Resolution 127RESOLUTION NO. 1 .d_ WHEREAS the City Council of the City of Edmonds pursuant to State Law has provided by Ordinance No. 1179 that the cer- tain travel expense reimbursement for City officers and em- ployees may be set from time to time by Resolution, now, therefore, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDMONDS DOES HEREBY,,, RESOLVE: SectiRjL 1. Officers and employees of theCity of Edmonds who use their own automobiles in connection with officially assigned duties and other travel for public purposes approved by the Mayor shall be reimbursed at the rate of ten cents per mile for such authorized use, provided, however, that employees of the building departments, including the building official, shall be so reimbursed at the rate of fifteen cents per mile for such authorized use. Section 2. All other travel expenses, including lodging and meals while on official city business as authorized by the Mayor, shall be reimbursed on the basis of actual expenses incurred. Section 3. Nothing herein shall be construed as relieving any official or employee from presenting certified claims for reimbursement as provided in Chapter 1.56.090 of the Edmonds City Code. RESOLVED this day of March, 1966. APPROVED: GOZON MAXWELL, MAYOR v/ ATTEST: f7 CITY CLERK Filed with the City Clerk: March 1966