1940-03-21 City Council MinutesAmerican Cast Iron_ Pipe Co. 2600 LY 6" Cast Iror:, Cemert Lined Pipe Class 150 wO.75 ft 'l,950,00 (Including necessary joir:t material) 2600 1& 4" Cast Iror Cemer_.t lined Pipe Class 150 A0,49 ft 5p1,274,00 (Ircludir.g resessary joint material) Total-- 5�3,224,07 Pacifice States Cast Iror Pipe Co. PacViare-Pacific, Horizortally Sar.,d Cast, Class 150 Cast Iron,Pipe- cemer..t lir.ir_.g-at 24801--4"xl8' -- .575 ft -at 24801--6"xl8'-- .89 ft 20B Edmonds. The bids will be taher.: up gor further cor_.sideratior:. at the adjourned meeting. r'ire Chief IvI.C..r;rgels informed the Council that the r'ire Departmer..t was very much in reed of a larger tar:k for the Ir..halator and a Asbestos Blarket. The tank will cost �'-,` 45, 00 and the fillir_gyA8, 50 a11d the Asbestos Blaiiket s ll, 45, maki.r..g a total of � 65, 00. Or.motior the Council instructed the ?ire Chief to purchase the material requested. Or motion the Council adjourned urtill Thursday at 8 o'clock RVI C1 y Clerk Mayor. March 21st.1040. The Council met in adjourned seeior..ti°pith Mayor Fourtrer presidir_g.The roll call showed the folloir..g Courcilmer, present: Chardler, Callahar, Claus- er..The C�il took up the awarding o,g the Contract for a 4" Wii er,Main for the east end of Main Street from the Cook well to the east City Limits and then_ along Eleverth Avenue to. the I•orth East corner of the City: thence Yorth along Olympic Averue to L•ustirs corner; 5280 ft more or less. After cor_siderable discussion of the question of installing the pipe it was moved by Chardler and seconded by Jones that the Courdil accept the bid of Hugh G.Purcell & Co. for 5280 ft (moreor less) of 4" cast Iro.r Cement Lir..ed Pipe (Ircludir.g necessary joirtirg material) at $0,48 per foot. $2,498,00 more or less. The vote was as follows: Chardler, yes; Callahan_. yes; Clausen. yes; Jores yes. Carried by ur_arimous fot of the Cour..cilmer preser.:t. .There being no further business or motion the Cour_cil adjourred. �C City er Maror. 1