1923 February 15 Optional Sale Agreement from Brackett10 I i' O%Yr ALL J1111M, BY ` HEST PR SEENTS, That we, George Brackett, Jr. , and Pattie Brackett, his wife, of the City of Ldmonds, Snohomish county, and State of ';Washington, for and in consideration of the su,n of One (1) Dolka.r in nand paid, do hereby agree to grant, sell and convey by good and sifficient warranty deed, unto School District Number Fifteen (15), Snohomish Count;* and State of ':Jasa- ington, the following described real estate, situate in said City, County and State, towit: CoLnnencing at the west boundary of Sixth street, being; at the north east corner of the present High School site,running thence east to the "Edmonds City Limits", thence north One hundred and forty (140) feet, thence vest to a point due north of the place of beginning, thence south One hundred and Forty (140) feet to the place of beginning. Also a strip of lard fifteen (15) feet in �,:idth bordering the present High School site on the IVI north, and extending from sixth street west to Third Street. PROVIDED AL'„AYS, and this agreement is, and shall be, optional on the hart of the Directors and Board of 7ducatior,_ of scid School District, and said Board of Education shall haue six I onths, and until the lb"th day of February, 1924, in which to accept or reject this agreement and the. provisions herein; YUM PRO7I1 77) that' i�n the event said Board of Education shall elect to acceAt the provisions herein within six. months as above set forth, and desire to. complete the purchase of said real estate in accordance c,ith t-he price, ter.-s and conditions hereinafter set forth, then said Board of Education shall have a reasonable time, and such tirae as may be neeessa..ry, in which to ' sub�-uit the matter to the voters of said School District for a referendu=. vote. And in the event a Laj or- ity ,of those voting at'such election snoul:-_ not favor tl_e purchase of s-aid property according to the terms, price and provisions herein, then this agrree:==ent shall be void, otherwise to be and r,erna.in in full force and effect. PROVIDE,7 y+URTID2 that this agreement is a. sole and exclusive opt- ion on said above described real estate in factor of said Board of Education and said School District IJumber Fifteen. PROTTIMM .-+'IT ?THM, that in the event said Directors and Board of "ducation should elect to complete the purchase of said real estate, and said election should be supported by the voters of said school district, then said School District, through its Directors and Board of :education, shall pa;�� r e.id George �� ' ett, Jr., an ar.ount equal to the sum of r Hundred ( �) Dollars per acre for the actual arciount of land so conveyed as the full complete purchase price of said .premises. PI'LO TI 1)r'I) JRI HT,�R, t o f s � � P �- t the o��ner o� said ;�rer,�i.�e� reserves ti��v right to re: ove all buildings, trees and shrubbery, and other improve- ments, from said real estate within six_ months after the deed. to said preidises is delivered and settlement fully i.ade hereunder, the ov.:nership and title to said il-dprovements being hereby reserved in the present owner, and the saa,ie are hereby excepted from the provisions of this agreement. ITITESS OUR HANDS this 15th day of February, A.D. 1943. In the D resence of j. G State of 'Washington,) On this��' day of ss. 19?,, bei`ore me 42 Sraohornish County. ) _ _ a Notax,, Public, duly appointed and qualified for and residing in said county, personally, come George Brackett, Jr., and I0Iattie Brackett, his wife, to me known to be the identical persons described in and who executed the foregoiri ~ agreement as makers thereof, and acknowledged the same to be their voluntary act and deed for the uses and _p *poses th_ez' in expressed. `2.11T.v'!'SS nW hand and seal this dFry of otany Public. Residin,7 at :' dmonds, Washington. George Brackett, Jr. , and e, t0 Board of Education, School District No. 15. OPTTOINAL, SAL' .f; AGRTT'bL,-LidT. • F