sewers - LID 203. (G) Report on bids opened July 11, 1978 for 3rd Ave. Sewers - LID 204. (H) Adoption of Ordinance 2009, amending Section 6.16.100, "Water Shut Off - Safety Valves," of Edmonds City Code. PROPOSED RESOLUTION GRANTING AN EXCEPTION TO THE MORATORIUM ON BUILDING PERMITS IN THE CW ZONE (PORT OF EDMONDS) [Item (C) on Consent Agenda] Councilman Gould said several things troubled him about this request. He thought it violated the principle of the moratorium, the drawing did not explain to him what was intended, and he did not think enough parking was being provided for the number of boat spaces being proposed. Community Development Director John LaTourelle responded that the Council had approved the proposed Phase I Improvements for the Port of Edmonds Marina Expansion last fall, and a portion of one of the pro- • posed floats and its access ramp are within the CW zone, and this request was to acquire MOTION: building permits for that float. COUNCILMAN CARNS EXPRESSED THE OPINION THAT THIS WAS IN THE PUBLIC INTEREST, AND HE MOVED TO APPROVE ITEM (C) ON THE CONSENT AGENDA, PASSING RESOLUTION 409. COUNCILMAN NAUGHTEN SECONDED THE MOTION. Councilman Herb added that in this particular instance he felt the proposal was in the public interest. MOTION CARRIED, WITH COUNCILMAN GOULD VOTING NO. COUNCIL Councilman Carns requested that the Finance Director prepare a report regarding tax revenues so the Council will know whether they will have to make any changes in spending for the balance of the year. Councilman Gould asked that a method be established to inform Council members who are not present at an Executive Session what has transpired at that session. Mayor Harrison said he would arrange that. Councilman Gould also requested that the Council members be given a copy of the schedule of Ex officio Council Members to Planning Commission and Park Board meetings. Further, he inquired as to why the item "Correspondence" is always on the. Council agenda when there never is anything submitted under that item. Council members are furnished copies of all correspondence so it no longer is read aloud at Council meetings. (The "Correspondence" item will be omitted from future agendas.) Councilman Gould suggested that the Council review of the Policy Plan be rescheduled so that the sequence will follow that of the Planning Commission review. He had attended the last Planning Commission meeting and commented that they are doing an excellent review of the Policy Plan and he felt the Council should take their input and then do the Council review. Councilman Naughten inquired whether a date had been set for the dedication of the fountain at 5th and Main St. to Al Kincaid. Mayor Harrison responded that they are waiting for the plaque to be completed. Councilman Herb noted that a newspaper item indicated the City was going to court against the Yacht Club and he said he had never participated in such a decision. He said he would like to hear the facts before joining i.n'such.a decision and he encouraged that such actions be coordinated. City Attorney John Wallace advised that this was the filing of a criminal charge and not a Council prerogative. Councilman Herb suggested the Council receive an updated report on how the City stands on its responsibility regarding the Medic I program. Councilman Carns responded that basically the members of SNOCOM felt there would be a program with or without Fire District 1. He said SNOCOM would be sending a proposal to each of the participating entities. Councilman Nordqu.ist noted that. -another Police Captain had;gone out;.on,disability so all three captains are gone. "He said he understood the Police Department was down five people and he asked for a report at next week's meeting as to what the structuring will be and what .the impact will be on that department. Councilwoman Allen said she had attended a Puget Sound Council of Governments regional meeting and she noted that the estimated population of Edmonds was larger than she thought. She said a resolution had been passed asking the Legislature to levy a tax for emergency life support systems. MAYOR Mayor Harrison presented a plaque to Ed Robinson to recognize his service on the Board of Adjustment from October 1974 to June 1978. He also presented a plaque to Phillip Averill for his service on the Civil Service Commission from January 1973 to May 1978. Mayor Harrison advised that the American Diabetes Association is sponsoring a "Walk-r-Run" at Longacres on July 22, 1978 at which he will participate in the "Mayor's Mile." He asked everyone to contribute $1.00 per mile that he runs, and he said he would run only one mile. July 18, 1978 - continued I. 1 • 1 1 0 Mayor Harrison read a letter from School District Superintendent Bob Woodroof asking for the City's participation in an interlocal agreement to hire a consultant to investigate the possibility of joint recreation facilities. The Mayor noted that the City already is participating in a program in that Rod Garretson will be attempting to develop an inventory of facilities and a statement of the recreation programs, but he said he would like to see the City express support of the whole concept. Discussion indicated a desire to cooperate as much as possible with the other entities MOTION: involved. COUNCILMAN NORDQUIST MOVED, -SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN HERB, THAT THE MAYOR WRITE A LETTER TO THE SCHOOL DISTRICT.SUPERINTENDENT IN SUPPORT OF THE JOINT RECREATION PROGRAM. Councilman Nordquist added that the letter should indicate the City of Edmonds is already conducting a similar program. THE MOTION CARRIED. Mayor Harrison announced there would be an Executive Session following this meeting to discuss the Edmonds Elementary School. Mayor Harrison asked Bob Pantley to report on the Edmonds Waterfront Study. Mr. Pantley displayed detailed drawings of the waterfront showing exactly what facilities presently are there, including each structure as well as landscaping. He asked for ideas for alternative uses. It was noted that under present zoning a commercial development such as Old Milltown could not go in there, but boat manufacturing could, and it was asked if that really was what was desired. A suggestion was made that development should be single story, people oriented, with lots of open space. When asked if a comprehensive plan for development of the waterfront would be made, Mr. Pantley commented on the extensive development projected by the Port and he said he thought there would be a lot of.problems if the Council did not say how they wanted to address the Port property. A suggestion was made that the Port people should be encouraged to come to public hearings. Mr. Pantley noted that there are some people.on the Shorelines Management Committee who really want no development on the waterfront, there are some who would like to see it remain as it presently is, and there are some who would like to see some retail establishments there. One suggestion was made that it should be, as people oriented as possible and as least commercially developed as possible. It was noted that parking will be a determining factor in the development. Mr. Pantley suggested that at certain times there should be a limited access for vehicular traffic as the traffic gets very congested in the water- front area, especially during summer evenings. PROGRESS REPORT FROM LIBERTY TV CABLE, INC. Ted Lovett presented.his monthly report and said he did not know whether they could make their August 30 deadline. He asked for a 30-day extension, saying new construction in the City of Edmonds had slowed their underground progress in the Meadowdale area. He was asked to provide a map with his next report which would show the areas that have been serviced. Councilman Clement suggested holding any consideration for delay until Mr..Lovett's August 22 report. HEARING ON.CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT.FOR CHURCH RELATED TEEN ACTIVITIES AND CHRISTIAN EDUCATION CLASSES AT 611 AND 621 BELL ST. (RMH) (CHURCH OF THE OPEN BIBLE) CU-15-78 Community Development Director John LaTourelle reviewed the Planning Commission action on this application. The permit requested was to use two small homes to the east of the church building for church related activities such as Sunday School. It was noted that parking -should not be impacted because most of those using the facilities would be pre -teens who would be dropped off and picked up by adults. The Fire Department had imposed certain conditions which must be met before the permit would be granted. The Planning Commission hearing had revealed no opposition to this use. The public hearing was opened, no one wished to speak, and the public hearing was closed. MOTION: COUNCILMAN HERB MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN NORDQUIST, TO APPROVE CU-15-78, SUBJECT.TO'MEET.ING.FIRE DEPARTMENT RECOMMENDATIONS AND SUBJECT TO PROVIDING NINE PARKING SPACES, BUT NOT REQUIRING PAVING OF THE ALLEY OR BUFFERING ON THE EAST SIDE; FURTHER, FINDING THAT GRANTING OF THIS PERMIT WILL NOT BE DETRIMENTAL TO THE HEALTH, WELFARE, AND SAFETY OF THE SURROUNDING PROPERTIES. MOTION CARRIED. HEARING