Meadowdale Beach Area AnnexationSTATE OF WASHINGTON OFFICE OF FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT Insurance Building, PO Box 43113 ® Olympia, Washington 911504-3113 0 (360) 902-0555 RECEIVED October 22, 2009 Dear City or Town Official: NOV 0 2 2009 (;ITY CLERK The Washington State Office of Financial Management (OFM) has developed an online central annexation tracking system to improve the delivery of government services. This web site, accessible at httR://www.ofm.wa.gov/pop/annex/eats/default.asp, is designed to provide a convenient location where federal and state agencies, local governments, organizations, and members of the public can obtain information about annexations. Section 508 of the federal Rehabilitation Act of 1973 requires agencies to provide individuals with disabilities and others with comparable access to information that is available to others. This law applies to all agencies when they develop, procure, maintain, or use electronic and information technology. While preliminary testing indicates that the new online centralized annexation tracking system is very convenient and effective, it can only succeed with cooperation from cities and towns. To this end, OFM is asking that cities and towns submit electronic versions of annexation ordinances, as soon as possible, in Word (or other comparable format). OFM will convert these into accessible PDF files and post them on the annexation tracking web site, updating them as appropriate. Please send electronic documents to Megan Berg at megan.berg cr.ofm.w_agov as soon as each ordinance is signed. Please note that this tracking system does not change or replace existing annexation reporting requirements specified in state law. For assistance or additional information, please contact OFM's Forecasting Division at 360-902-0599, or Megan at 360-902-3066. Thank you for working with us to improve the annexation tracking system. Sincerely, V, t A, -- Victor A. Moore Director recalled Council President Wilson stating the Council followed the law with regard to information on Council web pages, and recommended the Council adopt standards with regard to content. He pointed out information on Channel 21 states Council President Wilson is the Chair of Community Transit; however, Council President Wilson actually resigned that position in August. He expressed concern the City no longer was represented on the Community Transit Board. Council President Wilson responded he had hoped that the website standards would be complete by now but other issues have taken priority. He acknowledged Mr. Martin had filed a public disclosure violation alleging Mayor Haakenson, Councilmember Peterson and he had broken the law; the Public Disclosure Commission (PDC) found there had not been any wrongdoing. He found it necessary to resign from Community Transit due to the amount of time he devoted to the Levy Review Committee, Firdale Village zoning criteria and design standards, the I-1033 resolution and the FD1 contract. Roger Hertrich, Edmonds, commented the Council had apparently changed its rules and was responding to audience comment. He referred to Consent Agenda Item E, Authorization to call for bids for the BNSF Double Track Utilities Upgrade Project, and suggested the City require BNSF pay for the utility upgrade. He pointed out that project also included water mains at Brackett's Landing North and James Street, noting those would benefit the Al Dykes project. With regard to Consent Agenda Item G, Report on bids opened on September 14, 2009 for the Odor Control Improvement Project, he advised the $800,000 project was increased to $1.4 million of which the City would pay approximately $800,000. He questioned the Finance Department's recommendation to pay the $800,000 cost in cash rather than finance at the current low rates. He thanked Council President Wilson for releasing three attorney -client emails and requested the email between Mr. Snyder and Senior Executive Council Assistant Jana Spellman also be released. In response to Mr. Hertrich's comment about the Council responding to public comment, Mayor Haakenson advised there was no rule that Councilmembers or the Mayor could not respond to citizen requests/comments. In response to why he often did not respond to public comments, Mayor Haakenson commented he was accustomed to picking his battles. In response to Mr. Hertrich's comments about the City paying for the utility upgrade due to BNSF's double tracking, Councilmember Wambolt advised the City did not want to pay for the upgrade but was required to. 10. REPORT ON PETITIONS RECEIVED REGARDING THE "MEADOWDALE BEACH AREA" ANNEXATION. Associate Planner Gina Coccia explained the City received a request from residents outside the City interested in annexing. The "Meadowdale Beach Area" Annexation refers to an area within unincorporated Snohomish County lying east of 68th Avenue West. She provided the following information regarding the annexation area: • A "10%" petition to annex into the City of Edmonds was circulated in April and August of 2009. • 48 lots in the area. • 41 owners signed the petition. • The area is approximately 18.5 acres in size (roughly 0.029 square miles). • The total County assessed value (2009) for this area is approximately: $l 9,865,500. • The average assessed value is $413,864. • For a "10% Annexation Petition" to go before Council, owners making up at least 10% of the total assessed value of this area need to sign a petition (10% is $1,986,550). ■ Owners making up $17,313,300 or 87% signed the petition. Edmonds City Council Approved Minutes October 6, 2009 Page 16 The lots are developed with single-family homes built in the 1960s-1970s. The average parcel size is .38 acre (16,000 square feet). Most lots are .29 acres (about 12,600 square feet). There are 48 single-family lots (approximately 2.3 people per family = approximately 110 people). Per RCW 35A.14.120 the City Council needs to meet with the petitioners tonight to determine three things: 1. Whether the Council will accept the proposed annexation. The boundary is logical as it is a residential neighborhood adjacent to Lynnwood to the south and County Parks to the north and east. Staff sees no reason to adjust the proposed boundary. 2. Whether the Council will require the simultaneous adoption of proposed zoning regulations for the proposed area to be annexed. The County's zoning is R-9600 and Lynnwood's zoning is R- 8400. Most parcels are .29 acres. Staff feels establishing zoning as RS-8 (8000) would be the best fit and most consistent with the neighborhood. 3. Whether the Council will require assumption of existing City indebtedness by the area to be annexed. Staff sees no reason why the Council would not require this area to assume their portion of City indebtedness Staff recommends the Council, 1) accept the proposed annexation, 2) require the simultaneous adoption of proposed zoning regulations for the proposed area to be annexed, and 3) require the assumption of existing City indebtedness by the area to be annexed. Ms. Coccia reviewed next steps in the annexation process: • Move forward with a "60% petition"- staff drafts a new petition containing all required elements. • Signatures collected totaling at least 60% value. • Signatures certified by the County Assessor within 180 days of collection. • Council reviews the new 60% petition and decides if they will accept it. Meanwhile, potential zoning will be analyzed. • If accepted by Council, staff submits application to the Boundary Review Board (BRB) for decision. • If approved by the BRB, Council will finalize an ordinance. Mayor Haakenson advised former Development Services Director Duane Bowman began this process with the residents quite some time ago and at least one neighborhood meeting has been held. Councilmember Plunkett asked why Lynnwood or Mukilteo had not pursued annexation of this area. Mayor Haakenson advised Lynnwood's Planner came to the neighborhood meeting and accepted the residents' desire to annex to Edmonds. Mukilteo is not adjacent to the area. Councilmember Orvis commented although it appeared the density was being increased via the proposed zoning, in Snohomish County a duplex could be constructed on a lot and a half. Ms. Coccia advised the zoning would be analyzed further in the next steps. Mr. Snyder pointed out the Council was initiating the zoning process that would occur simultaneously with the circulation of the petition. Councilmember Wambolt asked if there were any known upgrades that would be necessary in this area. Planning Manager Rob Chave answered there are service agreements in place for police and fire in this area and residents would see no change in those services. The homes in the area currently have septic systems and Public Works will be working with them on an LID to connect to sewer service. Councilmember Wambolt observed the City would not be incurring a large expense for improvements. Mr. Chave agreed. Edmonds City Council Approved Minutes October 6, 2009 Page 17 Mayor Haakenson invited residents of the area to speak regarding annexation. Lewis Soraich, a resident of the area to be annexed, thanked Lynn and Mike Treseler for initiating the process of gathering signatures. He recalled 92% of the residents in the area supported annexation into Edmonds. He asked how many more times petitions would need to be circulated. Mr. Snyder answered this was the last time. The first petition required only 10%; the second petition must contain information regarding the simultaneous adoption of zoning and assumption of all bonded indebtedness. COUNCILMEMBER PLUNKETT MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER WAMBOLT, TO ACCEPT THE PROPOSED ANNEXATION AND, A) DIRECT STAFF TO INITIATE THE PROCESS FOR THE SIMULTANEOUS ADOPTION OF RS-8 ZONING OR SUCH OTHER ZONING CATEGORY AS IS CONSISTENT WITH THE EDMONDS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AND AS NEAR TO THE CURRENT SNOHOMISH COUNTY ZONING AS PRACTICABLE; AND B) PROVIDE FOR THE ASSUMPTION OF ALL OF THE BONDED INDEBTEDNESS OF THE CITY. