19780808 City Council Minutes25S August 1, 1978 - continued There was no further business to come before the Council, and the meeting was adjourned at 11;00 p.m. IRENE VARNEY MORAN City Clerk August 8, 1978 (Work Meeting) HARV H."HARRISON, Mayor The regular meeting of the Edmonds City Council was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Mayor Pro tem Tom Carns in the Council Chambers of .the Edmonds Civic Center. All present joined in the flag salute. Mayor Harrison arrived shortly after the meeting was called to order. PRESENT Harve Harrison, Mayor Mike Herb Katherine Allen John Nordquist Ray Gould Tom Carns Larry Naughten CONSENT AGENDA ABSENT STAFF PRESENT Phil Clement Charles Dibble, M.A.A. Leif Larson, Public Works Director John LaTourelle, Community Devel. Dir. Noelle Charleson, Asst. City Planner Art Housler, Finance Director Irene Varney Moran, City Clerk Dan Smith, Planning Technician Jackie Parrett, Deputy City Clerk Wayne Tanaka, City Attorney COUNCILMAN CARNS MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN NORDQUIST, TO APPROVE ALL OF THE CONSENT AGENDA EX= MOTION: CEPT ITEM (D) WHICH THE STAFF HAD REQUESTED BE REMOVED. MOTION CARRIED. Items approved on the Consent Agenda were: (A) Roll call. (B) Approval of Minutes of August 1, 1978. (C) Acknowledgment of receipt of Claim for Damages from Ken J. Bankson of the Haberdasher Men's Shop for water damage due to sewer backup. AUTHORIZATION FOR MAYOR TO EXECUTE LAKE BALLINGER REHABILITATION PROJECT INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT [Item (D) on Consent Agenda] M.A.A. Charles Dibble said the agreement would be satisfactory with the elimination of certain words in paragraph 4 regarding the Study Advisory Committee. Words to be eliminated were: MOTION: ". . .oversee the conduct of the PLAN and. . ." COUNCILMAN CARNS MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN GOULD, TO ACCEPT ITEM (D) WITH THE CHANGE STATED AND TO AUTHORIZE THE MAYOR TO SIGN THE DOCUMENT. MOTION CARRIED. l 1 C� COUNCIL Councilman Carns said he had been advised that the City's dues to the South Snohomish County Chamber of Commerce will be due at the end of August in the amount of $160. COUNCILMAN CARNS MOVED, MOTION: SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN HERB, THAT THE CITY ATTORNEY BE INSTRUCTED TO DRAFT A RESOLUTION FOR NEXT WEEK'S CONSENT AGENDA TRANSFERRING FUNDS FROM THE COUNCIL CONTINGENCY FUND TO THE GENERAL FUND TO PAY $160 ANNUAL DUES TO THE SOUTH SNOHOMISH COUNTY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. Councilman Gould noted • that there is at least one Council member who feels the City's participation is improper and non- productive, and he questioned whether the City had received $160 worth of information from the Chamber. M.A.A. Dibble responded that people request information about the City and the area and they are referred by the Staff to the Chamber for such information. He said the Chamber is per- forming a function that otherwise would have to be performed by the City. Councilman Carns noted that the other cities in South Snohomish County were members, and it was his opinion that the Chamber was doing a lot of good. Councilman Naughten felt anything that promoted interlocal cooperation was good. Councilman Gould questioned the legality of the City's membership, inasmuch as Councilman Carns had felt it necessary to withdraw from membership earlier this year. Councilman Carns re- sponded that it was not a matter of legality, that the Appearance of Fairness Doctrine had come into play. City Attorney Wayne Tanaka agreed, and added that the City in its corporate capacity is different from an i.ndividual's being a member. THE MOTION THEN CARRIED. Councilman Carns proposed that towards the latter part of the year each Council member contribute $25-$30 to host a cocktail party for all the other Boards and Commission members and their spouses, possibly at the Senior Center. This suggestion met with general approval, and M.A.A. Dibble and another Staff member will coordinate it. Councilman Naughten commented that there are many people in the community who would like to be involved as Board or Commission members, and he suggested no one should serve more than one term so that more people can get involved. Mayor Harrison said it had been suggested to him by M.A.A. Dibble and Community Development Director John LaTourelle that terms of service on Boardsand Commis- sions should be cut to two years. COUNCILMAN NAUGHTEN MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN CARNS, THAT THE COULCIL REVIEW THE LENGTH OF TERMS ON BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS AT THE SEPTEMBER 12, 1978 COUNCIL MEETING. MOTION CARRIED. 