Ordinance 812.. �. .. . ... .... �_•f\KS,��{�3 .. : ... ".. f. h'. ,�j.+. is ` OADINAN CE: ti Q:. 8 I AN (�.RDlitf�i�(l HEi:1'1'I�G'1~O.1i�I7.'fiCililDlh'G'FOft.A CdNIPk�EfINSIVE' i ,..... PLAN. FOR TEE ORDENtY, DEVELOP MENT OZ-' THE PRESENT AND FUTt RV. , CITY- OF F,Di�I'C7_`DS:. A'F FIkiMING HE EKISTI;NCEt Or, THE PLrL+�iNING " `- `�'' colvl?zis:S[ON OF SAID C.UrY. TH'E.IADOP 16 OJT OFF'i.CIf1;I.: 'NIAPS' IN ANr 1' p TfIE: SAID. CITY:THE CREATION OF ZONING DISTFtWJ: S AS SET F`OR U Obi SAID'OFFI+CI.AL, MIA PS I CO.N"TBINED-WITH ZONING"T EMYI,A"E'IOI`S HERETO - 'FORE -ADOPTED THE AFFIRMATION AND- ADOPTIOTM OF SUBDI VISLON = �. HEGUi;ATIr3N5:' ALL1'I7T1.S'ii�u7T TO THE LAWS .OF'TIE;STAi"E OF WAS'HINO- -", TON-A5 SET .FORTH IN R.-C. W. 35. 63.AND FOLLOWING SECTIONS,OF"SAID E CHAPTER :s ;Tie City Council of the Cityof Edmonds dia Ordain as-follow's.. a.:. :.K SECTIONT: I]EFE t'ITICUTS: a. Planning rueans and includes all publics pl�nninl; activities. in and ao- jadeut W the City of Edmonds as authorixed.by A.C. W. '35. 63'and subs equy sat . - $PCt10415 .as amended and [iiare:ai tivi.ties.atlthoriaed.tiy'this ordinance or re- late.d ordinances;. and such .oitier activities a_� 'may he autharised by the City , Council of the .City of Edmonds onorafter reeorniiaendaYiores r eceived frdm its l'iare.ursgotrtmi'sivion. -b- Comprehensive Ilan '•rheans'a general p l'icy.fo'r:the unified'and or- d,,} derly development of. the arban'area and Its enviroR's.a's expressed by .the .deter rrifnd ian. of a conrd+_nateti anc) harmoniu:s pattern of relationship includiitg•prv- C. po als`for prd sent and future "land:use, nr:eupa'ney, . density-and'pu-b•,lic services witi.ch may F; rve'as v, basis' for municipal, acltvn;. such plan is and shall be a' corrpovitd of the descriptive nt.atai r-rii.ic rir;ir1ri',tri' >3s:l.fti.rtii, as welI as th'e,su�i- . ioa''uad torang regu'la.i krns and W ' ps hf_� rebv i nr nrlrorated -by •referehm k c. Official'Maps means those cerWa maps so designated, 'shr)win`g the location, alze..azid -dirn,cpsion of 1a'nd art,,as in: and adjacCRt to the c : ty'."Of ECliI7Ri�� • . ;:`.. , • ' .� # allil outlining land usc-s deeaited.sieceSsacry'f6.:• 11vc:&ent and future; developrneni of � -Mid rea mi0 palily; uil[f nctti Rl; forth iv'xisfth�g i crudw:tyr , Nilk3tic ksse5:arut residential 1'nd ast i-Jal a od L'.t)n}•Pli!•rC1a1'.dS`nsi.iV 8•,udics'. _. Subdivision means thedivision of arty lot; tract, or Parcel of land,' i.at.a ttvn or- more lots. sites or ether divisr•on•s of .land tirxctuding property for dt,,dication) for the }rurpose of 4Wb­`: edi:I, or Yutr:,'.} Sa' of t;,lc, or building devel0i mcait. tiECTION' M. ArFIRMATION GF IIIE ESTA13LLSHMENT OF A PL NIlE1li G CONIMLSSIOaN. IN AND FOR 3ME CITY' OF EDMONDS a. .On July- 7, 1953, . the.City Council of the City of Edindnds, ..did. by an : ;i:r'augie its "Ordinance Nj o:.. 