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 11. CITY OF EDMONDS WEBSITE - CITY COUNCIL WEB PAGES. This item was removed from the agenda by motion on Agenda Item 1. 12. DISCUSSION AND POTENTIAL ACTION ON ORDINANCE AMENDING THE 2009 BUDGET, Mayor Haakenson asked Interim Finance Director Lorenzo Hines to address Ms. Buckshnis' request that the Council not approve the ordinance amending the 2009 budget. Mr. Hines responded he met with Ms. Buckshnis within days of her raising the issue regarding the "missing" $2.2 million. He described to her the role of the annual financial statement versus the role of the current forecast, the City's cashflow statement. At the end of the meeting he asked her three times if he had answered her questions and she responded he had. That evening he received an email with more questions to which he had not had an opportunity to respond. He referred to Ms. Buckshnis' original email that questioned the $5.188 million less the emergency reserve that leaves $3.3 million which she felt should be the beginning balance reflected on the current forecast. He explained the $5,188 million was fund balance that was part of the income statement and balance sheet in the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR). The formula is assets = liabilities + equity. The $5.2 million is equity; it is the overage of assets over liabilities as of December 31, 2008. That $5.2 million consists of five reserves in the General Ledger. In the private sector that is shareholders equity or owners' equity but in government it is fund balance. Ms. Buckshnis is attempting to reconcile the $5.2 million to the beginning balance in the current forecast of $977,000. The difference is the $5.2 million is the fund balance per the CAFR, the $977,000 is working capital; cash minus current liabilities. The working capital figure was estimated by former Finance Director Junglov in August 2008 and was included in the 2009 budget. As 2009 progressed, the $977,000 figure was revised in the outlook column to $1.341 million. Budget amendments must begin with the $977,000 figure because that was the number included in the budget. He will be refining the $1.341 million figure to determine the final beginning working capital. He summarized $5.188 million is fund balance per the balance sheet in the CAFR versus working capital of $977,000. It is a comparison of equity to a subset of assets and they will never match, Council President Wilson asked whether the audit determined the December 31, 2008 number. Mr. Hines responded the City's financial statements are on an accrual basis. When the books are closed as of December 31, accounts receivable and payable are estimated. As amounts are paid and received the working capital for January 1 is adjusted. Council President Wilson recalled the ending balance has usually been established by April. Mr. Hines answered this is the first budget amendment; had a prior Edmonds City Council Approved Minutes October 6, 2009 Page 18 AM-2528 10. Report on Petitions Received Regarding the "Meadowdale Beach Area" Annexation Edmonds City Council Meeting Date: 10/06/2009 Submitted By: Gina Coccia Time: 10 Minutes Department: Planning Type: Action Review Committee: Committee Action: Recommend Review by Full Council Information Subject Title Report on petitions received regarding the "Meadowdale Beach Area" Annexation. Recommendation from Mayor and Staff (1) Accept the proposed annexation. (2) Require the simultaneous adoption of proposed zoning regulations for the proposed area to be annexed. (3) Require the assumption of existing City indebtedness by the area to be annexed. The above three recommendations are incorporated in the SECOND motion provided by the City Attorney (see narrative below). Previous Council Action The Development Services Director briefed the CS/DS Committee on this subject in 2008 (see Exhibit 3). Narrative The "Meadowdale Beach Area" Annexation refers to an area of land within unincorporated Snohomish County lying east of 68th Avenue West near 160th Street SW that has expressed interest in being annexed into the City of Edmonds (see Exhibits 1 and 2). On 05/13/2008 Development Services Director Duane Bowman informed the City Council Community Services/Development Services Committee of this potential annexation (see Exhibit 3). Since that time, Lynn Treseler has collected numerous signatures of the owners of over 10% of the assessed property value of the proposed annexation area. It is the desire of these people to commence annexation proceedings pursuant to RCW 35A.14.120 (see Exhibit 4). Pursuant to RCW 35.A.14.120, the Council needs to determine if (1) they will accept the proposed annexation, (2) if they will require the simultaneous adoption of proposed zoning regulations for the proposed area to be annexed, and (3) if they will require the assumption of existing City indebtedness by the area to be annexed. Staff recommends that the Council (1) Accept the proposed annexation, (2) Require the simultaneous adoption of proposed zoning regulations for the proposed area to be annexed, and (3) Require the assumption of existing City indebtedness by the area to be annexed. Staff recommends that the Council make a motion on this matter understanding that a decision to require assumption of all or part of the bonded indebtedness of the city must be made at this meeting and entered into the minutes by motion. Below are three alternative motions provided by the City Attorney for the Council to consider. As indicated above, Staff recommends the Council adopt the second motion: (1) I move to reject the proposed annexation. (2) I move to accept the proposed annexation and � (a) Direct staff to initiate the process for the simultaneous adoption of RS-8 zoning or such other zoning category as is consistent with the Edmonds Comprehensive Plan and as near to the current Snohomish County zoning as practicable; and (b) Provide for the assumption of all of the bonded indebtedness of the city, [if less, specify percentage or none as applicable]. 11-11 (3) I move to modify the proposed annexation to exclude/include the [describe the deleted or additional area] and: (a) Direct staff to initiate the process for the simultaneous adoption of RS-8 zoning or such other zoning as is consistent with the Edmonds Comprehensive Plan and as near to the current Snohomish County zoning as is practicable; and (b) Provide for the assumption of all of the bonded indebtedness of the city [if less, specify percentage or none as applicable]. Fiscal Impaet Attachments Link: Exhibit 1 - Petition Link: Exhibit 2 - Parcels Signed Petition Link: Exhibit 3 - CC -Committee Meeting 05-13-08 Link: Exhibit 4 - RCW 35A.14.120 ^ Form Routing/Status Route Seq lnbox Approved By Date Status 1 City Clerk Sandy Chase 10/02/2009 08:28 AM APRV 2 Mayor Gary Haakenson 10/02/2009 11:19 AM APRV 3 Final Approval Sandy Chase 10/02/2009 11:20 AM APRV Form Started By: Gina Coccia Started On: 10/01/2009 02:02 PM Final Approval Date: 10/02/2009 1700 City of Edmonds Planning Division File No. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO COMMENCE ANNEXATION PROCEEDINGS TO: EDMONDS CITY COUNCIL, SNOHOMISH COUNTY, WASHINGTON The undersigned, who are the owners of not less than ten (10%) percent in value, according to the assessed valuation for general taxation of the property which annexation is being sought, hereby advise the City Council of the City of Edmonds that it is the desire of the undersigned residents ofthe following area to commence annexation proceedings, pursuant to RCW 35A.14.120, SEE EXHIBIT "A" 11 The property commonly known as Meadowdala Annexation, herein referred to is described on Exhibit "A•' on the reverse side of this document. IH 11 is requested [hat the City Council of the City of Edmonds se a date not later than sixty (60) days after the filing of this request for a meeting with the undersigned to determine: (1) Whether the City Council will accept the proposed annexation. (2) Whether the City Council will require the simultaneous adoption of proposed Zoning regulations for the proposed area to be annexed. (3) Whether the City Council will require the assumption of existing City indebtedness by the area to be annexed. (4) This page is one of a group of pages containing identical text material and is intended by the signers of the Notice gflntention to be presented and considered as one Notice gflntention and may be filed with other pages containing signatures which cumulatively may be considered as a single Notice oflniention. RECEIVED BY THE CITY OF EDMONDS THIS DAY OF _ .2009. INSTRUCTIONS TO SIGNERS RETURN SIGNED PETITIONS TO: I . Petitioner must be property owner. City of Edmonds 2. Petitioner must sign with complete legal name, Attn: City Clerk 3. Petitioner may only sign Petition once, 121 5"' Avenue North 4. Petitions must be signed in ink. Edmonds, WA 98020 5. Return at I petitions to address on right. 