2019-02-14 Historic Preservation Commission MinutesCITY OF EDMONDS HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION SUMMARY MINUTES OF MEETING February 14, 2018 CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL Chair Raetzloff called the meeting of the Edmonds Historic Preservation Commission to order at 5:30 p.m. in the 3' Floor Conference Room of City Hall, 121 — 5' Avenue North. COMMISSIONERS PRESENT Kate Kelly, Vice Chair David Preston Tim Raetzloff Emily Scott (left at 6:00 p.m.) Larry Vogel Steve Waite COMMISSIONERS ABSENT Chris Deiner-Karr (excused) Laura Johnson, Chair (excused) Kristiana Johnson, City Council Member (excused) APPROVAL OF MINUTES STAFF PRESENT Diane Cunningham, Administrative Assistant OTHERS PRESENT Dave Teitzel, City Council Member COMMISSIONER SCOTT MOVED THAT THE MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 8, 2018 BE ACCEPTED AS PRESENTED. COMMISSIONER PRESTON SECONDED THE MOTION, WHICH CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. AGENDA ADDITIONS/CHANGES The agenda was adjusted to add a discussion regarding the portico that is currently located on the Cascadia Art Museum property under New Business. The remainder of the agenda was accepted as presented. REQUESTS FROM THE AUDIENCE There was no audience. NEW BUSINESS Election of Officers for 2019 COMMISSIONER WAITE MOVED TO APPOINT KATE KELLY AS VICE CHAIR OF THE COMMISSION IN 2019. COMMISSIONER PRESTON SECONDED THE MOTION, WHICH CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. COMMISSIONER PRESTON MOVED TO APPOINT LAURA JOHNSON AS CHAIR OF THE COMMISSION IN 2019. COMMISSIONER VOGEL SECONDED THE MOTION, WHICH CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Goals and Obiectives for 2019 The Commission formed a Subcommittee (Commissioners Scott, Vogel, Waite and Kelly) to review the ordinance that established the Commission and come up with goals for the coming year that will reenergize the group. Commissioner Vogel was assigned to serve as chair of the subcommittee. They discussed that their main objective should be to place properties and sites on the Register. Currently, there are 19. They also discussed that it might be helpful if Commissioners kept a log of the hours they spend doing Commission work. Portico at Cascadia Art Museum (Echelbargers The Commission reviewed a request from the owner of the Salish Crossing property for a plaque or sign on the portico to explain its significance to Edmonds History. They agreed it is not within the Commission's purview to nominate the portico for the Register, but they could provide assistance as needed. Vice Chair Kelly agreed to speak with Frances Chapin, Edmonds Cultural Services Manager, about the Edmonds Arts Festival taking the lead. Property Interested in Historic Register The Commission discussed the home at 560 Bell Street as a potential candidate for the Register. It was noted that a nomination application was prepared previously, but the property owner requested that it be withdrawn. The owner recently met with Commissioner Raetzloff and indicated a desire to move the nomination forward, but there are some concerns about its ability to meet the criteria. Vice Chair Kelly agreed to look for historic photographs of the house, and she and Commissioner Waite would conduct a site visit. They agreed to report back at the next Commission meeting. Commissioner Raetzloff agreed to contact the property owner to arrange the site visit. The Commission also discussed the process of adding the Mowatt Wells house to the Edmonds Register of Historic Places. It was noted that it is already on the National Register. Ms. Cunningham agreed to send an application letter to the property owner, requesting a signature so it can move forward to a public hearing. Commissioner Preston said he has been working with Commissioner Diener -Karr to contact the owners of the Princess Theater to ask them to consider adding the property to the Register. Ms. Cunningham advised that the owners have been approached on a number of occasions but have not been interested to date. ACTION ITEMS Discussion on Library Proiect This discussion was postponed to the next meeting, since Commissioner Johnson (the lead) was not present at the meeting. It was noted that the Commission is scheduled to provide a display at the Edmonds Library in August. Discussion on 2020 Historic Calendar This discussion was postponed to the next meeting, following the subcommittee's recommendation on goals and objectives for 2019. They discussed that the proposed theme for the 2020 calendar is the 1960s, and it should be ready to print by October 151h. It was suggested that they need to have a better plan for distributing the calendars next time. Ms. Cunningham advised that there are still two boxes of 2019 calendars left. Historic Preservation Commission Minutes February 14, 2019 Page 2 Commission Attendance Polic Ms. Cunningham reminded the Commissioners of the attendance policy. Commissioners who have three consecutive unexcused absences will be removed from the Commission. Excused absences include work, illness and planned vacations. The Commissioners voiced concern that when individuals miss a large number of meetings, whether excused or not, it puts a strain on the group's ability to have a quorum at each of their meetings. They asked the subcommittee that was formed to discuss goals and objectives to also consider the idea of expanding the Commission to nine members. Ms. Cunningham agreed to email the attendance policy from the ordinance to the Commissioners, along with a request that they notify her as soon as possible if they won't be able to attend a meeting so she can establish whether a quorum will be present or not. The letter should quantify the number of times over the past year where the lack of a quorum prevented the Commission from having a meeting and moving agenda items forward. Members who cannot contribute on a consistent basis could be asked to reconsider their positions and perhaps step down and allow someone else an opportunity to participate. HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION CHAIR COMMENTS Vice Chair Kelly announced that the Edmonds Museum would be open again on Saturday, February 16' HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSIONER COMMENTS Commissioner Preston said it would be helpful to have a recap of each meeting so that everyone understands their assignments and is prepared for the next meeting. Ms. Cunningham agreed to send the draft minutes out earlier, and they asked the Commission Chair to send out an email immediately following the meeting reminding everyone of their assignments. Commissioner Vogel recognized and thanked Council Member Teitzel for his service to the City. He asked him to consider returning to serve on the Historic Preservation Commission when his term on the City Council is finished. The Commissioners thanked Commissioner Raetzloff for serving as their chair for the past two years. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 6:32 p.m. Historic Preservation Commission Minutes February 14, 2019 Page 3