TO DISCUSS POSSIBILITY OF HOTEL/MOTEL TAX FOR CONVENTION/PERFORMING ARTS CENTER Finance Director Art Housler submitted projections of tax^revenue which would be generated by a 2% hotel/motel-tax, if',passed by'the Council. There are*pre'senflly 'four"motels in Edmonds and based upon the 1977 gross revenue figures of these four motels, the 2% tax would have generated $2,731.77 for the convention/performing arts center. The public portion of the hearing was opened, and Pat McMahan generally reiterated what he had said in the past in support of this tax. The public portion MOTION: of the hearing was then closed. COUNCILMAN CARNS MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN GOULD, TO ADOPT ORDINANCE 2010, PROVIDING FOR THE ADMINISTRATION AND COLLECTION OF A 2% EXCISE TAX ON THE SALE OR CHARGE MADE FOR THE FURNISHING OF LODGING, AND CREATING A SPECIAL "CONVENTION/PERFORMING ARTS CENTER FUND." MOTION CARRIED. PROPOSED INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT FOR'FONDING OF THE PACC CULTURAL ARTS AND'CONVENTION'CENTER �" Community Development Director John LaTourelle referred to paragraph 2(b) of the proposed agreement regarding formation of a Recreation District and suggested that the purpose of.the Recreation District should be expanded. He felt it should not be limited to providing only the cultural arts facility during its creation but should allow the administration of athletic facilities such as ball fields, field houses, and a golf course, as well. He suggested it would be worth considering that the wording should indicate the Recreation District should be funded to develop a cultural arts and convention center "among other things." Pat McMahan responded that about 22 years ago the PACC had come before the City and the City had passed a resolution approving the formation of a special Park and Recreation District limited to an auditorium. He said the cities had been concerned that a Recreation District would be in competition with the cities for ball fields, etc. He said they now are within about 60 days of their deadline in putting this together and the projectprobably would be killed if they had to start over again. City Attorney Jim Murphy had reviewed the proposed agreement and had submitted some observations. He felt more details should be provided as to con- templated operation of the Recreation District, land commitments, clarification of no City credit for construction and debt retirement, etc. He felt the Council should specifically review the use commitment that the City is willing to make as to number of days per year, rate per day, etc. He 250 July 18, 1978 - continued indicated that most of the matters could be provided after further Staff and legal review, should the Council,wish to approve the proposed agreement in concept for subsequent redrafting and execution. 'MOTION:. COUNCILMAN HERB MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN CARNS, TO APPROVE THE CONCEPT OF ENTERING INTO AN INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT FOR FUNDING OF THE PACC CULTURAL ARTS AND CONVENTION CENTER AND TO AUTHORIZE THE MAYOR TO SIGN IT AFTER IT IS APPROVED BY THE STAFF, INCLUDING THE CITY ATTORNEY. MOTION CARRIED. DISCUSSION OF DEDICATION OF PARK LANDS OR IN -LIEU FEES Community Development Director John LaTourelle had submitted an analysis of the program of park land dedication and the option of equivalent payment. He said the concept is relatively new in the State of Washington, although Oregon and California have implemented it. He said the principle is similar to the recently established In -Lieu Parking Fee which provides that if the developer is unable to provide the required parking space he is required to pay into a fund which will be used by the City to provide the space. He noted that the usual practice is to place such park land dedication requirements upon construction or platting of dwelling units, including mobile home sites, and the fee is usually collected upon issuance of the building permit. Lands offered by developers are subject to approval by some appropriate body such as the Council or Planning Commission, and criteria for suitability of land is based on topography, size, need of parks in that area, etc. Mr. LaTourelle felt that because of the tightness of funds and the problem of getting money to obtain open space, the institution of such a program would be very beneficial. Councilman Herb suggested that the Planning Commission should be knowledgeable about this and should be asked for MOTION: input. COUNCILMAN CARNS MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN NAUGHTEN, THAT THE CITY ATTORNEY BE, INSTRUCTED TO DRAFT AN ORDINANCE INCORPORATING IN -LIEU FEES FOR PARK LANDS AND THAT THE AMOUNT OF THE FEE BE LEFT BLANK AND IT WILL BE DISCUSSED AT A PUBLIC HEARING ON AUGUST 22, 1978. Councilman Herb said he would vote against the motion because he would like input from the Planning Commission. -Councilman Clement described this as a "latecomer's" fee, a way of "keeping people out of the club." He said the Council had been hearing testimony about the difficulty in finding housing in Edmonds at reasonable prices and this would only add to that problem. He felt this would just be finding a politically expedient way to get funds the Council wants. Councilman Gould, however, favored this kind of concept because some of the goals in the Policy Plan that are important would be implemented and he did not see another way that was better to do so. For that reason he said he favored it, but he did not know what the fee should be. Mayor Harriosn commented that the people who have .vacant land have been paying taxes that have gone into the acquisition of park lands, and he said he could justify in his mind subjecting multiple dwellings to such a fee, but he found it difficult Amendment to justify such a fee on single family lots. COUNCILMAN HERB MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN NORDQUIST, (failed) TO AMEND THE MOTION THAT THIS MATTER BE PROCESSED THROUGH THE PLANNING COMMISSION. Councilman Carns felt the motion to amend was out of order because.it drastically changed the main motion. Mayor Harrison ruled that the point of order was not well founded. Mr. LaTourelle said the matter could go onto the first Planning Commission agenda in August if that was desired. Councilman Carns stated that this was not a Planning Commission matter and it would only cause a delay. Councilman Naughten felt this would not be an unreasonable tax and he noted that people coming to Edmonds expect amenities. A ROLL CALL VOTE WAS TAKEN ON THE MOTION TO AMEND, WITH COUNCIL MEMBERS HERB, ALLEN, AND NORDQUIST VOTING YES, AND WITH COMUNCIL MEMBERS CLEMENT, GOULD, CARNS, AND NAUGHTEN VOTING NO. MOTION TO AMEND FAILED. THE MAIN MOTION THEN CARRIED, WITH COUNCILMAN CLEMENT VOTING NO. SIX -YEAR CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM - ROAD IMPROVEMENTS Acting Public Works Director Fred Herzberg said four basic systems would be covered in the six -year transportation improvement program: traffic signalization, full improvements, overlays/maintenance, and bicycle paths. He said they were asking for a 44 million dollar program of which 4 million dollars would be State and Federal money. Councilman Nordquist noted that there are no bicycle paths in the Lake Ballinger area and he thought a good one would be on the old interurban tracks which run from Everett to Seattle. There was general agreement that that would make a good bicycle MOTION: path. COUNCILMAN GOULD MOVED., SECONDED BY COUNCILWOMAN ALLEN, THAT A BICYCLE PATH ON THE OLD INTERURBAN TRACKS BE INCLUDED ON THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN. MOTION CARRIED. Councilman Nordquist also noted that the signal indicated at 6th and Main St. is not critical any longer because of the MOTION: change in the fire station. COUNCILMAN NORDQUIST MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN CARNS, THAT THE .SIGNAL AT 6TH AND MAIN ST. BE REMOVED FROM THE TRANSPORTION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM. MOTION CARRIED. MOTION: COUNCILMAN NOREQUIST THEN MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN CARNS, TO PASS RESOLUTION 410, ADOPTING THE SIX -YEAR TRANSPORTATION PROGRAM, WITH AMENDMENTS MADE THIS EVENING. MOTION'CARRIED. There was no further business to come before the Council, and the meeting adjourned to Executive Session at 9:25 p.m. jtzm 1i A, IRENE VARNEY MORAN, ity Clerk July 25, 1978 HAIZVf H. HARRISON, Mayor The regular meeting of the Edmonds City Council was called to order at 7:35 p.m. by Mayor Harve Harrison in the Council Chambers of the Edmonds Civic Center. All present joined in the flag salute. PRESENT STAFF -PRESENT Harve Harrison, Mayor Charles Dibble, M.A.A. Mike Herb John LaTourelle, Community Development Director Phil Clement Fred Herzberg, Acting Public Works Director Katherine Allen Irene Varney Moran, City Clerk John Nordquist Lila Crosby, Administrative Services Director Ray Gould Noelle Charleson, Assistant City Planner Tom Carns Art Housler, Finance Director Larry Naughten Jim Murphy, City Attorney Jackie Parrett, Deputy City Clerk 1 Fj • 1 • 1 1 CJ