6. Each petitioner must include the date they sign petition. 7. Every signature counts. Return all petitions, even if only one name is on them. WARNING: Every person who signs this petition with any other than his or her true name, or who knowingly signs more than one of these petitions, or signs a petition seeking election when he or she is not a legal voter, or signs a petition when he or she is otherwise not qualified to sin or who makes herein any false statement shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, TAX ASSESSOR'S STREET ADDRESS/CITY/STATE/ZIP NUMBER TIII ONER'S SI GN ATUR& PRINT NAME HERE CODE (OPTIONAL) DATE N Y ,�ew11 �fyS fNe� o0y lie AS ,j,t,� �v�3 t i j1 a 4LXWA4 A -N NOS 160I5- 667" PL w 2os13Yodddal y(7/0? �wI�L Jo�Inson M0140 6/A g810146 rNn L� a 1970/- / s s 7KA'7 MHNso^I -r ;o+ 0^j 67/S 1bOt—Jq.SU w� -U..A'1 wTunr.��tr 1._1u.n.� lt"11�{ lV u � JtJ DoSi�Yoouol3oo L4I.�I� . M��� IJW�f1 c.PJ••r•�W`Po s LAD 193) MONcD �asoab ' �r9 APA3F-4, /rar�>• `6 �J [JAKTL_ VE E'AM.N05/ W✓I Vo."'G K 7 D9 P,,E,• 1 I,r to EXHIBIT 1 Ir,l`I T.IHx" :I-1rl V�M Ill I�v )I�.cTl�p •\\\fXfMH 4�1 City of Edmonds Planning Division File No. NOTICE. OF INTENTION TO COMMENCE ANNEXATION PROCEEDINGS TO: EDMONDS CITY COUNCIL, SNOHOMISH COUNTY, WASHINGTON The undersigned, who are the owners of not less than ten (10%) percent in value_ according to the assessed valuation for general taxation of the property which annexation is being sought, hcrcby advise the City Council of the City of Edmonds that it is the desire of the undersigned residents of the following area to commence annexation proceedings, pursuant to RCW 35A.14.120: SEE EXHIBIT "A" lI The property commonly known as PAeadowdakAmtexauon, herein referred to is described on Exhibit "A" on the reverse side of this document. 1H It is requested that the City Council of the City of Edmonds se a date not later than sixty (60) days after the filing of this request for a meeting with the undersigned to determine: (1) Whether the City Council will accept the proposed annexation. (2) Whether the City Council will require the simultaneous adoption of proposed zoning regulations for the proposed area to be annexed. (3) Whether the City Council will require the assumption of existing City indebtedness by the area to be annexed. (4) This page is one of a group of pages containing idential text material and is intended by the signors of the Novice o(Intention to be presented and considered as one Notice q%Intention and may be filed with other pages containing Signatures which cumulatively may be considered as a single Notice of Intenlion. RECEIVED BYTHE CITY OF EDMONDS THIS DAY OF .2009. INSTRUCTIONS TO SIGNERS RETURN SIGNED PETITIONS TO: I . Petitioner must be property owner. City of Edmonds 2. Petitioner must sign with complete legal name. Attn: City Clerk 3. Petitioner may only sign Pelition once. 121 5"' Avenue North 4. Petitions must be signed in ink. Edmonds, WA 98020 5. Return all petitions to address on right. 6. Each petitioner must include the date they sign petition. 7. Every signature counts. Return all petitions, even if only one name is on there. WARNING: Every person who signs this petition with any other than his or her true name, or who knowingly signs more than one of these petitions, or signs a petition seeking election when he or she is not a legal voter, or signs a petition when he or she is otherwise not qualified to sin or who makrq herein any false statement shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. TAX ASSESSOR'S STREET ADDRESSiCITYISTATE/Z1P NUMBER I'ETITIONER'SSIGNATURE PRINT NAME IIERE C�OODE, (OPTIONAL) DATE O -! iO�E"t��rz/iI,•� L / /�G/i j-L•��l'[� W- :30�i/�$�GOSipc ��II �Iz lt7 �baS� l�oTL f i StJ �DI ��LiC �V�sds �Y`"D•"%S (.vf aS�`/�OJtb 7Z// q '- ski / u, L ,�DM°i✓A f WA bSe- Huvloewel r �] �' 'v �; llr0.,>, �• r 1,letdel! tvwn�lo, W14 C, 5 f - id�Yii l+l�1flu 5 ZI Lsq+ Fti u0 L2�stc,v�-� ��,.� sN�C�cY KAirn S J/5� - c,"'.s rsv L�i1A7 % �H �IYSIJ/�IO/t/pS lL�fi �IC1!/.n�i Lh 3 y� n 7ui .tin P.r, 10 "no Ill 1:1 MASTE: ANTI:\IAA! City of Edmonds Planning Division File No. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO COMMENCE ANNEXATION PROCEEDINGS TO: EDMONDS CiTY COUNCIL, SNOHOMiSH COUNTY, WASHINGTON 1 The undersigned, who are the owners of not less than tell (10%) percent in value, according to the assessed valuation for general taxation of the Property which annexation is being sought, hereby advise the City Council of the City of Edmonds that it is the desire of the undersigned residents of the following area to commence annexation proceedings, pursuant to RCW 35A.14.120: SEE EXHIBIT "A" 11 The property commonly known as Meadowdole Attrtexa ion, herein referred to is described on Exhibit "A" on the reverse side of this document. IIi it is requested that the City Council of the City of Edmonds se a dale not later than sixty (60) days after the filing of this request for a meeting with the undersigned to detennine: (1) Whether the City Council will accept the proposed annexation. (2) Whether the City Council will require the simultaneous adoption of proposed zoning regulations for the proposed area to be annexed. (3) Whether the City Council will require the assumption of existing City indebtedness by the area to be annexed. (4) This page is one of a group of pages containing idential text material and is intended by the signers of the Notice oflniention to be presented and considered as one Notice n/7ntention and may be filed with other pages containing signatures which cumulatively may be considered as a single Notice of Intention. RECEIVED BY THE CITY OF EDMONDS THIS DAY OF , 2009. INSTRUCTIONS TO SIGNERS RETURN SIGNED PETITIONS TO: I. Petitioner must be property owner. City or Edmonds 2. Petitioner must sign with complete legal name. Attn: City Clerk 3. Petitioner may only sign Petition once. 121 5"' Avenue North 4. Petitions must be signed in ink. Edmonds, WA 96020 S. Return all petitions to address on right. 6. Each petitioner must include the date they sign petition. 7. Every signature counts. Return all petitions, even if only one WARNING: Every person who signs this petition with any other than his or her true name, or who knowingly signs more then one of these petitions, or signs a petition seeking election when he or she Is not a legal voter, or signs a petition when he or she is otherwise not qualified to sign, or who makes herein any false statement shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. IAFA !EN 141 TAX ASSESSOR'S STREET ADDRESS/CITY/STATE/ZIP NUMBER PRINT NAME HERE ems4 CODE AJID �xraFlS -- _ -��f(POoCFj �lD�tW. ��•ONC}S /%t���/�e`Z�o P- 6610 /a12-tp4t. s,j . 0 "'- 'W02-F 0/i/�A C MGI sr// SO JVAV t161, A9P VPZ-, 'e v" t:��e Netsavt kyn6uC1 rac e art/ e!- 'd-w" Z)a'lees f%�ldeTie AV IIYN'F.. ,r :I-JA- F.1 ri MA..1- AMI .- W 01Lf b (ate PI. W . e�'MOV'As. W A 'OL$o-* ._ (030 I to riTTE 5 6�1►M®ndS�wA q,707b �-7z-7- /&S0 Rtv,V�, W r z6 7br-> ;, Pop 2.r OMB shy */ 5 City of Edmonds Planning Division File No. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO COMMENCE ANNEXATION PROCEEDINGS TO: EDMONDS CITY COUNCIL, SNOHOMISH COUNTY, WASHINGTON The undersigned, who are the owners of not less than ten (10%) percent in value, according to the assessed valuation for general taxation of the property which annexation is being sought, hereby advise the City Council of the City of Edmonds that it is the desire of the undersigned residents ofthe following area to commence annexation proceedings, pursuant to RCW 35A.14.120: SEE EXHIBIT "A" II The property commonly known as Meadowdole Annexation, herein referred to is described on Exhibit "A" on the reverse side of this document. Ill It is requested that the City Council of the City of Edmonds se a date not later than sixty (60) days after the filing of this request for a meeting with the undersigned to determine: (1) Whether the City Council will accept the proposed annexation. (2) Whether the City Council will require the simultaneous adoplion of proposed zoning regulations for the proposed area to be annexed. (3) Whether the City Council will require the assumption of existing City indebtedness by the area to be annexed. (4) This page is one of a group of pages containing idenlial text inaterial and is intended by the signers of the Notice of 1wenlion to be presented and considered as one Notice o0niention and may be filed with other pages containing signatures which cumulatively may he considered as a single Notice nflnrenrion. RECEIVED BY THE CITY OF EDMONDS THIS DAY OF , 2009. INSTRUCTIONS TO SIGNERS RETURN SIGNED PETITIONS TO: 1. Petitioner must be property owner. City of Edmonds 2. Petitioner must sign with complete legal name. Alin: City Clerk 3. Petitioner may only sign Petition once. 121 5"' Avenue North 4. Petitions must be signed in ink. Edmonds. WA 98020 5. Return all petitions to address on right. 