20180313 City CouncilEDMONDS CITY COUNCIL APPROVED MINUTES March 13, 2018 ELECTED OFFICIALS PRESENT Dave Earling, Mayor Michael Nelson, Council President Kristiana Johnson, Councilmember Thomas Mesaros, Councilmember Adrienne Fraley-Monillas, Councilmember Diane Buckshnis, Councilmember Dave Teitzel, Councilmember Neil Tibbott, Councilmember CALL TO ORDER/FLAG SALUTE STAFF PRESENT Al Compaan, Police Chief Phil Williams, Public Works Director Carrie Hite, Parks, Rec. & Cult. Serv. Dir. Patrick Doherty, Econ. Dev & Comm. Serv. Dir. Dave Turley, Assistant Finance Director Rob English, City Engineer Jeff Taraday, City Attorney Linda Hynd, Deputy Clerk Jerrie Bevington, Camera Operator Jeannie Dines, Recorder The Edmonds City Council meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Mayor Earling in the Council Chambers, 250 5" Avenue North, Edmonds. The meeting was opened with the flag salute. 2. ROLL CALL Deputy Clerk Linda Hynd called the roll. All elected officials were present. 3. APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA COUNCIL PRESIDENT NELSON MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER TEITZEL, TO APPROVE THE AGENDA WITH THE FOLLOWING CHANGES: CHANGE ITEM 4 FROM "PRESENTATIONS" TO "ACTION ITEMS," ADD AN ORDINANCE TO THE AGENDA REGARDING COUNCIL COMMITTEES AS ITEM 4.1, AND MOVE ITEM 9.4, REVIEW OF EDC RECOMMENDATION TO CONSIDER CHANGES TO REQUIRED 15-FOOT GROUND FLOOR HEIGHT IN BDI ZONE, SCHEDULED FOR THE PUBLIC SAFETY AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE TO ITEM 4.2. Councilmember Johnson asked if the fourth Tuesday of the month would be for Council discussion or a business meeting. Council President Nelson responded the ordinance states one committee meeting a month; the fourth Tuesday will be a business meeting. Councilmember Buckshnis recalled she made a motion to have the fourth Tuesday be a study session and later withdrew the motion recognizing that the Council President is responsible for the agenda. Councilmember Fraley-Monillas asked the purpose of moving Agenda Item 9.4 to the Council agenda. Council President Nelson said that item was scheduled for review by a committee that could not official review planning issues until the ordinance regarding committee meetings is effective and there was an inquiry whether it could be considered by the Parks, Planning & Public Works Committee. Councilmember Fraley-Monillas asked if Council President Nelson's proposal was move Item 9.4 to the Parks, Planning & Public Works Committee agenda. Council President Nelson clarified the motion was to move that item to the Council agenda as Item 4.2. Edmonds City Council Approved Minutes March 13, 2018 Page 1 MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 5. APPROVAL OF THE CONSENT AGENDA COUNCILMEMBER MESAROS MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER FRALEY- MONILLAS, TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. The agenda items approved are as follows: 1. APPROVAL OF COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OF MARCH 6, 2018 2. APPROVAL OF CLAIM, PAYROLL AND BENEFIT CHECKS, DIRECT DEPOSIT AND WIRE PAYMENTS 4. ACTION ITEMS 1. ORDINANCE REGARDING COUNCIL COMMITTEES Council President Nelson recalled several weeks ago the Council voted on changes to the Council committee structure, but a revised ordinance was required to make those changes. He read the title of the ordinance drafted by the City Attorney: An Ordinance of the City of Edmonds Amending Section 1.04.010 ECC Entitled Regular Public Meeting Time and Day and Change the Frequency of Committee Meetings, Providing for Severability and Setting an Effective Date. The ordinance moves Planning to the Public Safety & Personnel Committee and removes the fourth Tuesday of the month as a committee night. COUNCIL PRESIDENT NELSON MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER BUCKSHNIS, TO APPROVE ORDINANCE NO. , AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EDMONDS AMENDING SECTION 104.010 ECC ENTITLED REGULAR PUBLIC MEETING TIME AND DAY AND CHANGE THE FREQUENCY OF COMMITTEE MEETINGS. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 2. REVIEW OF EDC RECOMMENDATION TO CONSIDER CHANGES TO IZEOU IRED 15- FOOT GROUND FLOOR HEIGHT IN BDI ZONE. Council President Nelson explained after tonight's committee meetings, the next committee meetings would be the second Tuesday in April. He suggested the Parks, Planning & Public Works Committee consider Item 9.4. COUNCILMEMBER FRALEY-MONILLAS MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER BUCKSHNIS, TO MOVE ITEM 9.4, REVIEW OF EDC RECOMMENDATION TO CONSIDER CHANGES TO REQUIRED 15-FOOT GROUND FLOOR HEIGHT IN BD1 ZONE, FROM THE PERSONNEL AND PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE TO THE PARKS, PLANNING AND PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE AGENDA. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Council President Nelson recalled at the end of 2017, the Council approved budget amendments with regard to Opioid Response. He announced the formation of an Opioid Response Task Force consisting of Councilmembers Fraley-Monillas and Johnson, himself and Jeff Ketchel, Administrator of the Snohomish Health District. Edmonds City Council Approved Minutes March 13, 2018 Page 2 6. ADJOURN TO COMMITTEE MEETINGS With no further business, the Council meeting was adjourned to committee meetings at 7:10 p.m. (Parks, Planning & Public Works Committee in Council Chambers, Finance Committee in the Jury Meeting Room, and Public Safety & Personnel Committee in the Police Training Room.) .4 DA 0. EARLING, MAYOR 6 PASSEY, 1TY K Edmonds City Council Approved Minutes March 13, 2018 Page 3 ... ... ...':N:.::..... ... :::... ::. ... ::: ... :.ny. .. ... ,:.: �;°' ?'� ;t _.