Resolution 033RESOLtiTION NO. WHERE�S, a. petition for an election for annexation to the City of Edmonds, pursuant to R.C.W. 35.13.020, was received on the 15th day of kpril, 1G58, by the City Council of the City of Edmonds, Snohomish County, Washington, and WHEREAS, the petition stated on its face that it was signed by qualified voters in the area petitioning for• annexation, numbering more than 20% of the votes cast in the last general election, and WHEREkS, it appears to be in the best interest of the City of Edmonds that an- election for such annexation be called as provided by law, NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVE] by the City Council of the City of Edmonds that the petition for an election for the annexation to the City of Edmonds of the following described property: Beginning at the west quarter corner of sec. 19, twp. 27 North, Range 4 East, W.M., thence east along the east -west centerline of said section 19, to the west margin of 76th ,ve. W., thence south along the west margin of 76th ,}ve . W. to the north margin of 212th S.W.: thence East along the north margin of 212th St. S.W. to the intersection with the westerly margin of State Road No. 1; thence southwesterly along the west margin of said State Road No. 1 across sections 29, 30 a.nd 31 to the intersection with the westerly margin of Secondary :State Highway No. 1-W; thence northwesterly and westerly along the westerly and south- erly margin of said Secondary State Highway No. 1-W across Section 31 of Twp. 27 NR 4 E. and Sec. 36, Twp. 27 NR 3 E., to the intersection of the north line of said section 36; thence east along said north line to the easterly margin of said Secondary State Highway No. 1-W and the existing city limits; thence southeasterly End easterly along the northerly margin of Q.S.H. "1-W to the east line of the south, half of the northwest quarter of the northwest quarter of the northeast quarter, sect-kn 36; thence northerly along the easterly boundary of the City' Limits of Edmonds to the point of beginning; Snohomish County, Washington; be and the same is hereby approved and accepted. i,TTEST : /Z _ CITY CL 11-1 UK Passed: Published: / -"0 -- ------------ _�_� = 4 A13OLUTI ©N NO. 3 k'"Rn,AS,j a petition for an election for an taxation to the City of Ndmonds, pursus.nt to N.C.W. 35.13.020, was received on the 15th day of April, 19580 by the City Council of the City of Edmonds, Snohomish County, Washington, and WHERnAS, the petition stated on its face that it was signed by qualified voters in the area petitioning for annexation, numbering more than 2oj_. of the votes cast in the lost general election, and WHEAE.A3, it appears to be in the best interest of the city of Edmonds that an election for such annexation be called as provided by lair, NOW, THERFYORE, IT ZS HEREBY RUOLVID by the City Council of the City of Maonds that the petition for an election for the annexa.tiam to the City of ddmonde of tkw following described propertyt Beginning at the vest quarter corner of see. 19, Up, 27 )forth, Ran.6e 4 East, W.R. , thence east :.lone the east -West centerline of said section 19, to the vest margin of 76th ova. W., thence south along the west margin of 76th -eve. W. to the north margin of 212th S.W.; thexse East along the nQr'th margin of 21cth dt. S.W. to the intersection with the vasterly margin of State Road No. 1; thence southvesterly along the West mark n of said State Road No. 1 across sestigru 29, 30 and 31 to the 3.nter3eation with LY,e westerly margin of Secondary State Highvay No, 1-11; thence northwesterly and vesterly along the westerly and south- erly margin of said �econdar7 State ]3i&hwe.y Na. 1-W across ;;action 31 of Twp. 27 SFR 4 R. and Sas. 36, Tvp. 27 NE 3 h., to the intersection of the north line of sa.ia section 36; thence: east along said north line to the eaaterly margin of said Secondary Btate Highway No. 1--W and the existing city limits; thence southe&.sterly end easterly along the northerly margin of b. S. H . #1-W to the east line of the south half of the northwest quarter of the northwest quarter of the northeast quarter, seetIm A thence northerly al:�ng the easterly boundary of the City Limits of Edmonds to the point of begiaaln6; 5nohom1ah Couaty, Washington; be and the same is hereby approved and accepted. ATTEST: ZL CITY cwllpyl Pasaedt � � / -------