2020-02-06 Tree Board MinutesEdmonds Citizens' Tree Board `s x� APPROVED MEETING NOTES ` , February 6, 2020 The Edmonds Citizens' Tree Board Meeting was called to order at 6:05 p.m. by Co -Chair Bill Phipps in the Council Chambers, Public Safety Complex, 250 51h Avenue North, Edmonds, WA. BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: STAFF PRESENT Bill Phipps, Co -Chair Debra Dill, Parks Department Frank Caruso, Vice -Chair Gail Lovell Barbara Chase Doug Petersen Suzanne Juer ensen Ross Dimmock Donna Murphv BOARD MEMBER(S) ABSENT: I ELECTED OFFICIAL PRESENT Diane Buckshnis, City Council member ELECTED OFFICAL ABSENT CALL TO ORDER: Co -Chair Bill Phipps called the meeting to order, reading the Land Acknowledgement Statement. ROLL CALL: All Board members were present, including our two new members. Each member introduced themselves with some background information. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Agenda approved with the additions of a possible involvement with Fronterra and the Permaculture proposal for the Civic Field to New Business. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The December meeting notes were approved with a few corrections already made by Doug. They have already been forwarded to Jana. AUDIENCE COMMENTS: Katy Bigelow had no specific comments; she was there to listen and learn. OLD BUSINESS: A) Street tree planting plan/budget Gail, Barbara and Debra Dill have met several times and the process is ongoing. There was discussion about the proper name for this project. Is it a list of trees appropriate for the streets or a more general tree planting list? A more appropriate term might be `Right of Way' trees. Debra will discuss this with the UFMP Board at their next meeting at the end of the month, to avoid confusion of the terminology by the public. The final list should be done in three months. B) Tree Code Diane noted there was nothing to report. What is needed to continue is an updated GIS (from the last one done in 2005), so that the current tree canopy can be calculated. A motion was made to recommend the new Chair of the Tree Board send a memo to Kernan or Shane requesting that such a GIS be conducted, with a focus on the tree canopy (Doug made the motion, Donna seconded, unanimous vote). C) UFMP/City Arborist Diane commented that the City Council approved a position of City Arborist, going from 10% to full-time. The position is in the process of being approved by the union. If someone is not appointed to the position from within in- house employees, the position will be publically posted. D) Web Links Project Suzanne distributed a handout with various components and website links, which she discussed. Board members will read through the document and add other appropriate sections and links. She was thanked for her extensive work on the project. NEW BUSINESS: A) Tree Board budget No budget request has been sent thus far. It is expected that we will request the same $4,000 that we were granted last year. B) New Tree Board Chair/co-Chairs Barbara Chase and Frank Caruso were elected unanimously as co -Chairs for the next twelve months. C) Tree Board presentation to City Council March 24 (at 7:00 pm) was selected as the date of our fifteen minute presentation. Donna and Frank will work on assembling the PowerPoint presentation. Photos will be gathered; Vivian will be contacted as she has several on her phone. When the presentation is complete, it will be shared with other Board members in advance of March 24. D) Earth Day Involvement This year's event will be another Ivy Pull at Yost Park, scheduled either for Saturday, April 18 or 25. Doug moved that $50 be allotted for snacks/water (Suzanne seconded, unanimously approved). E) Trees needed at Olympic Elementary School It has been requested that trees be planted near the field along the fence. Barbara will contact the Principal to see whether such a project needs to be approved by the School District. Several plants were suggested as possible ones to plant. F) Shrubs in lieu of trees — mitigation of climate change It was suggested that hedgerows can be used as an educational tool in the schools. Barbara will follow through on this. G) Forterra Suzanne has contacted someone there to see how the organization can help the city obtain grants for certain tree - planting and other projects. One of their people will be able to do a 30 minute presentation at the April 2 Tree Board meeting. Doug moved that we ask for such a presentation on that date (Gail seconded, unanimous approval). Bill noted how Southwest County Park would be a good location to fulfill the healthy forest initiative. H) Permaculture proposal for City Park Suzanne did not get her proposal submitted on time to be considered for the City Park renovation. However, there was interest in locating her planting in a one acre parcel on Bowdoin Street near Yost Park. TREE BOARD MEMBER COMMENTS: Gail suggested that our next brochure be one focused on shrubs suitable for planting. All were in agreement, but it will have to be tabled for the present. ADJOURN: The meeting was adjourned at 8:10 p.m. Next Meetings: Thursday, March 5` and Thursday, April 2"d, 6:00 p.m., Council Chambers