2019-06-19 Economic Development Commission MinutesCITY OF EDMONDS ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION June 19, 2019 COMMISSIONERS PRESENT Mary Monroe, Chair Scott Merrick Jamie Reece Darrol Haug Kevin Harris, Vice Chair Kimberly Koenig Margaret Safford Neil Tibbott, Councilmember, ex officio Greg Urban, Edmonds Chamber, ex officio COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: Nicole Hughes (excused) Bruce Faires, Port Commissioner, ex-officio Guests: Bob McChesney, Port of Edmonds STAFF PRESENT: Patrick Doherty, Director Cindi Cruz, Program Coordinator Economic Development Commission meeting called to order by Mary Monroe at 6:00 p.m. 1. Approval of Agenda: Jamie moved to approve agenda, Darrol seconded, motion passed. 2. Roll Call and recognition of absences: Mary acknowledged that Nicole is absent for work related reasons and her absence is excused. The Commissioners welcomed Margaret Safford, a new Commissioner appointed by Mayor Earling. 3. Approval of 5/15/19 EDC Minutes: Scott moved to approve minutes, Kimberly seconded, motion passed. 4. Audience Comments: None 5. Edmonds Downtown Alliance — Ed!: Kimberly gave a presentation about the Alliance, how it was created and what is the mission. The efforts were started by a group of downtown business owners in 2008 with circulating petitions initially needing business owners representing 60% of the projected assessments signing, however the Alliance was created by Council Resolution, due to the length of time passed before the item could be taken up by City Council, which disqualified the earliest signatures by that time. List of accomplishments are lengthy and detailed on the Attachment 1. Required report and work plan must be presented to Council in the fall of every year and the Council has the final approval over the work plan and budget every year. There was positive discussion regarding the benefits and improvements that have occurred as a result of the Alliance. (See Attachment 1 PowerPoint presentation). 6. Old Business: SAP draft memo review (see Attachment 2): Mary introduced the draft memo and Darrol discussed his attached comments. Encourage an emphasis on accomplishments with clear and concise comments so there are no misunderstandings of matrix. Take the revised memo and include an explanation of categories to bring clarity and completeness to the project. Can future items be delegated? Examples of a "Moot" items was "vacant storefronts used to create an art program" but now there are few if any vacant storefronts. "Future" item example: Waterfront shuttle which had no one that would take up the challenge. This example is being currently researched for feasibility. Ongoing items could also be reclassified as future. Reclassifying could be part of this memo process. Darrol will review and revise and bring back to sub -committee. Patrick and Darrol will review matrix and send out to commission. Approved Meeting Summary Economic Development Commission June 19, 2019 Page 1 7. New Business: Kevin brought up some work done by WSU grad students for Sno Co. on tourism and economic development issues for County. Could be opportunity for presentation of student work and potential similar future work for Edmonds. Jamie asked if City could provide online drive or file cabinet for access of documents that are being worked on. Could also provide a location to place ideas. Scott discussed matrix presented last month where tax revenue comes from. Question: could this be a topic for a future agenda of discussion of types of businesses? Could business attraction subgroup take lead on this topic? Neil would like to see this group try to keep track of activities, revenues, etc. regarding this subject. 