2019-01-30 Disability Board MinutesEDMONDS' DISABILITY BOARD Meeting Minutes Regularly Called Meeting 1 /30/2019 MEMBERS PRESENT: Ken Jones, Chair Gary McComas, Board Member Dave Teitzel, Council Member Diane Buckshnis, Council Member Jim Distelhorst, Citizen -At -Large STAFF PRESENT: Mary Ann Hardie, Human Resources Director Emily Wagener, Human Resources Analyst Sharon Cates, City Attorney MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC PRESENT: Terry (last name omitted for privacy reasons), CALL TO ORDER: Chair Ken Jones called the meeting to order at 10:05 am. Human Resources Director Mary Ann Hardie entered the meeting at 10:07 am. Member of the public, Terry (last name omitted for privacy reasons), entered the meeting at 10:09 am. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Board Member Gary McComas moved to approve the minutes from the specially called 9/27/2018 meeting. Citizen -At -Large Jim Distelhorst seconded the motion. Council Member Diane Buckshnis abstained. The motion passed. DISCUSS AND APPROVE CLAIMS SUMMARY REPORT Chair Ken Jones introduced the claims summary report for the fourth quarter of 2018. Summary of Current Costs 10/01/2018 - 12/31/2018 SERVICE Number of Claims Total Paid for Service Co -Insurance 1 $ 21.59 Dental Expenses 2 $ 309.00 Eyeglasses 2 $ 579.96 Long Term Care 6 $ 45,537.50 Medical Services 5 $ 701.67 Prescription 10 $ 3,336.87 Grand Total 26 $ 50,486.59 There was brief discussion regarding the reduction in number of long term care claims in the 4t" quarter of 2017 vs. the 4t" quarter of 2018. Council Member Dave Teitzel made a motion to approve the claims summary for the period 10/1/2018 - 12/31/18 in the amount of $50,486.59. Council Member Buckshnis seconded the motion. The motion carried. Page 1 of 4 REVIEW OF 2019 BUDGET Ms. Hardie began a discussion of the historical costs related to long term care and how it might affect future costs in 2019. Ms. Hardie confirmed to the Board that HR is monitoring the budget and that there will likely need to be future adjustments (increases) to the long term care portion of the budget (such as with an upcoming, 1st quarter budget amendment). Chair Jones clarified that there was nothing to move forward with in relation to the budget at the meeting, but that it could be discussed again at a later time. Council Member Buckshnis confirmed that a budget amendment can be brought forth at any time. REVIEW/DISCUSSION OF A REQUEST FOR REIMBURSMENT FOR ASSISTED/LONG TERM CARE FOR A LEOFF 1 MEMBER Chair Jones introduced this item on the agenda. This particular LEOFF 1 Member recently entered long term care. Council Member Buckshnis asked that the member of the public be introduced and allowed to participate in the discussion. Chair Jones agreed but also explained the process in that the Board would enter executive session while making a decision which would be communicated to the member of the public after the close of executive session. The guest introduced himself as Terry (last name omitted due to privacy reasons), the family member of one of the City's LEOFF 1 members (and the LEOFF 1 member of discussion). Terry (last name omitted due to privacy reasons) explained that this LEOFF 1 member's heath has declined rapidly over the last year and that there was no choice but to put him in long term care. The LEOFF 1 member's wife was also no longer able to care for him. The Board thanked Terry (last name omitted due to privacy reasons) for attending then summarized to Terry (last name omitted due to privacy reasons) the WA State Laws regarding reimbursement and the disability Board's responsibilities. Terry (last name omitted due to privacy reasons) explained that this LEOFF 1 member is unable to care for himself in even the most basic ways and that he had memory issues. Terry (last name omitted due to privacy reasons) expressed that he was concerned over the Board's request for a second opinion because he was concerned that such an appointment (at this time) may cause the LEOFF 1 member's condition to worsen. He also expressed his frustration over the general (Board approval) process, suggesting that it be easier for long term care to be approved and reimbursed as it places a significant burden on a LEOFF 1 member's family. There was some discussion among the Board regarding Terry's comments. Citizen -At -Large Distelhorst mentioned that, in his experience, second opinions can be very helpful. He respectfully asked Terry (last name omitted due to privacy reasons) to reconsider the second opinion as it may be able to improve this LEOFF 1 member's overall quality of life, depending on what is discovered. Terry (last name omitted due to privacy reasons) was receptive to Citizen -At -Large Distelhorst's comments but again expressed his concerns indicating that the LEOFF 1 member was still unstable in the new environment (the long-term care facility). Council Member Teitzel commented that the Board's intention is not to make