37, establish a P;la� ng Cartirii ssio f w iiie City of.Edzrrunds., pur•s,.mnc ,o thr ;I( b. Statuatory Powers: The Planceirxg C;otntnissian ixereirrafter reftri•rc '. zo as the Commission, si+aII have all the powers' and oerform. Fach and all iDf ''' the duties specified by the Iaws•of,.the State of Washington' as set forth in 3is Chapter•35.63 Remington's Re»ised.Codie of Washington, together with any potherd0jes,or authority which niay herein Bier be _-•ariferred •upon'tbeni 'tsv `Y the laws of tkie State• of Washington. The performance of such duties. awi ti; .,exercise of such authority snail he siibje-ct to each•and.all the lim' ltati-ofis v.—pressed.—in legislative enactment -or enactments. Reference, -to , id Cornnzission Herein is an affirmation of skid Cotnmi.9sion's.existence as e—Mabiished by the afbrementivned.ordi: anoce.' SECTION LIl PRO?CEDi1ii_l1•L:RELATIONSHIPS The Corrnerzission shalt •obtain'"and pr6xnote an understanding '.nieresl .in comprebensive planning for.,Ahe City of. Edmo6ds. `.The-'Gom-mitssion'• sha;i include•in its, Studies anrl'recomr.nentlations £rotas time. to. t•ime,.thoaV-i, e; :: ci; s;itle. tite kr,,)uiidaz i'e's of ifie iiiuriicipal-ity which have,. or may ltiave, an envirorinzental influence cm.the .fgereral• ivelfare -of the City- Extra;jerritoa•ia_I plaltrring-shall I>c rJone to _01=omote ..in udequate -county planning. progz amp to 2: - rr;]�::;•i;� ' :k!';:��::8;,_ .s � ;;�' �..: -,�-:o:•� ts�• � ,ar i . i • "' s'� .�i�:'�'''�'':'vy Y�.�` e'�x . �-��y,.: r ,i'• �rK.•= ;.. ,'. :� i,y Yr v V_ fi. S: �!�Lii:: - .,.•:'�: .�} vi .�• i4t� `i:.7.-- �'`-. r..-: -'• �A�t�: n; tj AA estin7ate future munici al service requirements, p � , to encoisrage•vrde.riy •Ian[i use ...Ylt;..• y is F•_.'-.: :xzttl;dedeii}pria.�nt; and, to cooperafejnfact'finding.,an.d reporting'; relative -to r �= regional plaruung un, 3 local integration on behalf of. tbe:Git ;H, r•u The.C:ommissiori shall bf red onsihl.e for -the. conduct of neigh orhoad'' 4 and corrrnuni.ty hearings-regardinK; its studies.- re Commendatiaais and• proposals;.' r " and shall, hatie`the responsibility of promoting satisfactory-p.ublfc`;alati.ons as;a 'SS r '`gXoup and individually, upon which tne. City -Council in. piabUe`:polie y; ffiatters tari :'' •��+ .;• G- '`y .:;• `' re3v_ 5ucn.relaiions shall be of Both a foraial and.infortnal.natttre i. e: � .�.,.. ,r .fib'!=... _ aisinformational lierngs awell as. infoI mati�onal fact Eluding dl isctsaa{Cans: - .... _•"�'' ... �3� 5 NIL`: P1Fuls, reports, arlimini.strative matters and reco.minendat:ions of the f; ;•r; F� ?' Planning Commission-Fula.0 be-suC3iratted.by :Resolution or Repo: "directly_to t" tlte' Cit :.. y.Couricii•by such Commisa&iar._ 'the .; A'comprehensive, inrig.range and annu'al.worlc'prvgra7n of P1 '' � Commisalonis hereby •auLhorized, . which auiE:orization. shall include :a e' 'vie►v'- s' 31;s :: by the said Cotzzamission of all inajor puhlic'improvements. SECTION IV. 'C011PRE HENSIVE Pj_.A N, CONCEPT' A °,:' '., : The. Comprehensive Plan with the. accorapsn_ving ,xnaps; 'plats, uilartri And descrlptive and exf)la:rAtory•doeuruents s!ial.I show.the CominissibnIs recommeriii- alions; for 01e physical'devolopment, and may include -.among other thirig a; . the J >' _A '�~;::'• ;: general location, character acid extent of streets, bridges, Viaducts, . flacks, parRv ava, vat er•f-on t.and watrrway developments; -piaygror:nds,•: airports:'and •;T groonds.. placrts, and spacCS; t:l: generai iocatioIa of 171Jt]i.C: iauildiags rrci vtiicr.pubiic property, thr gexierri;. lac.ution and extent of iauhi c' ` �.. . jUUUcs and 'erminais, whether publiclyvr• pr•ivately.owned, fo:- wa'ter, .!fight; '': i:':'• power, Meat, saniia[ion, �trn�n:: �aoi'tat,iori',i. [!fir: il7lili1C3tIOnS and other,pu7 pos es; All . . - ti --'� ' �, �r •' Ali. - .