25 • August 8, 1978 - continued Councilman Gould said he had been called by a citizen regarding the scheduled burning by the Fire Department of an abandoned house on 88th St., between 194th and 196th Sts. The concern expressed was that this was not the proper time to do it as everything is so dry during the current heat spell. Mayor Harrison was in agreement and said he would see about postponing the burning if there is no rain between now and then. With reference to a request for authorization-of.a bid opening date for the Senior Center Kitchen Project, COUNCILMAN NAUGHTEN MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN CARNS, TO AUTHORIZE A BID OPENING ON I. -MOTION: AUGUST 31, 1978 FOR THE SENIOR CENTER KITCHEN PROJECT, MOTION CARRIED. With reference to a request for authorization of a bid opening date for the Five Corners Tank Pro- ject, COUNCILMAN CARNS MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN GOULD, TO AUTHORIZE A BID OPENING ON SEPTEMBER 14, MOTION: 1978 FOR THE FIVE CORNERS TANK PROJECT. MOTION CARRIED, WITH COUNCILWOMAN ALLEN VOTING NO. Councilman Nordquist noted that State law no longer prohibits the use of motors on Lake Ballinger and.he suggested a joint venture with Mountlake Terrace and the County to prohibit gasoline engines on the lake. COUNCILMAN NORDQUIST THEN MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN CARNS, THAT THE CITY ATTORNEY. MOTION: BE INSTRUCTED TO DRAFT SUCH AN ORDINANCE TO PROHIBIT GASOLINE ENGINES ON LAKE BALLINER AND TO BE COORDINATED WITH THE CITY OF MOUNTLAKE TERRACE AND SNOHOMISH COUNTY. Councilman Gould noted that this would not prohibit the use of small electric motors. THE MOTION THEN CARRIED.': MAYOR Mayor Harrison asked if the Council intended any action regarding a letter from Virginia Evans con- cerning paying into the Parking Fund to provide additional parking for her Maples Apartments. Community Development Director John LaTourelle noted that she currently has an application being processed for a rezone to convert a small apartment building to some offices, and he felt that action should be completed prior to considering her letter. Mayor Harrison noted that the 'Association of Washington Cities will be holding mini -conventions instead of the usual regional meetings, and one will be held October 1, 1978 in Everett from 9:00 a.m. to 4:30,*.P.M. He asked those interested to notify his secretary before August 15. Mayor Harrison asked the Council's reaction to his memorandum regarding the AWC Service Fee structure which he felt was inequitable. He had suggested either not paying it or paying it under protest. Mostof the members present were in agreement that it was inequitable. Councilman Carns felt other- wise and said the AWC does a fine overall job. He suggested the Mayor could take the matter up with the Board of Directors. COUNCILMAN HERB MOVED THAT THE COUNCIL SUPPORT THE MAYOR'S POSITION THAT MOTION: THE AWC FORMULA FOR DUES IS NOT REASONABLE AND TENDS TO BE UNFAIR. COUNCILMAN NORDQUIST SECONDED THE MOTION FOR DISCUSSION. Mayor Harrison suggested that the Council favor a structure to include a base feee,'a per capita fee, and an assessed valuation fee. After brief discussion, THE MOTION CARRIED, WITH COUNCILMAN CARNS VOTING NO.. A letter will be sent to AWC voicing this position. Councilman Carns asked for the status of Code revision. City Attorney Wayne Tanaka responded that Title 12 is about ready to go to the publishers. DISCUSSION ON CITY COUNCIL HEARINGS ON GOALS M.A.A. Dibble had requested an indication from the City Council as to the nature and extent of work the Council expected from the Staff for discussions on City goals. Councilman Carns did not think there should be much input from the Staff until it is seen what is received from the public during the discussions. Councilman Herb felt specifics had been ,Lacking on the Parking Plan (scheduled for October 17 discussion) and he suggested detailed proposals or.alternate proposals and cost esti- mates for that project as well as the Main Street undergrounding (scheduled for November 7 discussion) • would be helpful. Councilman Gould suggested identification of environmentally sensitive or open space sites which the City may want to acquire in the long term (for the October 24 discussion). SIX MONTHS' PROGRESS REPORT ON MAP SHOWING ENVIRONMENTALLY SENSITIVE AREAS (Continued from August 1, 1978) Planning Technician Dan Smith gave a slide presentation to illustrate the Enviornmentally Sensitive Areas Study and the proposed amendments to the Environmentally Sensitive Areas Map and the Comprehen- sive Policy Plan. Possible treatments of environmentally sensitive areas were discussed during the presentation. It was suggested that builders might be allowed to use one laneEbr!idges over ravines to encourage bridging instead of filling and to keep down the costs of bridging. Frank Taylor of 9007 Olympic View Dr. felt controls were too stringent in some cases. He felt a builder should be able to use an engineer to test fill, for example, and that the engineer's report should be accept -- able to the City without additional safeguards. He also felt a builder should have the freedom to produce necessary plans, with possibly an engineer's report being required to prove the plan i's feasible and safe. No one else in the audience wished to speak. COUNCILMAN GOULD MOVED, SECONDED MOTION: BY COUNCILMAN CARNS, TO APPROVE P.C. RESOLUTION 597 AND THAT THE CITY ATTORNEY BE INSTRUCTED TO DRAFT AN APPROPRIATE ORDINANCE PURSUANT THERETO, WITH A MODIFICATION ON PAGE 2 OF EXHIBIT "B", CHANGING PARAGRAPH 12 TO READ: "ENHANCE RESIDENTIAL ENVIRONMENT BY ACQUISITION OF ENVIRONMENTALLY MOTION: SENSITIVE AREAS FOR PARK AND OPEN SPACES." MOTION CARRIED. A MOTION WAS THEN MADEVBY COUNCILMAN NAUGHTEN, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN CARNS, THAT ON AUGUST 22, 1978 THE PLANNING AND ENGINEERING DEPART- MENTS PRESENT A PROPOSAL TO ACCOMPLISH THE DRAFTING OF A DEVELOPMENT CONTROL ORDINANCE AND THE CITY COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AND PROGRAM. MOTION CARRIED. M.A.A. Dibble introduced to the Council Cary Stavros of Radio Station 1-2-3 who is replacing Dan Coulter in covering City news. There was no further business to come before the Council and the meeting adjourned at 9:40 p.m. • IRENE VARNEY MOR N, Ci ClerkNA�1 Mayor ��