Ordinance 926SCANNED FROM MICROFILM ORDINANCE' CE' NO. - B AN OIi.DINAc�ICI: CREATING THE OI+'�'ICIs OF CITY I].TTC�:NL3i<-,'-BETTING F013TH THE DUTIES 0P sLjTcIl OFPIC P' ' AND PROVIDING 'IIiE '�1l1iLR OF APPOINTAIIEN_I' AND C:O1V1.PHNF.�'A-110N Foil SUC:II Oli'1. iCI; TIME CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDMONDS DOLS,16RD.' 1� AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. There is hereby created the office of Cit Attorney in acid for the City of Edmonds, Snohomish bounty, Washington; ;pursuant to. the laws of the State of Washington, which d cc sha�pbznt� ment by the IXIayor .►vith conftrmation by a TALjority vote b 'Council. + T rpm Section 2, Duties. The City Attney small ad authorities and officers .ot all le& tnatt� r:l ;,, ertaia7ing to e of 4 , + the city and shall approve ;ill ordinaLlees as to form. lie shallkepresent the City in all actions brought by or against the city or against_eity offi- cials in their official capacity. lie shall. perform such other duties as the City Council, by ordinance, may directl In addition to the duties prescribed by the laws of the State of Washington as hereinabove set forth, the Cy Attorney shall 1) attend all regular and special Council meetings; 2j' draft all ordinances, leases 4: 1; and coneyances, and such other instruments as may be required by the { l:)usiness of the City, when requested to do so by the City Council or the Mayor; 3) attend all regular and work meetings of the Board of Adjust- k� ment and Planning Commission of the City of Edmonds; §) attend all sessions of the Edmonds Police Court. Section- 3. Compensation. The ity Attorney shall receive a salary in such amounts as the Council may, from time to time, establish by ordinance. The salary paid by the City as fixed from time to time by a; ordinance shall be payment to the City Attorney for all legal services performed in connection with or having to do with all city operations, in a governmental, as clistingLii,slie d from a prI6prietary capacity;`provicled, L +t I r however, tills shall not include represelitiilg Idle. City of j!,dllionds in any Su- perior Court action,: nor preparation therefor.;. nor sknall the salary include ti111e spent oil urcllasIn of ro pert, obtainin casements rights- of-wa r I I g property, y s.. g i, ,5', nor tinic spent on special general obligation bond issues, revenue bonds ! i.•3sues or condemnation actions; and further, it is contemplated that, from i r time to tilne,. some cause may conic berore the City .requiring services over t and above the formal duties of t City AttorneY;, and that when i,iich st:rvz,e(,,_- are requested and required by the City Council they,too, shall be a . #wed � for at the rate'�now fixed for ai.ld lotial duties, and Arch rate is Consistent with theltiourly fee charged by tlSnohomish Co my tar Association, to -wit: $15. 00 per hour. The said rate of $15.00 per hour sliall be the rate paid fore all services performed by the City Attorney other than those covered by the 0 monthly salary; provided, however, if the hourly fee charged by the Snoho- mish County Ear Association shad be changed, then the dourly fee charge by It is fur.,r by the City Attorney shall be changed accordingly, ordinance. t her provided that the City Attorney shall be paid a regular fee for all L6CA- Improvement Districts, computed at the: rate of 31/6 of the first $100, 000. 00 •q r of the total cost of such improvement and 1?f, oil all sums in excess of Vl $100, 000.00, for each such district; PROVIDED, however, that there be a minimum legal charge for any Local Improvement District of nuc less than $300. 00, It is further prod that in the event additional services orduties ai"e required of the: City rney, for which additional compensation I�Vco { is to be pail as above set forth, such additional duties and services shall be reflected in the minutes of the! Council. meeting pr. eceeding the initiation of such services. 0 Section 4, Assistants or Dcputie.;. rhedfice of Assistant City i _ittorncy '•)c and the same is hereby abolished; provided, however, that the City Attorri 2y may submit to the Mayor o1 the City of Edmonds the names •i of tilose attorneys lie reels may act as MI)Uty City t\.ttorneys in his absence, r and, thereupon, the liayor May make appointment of such deputies, subject to confirmation by the City Council'•, to aid the City .Attorney. There shall � be no salary allowable for Such deputies. Section 5. Section 4 of Ordinance No,. 266, passed October 1, 1913, be and the sair.e is hereby repealed. i Sectiony6. Sections 1, , 3 and 4 of Crduance No. 840, now !F codified under Chapter 1, 36, sectis . 36.03 Q, i�50 and 060, be and the said sections Eicreby are repea d e Section 7. AL actions etofore perfO ;�me` uy the City,A under the LectIn of the Mayor a: with Couiici7f�& lVAE, and for which compensation was received by said City AUorr,:; ; ?1e and -they are hereby . ratified. Section 8. The effective date or this ordinance shall be the :f _ 1962. dayof-------� �n' 'i • r �Jp_ MAYOR ATTEST: CITY CEI iz.K Passed Published: Filed Mth city cierk*