��'-� :. >'�.,:�. �,�,a. +y-, .�� ;;;, i S� "!f�,s,•&r• fir: ��:I.�, a �F..f!a'__^N.`l��i.�S3�'-'i.�:'..�5�"�.`iEi.�l`ti'i;sti"Si+'�i•':�a.-/�i'-'��:T��,Ai�P��.�iatn''St�.��'a���.... �. r • ' ' tttL• acrepiance;'wide.nin_& removal, extension, relordtion,-,narrowing, vacdtion, { " «':::.. aUanclanrne:tt ar changr: of use of any of the foregoing public ,u-e.'ys, ' grounds, ?; spacers, places,. buildings; pr0perti.es, -utilities nr tc,rniirialta: a lal+d uae.pIan €Ar optirn+ri l city deveiopinent,. iipon which ;mooning regulations heretofore have r been set fo' rth in Ordinance No. 789, a.nd uprin :ti Uch subdiuxskon regulations W . �-• '' have been fret ;ortK,i.'n'Ordinaznce No. 190,,whicii'reg1lation5•a.re:..here and now >: r `<' in.carpoxatcd by reference and'viade'applicable '.o the 01"Heial xoning.'map as T;Sf trt•of the'overall Cpm rehensive Plan for the -City' of Edrrtands; which regu-. p ;rf la:ian and maps 'ean•tye''bas.eri to contriol the height,aroa,. bulk, T[rGatian, and' neiatthoriiood developments'tkxrougho-d•t the -City of Edmonds; that further the Comja nfss3on shall lock to the -general location, .character; layout, and a :teng �K-• _.; ^ of cotnm:iniiv-ceitteis. and neighborhood developments; and .Ihe general clear- :5 fir. -,,. -.. . ' ..;, - . '. • . . It . •. -_' .. • • act err, -.eaten'. layout of the replanning of blighted d'at;ricts-in.,sittm areas, i$ .. • :.` K • any.. The Corrtmissiost may, fl:om time to time rec6r6meztd amendments, ew� ns-to taPotensions or addi#ioe.lan,r prepare any. part f' s ubj ecf matter into - ... .. .... ti greater,detail. Est.- The Cam r-dhensiV(! Flan Tna inelude p y' proposals f oNtidium utilization of pri :-ate and ,public prove rty and teas. 'inter. atian ttt pul�l.i c far iliiies arltd services r. -V2,-" to .;an :•eni,ent]y and economically serve sisch land usage. T'iie Planning CnmY tr F `. mission may appropriately recorr+nxend' the, enactment of 're uiations and pr�r= '} ? r rawith respect. to the fallowing: -; a: -Zoning t "Regu'lat.ion oil platting SU'bdiviSiollOn 'e. ' capital in provenle0 programs F' `t? .•erg _,.'�> - _ �r C,_ 'offi.clai maps off' de,vetoprne'nt plans ;s 'Y e. U rlian renewal f . ' Off -it r•ee+ )aari�in'1, , .. , .. g'....Classificatiort-of stt d design standards therefore ' ;• Regulation of traffic - Sanitation and health r ->. SECTION V:' GKNEIi L l'ilFtl'-OSE-3''OP•Tf1E PLAN .