6. Each petitioner must include the date they sign petition. 7. Every signature counts. Return all petitions, even if only one name is on them. WARNING: Every person who signs this petition with any other than his or her true name, or who knowingly signs more than one of these petitions, or signs a petition seeking election when he or she is not a legal voter, or signs a petition when he or she is otherwise not qualified to sin or who makes herein an false statement, shall be ill of a misdemeanor. STREET ADDRESS/CITYISTATE/ZIP TAX ASSESSOR'S NUMBER PETITIONER'S SIGNATURE PRINT NAME HERE CODE OPTIONAL DATE. �yy'Ce b� r L,rrt 7:3,tb�,wsk %GiHID � l t )7)g tp WD5 l (ac5'`t NII��UF e� LJD�e lP �2- 0 P Ob t 61 IL - o SW F/ls o 9 0 S 9sa�6 (o4- IE/a ; Page 5 of 10 ra-ri NNVNR �A4 City of Edmonds Planning Division File No. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO COMMENCE ANNEXATION PROCEEDINGS TO: EDMONDS CITY COUNCIL, SNOHOMISH COUNTY, WASHINGTON The undersigned, who are the owners of not less than ten (10%) percent in value, according to the assessed valuation for general taxation of the property which annexation is being sought, hereby advise the City Council of the City of Edmonds that it is the desire or the undersigned residents of the following area to commence annexation proceedings, pursuant to RCW 35A.14.120: SEE EXHIBIT "A" 11 The property commonly known as wdale Annexatinp, herein referred to is described on Exhibit "A" on the reverse side of this document, III II is requested that the City Council of the City of Edmonds se a dale not later than sixty (60) days aher the filing of this request for a meeting with the undersigned to determine: (1) Whether the City Council will accept the proposed annexation (2) Whether the City Council will require the simultaneous adoption of proposed zoning regulations for the proposed area to be annexed, (3) Whelher the City Council will require the assumption of existing City indebtedness by the area to be annexed. (4) This poge is one of a group of pages containing idential text material and is intended by the signers of the Notice g)'/ntention to be presented and considered as one Notice of /nlemion and may be filed with other pages containing signatures which cumulatively may he considered as a single AJo/ice oftntenriun. RECEIVED BY THE CITY OF EDMONDS TI4IS� DAY OF , 2009. INSTRUCTIONS TO SIGNERS RETURN SIGNED PETITIONS TO: I. Petitioner must be propeny owner. City of Edmonds 2, Petitioner must sign with complete legal name. 3. Petitioner may only sign Petition once. Attn: City Clerk 121 5'h Avenue North 4, Petitions niust he signed in ink. Edmonds, WA 99020 5. Return all petitions to address on right. 6. Each petitioner must include the date they sign petition. i. Every signature counts. Relurn Al petitions, even if only one name is on them. WARNING: Every person who signs this petition with any other than his or her true name, or who knowingly signs more than one of these petitions, or signs a petition seeking election when he or she is not a legal voter, or signs a petition when he or she Is otherwise not qualified to sin or who makes herein any false statement shall be guilly of a misdemeanor. TAX ASSESSOR'S STREET ADDR&SS/CITY/STATEiZI1' NUMBER PE" I' , ER' "1 GNATURE PRINT NA.VIE HERE CODE (OPTIONAL) DATE CIA G1 �v:,�l`i���.�,z? �is I`�t,t�,ll�=r -►�'►• l,�/9 `�g�� L~, ���'�� _ wc.,, fA✓�f!'C,6��• c•c_.% �t'�G 't �a��'7r '\-+w { L S c o �Ci• VY1L� ✓ib`tS l.e�Ai�ff:2 t p / c ar e7o r u( /N k6 z5 /sJ ��/�L. sd✓ Q r� iwli-I/I i C F�rKGYvY� S 7 �`'G� IC Q d- 1 ` Dq 4a91"test( 5� r (�J C j L I'i�eS�lr ! 43os 65i`NAJL-- w yKC Y . ��' r� '�� - & �Nu 'r'�t tl1�11���:)� Pcge 3 cr 10 n\1'a Vw\il•AnWYJFaaI EXHIBIT MEADOWDALE BEACH AREA ANNEXATION LEGAL DESCRIPTION THOSE PORTIONS OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER AND OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER, ALI, OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 5, TOWNSHIP 27 NORTH RANGE 4 EAST, W. M., AND MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF THE PLAT OF MEADOWDALE BY THE SOUND, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF AS RECORDED IN VOLUME 24 OF PLATS, PAGE 40, RECORDS OF SNOHOMISH COUNTY, WASHINGTON; THENCE EASTERLY ALONG TEE SOUTH LINE OF SAID PLAT TO THE SOUTHEAST CORNER THEREOF; THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG TITS EAST LINE OF SAID PLAT TO THE SOUTHERLY MARGIN OF 160M STREET SOUTHWEST; THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG AN EXTENSION OF THE EAST LINE OF SAID PLAT TO THE NORTHERLY MARGIN OF SAID 16P' STREET SOUTHWEST; THENCE WESTERLY ALONG SAID NORTHERLY MARGIN TO THE EAST LINE, OF THE PLAT OF THE FIRS, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT 'THEREOF RECORDED IN VOLUME 34 OF PLATS, PAGE 41, RECORDS OF SNOHOMISH COUNTY, WASHINGTON; THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID PLAT OF TIM FIRS TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF THEREOF; THENCE WESTERLY ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID PLAT OF THE FIRS TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER THEREOF, SAID POINT BEING ON THE EASTERLY MARGIN OF 6811, AVENUE WEST; THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG SAID EASTERLY MARGIN TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; TOGETHER WITH THAT PORTION OF TRACT 20, PLAT OF MEADOWDALE BEACH, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN VOLUME 5 OF PLATS, PAGE 38, RECORDS OF SNOHOMISH COUNTY, WASHINGTON DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID TRACT 20; THENCE EASTERLY ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID TRACT 500 FEET; THENCE NORTHWESTERLY TO A POINT ON THE WESTERLY LINE OF SAID 'TRACT, SAID POINT BEING 350 FEET NORTHERLY OF SAID SOUTHWEST CORNER OF TRACT 20; THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID TRACT 350 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; TOGETHER WITH THAT PORTION OF THE EAST HALF OF THE VACATED ROAD ABUTTING UPON THE WEST LINE THEREOF. I R �' I 1 1 t. SW Everett, WA 98204 425/141-3800 HM)OC M08=110OMMEX LEGAL DESCRIPTION.DOC Page 1 of 1 I ST SW L ""STST8W 162ND PL SW 163RD Pt sw �i� �4 41 -,-- ?�A,Do 0 200 400 800 - ---- Feet ST SW w. 164THPl N A uO 7S% 79 15727 158051 oy i I 6723 0 09.30.2009 100 2 0 Feet k;bV Unidporporated 158T Akoj7omish 15829 { County ti N�z 15901 - 6627 115909 6623 r ti LO T- to ti Ln N r' Cl N r O - G� 6 r c~c c~o ~o w w tw 160TH ST SW 160TH ST SW 4; 6724 6714 6700 16008 �16005- 6729 I� 6717 16014 � '160'15 —L- 670 -i I 160TH PL SW 16028 a-16027' 6724 67a2 -- � 671 _ 6 �+ 6009 _ 16104 � 16103 ° -q$ 6727 6715 6633 680�# 16111 161 ST ST SqT W CD cm . 61 6 6724 6712 cMo 6610 CO- of Edmonds.LO -�. - ti T0 6631] 6619 6611 v t� w to - _ to 162ND PL SW -- EXHIBIT 2 runt Agenaa item rage i of i AM-1534 Discussion on Meadowdale Neighborhood Annexation City Council Committee Meetings Date: 05/13/2008 Submitted ft: Duane Bowman, Development Services Time: Department: Development Services Type: Cgmmi tee: Community/Development Services Information Subject litle Discussion on potential Meadowdale neighborhood annexation. Recommends ion from Maor and Staff For information only. 15 Minutes Information Previous Council Action Narrative The City has been approached by residents in the north Meadowdale area regarding the possibility of annexing into the City of Edmonds. The area is located on the east side of 68th Avenue West, from 161st Place northward to Lund's Gulch and contains 48 properties. The area in question is located in unincorporated Snohomish County but is located inside the boundaries of the City of Lynnwood Municipal Urban Growth Area (MUGA) boundaries. Staff has been in contact with the City of Lynnwood staff and they are amiable to work with us on this issue. Staff from both cities are working on a joint resolution to present to the city councils of each city. Issues to be resolved include defining revised MUGA boundaries and creating a process to jointly review development projects that impact Lund's Gulch. Once a final version of a joint resolution is completed it will be brought back to the CS/DS Committee for review and recommendation to the full Council. Fiscal Impact Attachments Link: Exhibit I -_Potential Annexation Man Form RoutingLStatus Route Seq Inbox Approved By Date Status City Clerk Sandy Chase 05/05/2008 02:54 PM APRV 2 Mayor Gary Haakenson 05/05/2008 03:07 PM APRV 3 Final Approval Sandy Chase 05/05/2008 03:38 PM APRV Form Started By: Duane Bowman Started On: 04/23/2008 12:36 PM Final Approval Date: 05/05/2008 EXHIBIT 3 http://edmonds-agenda/frs/publish/print_ag_Memo.cfm?seq=l534&rev_num=0&form=AG MEM... 2/25/2009 CS/DS Committee Minutes May 13, 2008 1me 2 ACTION: Staff will`prepare a list of unfunded capita! projec#s. C. Discussion on potential Meadowdale neighborhood annexation. Duane Bowman provided background information on this topic. He noted thatthe city was 'approached by a resident in the small