Resolution 489RESOLUTION NO. 489 A RESOLUTION OF THE EDMONDS CITY COUNCIL COMMENDING SUE CRAWFORD FOR HER SERVICE AS A STUDENT MEMBER OF THE EDMUNDS CITY COUNCIL WHEREAS, Sue Cnaw4ond, a den%otc at Meadowdate High Schoot, was etec ted to s enve as a student membeA o4 the Edmonds City Council; and WHEREAS, Sue CAaw4ond seAved as a student me.mbeA o4 the City Counc i t 4nom Januony G, 1981 to Febtcuoty 24, 1981; and WHEREAS, during hen tenure ate a student Councitmemben, Sue Cnaw4ond demonstrated exemptany dedication and di i.gence in the woAk o4 this body; and WHEREAS.. Sue Ctcaw4o&d showed a Ewen intenetst in the tegiztative wot k o4 tocat government and o44erred vatued ina,igF►tz and sugge,stt.onz duAing the detibenafiionz o6 the Counc i Z, NOW, THEREFORE, The Edmon" City Council hereby t uotva that Sue Cnaw4ond be commended Uotc hen patct-i.c t.pation in city government in Edmonds dur ing hen tvan in o66ice. RESOLVED FURTHER, that the City Council huteby extends it-6 best uti,shes to Sue Cnaw�ond in hen studie.6 and 6utune cauen and exp&mse/s the hope that she contt,nue�s to cont,tibute heir. 6ine tatewts to the democtcat c pnocros o4 government in the .City o6 Edmonds and e?zewhene. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this and day o6 March, 1981. ayotc, City o Edmoncts ATTEST: