2019-12-02 Arts Commission Minutesy edmonds ARTS COMMISSION MINUTES Dec 2, 2019 The Edmonds Arts Commission: dedicated to the arts, an integral part of community life. City of Edmonds Parks, Recreation & Cultural Services Department PRESENT: Tanya Sharp Lesly Kaplan STAFF AUDIENCE Ashley Song Rhonda Soikowski Frances Chapin Tom Mesaros Beverly Shaw Starkovich Isabella Wilhelm, St Rep Excused: Pat Oneill; Marni Muir The meeting was called to order at 6:00 PM by Tanya Sharp, Chair INTRODUCTIONS —Tom Mesaros, City Council Member MINUTES —Approval of Nov minutes, Kaplan Moved, Soikowski Seconded, Approved. REPORTS - A. Creative Programs Presentation — On behalf of the Mayor, City Council Member Tom Mesaros, thanked Beverly Shaw Starkovich for her 8 years of service on the Arts Commission. He noted how many things in our City are implemented with the help of volunteers and mentioned how much he has enjoyed the Summer Concerts in the Park. The willingness of people like Beverly to serve is part of what makes Edmonds such a great place to live and he appreciates the oversight of the Arts Commission and their many partnerships. Commissioners and staff also thanked Shaw and mentioned that her husband had been a welcome volunteer helping with many exhibits over the years. Civic Park— Chapin outlined her steps following the last meeting to synthesize the comments of Commissioners regarding art at Civic for Walker Macy as they move forward with final design. She recently met with a consultant who has worked with the Arts Commission in the past and will work with staff and the Commission on the call to artists, advertising, and selection process for both Civic and the Library in order to maximize outcomes for modest budgets. For Civic the budget is approximately $80,000 and artists will be directed to focus on two potential areas near the main entry off of 61h. Chapin stressed that there are other opportunities for artwork in the park, as noted previously by Commissioners, but they can be added as funding is available. Creative District — Song reported on the progress with logo development and an upcoming meeting to review specific design ideas. She is unable to attend but Sharp may take her place. Song expressed concern that the logo be inclusive and elegant. Chapin reported on the proposed funding for 2020 and the outcomes of the recent neighbors meeting for 4t" Avenue Cultural Corridor. The consultants will be developing some new concepts over the next few weeks based on the feedback from neighbors. 4. Nominations — Sharp and Kaplan acted as the nominating committee and proposed a slate for 2020 with Muir as Chair and Soikowski as Vice Chair. Hearing no discussion or other suggestions, Kaplan Moved and Shaw Seconded Approval. Chapin reported that three people have applied for the vacant Arts Commission position. Discussion followed about the interview committee with consensus that Edmonds Arts Commission Minutes — 12/2/2019 2 Soikowski and Song should participate and the third member would be either Sharp or Muir. The proposed dates are Dec 16 or 18. Exhibits — Shaw was thanked again for her work on setting up exhibits. Discussion followed about appropriate exhibits for the Library during Bird Fest if photographs are not available for 2020. Shaw noted that it is important when contacting artists about shows to point out all that we do for the artist — hang show, make labels, send out PR, and refer to artist with no commission for sales. Commissioners recommended contacting one of several local artists who paint bird images. The On the Fence schedule was briefly discussed, including the revised concept for Munic called Playful Clouds which will go at Civic. B. Capital Projects C. Funding & Administration STAFF REPORT— Chapin discussed two potential workshops for artists which EAC will contract with Artist Trust to present in 2020. Generally EAC tries to do one a year for artists or arts organizations but did not do one in 2019. Rose and Chapin have been researching platforms for submissions which the office could use for both public art submissions, including temporary art, and presenter applications for Concerts and WOTS and have now signed up with a platform called Submittable. Chapin reminded Commissioners that they signed up to have the Arts Commission highlighted in the Library lobby display case in February. Commissioners briefly discussed ideas for what to highlight and Chapin asked them to look at the space and send her suggestions about what to do — is it an overview/timeline since 1975 of everything EAC does, significant events/proudest moments per decade, or focus on one area such as public art which might be an opportunity to provide some information relevant to upcoming public art processes. NEW/OTHER BUSINESS — Chapin responded to a question about Sound Transit parking and ArtWorks reiterating that this is not an option that will be pursued. AUDIENCE COMMENTS — Meeting Adjourned at 7:20 PM