unincorporated pocket of land lying between Lynnwood and Edmonds on the east side of W' Adenue West, south of Lund's Gulch in the Meadowdale area. The residents circulated a petition to gauge interest of the residents to determine which city they preferred to annex to. A majority of the homes chose Edmonds. Staff contacted the City of Lynnwood and discussed the issue. Lynnwood agrees that if the residents would prefer to be in Edmonds they were not opposed, The next steps are for staff to look into utility issues and to draft a joint resolution for consideration by the city councils of Edmonds and Lynnwood. ACTION: No action taken, for information only. D. Code Rewrite Update: Organization of Zoning Cha ter Title 16. Rob Chave introduced this topic. The staff is currently working on the code rewrite and will soon be working on Title 16 of the Edmonds Community Development Code (ECDC) which contains the various zoning classiflcetions (RS, RM, CG, etc.). One consideration is to expand the use of a technique known as "form based zoning" in the Title 16 re -write. The benefits of using such a technique are a more streamlined code that is easier to use and understand due to the use of Illustrations, more clearly described design standards and clear, simple language. The City has actually been using a hybrid form of this over the past five years with the revisions in'the downtown and Highway 99 zoning where design standards were injected into the zoning code. Staff will work with the Planning Board to refine the concept and can do a presentation to the Council if requested ACTION: No action taken, for information The Committee meeting adjourned at 6:56 p:m. tct, w »H. it. i4u: Ltrecr peuuo. ztnou — ivouce to iegisiauve vouy iN tng — tis... rage t or t RCWs > Title 35A > Chapter 35A.14 > Section 35A.14.120 35A.14.110 « 35A.14.120 » 35A.14.130 RCW 35A.14.120 Direct petition method — Notice to legislative body — Meeting Assumption of indebtedness — Proposed zoning regulation — Contents of petition. Proceedings for initiating annexation of unincorporated territory to a charter code city or noncharter code city may be commenced by the filing of a petition of property owners of the territory proposed to be annexed, in the following manner. This method of annexation shall be alternative to other methods provided in this chapter. Prior to the circulation of a petition for annexation, the initiating party or parties, who shall be the owners of not less than ten percent in value, according to the assessed valuation for general taxation of the property for which annexation is sought, shall notify the legislative body of the code city in writing of their intention to commence annexation proceedings. The legislative body shall set a date, not later than sixty days after the filing of the request, for a meeting with the initiating parties to determine whether the code city will accept, reject, or geographically modify the proposed annexation, whether it shall require the simultaneous adoption of a proposed zoning regulation, if such a proposal has been prepared and filed for the area to be annexed as provided for in RCW 35A.14.330 and 35A.14.340, and whether it shall require the assumption of all or of any portion of existing city indebtedness by the area to be annexed. If the legislative body requires the assumption of all or of any portion of indebtedness and/or the adoption of a proposed zoning regulation, it shall record this action in its minutes and the petition for annexation shall be so drawn as to clearly indicate these facts. Approval by the legislative body shall be a condition precedent to circulation of the petition. There shall be no appeal from the decision of the legislative body. A petition for annexation of an area contiguous to a code city may be filed with the legislative body of the municipality to which annexation is desired. It must be signed by the owners, as defined by RCW 35A.01.040(9) (a) through (d), of not less than sixty percent In value, according to the assessed valuation for general taxation of the property for which annexation is petitioned: PROVIDED, That a petition for annexation of an area having at least eighty percent of the boundaries of such area contiguous with a portion of the boundaries of the code city, not including that portion of the boundary of the area proposed to be annexed that is coterminous with a portion of the boundary between two counties in this state, need be signed by only the owners of not less than fifty percent in value according to the assessed valuation for general taxation of the property for which the annexation is petitioned. Such petition shall set forth a description of the property according to government legal subdivisions or legal plats and shall be accompanied by a map which outlines the boundaries of the property sought to be annexed. If the legislative body has required the assumption of all or any portion of city indebtedness by the area annexed or the adoption of a proposed zoning regulation, these facts, together with a quotation of the minute entry of such requirement, or requirements, shall also be set forth in the petition. 11989 c 351 § 6; 1979 ex.s. c 124 § 8; 1967 ex.s. c 119 § 35A.14.120,] Notes: Severability --1979 ex.s. c 124: See note following RCW 35A.14.015. Sufficiency of petition in code city: RCW 35A.01.040. EXHIBIT 4 http://apps.leg.wa.gov/RCW/default.aspx?cite=3 5 A.14.120 10/1 /2009 Chase, Sandy From: Coccia, Gina Sent: Wednesday, September 30, 2009 3:35 PM To: 'ssnyder@omwlaw.com' Cc: Chave, Rob; Chase, Sandy Subject: Meadowdale Beach Area Annexation -- 10/6 CC Mtg Importance: High Hi Scott, Here is what I know about the "Meadowdale Beach Area Annexation" --- please help me determine what I need to do. Sandy was kind enough to squeeze in 10 minutes for the upcoming packed Tuesday 10/6 meeting for whatever we need to do to comply with the RCWs. On 05/13/2008 Duane informed the City Council Community/Development Services Committee that there was a potential for a Meadowdale area annexation. No action was taken; the item was for information only. LJ ,C-CommitteeMtg_( 5-13-08.pdf (... The meeting minutes indicate that "the next steps are for staff to look into utility issues and to draft a joint resolution for consideration by the city councils of Edmonds and Lynnwood." I uncovered some notes Duane took — looks like he's giving a speech on annexation proceedings... Likely from an October 2008 informational meeting that appears to have been held at the Meadowdale Community Clubhouse. DuanesNotes.pdf (67 KB) In January of 2009, Duane emailed Lynn Treseler to let her know that he has "10% petitions" for her to pick up for her use in gathering signatures. He says that the total assessed valuation of property in the annexation area is $19,865,900 and that she'll need to gather at least 5-6 signatures. He told her that we will schedule a meeting with the CC who authorizes the circulation of the 60% petition, and that ultimately it will move through the Boundary Review Board. DuaneEmail 01-21• 09.pdf (28 KB... On August 11, 2009, we received a stack of signatures from Lynn Treseler. 6 1 M 1� Applicantslnfo.pdf (96 KB) The stack of signatures is titled "Notice of Intention to Commence Annexation Proceedings" and they state: "It is requested that the City Council of the City of Edmonds set a date not later than sixty days after the filing of this request for a meeting with the undersigned to determine: (1) whether the City Council will accept the proposed annexation, (2) whether the City Council will require the simultaneous adoption of proposed zoning regulations for the proposed area to be annexed, (3) and whether the City Council will require the assumption of existing City indebtedness by the area to be annexed.." �>aM Petition.pdf (1 MB) 60 days from August 11th puts us before the Council by Tuesday October 6th. I sincerely apologize for not catching this. Sincerely. The MRSC Annexation Handbook (page 61 of 96) states: A. Initiation of the 60 Percent Petition Annexation (RCW 35A.14.120) Prior to circulating a petition for annexation, the initiating party or parties (the owners of property representing not less than ten percent of the assessed value of the property for which annexation is sought) must give written notice to the city council of their intention to commence annexation proceedings. B. Meeting with Initiators on the Annexation Proposal (RCW 35A.14.120) The city council is to set a date (not later than 60 days after the filing of the notice) for a meeting with the initiating parties to determine: 1. Whether the city will accept, reject, or geographically modify the proposed annexation; 2. Whether it will require the simultaneous adoption of a proposed zoning regulation, if such a proposal has been prepared and filed (as provided for in RCW 35A.14.330, and RCW 35A.14.340); and 3. Whether it will require the assumption of all or any portion of existing city indebtedness by the area to be annexed. If the legislative body requires the adoption of a proposed zoning regulation and/or the assumption of all or any portion of indebtedness as conditions to annexation, it is to record this action in its minutes. Council acceptance is a condition precedent to circulation of the petition. There is no appeal from the council decision. One last item I found in the file... It is a modified version of our development standards with the "RS-8" zone highlighted with a footnote indicating that is the zoning upon annexation, and that nonconforming structures that exist at the time of annexation are allowed to remain and be maintained. It DevelopmentStand ards.pdf (69 K... Rob points to the assumption of debt as an important point for the Council's discussion on Tuesday, because that information will need to be on the 60% petitions. I will leave another message with Lynn Treseler — she is the only contact for this file apparently, and the meeting will need to be before the initiating parties. I'm going to call Planning Manager Kevin Garrett at Lynnwood to keep him in the loop after I hear back from you on how to proceed. Marsha at the Boundary Review Board is out until Monday and apparently there is no one to assist in her absence. That's all I know — please advise — thank you! Gina Coccia Associate Planner .. i � �•,i •.f c• •' i {4 i. 5;•xN rt`:i e1 °�15 }i},,: .. - ,;rrr; r.: r.rr; ,.