�.s :,• The :Comprehensive Planstrall.be and become.the basis of-mizmcipal development policy, in and for the.' City-vf. Edmonds. It shall set forth .guiding principles. and tii�jectives, from which urdform, ,reasonable and equitable regulations,rnig3st'>�e evolved to �nYtance the character of the City. . As',pte ,`'•�� {' .' sci ibed in Chapter •35 ::63 R.,'C. W. Laws of. the State -of Was nington, .all -of tyre regulutiotis. have been worked'v-at as a part:of.'tnis Comprehensive. Pl'an'whi.ch the C<sxnmission has, prepai ed' for the physical. and other'-gener.a:J,ly' advantageous development of themunicipal commurdly.:The plan is'maile to 'represent and ` - accomplish a coordinatedi, a6j:usted and harmordous'developmeni of the mum� ;�• cipality, wh:eit +vi31 in accordame with existing and frrture'land use creeds; best F', ' rombte public heali}i, • safet morals, ov.de'r, convenience, ros erit ai'td .. p l Y• p p y• - N the general. vrelfare, as'well afi the -efficiency and economy in the,piocess of deve,opment in government. - The Plan and' reguiaYory devices irtcidexrt ner et'v, "? x c -are desigaed W. a. Trancaurage the most appropHate use of land throughout the aF, Y;.. risrznicf ulrty. ...... i, • .. �'� - ,,. ; b. Secure safrty.froni fi re. c c. LGssen'trafiic,con estiort•and accielents. ..� '..i �-�•' � r'OVtd� ud Ei' '.`:.• . equ to light' and air. I'rc.vent ove;•Crow.ding of land.. f : Avoid undue concentration -of P�op�Aa.tior'l, j . PvovidC.a coo r d 1 r ta t. c d deveiw}r:nerit of undeveloped areas. h. I,neovrage the.forrnation of neigiziorhood or con munity :.k • deveitrpmerrts. i Secure ati' app'tropi, ate allotnient'of.land area in new develop- ...; .sr=�r�.i•, v _ .. .. ..Ihx ...r3. r,�.-'1-���"•.��.�-.. .. ... � _ .ra .=:Y4�c �:-1i1.. ... .. v.. .. .- .. - .;:T... �w..".�.. �..y ::. ::1.".7._ .. yi::!� ljI L�l': Vy�s•C'r4 �, y; y:;l-•@•$�'.•C--.'"�r*�va1���'''r pQri.•.' h.As `r`,Y - Ir..',` a Y 'f iJr{..; ' Ci: s: r, r�` �r •:ate-�-, n7cnts for all th e requiremetits of canimLinity Ilfer j . . ojv� roe aiid res:ori natural 'beauty and other natural ' -resources,. f: - L. Facilitate the adequate provision of tram;, iaLion; 7Nat4r, sewage; and other public se. -vices and tequ' r.ements.' 1: •Disr_ourage piecemeal spot -or strip -zone changes or �;' '• - inharmonious subdividing, la:tting'of,deveIt, Ora ents'wbich would serve to IFJT defeat opt9iriiuzii nei.ghborho4d and c 0 lil'in Uni t y.develogm,ent_ -Y. •7. SECTION ,.V1: ADOETION OF. THE! COMPREHENSIVE PLAN• Pursuant to tiid•resol'utior, and reco7nmenda.tions bf the Plartm' ng - `a Commission of the City of Edmonds, and: Beni' guided by. Chapter 35. 63. 080 through and including Chapter- 35.'63, 1.00 11. C..W1. as amended,' -the City Gduncil of. the Citr•.❑f'Edmonds claes adopt as its Goxnpreherts•ive';Plan this Drdinanee of the-City'of Edrriaads. i• There iF, hereby included as a parL.of the:Camprehensiv'e Plan of the Citv'oi Edmonds the Officiai Maps -add pted by Section Vie vf. Lh3s ordinance and rt Ordinance No. 789 and 79G .of tide City of Edinoiids heretofore adapted and hereby Incorjiasated by refp ence. SEC110N VId: OFFICLAi.3viAPS 1`n2the G;ty'.Courecf i o. the: Ci;y UfdrllPrldS pursuant to Chap.Y¢T ." 63" 98'0',- L'sirm;grs1 Chapter 35.63.•100 of R.'C.. W. and upiUn rerdz77rnendation, by way cif on olutiori :r orr: the said Commis—ilo i,. and feting j1urr;ua.:11 to Chapter 3.5' 6:3. do of II. C. W. herebyo'rdockas and establishes as Tor'th-d City a official ma7s ,in and of a. That certairi r aI3 referred. to and'ci7'titled Th-s Cvxriprehens%rc Plan of the Cite of Edmonds, appr•ovc!d by tl{e City Coil i1, signed by the 1CR-ayor = _ and.at, e,4ted 10 by the City C)('7'? : on tie 51!1 day ❑f.A1)vi1, 1960, and to. which . Drdinance ,ivo. ,812 is af: d. .This ziiuti.shall be syrnijoIiicall� designated as +.