Resolution 216RESOLUTION NO. 216 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF EDMONDS, WASHINGTON AUTHORIZING THE TRANSFER OF CERTAIN SURPLUS, ALL WITHIN THE CURRENT EXPENSE FUND, OF THE 1969 BUDGET. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDP"ONDS, I117ASHITdfz'.iON DOES HERZEY PFSOLVE AS FOLLOWS Section 1. The City Clerk is hereby authorized to transfer from Revenue from Other Agencies (share of $22 million from State of TFashington) the sum of $3,500.00 as follows (a) By reason of additional relief receptionist work unforeseen at the time of the preparation of the 1969 budget, to Civic Center, Salary, the sun of 5500.00; (b) Because of unforeseen additional costs in connection with providing light, heat, telephone and re- lated utilities for the Civic Center complex and the field house, to Civic Center, Maintenance and Operation, Contractual Services, the sum of $2,096.95; (c) By reason of unforeseen repairs necessary to doors in the library and Civic Center, to Civic Center, maintenance and Operation, miscellaneous Expenses, the sum of $103.05. Section 2. The City Clerk is hereby authorized to transfer from ?'_ever_ue from o?th r -Agencies (share of $22 r.illion from. State of-'ashincrton) the sum of $2,964.00, to Police Department, Salaries and T ?ages, 11,11owance for Promotions, necessitated by reason of three percent salary increase as provided in initial union negotiated contract for the Police Department. Section 3. The City Clerk is hereby authorized to transfer from Planning r epzrtmen_t, Salaries, the sutr of $1,009, to Planning Departm.ert, Contractual Services, which transfer is necessary by reason ,of greater seruices being provided by independent contract rather than by salary than had been anticipated at the time of the preparation and adoption of the 1969 budget. Section 4. The City Clerk is hereby authorized to transfer to, Recreation_ Department, Capital Outlay, the sum of $2,316.83, which transfer is necessitated by reason of certain remodeling of offices within the recreation department, said transfer being made from the following budgeted items all within the recreation department - (a) Recreation Department, Salaries, the sum of $1,362.80; (b) "aintenance and Operation, Employee Benefits, the sum of $800.00; and (c) p"aintenance and Operation, Taterials and Supplies, the sum of $154.03. Section 5. The City Clerk is hereby authorized to transfer from, Park Department, Salaries, the sur of $4,500.00 to the following iters within the 1969 budget; (a) Due to unforeseen expenses in site preparation and hauling for the conrunity auditorium and unforeseen required installation of vr7irinc in the field house, the sum of '2,872.98, to Park Department, Maintenance and Operation, materials and Supplies; and (b) Due to property acquisition (Montgomery property) necessitating payment of sidewalk local imnrovement district assessment, to Park Department, Capital Outlay, Land, the sum of $1,527.02. RESOLVED this 16th day of December, 1969 by the Edmonds Citv Council. ATTEST: �r� C� p -� I ET1E VP.R;^]F�Y pF�1RT CITY C LEP RK. PF.SSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL: rILE17 '%UTH TIME CITY CL£PI, P_PPP.OVED: Ia.fL. HAPRISON Decerber 16, 196 Decer -ber 16, 1969 -2-