2020-07-02 Citizens Climate Protection Committee MinCity of Edmonds - Mavors Climate Protection Committee ("CPC") DRAFT Meeting Minutes July z, 2020 Citizens Committee on Mayor's Climate Protection Agreement Mission of the CPS is to (i) Encourage citizens to be a part ofthe solution, (2) Encourage City staff and citizens to conserve current resources, (3) Work with the City Council to implement ideas, and (4) Effectively address the future impacts of climate change In Attendance via zoom video call /phone: • Lisa Conley and T.C. Richmond (co-chairs), Dawna Lahti, Cynthia Pruitt, Lisa Herb, David Schaefer, Laura Johnson(Council Position #7), and Shane Hope(Development Services Director) Call to Order, Review of Agenda, Introductions: The regular meeting of the CPC was called to order at 8:3o am on a zoom video call initiated by the City. Attendees introduced themselves. The agenda was reordered to accommodate schedules of speakers. z. Climate Action Plan: Shane Hope provided a status report on the City's update of the Climate Action Plan ("CAP"). There is budget uncertainty but the Mayor and staff are working to find the funds to cover the planned work. A new contract must be executed with the consulting firm, ESA. The CAP will be drafted into a new format, will include the GHG Emission Tool, and will eventually be integrated with the City's comprehensive plan. Lisa C asked about the use of "net zero by 2050" in the CAP, and Shane responded that this terminology has not been used. A separate consulting contract is needed for specialized help for the community engagement plan - the CPC will provide input. The new (part-time) public information officer will advise on consultant selection. T.C. stated members of the CPC would be willing to help in the selection process and in community engagement. Shane thanked the CPC co-chairs for writing a letter of support to the WA Department of Commerce in support of a grant application that would be used for the integration of the CAP into the comprehensive plan. They are waiting to hear if they received the grant. Shane stated that on July 28t" the City Council will be provided a recap of the City's work on the CAP and a resolution will be introduced to confirm a City target of staying within a 1.5 degree centigrade rise so the CAP can continue to be built upon that target. A vote on the resolution would take place on August 1st. Cynthia asked if the new council members can be briefed priorto the meeting. Shane responded that she had previously spoken to council members and offered resources. She also will provide background to the Council priorto the meeting. 3. City Council Report: Laura provided an update on City Council activities. Laura re -enforced the goal of council member education on the CAP effort during the July 28t" meeting. Laura also reported that there is a public hearing scheduled forth evening of Tuesday July 6tn regarding the replacement of the City's existing Wastewater Treatment Plant's incinerator. The recommended replacement project is expensive, but it has been designed to be used by and the costs shared with other area cities. T.C. said a letter has been drafted for the CPC in support of Project B. Several members had not yet reviewed the draft so the discussion focused on points to raise in the letter. Lisa C reported that she had spoken to Hank who was in support of Project B in conjunction with the Interfaith Council; Stan Gent is an expert in this field and is also support of Project B with the hope that it can be used with district energy/micro-grid in the future for a campus area in Edmonds. Cynthia asked about carbon emissions of Project B and it was suggested that the letter emphasize the need for the lowest GHG emissions for the cost. Laura said that the cost was of primary concern to the Council. Dawna noted that the incinerator was 30 years old. Dawna and Lisa H. agreed that the CPC urge the Council to approve Project B or the next best project that promotes the goals set out for the CAP. There was a discussion of suggested wording of the letter and T.C. agreed to redraft the letter incorporating suggestions from our discussion prior to the July 61" meeting. 4. Approval of June 4, 2020 Meeting minutes: Unanimously approved. S. Public Outreach: T.C. stated that the CPC's outreach is distinct from the City's formal, legally required public engagement. The CPC's role, in regard to public outreach, is to keep climate change in the public's eye and for education. She mentioned Nives Dolsak's letter to MyEdmondsNews asking for Citizens to send in ways the City can move forward for the 41n of July edition of MyEdmondsNews. Lisa C. discussed the City's outdated climate webpages. She has drafted a new CPC page and will contact the City's IT person to discuss whether some changes can be made prior to the City's planned website overhaul. CPC members can send Lisa C edits. 6. Revisit 202o Top Priorities: Tabled for discussion at next meeting. 7. Develop Partnerships: Tabled for discussion at next meeting. 8. Other Public Comment: None 9. Adjournment: Meeting was adjourned at 9:3o a.m. Next Meeting: Thursday, August 6, 202o beginning at 8:3o a.m. via Zoom