the process difficult but to make sure that the Board has all the facts in order to make an informed decision and ensure that the LEOFF 1 member's needs are being met fully. Terry (last name omitted due to privacy reasons) responded and indicated while he understood that was not the intention, it felt that way. Terry (last name omitted due to privacy reasons) mentioned that the City may want to consider providing a list of homes or resources that a LEOFF 1 member or their family could reach out to for long -term -care support services. Council Member Teitzel mentioned that while the information was appreciated, the medical documentation received to support this LEOFF 1 member's entry into long term care was not adequate. Ms. Hardie indicated that she had reached out to the office manager at the long term care facility (that the LEOFF 1 member of discussion was at) and had asked for additional information after receiving the Page 2 of 4 referenced documentation electronically. She explained that she had not yet received a response from the facility. Chair Jones excused Terry (last name omitted due to privacy reasons) from the room to enter Executive Session at 10:39 AM Chair Jones invited Terry (last name omitted due to privacy reasons) back to the room after Executive Session ended at 11:03 AM Chair Jones explained to Terry (last name omitted due to privacy reasons) that the Board had come to a final decision in the form of a motion with the following: 1. The Board will fund the long -term -care on a temporary basis. 2. The Board would still like the second opinion to take place but understands the concerns regarding the LEOFF 1 member's stability and are willing to defer (rescheduled this appointment) to a later date. 3. The Board would like to receive the LEOFF 1 Member's medical records, which would require a medical release. Chair Jones stressed that the documentation received to date is unfortunately insufficient and the above requirements would help the Board to make an informed decision regarding the LEOFF 1 member's care. Chair Jones further clarified that the Board was making an exception to the existing policy by allowing the (temporary) reimbursement of the long -term -care expenses until suitable documentation is received by the Board. Chair Jones stressed the fact that the Board is making an exception since the placement of the LEOFF 1 Member into the long -term -care home should have been pre -approved by policy. Council Member Teitzel clarified that the reimbursement will be temporarily approved through the 1It quarter of 2019. Terry (last name omitted due to privacy reasons) thanked the Board and left the meeting. 11:15 am. REVIEW/DISCUSS THE LONG TERM CARE (LTC) REIMBUSEMENT POLICY #08-11 Ms. Hardie clarified that the Board had previously intended to hold off on revising the LTC policy and asked HR to reach out and see if there were any LTC insurance policies available to the City. Ms. Hardie confirmed that she had reached out to the City's LEOFF 1 Medicare supplemental insurance plan broker for this reason. Unfortunately, the broker indicated that most, if not all members would be ineligible based on underwriting criteria and that it would be extremely cost prohibitive to move forward with any LTC policy given the limited market (and in the unlikely possibility that they would be eligible). The Board was understanding and appreciative of the results of Ms. Hardie's research into LTC coverage. There was a brief discussion about reviewing and possibly adjusting the LTC policy. The Board chose to defer the LTC policy review to the next regularly scheduled meeting. Ms. Hardie agreed that in the meantime, HR will provide, upon request, LEOFF 1 members and their families with the previously suggested resources (of elder and housing care advisory service providers) in order to provide adequate support and mitigate the stresses involved with the process and requirements of the Disability Board policy. Council Member Buckshnis left the meeting at 11:20 am. OTHER Ms. Hardie indicated that the current term for the LEOFF 1 Police Representative to the Board was expiring in April and asked Chair Jones if he intended to run again (to which he agreed). Ms. Hardie Page 3 of 4 indicated the ballots would be going out to LEOFF 1 members and that the election results would be shared at the next Disability Board meeting. Ms. Hardie also indicated that the annual Washington State LEOFF Education Association (WSLEA) Conference is coming up at the beginning of May if anyone wanted to attend to let HR know. Citizen -At - Large Distelhorst asked that an agenda be sent out to the Board for review. Ms. Hardie confirmed that she would forward the agenda along to the Board once it was available. There was some discussion regarding dates for the next regular meeting. No date was agreed upon and it was requested that HR send out suggested meeting dates via email. Chair Jones adjourned the meeting at 11:19 AM. Page 4 of 4