8. Work -group updates — Leads to provide goals and work steps to achieve them: Development Feasibility: Jamie reviewed the report (Attachment 3). The work -group is drafting questions for a survey of builders and developers. Patrick discussed revised questions that were reviewed by Development Services. Kevin suggested a more positive balance for some questions. Nathan asked why such a small scale focus for the questions. Patrick stated that wanted to start small and focus on mom/pop businesses initially. Some discussion about making questions clearer to the respondent. Darrol asked if there was a reason to review a preservation district but may not fit in this group? Arts/Tourism: Mary discussed main focus has been on pilot project for waterfront/downtown shuttle. Patrick has been trying to find an option for a pilot project trolley to use 5-6 Saturdays so can have a proof of the concept to include in the budget for 2020. Struggling to find a resource. Ferry line messaging project URL will be enj oyedmonds. com; have found a local comedian to help with recording the script, making good progress. Signage will be designed to be placed on WSDOT signs to advertise URL. Business Attraction: Scott updated on progress (Attachment 4) of co-worker space. Kevin updated on the healthcare/health & wellness organization recruitment. Explained role of Verdant as the hospital district of South Snohomish County. Verdant owns the hospital property and many surrounding properties. Goal is to work and collaborate with them. and to bring in to the immediate area healthcare related businesses. What would an expanded health community look like? How will these businesses benefit the Swedish/Verdant `core'? -. Suggestion of letting the medical community drive the recruitment of specific medical businesses. Next step meeting(s) will include Patrick, Swedish staff and Premera Blue Cross to help identify care delivery `gaps' and needs. 9. Liaison Updates (3 minutes per person): Planning Board: Nathan Monroe resumes his role as liaison; updated that PB has joint meeting coming up with Council. Highway 99 is also on the extended agenda for discussion. Port: Bob is filling in for Bruce and updated Port is busy going into summer. Family Day on June 1st went well and will probably be a yearly event. Public access surveys will be shared in August. Puget Sound Express is doing well, will have 3 trips per day in July. Parking is an issue for PSE. Council: Neil looking at utility tax fee structure. Potential to bond to complete Civic Park project. Went on field trip with Homage Senior Services, Meals on Wheels is an amazing service provided by Homage to provide meals for seniors, etc. Chamber: Greg provided schedule of upcoming Chamber events. Need volunteers for 4' of July parade and day of events. Provided an information list on local candidates and debates. Approved Minutes Economic Development Commission June 19, 2019 Page 2 10. Roundtable Discussion (Council, Commissioners, City Liaisons, 3 minutes per person): Patrick discussed on July 2 Council meeting a presentation on MFTE. Briefed on I Am Edmonds project. Darrol updated on school board bonding recommendations will be replacement of two middle schools, elementary schools. Moving forward with Early Learning concept mandated by legislature. Attended Council retreat and will be meeting again on July 12. Scott attended Creative District meeting and reported discussion on 4t' Avenue Arts Corridor facilitated by consultant. Discussed future of the corridor project. Branding Committee and Business Districts committee have started meeting. Jamie urged Council and Mayor's office to get some PR support for projects to work with staff to make sure information is efficiently provided to the public. Patrick explains how the city only has a part-time public information officer. 9. Adjourn at 8:10 p.m. Next regular meeting: July 17, 2019, 6 PM. Approved Minutes Economic Development Commission June 19, 2019 Page 3 Edmonds Downtown ALLIANCE Ed! Overview June 2019 Agenda • History • Programs • Member Outreach • 2019 Work Plan & Budget • Questions Ed! Edmonds Downtown ALLIANCE Members Advisory Board • Matt McCulloch, President; Peoples Bank • Apple Catha Vice President; Apple Catha Massage • Jenny Shore, Treasurer; The Wooden Spoon • Carol Sheldon, Secretary; Carol Sheldon Hair Design • Mark VonGunten; Ten Gun Design • Cheryl Farrish; Certa Law Group • Pam Stuller; Walnut Street Coffee • Carrie Hulbert; Ed! Program Manager Edmonds Downtown ALLIANCE History Why Ed •? • To create a stable and predictable fund so we could plan and execute downtown -wide marketing • To come together to create something bigger and better than any one of our businesses could accomplish on our own • To bring a new level of professionalism in our look and feel for promoting downtown • The Chamber and the City both have a bigger constituent base and we wanted to just focus on our downtown core Edmonds Downtown ALLIANCE Approved Categories in BID Ordinance • Marketing & Hospitality • Safety & Cleanliness • Appearance & Environment • Transportation • Business Recruitment & Retention • Organization { s W j c+� Edmonds Downtown ALLIANCE Progress • Bylaws and non-profit created • Website Launch • Media Strategy • Holiday Campaign • Bike Racks • Directional Signage • Umbrella Program • Tote Bags • After Hours Parking Program • Creative Crosswalks • Website Content r'."*ronn+ Drt-%tNr*nnn Edmonds Downtown I!D ALLIANCE 0 injg Programs 0 Am 40 0 7-P I'L Lip Al IIZN mm kL Ed! After Hours Parking S'ignage Program 'HE BANKOF VASH[N T N LOCAL BANKING BANK PARKING ONLY Sam-p Mon -Fri VIOLATORS WILL BE TOWED WA HIN TON Creative Crosswalks 40 I� ••5i ��a :-..iNMI{},+,'M#pA+r_w1rS &z,. m- C A I: -..Lxm 2211 CAT Of rK f of w DO TICOTS AND + MAMN At OXWALKf*MONDS COM M— FFlc%%% Piw V m6 4i �..5a M-a-.- *I! PASSPORTm FIND WALDO 771 dp AN 1I / EDM1 IN4DS KIND OF TH Professional Business Resources • In 2018, helped fund the retail seminar lead by the City, and business seminar series lead by the Chamber SEPT 26 6: 0-830p 1"1 LOCAMON: GSO M.3-n Street EdmoncK WA Plaza Room ab yve the Edmonds Library A presentation of retail best practices and individual consultations for supporting and empower ing local, businesses. IriEreAse fo(n traMic and buinst Sate# bytreahng a [ornpiAhnq Stom, and swrtfront. Logging -on b tc#easy Gorr we the days oflbop*g txal simplyout-of a seme -of Obtigaten or duty. Y4L) can KW awpppirs on main $rr t 0�9i` 1 CWQrrWat" and in -sure eXperienbal. 1nfwerKe6 ar4e key pares-Df yaw Main 5treet's competitive advantage. Whether you're a chiropractor. a yam stomix a =11" Oop you'll war -A to kr+aw the budding bl,Xks 9lhM Cre�7tc and effect visrbminy and curb ape al 4t every ground boor business Find out how theme storefrorH essentials catch, customer eyes and dmre shopper decisions to walk in your door for notl�. Corne be inspired and informed then head 13wk w wc5rk wilt? d keerVf eye and a strofr;f awar&w% or whece and WW W ffQkue i"rUv&V*nt& � • r Fraud, Forgery and Issues, Challenges and Resouvc es and Flayroli Prgper Coverages and rvl a rket I n Marketing Strategy • Continue to build Ed! messaging to increase awareness of Edmonds as a day trip destination • Create compelling content on Edmonds Downtown. org to highlight Ed! businesses, including services • Increase exposure with a robust digital campaign • Build social media audience, keeping Edmonds top of mind Edmonds Downtown. org Fe3tore Spodght v. -Jr A -I Heppernngs Fgbruary Art Walk T". =1. ]pm - Owr Edrmomde Clam Chowdw Cnako4f 5At Fqb 22L d r m. - 39- • Launched 2015 • 250 business pages �rwr... Ed! Edmonds Downtown ALLIANCE Edmonds Guide to Estate Planning janualY Z a, zJ19 Interview with an Edmonds Elf Feature Articles Features New Years Resolutions,, Edmonds -Style J3riu.34y 1U=`/ Giving Charitably in Edmonds Novom her 12, 2018 Edmonds Holiday Gift Guide December 11, 2018 lVs Cozy Season in Edmonds Ortober 29, 2018 • Added in 2018 • Goal: use compelling content to give more exposure to downtown businesses • Publish twice a month • Over 250 businesses mentioned so far Edmonds Downtown ALLIANCE Digital Ad Campaign • Feature articles give us content to promote on an ongoing basis • Display & social media ads • Facebook ads are most effective • 2.1 M ad impressions since Feb 18 Edmonds Downtown. org Traffic Year over Year Increases: • Users up 84% • Sessions up 81% • New users up 80% Feature Spotlight Happeninp Edmonds Halk6ys Calendar OLN a complaU I,s{ �f WE Ho4dey Happeningsl December Art Walk Thwo, 1 20, 5pm - ap' r4�1;'IIaA1 10 Edmonds Holiday Markot Interview with an Edmonds Elf 5.emdays1-•aughOc.ronbcr22nd,10mm. 3pm at 59h & 9a11 from Jan,iary ehrpLogh Novemkw, yW11 fir46mlly 51milh b4Milycloctir+g+GBmf Fplaid 0 archaealotpiei dgsr even gelting herhardi In-L. Facebook 1/1/19 Social Media Accounts 6/13/19 1,906followers 2,156followers 13% increase in page followers Instagrarn 1/1/19 1,205 followers 6/1/19 1,619 followers 34% increase in followers Edmonds Downtown Alilanre a! I�:�!