Ordinance 12014RD IMCE NO. /: Qi As vJOIJUNCR of TU CITY or ApIf� 0 WASKIDQm ASSUKING TM JUILISDICTIOD CW T= OLYKPIC VIM WATAR oxxTRici • S moramiarLITIES, Tom, FACILI?IEi ABD 8="= WIVK= AN AIM � #Y TSS SA iD CITY AM CWTIQUOM AODMM �, AND AvMORIZING TM MWCDTION OT A CONIUACT t ITR SAXD DIflMCT, WILUMSO the City of Edmands has annexed a portion of the Olympic Viaer stater District, oesnonly referred to as the 'ballinger Agra", and WHsREAS, *aid City and said District have negotiated a proposod contract in aeamdance with the Lams of the State of Washington for the asswmption of the jurisdiction of said Dis- trict's responsibilities. Property, facilities and avnipment within said annexed area, and camtiguoa■ addition* thereto, now, therefore, THE CITY COUMCI L OF TM CITY or SDMWDS, WABRIM M Da OADATM AS POLLOMAs SsstigL I.,. pursuant to the tames of that proswed Agree -- meet to Aasmrw Jurisdiction of Water District Responsibilities, lrep*rty, p&Gilitirs add scruipmmt within an Area Annexed to the City of Edaaands, Washington, the City of Edmonds dose hereby *Sande said jurisdiction as *et forth in said Agrew"nt, 81eti p 2. The Mayor of the City of Odhoond■ is hereby authorised to execute said Agr*eiaent with the Commissioners of the Clpmpie View Water District, together with any n*ars- sary instruments requiroO in fulfilment of said Agreasisnt, Secti2a 3. The City Clark in hereby authorised to issue warrants frcm the Water Department Fund in the seta of Nine Thousand Dollars in seem once with the terms of said Agree- ment A PPACM e ..2_ ATTBSTs INM YAN8''1'' MO Ali. -- CITY CLSRK Passed by the City Councils April 19, 1966 Filed with the City Clerkt April 190 1966 Publisheds April 27, 1966