•:r;,�jF1� ;if Tr?r}t;11� N't'A 11vor! ,( h)t 700 fill' the Doty r}! t=x�zetlrli't�. i�ify •'ril��k,•_., ;.� :::. , 'i.�.... .r•:y nal� 'h trurrrltr) hr nw.9ar_a1 Rrrvrrr;s n"H rer±ur:r the -loo f fol rrrf(n:trr:rr rrr Corr a 'ire tiara lmn.'? trrrk)r+ipii 0:lv :.,•rrt bfi, leg . (Jr;combw 23 rrant Agenaa item rage 1. or 1 AM-1534 Discussion on Meadowdale Neighborhood Annexation City Council Committee Meetings Date: 05/13/2008 Sybmitted By: Duane Bowman, Development Services Time: Department Development Services Type: Gvtnmittce: Community/Development Services Information Suw h ect 10 e Discussion on potential Meadowdale neighborhood annexation. RecowmendamM fl. a For information only. 15 Minutes Information Previous Council Action Narrative The City has been approached by residents in the north Meadowdale area regarding the possibility of annexing into the City of Edmonds. The area is located on the east side of 68th Avenue West, from 161 st Place northward to Lund's Gulch and contains 48 properties. The area in question is located in unincorporated Snohomish County but is located inside the boundaries of the City of Lynnwood Municipal Urban Growth Area (MUGA) boundaries. Staff has been in contact with the City of Lynnwood staff and they are amiable to work with us on this issue. Staff from both cities are working on a joint resolution to present to the city councils of each city. Issues to be resolved include defining revised MUGA boundaries and creating a process to jointly review development projects that impact Lund's Gulch. Once a final version of a joint resolution is completed it will be brought back to the CS/DS Committee for review and recommendation to the full Council. Fiscal Impac Attachments Link: Exbjbijl - Potential Annexation Man Route Seq lnbox City Clerk 2 Mayor 3 Final Approval Form Started By: Duane Bowman Final Approval Date; 05/05/2008 Form Routing/Status Approved By Date Status Sandy Chase 05/05/2008 02:54 PM APRV Gary Haakenson 05/05/2008 03:07 PM APRV Sandy Chase 05/05/2008 03:38 PM APRV Started On: 04/23/2008 12:36 PM http://edmonds-agenda/frs/publish/print ag_memo.cfm?seq=1534&rev_num=0&form=AG_MEM... 2/25/2009 + uva HSTSW -- — 15601 6818 6817 15600 15621 6816 . 6815 9 7019 15631 6812 a 6811 r- - � m d 15703 15704s _o t2 15709 15707 6801 68 15724 T r o (D 15720 15732 15800 15808 15809 — 15814 15814 15810 15818 2 158py 15824 ; 15827 15826 15828 A6� Unfndnrporated 15900 15911 15907 _ry 15904 Snohomish County a ti� 15902 15915 6907 15908 15906 15928 G921 6909 LrL? 160TH ST SW 160TH ST SW 16008 -�-�(♦ 6910 6820 16032 6970 16010 6918 6826 16034 16020 � City Of 6960 16036 6920 16038 160TH PI. SW a z Lynnwood 05 _- 6918 6809 680 162p9 6912 690 16�15 6804 191STSTSW 19,21'i 16116 cuman(7s 6631 8619 6611 N 6 6925 ���01 L ^$ 162ND PL SW 16211 e5 6973 6801 � a O r 60 6620 6610 �0 162� i 10 6805 � 662$ I. 1622 P. n) 611,919 8p(9 c~n tr0 ��p9 m — - 15311 163RD PL SW 661 1623 w ¢ 163RD PL S 6 16319 W��h 6802 6909 &722 6714 G706 6624 1631 16311 as 6512 6901 16319 16321 (O nlb w m o 6904 `O N r h n O O n n N r w �0 1632 16327 N � ++� 69� 6806 eD m en 1e to 164TH ST SW 7014 O fin° .oeo� n to W 16409 6508 w 16405 1640 16 to > 16415 16424 a 16415 16412 164 Soto eat i 6415 16410 sy�o � 16420 r "' !� 16420 164 ozo gaol e,nCLUO .e 18423 i �84 ^6o- 1642518426 18421 A.1lb ���' 16426 ¢ - - bd cwu - 16431 �650 k ry 16429 16431 16430 10429 1643 164 n'� ~— 2 a 1'16503 6503 � -1 " .00 tO 165 CS/DS Committee Minutes May 13, 2008 Page 2 ACTION: Staff will:pre a list of unfunded C. Discussion on Potential Meadowdale neighborhood annexation. Duane Bowman provided background information on this topic. He noted that. the city was approached by a resident in the small unincorporated packet of land lying between Lynnwood and Edmonds on the east side of W Avenue West, south of Lund's Gulch in the Meadowdale area. The residents circulated a petition to gauge interest of the residents to determine which city they preferred to annex to, A majority of the homes chose Edmonds. Staff contacted the City of Lynnwood and discussed the issue. Lynnwood agrees that if the residents would prefer to be in Edmonds they were not opposed. The next steps are for staff to look into utility issues and to draft a Joint resolution for consideration by the city councils of Edmonds and Lynnwood. ACTION: No action taken, for information only. D. Code Rewrite Update: Oruanizatiion of Zoning Chapter, Title 16_ Rob Chave introduced this topic. The staff is currently working on the code rewrite and will soon be working on Title 16 of the Edmonds Community Development Code (ECDC) which contains the various zoning classifications (RS, RM, CG, etc.). One consideration is to expand the use of a technique known as "form -based zoning" in the Title 16 re -write. The benefits of using such a technique are a more streamlined code that is easier to use and understand due to the use of Illustrations, more clearly described design standards and clear, simple language. The City has actually been using a hybrid form of this over the past five years with the revisions in the downtown and Highway 99 zoning where design standards were injected Into the zoning code. Staff will work with the Planning Board to refine the concept and can do a presentation to the Council if requested ACTION, No action taken, for information only. The Committee meeting adjourned at 6:55 p:m. Good evening! My name is Duane Bowman and I am the City of Edmonds Development Services Director. I'd like to introduce Mayor Gary Haakenson and the other City staff present. From Public Works, Noel Miller T Director; from the Finance Department — Kathleen Junglov Finance Director; from the Police Department, James Lawless — Assistant Police Chief and last we also have a representative of the City of Lynnwood, Kevin Garrett, Planning Manager. The purpose for the meeting tonight is to give you an opportunity to discuss annexation of your neighborhoods into the City of Edmonds and ask questions. If we do not have an answer to your question, we will take your name and contact information and get an answer to you. I'd like to outline the annexation process and then we'll take your questions. Presently, Snohomish County includes these neighborhoods as part of the City of Lynnwood Municipal Growth Area, The City of Edmonds was contacted to see if Edmonds was interested in annexing the area into Edmonds. An informal petition was circulated in the neighborhoods which showed a majority of residents more interested in annexing into Edmonds. Based upon this petition, the City of Edmonds staff contacted the City of Lynnwood staff regarding the possibility of annexing the area into Edmonds. The City of Lynnwood has agreed to support annexation of the subject neighborhoods into Edmonds. So how will this occur? Step 1 - Circulate a petition representing at least 10% of the assessed valuation of the area. Step 2 - Once the 10% petition is reached, set a date to meet with the City Council. Step 3 - Meet with the City Council to: 1. Whether the city will accept, reject, or geographically modify the proposed annexation; 2. Whether it will require the simultaneous adoption of a proposed zoning regulation, if such a proposal has been prepared and filed (as provided for in RCW 35A.14.330, and RCW 35A.14.340); and 3. Whether it will require the assumption of all or any portion of existing city indebtedness by the area to be annexed. If the City Coucnd agrees they authorize the circulation of a 60% petition. Step 4 - The Cities of Edmonds and Lynnwood notify Snohomish County of our intend to modify our municipal growth areas. Step 5 — Upon receiving comment from Snohomish County, Edmonds will initiate a Comprehensive Plan amendment to incklude the annexation area in our comprehensive plan. Lynnwood initiates an amendment to their comprehensive plan removing this area. Step 6 — Upon receipt of the 60% petition, a public hearing will be held by the City Council. Step 7 — File a notice of intention with the Boundary Review Board of Snohomish County. If the Board does not invoke