Resolution 484RESOLUTION NO. 484 A RESOLUTION OF THE EDMONDS CITY COUNCIL COMMENDING PAUL CHRISTENSEN FOR HIS SERVICE AS A STUDENT MEA48ER OF THE EDMONDS CITY COUNCIL WHEREAS, Paul Chr. tensen, a zelected to be the City Councit; and ,sensor at Edmonds High School, wars 6i,ut student member o6 the Edmond, WHEREAS, Paul ChA tensen .served as a Student member o6 the City Councie Byrom November 4, 1980 to December 31, 1980; and WHEREAS, dutc i,ng h ips tenutce as a student Counci2membeA, Paul Cht-istenaen demonstrated exemplary dedication and d.c P%- gence -in the wmk o4 this body; and WHEREAS, Paul Chr.isten,6en showed a Keen inteAut in the legisla- tive work o6 local government and o4 e%ed valued insights and suggestion -6 dwtzing the detibeAati.on-s of the Councie., NOW, THEREFORE, The Edmond, City Counc t hereby )Lao .ves that Paul Chtwstensen be commended for his pa4tti,cipati.on in city government in Edmonds, during his term in o64ice. RESOLVED FURTHER, that the City Council hereby extends its but w-ishm to Paul C"tensen in h ius studies and 6utune cxteer and expruzu the hope that he continua to cont,tibute hips dine tatents to the democt at i.c proceas o6 government in the City o4 Edmonds and etzewhere. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 30th day o6 December, 1980. Mayor, City o6 E mon ATTEST: r _ .r-7-