#15d8NItIeWf! M�. Phalan Fvmr R "XW1 IrwLvWffn teed Paaas Gmups Qarrrnrurdp IMp anij AdF .6LAN zhFDRWW41+ A8hf-• .. FfKWMnerrd+tWnF Wd gwuws .1 . AT&T ^ 3.12 PM 4 69% W� T ed mo old dD1+ Mown Weere D,5%%019jw+s Luniu i h Ea9, zbm, lira IYr'd pop in Idslaic EO�r+74- , E I R"' H " crtmdit pro F&Yerds City Geumil ih {Arty. 5" Wro D5.1% PW pp hlrw irw.7F MxIMF v hhy G`*[1 rJ n r '2i;;Ik`�Yur a+rs ., ku" gook. 1ha Edmonds Downtown ALLIANCE Edmonds Holidays Campaign • Joint marketing with the City • 13,000 visitors to site • Social media & digital ads served 1.7M impressions • Estimated 6,000 trolley riders •� FEAlURE6 EVfi1Ti CALENDAR H4LIUAY TROLL E7 YISI75I,Nlk GlTT IHi MERC Featured Holiday Events in Downtown Edmonds a s • #� r Be merry undi F the iparkling I lights of our historic downtown. E&"r Ch—ft:- Ft— H6%Jgioc/.k � Te—L16bg S.i.rdq,. zlc- dpm rw-2S�1 �z 4L+L%i:hsM.4 FPty,U. %1K "edrpi_'4hm-3p) CW5LMa,Cimt,C.ewaehn4pr RaeI1V, 619 r 6pm 0— 2,, %6.116Lh (Tria& i OM GM 0 S H 0 L1 DATI.0 Oki c E6MOH61HOU CATS CrTY7,Y Lvaioxu1 IL • CREATE YOUR TRADITION EDMONDSHOLIDAYS.COM 6 Edmonds Downtown ALLIANCE Love, Edmonds Social Ads 8/1/18 - present: • Impressions: 98k • Reach: 27k • CTR: 1.9% Edmonds Downtown Alliance Sponsorea EDMONDSDOWNT WN.ORG Eat, shop &play in LEARN MORE downtown Edmonds Edmonds Downtown Alliance Sponsored ED IONDSD WNT WN. R Eat, shop & play in downtown Edmonds ••• LEARN MORE Edmonds Downtown ALLIANCE Business Promotion 4 9drnond"sDov-rntov'n.org Food 8 Drink F Jr iW dN& *..i. iwok %dF Hww%*F EdmaMi Downwwn Discover Downtown Edmond Dining, Shopping and Entertainment Discover Edmonds at EdmondsDowntown.org FIA DALEY 3T M L"AGUE # 7 � ■QLL 1T M"N $7 YIIPL9 $ T Y 3� t�4e� sr -_ �M1� VOM nyT ST •I:401 • 44000 Love, Edmonds ad impressions 71600 Views on My Edmonds News 0f:1pie 206 MILLION Holiday ad impressions* 30000 Theater ad impressions 6)000 Holiday trolley riders •[• • MILLION Article ad impressions 17000 Edmonds Downtown. org 3)200 Social media followers �q Edmonds Downtown ALLIANCE •le[• 13000 EdmondsHolidays.com visitors* 600 Umbrellas in circulation * Partnership with City of Edmonds Member Engagement Member Outreach • Ed! Advisory Board meetings on the 2nd& 4thThurs each month • Regular communication with members via Annual Meeting, Year in Review brochure, email newsletter, new member information Edmonds Downtown ALLIANCE ,~loin the Ed! Members Facebovk Group Ed! WR* fgrt 4j in 20, 3 ors jP D46inem Imprpy9mfm. D`rinst We have craatad a new closed Omulp [List for Edl mameers whare you can ask quesitons, gel advice, and connect wHh athar members rxi our k7cal huslrFass community in a pri4ale setting. To Join, simply visit the Fficggook Qroup page, answer the question with your business narna, and request membership- Once you`re approved, you can mass the glovp bnd start dis"55ions &nytimet w t� Edmondi�ovrrdlom�.a�y Halidoy Trolley & Ev m Marketing Nrw Street Amenivas . rovr'teay Umbrella Pro"M annual kcgaa-al FAAAMirlg CJm'PJl9n Enchant r Edmonds Downtown ALLIANCE Work Plan & Bud get 2019 Proposed Budget Administration Communication and Outreach Budget Supplement from Fund Balance for Conference Marketing Advertising/Social Media Website Budget Supplement from Fund Balance for Ferry Line Mktg Holiday Events and Advertising Program Management Budget Supplement from Fund Balance for Grant Program Appearance & Environment Umbrella Program Budget Supplement for After Hours Parking Signs Program Management $51330 Soo $29,460 $2,000 $101345 $9,000 $51000 $71000 $5,000 $21400 TOTAL BUDGETED EXPENDITURES $1021F235 Thank You! Edmonds Downtown org MEMORANDUM TO: MAYOR EARLING AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION VIA: MARY MONROE, CHAIR SUBJECT: CITY OF EDMONDS STRATEGIC ACTION PLAN (SAP) DATE: XXX, 2019 The original SAP was approved by City Council April 2, 2013. On April 7, 2015 City Council approved the updated version of the City of SAP. The SAP identifies short term (3-5 years) and midterm (5-10 years) community strategic objectives along with specific action tasks, including responsible parties and lead participants. The SAP included specific action items and schedules and performance measures to achieve them. The SAP is the result of a collaborative effort. Participants in developing the SAP included elected officials, community organizations, interest groups, property and business owners, employees, business district customers, young adults, the public -at -large and a sample of registered voter households. The Economic Development Commission (EDC), the Planning Board, city staff and Beckwith Consulting Group oversaw the planning process and the final content of the SAP. The SAP specifies 5 Strategic Objectives: 1. Create economic health, vitality and sustainability 2. Maintain, enhance, and create a sustainable environment 3. Maintain and enhance Edmonds community character and quality of life 4. Build a community that balances environmental protection, economic health and social needs 5. Provide efficient and effective delivery of services The 2015 SAP includes a total of 85 Action Items. Of these, 42 were associated with economic development activities. The attached matrix details each of the 85 Action Items and the current status of each. Items associated with Economic Development are highlighted in yellow. Status categories include: • Done (23 Items): Item is completed (or largely completed) and may need no further attention • Ongoing (47 Items): Efforts to accomplish these items are and will be on -going into the foreseeable future • Future (7 Items): Item will be addressed in the future as funding or circumstances allow • Moot (8 Items): Item is not currently relevant Items identified as Economic Development -related issues have been reviewed and considered by the Economic Development Commission and, when appropriate, include a brief note explaining the current status of the item. After detailed review and discussion, the EDC now considers the 2015 City of Edmonds Strategic Action Plan essentially implemented, especially as pertains to those items related to the purview of the EDC and Economic Development Department. We will continue to work to enhance and improve the economic vitality of the City and will always stay mindful of the 2015 SAP as a touchstone. We will continue to pursue economic vitality goals and objectives, proposed by EDC or as they are brought to our attention, now and into the future. Had problems with addressing and could not get Mary's address to appear before Kevin. I wanted to list Mary first as she is the chair. Attached are some proposed edits to the SAP memo and imbedded in the memo are some remarks about the need to review how we label some items to more clearly reflect the current status of several of the items. The council had asked for quarterly reports on the SAP and the -last I have seen is Q2, 2017, two years ago. The primary reason to do this update to begin with was to provide council a carefully crafted review that did two things. 1. Celebrated all the good work that has been done since 2013. and 2. to remind and refresh council that their are important issues supported widely by the community that need attention. Council can then take what ever action it chooses but it is their original report and we own them and the citizens a report that is as accurate as possible and accounts for the will of the people as outlined in 2013 and updated in 2015. The letter revisions set the stage to fairly and accurately providing such and update. As an action item to complete the work necessary to create more clearly understood report I would offer a review of the items to help create some better labeling of how we have classified each items. To properly do this I would propose to review the following ideas. 1. Review the status report already provide to council. 2. Review data provided by the consultant that helps us understand how the public presented their original importance of each item. 3. Review for the items still needing attention who the primary and secondary lead are and possibly recommend the action items to be considered or in the alternative, provide council suggestion of how they can discuss with the public the current status of items on which they may not wish to have further work done. I can do the initial work outlined above and then reconvene the sub committee with the goal to present an improved and more understandable version of the matrix we would attach to the proposed letter. Darrol