jurisdiction, the proposal is deemed approved. Step $ — City Council passes ordiance annexing the neighborhoods. There will be no change in your Fire service. Edmonds Police will patrol your neighborhoods. Now we will open it up for any questions. Chase, Sand From: Bowman, Duane Sent: Wednesday, January 21, 2009 2;33 PM To: 'lynn_treseler@comcast, net' Cc: 'Kevin Garrett'; Chave, Rob; Chase, Sandy Subject: 10% Annexation Petition Importance: High Lynn, The petitions can be picked up at the receptionist desk on the second floor of City Hall. They are on 11" x 17" paper so they are awkward to mail. I made more than enough for you to use just in case. I have prepared the 10% Petitions for your use in gathering signatures. The total assessed valuation of property in the annexation area is $19,865,900. The average assessed valuation of a property is $400,400. You need to get a minimum of five to six property owners to sign the petition. I recommend that you strive to -get way more than that. Once you have gathered the signatures, you turn the petitions into the City Clerk. We will set up a file and schedule a meeting with the City Council, who authorizes the circulation of the 60% petition. Ultimately you will need over 30 property owners to sign petitions to move the annexation forward to the Boundary Review Board. I will be retiring on April 2, 2009 but Rob Chave, Planning manager will take over the annexation after that. Call me if you have questions. Thanks, Duane Bowman Development Services Director (425) 771-0220 ock ,700 r, l �r File No NOTICE OF INTENTION TO COMMENCE ANNEXATION PRO( TO: EDMONDS CiTY COUNCIL, SNOHOMISH COUNTY, W'ASHiNGTON The undersigned, who are the owners of not less than ten (10%) percent in value, according to the assessed valuation for property which annexation is being sought, hereby advise the City Council of the City of Edmonds that it is the des residents of the following area to commence annexation proceedings, pursuant to RCW 35A.14,120: SEE EXHIBIT "A" II The property commonly known as Meadowdale Annexat�, herein referred to is described on Exhibit "A" on the reverse s III it is requested that the City Council of the City of Edmonds se a date not later than sixty (60) days after the filing of thi: with the undersigned to determine: (1) Whether the City Council will accept the proposed annexation, (2) Whether the City Council will require the simultaneous adoption of proposed zoning regulations for the proposed are (3) Whether the City Council will require the assumption of existing City indebtedness by the area to be annexed. (4) This page is one of a group of pages containing identical text material and is intended by the signers of the Notice e presented and considered as one Notice of Intention and may be filed with other pages containing signatures which c be considered as a single Notice of Intention. RECEIVED BY THE CITY OF EDMONDS THIS DAY OF , 2009, INSTRUCTIONS TO SIGNERS RETURN SIGNED PETITION l . Petitioner must be property owner. City of Edmonds 2. Petitioner must sign with complete legal name, Attn: City Clerk 3. Petitioner may only sign Petition once. 121 5"' Avenue North 4. Petitions must be signed in ink. Edmonds, WA 98020 5. Return all petitions to address on right. 6. Each petitioner must include the date they sign petition. 7. Every signature counts. Return all petitions, even if only one name is on them. WARNING: Every person who signs this petition with any other than his or her true name, or who knowingly sign these petitions, or signs a petition seeking election when he or she is not a legal voter, or signs a petition when he not qualified to sin or who makes herein ;,ny false statement, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. TAX AS STREET ADDRESS/CITY/STATE/ZiP NU' TITIONER'S SIGNATURE PRINT NAME HERE CODE (OPT ood Io A s r r-,et'� �� 3 �r ,. f -i WO-P A 1601,5 GO"- Pt, Vj ost 3 PI File No. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO COMMENCE ANNEXATION PROC TO: EDMONDS CITY COUNCIL, SNOHOMISH COUNTY, WASHINGTON' The undersigned, who are the owners of not less than ten (10%) percent in value, according to the assessed valuation for g property which annexation is being sought, hereby advise the City Council of the City of Edmonds that it is the desir residents of the following area to commence annexation proceedings, pursuant to RCW 35A.14.120: SEE EXHIBIT "A" II The property commonly known as Meadowdale Annexation, herein referred to is described on Exhibit "A" on the reverse sic III It is requested that the City Council of the City of Edmonds se a date not later than sixty (60) days after the tiling of this with the undersigned to determine: (1) Whether the City Council will accept the proposed annexation, (2) Whether the City Council will require the simultaneous adoption of proposed zoning regulations for the proposed area (3) Whether the City Council will require the assumption of existing City indebtedness by the area to be annexed. (4) This page is one of a group of pages containing idential text material and is intended by the signers of the Notice of presented and considered as one Notice oflntention and may be filed with other pages containing signatures which cu be considered as a single Notice of Intention. RECEIVED BY THE CITY OF EDMONDS THIS DAY OT , 2009. INSTRUCTIONS TO SIGNERS RETURN SIGNED PETITION' l . Petitioner must be property owner, City of Edmonds 2. Petitioner must sign with complete legal name, Attn: City Clerk 3. Petitioner may only sign Petition once. 121 5"' Avenue North 4. Petitions must be signed in ink. Edmonds, WA 98020 5. Return all petitions to address on right, 6. hach petitioner must include the date they sign petition, 7, Fvery signature counts. Return all petitions, even If only one nalile Is oil them. WARNING: Every person who signs this petition with any other than his or her true name, or who knowingly signs these petitions, or signs a petition seeking election when he or she is not a legal voter, or signs a petition when he o not qualified to sin or who makes herein any false statement, shall be gisilty of a misdemeanor. "rAX ASS S'rREE'I' ADDRESS/CITY/STATE/ZIP N'UM PETITIONER'S SIGNATURE PRINT NAME HERE CODE (OPTII I File No NOTICE OF INTENTION TO COMMENCE ANNEXATION PRO( TO: EDMONDS CITY COUNCIL, SNOHOMISH COUNTY, WASHINGTON I The undersigned, who are the owners of not less than ten (10%) percent in value, according to the assessed valuation for property which annexation is being sought, hereby advise the City Council of the City of Edmonds that it is the des residents of the following area to commence annexation proceedings, pursuant to RCW 35A.14.120: SEE EXHIBIT "A" 11 The property commonly known as .Meadowda)e Annexation, herein referred to is described on Exhibit "A" on the reverse s iIi it is requested that the City Council of the City of Edmonds se a date not later than sixty (60) days after the filing of thi: with the undersigned to determine: (1) Whether the City Council will accept the proposed annexation (2) Whether the City Council will require the simultaneous adoption of proposed zoning regulations for the proposed are (3) Whether the City Council will require the assumption of existing City indebtedness by the area to be annexed. (4) Tliis page is one of a group of pages containing idential text material and is intended by the signers of the Notice c presented and considered as one Notice of Intention and may be filed with other pages containing signatures which c be considered as a single Notice of Intention, RECEIVED BY THE CITY OF EDMONDS THIS DAY OF , 2009. INSTRUCTIONS TO SIGNERS I RETURN SIGNED PETITIOrs l . Petitioner must be property owner. City of Edmonds 2. Petitioner must sign with complete legal name. Attn: City Clerk 3. Petitioner may only sign Petition once, 121 5"' Avenue North 4, Petitions must be signed in ink. Edmonds, WA 98020 5. Return all petitions to address on right. 6. Each petitioner must include the date they sign petition. 7. Every signature counts. Return all petitions, even if only one name is on them. WARNING: Every person who signs this petition with any other than his or her true name, or who knowingly sign these petitions, or signs a petition seeking election when he or she is not a legal voter, or signs a petition when he not qualified to sin or who makes herein any false statement shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, TAX AS STREET ADDRESS/CITY/STATE/ZIP NUT PETITIONER'S SIGNATURE PRINT NAME HERE CODE {OPT L. IS V t D &4+5 1 �Oa'j- ee&79 obj_ tj . tz /I , n � ���+t�u 12. veN � (4/0 /6/1-*P4- Sri File No NOTICE OF INTENTION TO COM�I'IENCE ANNEXATION ['RO( TO: EDMONDS CITY COUNCIL, SNOHOMISH COUNTY, WASHINGTON The undersigned, who are the owners of not less than ten (10%) percent in value, according to the assessed valuation for property which annexation is being sought, hereby advise the City Council of the City of Edmonds that it is the des residents of the following area to commence annexation proceedings, pursuant to RCW 35A.14.120: SEE EXHIBIT "A'' II The property commonly known as Meadowdale Annexation, herein referred to is described on Exhibit "A" on the reverse s III It is requested that the City Council of the City of Edmonds se a date not later than sixty (60) days after the filing of thi with the undersigned to determine: (1) Whether the City Council will accept the proposed annexation, (2) Whether the City Council will require the simultaneous adoption of proposed zoning regulations for the proposed are (3) Whether the City Council will require the assumption of existing City indebtedness by the area to be annexed. (4) This page is one of a group of pages containing idential text material and is intended by the signers of the Notice r presented and considered as one Notice of Intentfon and may be filed with other pages containing signatures which c be considered as a single Notice of Intention. RECEIVED BY THE CITY OF EDMONDS THIS DAY OF , 2009, INSTRUCTIONS TO SIGNERS RETURN SIGNED PETiTIOr 1. Petitioner must be property owner. City of Edmonds 2. Petitioner must sign with complete legal name, Attn: City Clerk 3. Petitioner may only sign Petition once, 121 5°i Avenue North 4. Petitions must be signed in ink. Edmonds, WA 98020 5, Return all petitions to address on right. 6. Each petitioner must include the date they sign petition. 7. Every signature counts. Return all petitions, even if only one name is on them. WARNING: Every person who signs this petition with any other than his or her true name, or who knowingly sigr these petitions, or signs a petition seeking election when he or she is not a legal voter, or signs a petition when he not qualified to sign or who makes herein any false statement shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. TAX AS STREET ADDRESS/CITY/STATE/ZiP NU PETITIONER'S SIGNATURE PRINT NAME HERE CODE (OP-1 rf �15 1 -- --AC File Na NOTICE OF INTENTIONTO COMMENCE ANNEXATION PRO( TO: BDMONDS CITY COUNCTL, SNOHOMIS14 COUNTY, WASHINGTON The undersigned, who are the owners of not less than ten (10%) percent in value, according; to the assessed valuation for property which annexation is being sought, hereby advise the City Council of the City of Edmonds that it is the des residents of the following area to commence annexation proceedings, pursuant to RCW 35A.14120: SEE, EXHIBIT "A" II The property commonly known as Meadcswdale Annexation, herein referred to is described on Exhibit "A" on the reverse s lit It is requested that the City Council of the City of Edmonds se a date not later than sixty (60) days after the filing of thi with the undersigned to determine: ('1) Whether the City Council will accept the proposed annexation. (2) Whether the City Council will require the simultaneous adoption of proposed zoning regulations for the proposed are (3) Whether the City C-OL111e11 will require the assumption of existing City indebtedness by the area to be annexed. (4) This page is one of a group of pages containing; idential text material and is intended by the signers of the ,'\%oliee r presented and considered as one Nolice n/'ls1l0nlinrr and may he filed with other pages containing signatures which c be considered as a single .Notice 0f`117le17ti011. RECEIVED BV '1'iIE CiTY OF EDMONDS THIS DAY OF , 2009, INSTRUCTIONSTO SIGNERS RETURN SIGNED PETITIOI 1. Petitioner must be property owner. City of Edmonds 2, Petitioner must sign with complete legal name. Attn: City Clerk 3. Petitioner play only sign Petition once. 121 5i1' Avenue North 4. Petitions must be signed in h& Edmonds. WA 98020 5. Return all petitions to address on right. G. Each petitioner must include the date they sign petition. 7. Every signature counts. Return all petitions, even if only one name is on them. WARNING: Every person who signs this petition with any other than his or her true name, or who knowingly sign these petitions, or signs a petition seeking election when lie or she is not a legal voter, or signs a petition when he not qualified to sign, or who makes herein any false statement, shall he guilty of a misdemeanor. TAX AS STREET ADDRESS/CITY/STATE/ZIP NU1 P ER' I .NATURE PRiNT NAME "ERE CODE (OPT JJ �y ■ EXHIBIT A MEADOWDALE BEACH AREA ANNEXATION LEGAL DESCRIPTION THOSE PORTIONS OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER AND OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER, ALL OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION S, TOWNSHIP 27 NORTH RANGE 4 EAST, W. M., AND MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF THE PLAT OF MEADOWDALE BY THE SOUND, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF AS RECORDED IN VOLUME 24 OF PLATS, PAGE 40, RECORDS OF SNOHOMISH COUNTY, WASHINGTON; THENCE EASTERLY ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID PLAT TO THE SOUTHEAST CORNER THEREOF; THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID PLAT TO THE SOUTHERLY MARGIN OF 160P STREET SOUTHWEST; THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG AN EXTENSION OF THE EAST LINE OF SAID PLAT TO THE NORTHERLY MARGIN OF SAID 160' STREET SOUTHWEST; THENCE WESTERLY ALONG SAID NORTHERLY MARGIN TO THE EAST LINE OF THE PLAT OF THE FIRS, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT 'THEREOF RECORDED IN VOLUME 34 OF PLATS, PAGE 41, RECORDS OF SNOHOMISH COUNTY, WASHINGTON; THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID PLAT OF THE FIRS TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF" THEREOF; THENCE WESTERLY ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID PLAT OF THE FIRS TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER THEREOF, SAID POINT BEING ON THE EASTERLY MARGIN OF 68.. AVENUE WEST; THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG SAID EASTERLY MARGIN TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; "TOGETHER WITH THAT PORTION OF TRACT 20, PLAT OF MEADOWDALE BEACH, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN VOLUME 5 OF PLATS, PAGE 38, RECORDS OF SNOHOMISH COUNTY, WASHINGTON DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID TRACT 20; THENCE EASTERLY ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID TRACT 500 Fh f; THENCE NORTHWESTERLY TO A POINT ON THE WESTERLY LINE OF SAID 'TRACT, SAID POINT BEING 350 FEET NORTHERLY OF SAID SOUTHWEST CORNER OF TRACT 20; THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG TIM WEST LINE OF SAID TRACT 350 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; TOGETHER WITH THAT PORTION OF THE EAST HALF OF THE VACATED ROAD ABUTTING UPON THE WEST LINE THEREOF. ENO I 1 1 " 1 128134h St. SW Everett, WA, 98204 4251741-3800 H;W0C\22\08\001\002\ANNEX LEGAL DESCRIMON.DOC Page 1 of 1 16GTH ST SW� .IWTH PL SW w f161ST ST SW ~' l 17.-F- FJ 162ND PL SW 0 200 400 800 Feet Q1163RD PL 1 G4TH PL SW 764TH P A city of edmonds development information Summary of Residential Site Development Standards SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL Zone Minimum Lot Area Isq. Ft. Maximum Density Minimum Lot Width Minimum Street Setback Minimum Side Setback Minimum Rear Setback 1 Maximum Height 2 Maximum Lot Coverage Minimum # Parkin�q Spaces RS-20 20 000 2.2 100' 25' 35' 10' 3 25' 1 25' 2 35% 2 RS-12 12,000 3.7 80' 25' 10, 25' 25' 2 35% 2 RSW-12 12,000 3.7 -- 15' 10, 361 25' 2 35% 2 RS-10 10,000 4.4 75' 25' 10, 20' 25' 2 35% 2 5' 15'' 25-2 35% 2 RS-6 6,000 7.3 60, 20' RS-MP 5 12,000 5 3.7 5 80' 5 265 10' S 25' 9 5 26' 2 35% 2 The rear setback may be reduced to a minimum of 5 feet for detached accessory buildings covering less than 600 square feet of the site. Does not apply to corner lots. 2 Height of detached accessory buildings shall be limited to 15 feet. 3 35 feet total of both sides; 10 feet minimum on either side. Lots must have frontage on the ordinary high water line and a public street or access easement approved by the Hearing Examiner. 5 "MP" signifies "Master Plan." The standards in the table (above) show the standards applicable to development without an approved master plan. Properties in this zone may be developed at a higher urban density lot pattern equivalent to RS-8 with an adopted master plan (see ECDC 16.20.045). Site development exceptions: (See 16,20.040 for more complete discussion) • Average Front Setback. If a block has residential buildings on more than one-half of the lots on the same side of the block, the owner of a lot on that block may use the average of all the setbacks of the existing residential buildings on the same side of the street as the minimum required front setback for the lot. Detached structures such as garages; carports; and uncovered porches, decks, steps and patios less than 30 inches in height, and other uncovered structures less than 30 inches in height shall not be included in the "average front setback" determination. See ECDC 16.20.040.A for additional requirements. • Eaves and Chimneys. Eaves and chimneys may project into a required setback not more than 30 inches. • Porches and Decks. Uncovered and unenclosed porches, steps, patios, and decks may project into a required setback not more than one-third of the required setback, or four feet, whichever is less; provided, that they are no more than 30 inches above ground level at any point. • Corner Lots. Corner lots have no rear setback; all setbacks other than the street setbacks shall be side setbacks. *** Zoning upon annexation NOTE: Nonconforming structures that exist at the time of annexation are allowed to remain and be maintained.