• map -A or the .City or Ediaonds. ., .,• K T4ixt: res'tain tirap referred to. arid. eatit led the Zonin g �.Map'c� .., y; the Cl'y of Echlionds. approve-d by the'City Z:oundj,: signed by the -Mayor acid attested to by the.City Clerkthe 5th,day of _'1foril, IS 0, . an.d to which Or dinxice No_ 812 is affixed. Trds mup stsal.l be symb6l3icaily designated as Map F3 of the City Edrnonds: Al ,of: ;- •. c. That the adoption of the, zoniitg Mali of the said' City hereby • estabtishes' the xorte8 as defined' and regulated by Ordinance No. 789 as hat•e'- r f 'S tafore adopted by the CLI.y Edrrionds_ SECTFQ4N V71: SUB17IVIStOX CONTROL In accordance with. Chapter 58.12. 14U..and Chapter a8. 18. 63� of R. C. W. the Planning Commission of the City of Edm'dnds shall act as the Platting ;N, ':::.. Cotxau;ission of the staid City, aita• as,such, shall have the control of the .platting. tX.,.=. or sakidivis?.on of land therein. {•:; ": - SECTION rX: •LEGA.L. STATUS.OF,-PLikN With the adoption of the Corn •preheris;ve Plan in and for the•City:of ' Edmonds, and fro=i%the dffecti►�i: date -.of this -ordinance, no- street-,' park or other fJti}JliG way,_ grGlbn.d. place; space or-•�pul7Lic building or stxiictu c , and rio utility,• whether public or privately owned,, shall -be constructed o.r •aithor- ti.. ized Sit "tits xi�:snic#pa:iity,until and amless the location' and e_xtem thereof shall' •have -• been s[ibmitted to And iioproved by the R'Fa:nrling C6mrnis'sioi n pJrovided �. ;:ow(.aer, that in ease of disa1)pr&val .th0: Corr mission..shall cammunicate ;try'` reasons to the Council, inwhich.tase Lii'A-Cauncil'trzay have the power to. t - D', rrtile s:ich .dSsap prrsVal Win 0n.1V- flEian'.OU:Ch Gverrii-lull; the njipro rSate ;. :. board, or officer, shall havt::power to ltr cir_ced, p.rovi•ded `ipwever; that if the iuislir way, round, place space, `bulldi!t structure'pr.•ut•ilit ,I)C one, • the }'j, emu: i)' ... ... ,•H �, f. I %. .,j�•. '. f,'.' -.. ii''• �'.Ki'V � 3- r.f •y•V.�. .,.: �'h:.-�•" �'1':n:: ': .._ i =r'.. :. '['-. 1 7 auldorization -or finans:ing of wbich,cioeS`not, ,ender the law governift'g fall, mqulin the Province of thc.;City Connell'; .ofri or ot�lcr bo.dy-ait cial:or the :,,rnunici�aIitv,. theft the subme-S,01611 to the Plannin• g COmlni'ssion_ shall 'ba 15y tFw bortrd. cir offi Z: i k I ti Vjng sjjcji j-uTI sdiction and the pjanj"g Coin Edlz suon i r, approval mixy be,oYcrrulc<Uby sand board 'or by said official.. ., S$ C TI N S _E T X VEFCADIi�ITY If any section or provision of thiju OrdinarIce sliall!be adjudged to be invalid or unconstitutional, S u f-h a' dj udlration dhall not affect the validity of theact-as. a whold— ubr ainy section '.sentence; -'.sentence; -se or word thereof ivat ' adjudged invalid or unconstitutional, SECTICI..' %.I:- EFFECTIVE DATR This Ordinance shall 1xke efeect-,from and.after 5 days after It-S Passag* and publiciitio.a_.. MA YOR