1940-04-16 City Council Minutesnecessary manholes, catch basins, and other appurtenances necessary tomake a complete improvement. 1 J SECTION 2. That the cost and expense of all materials required to make a complete improvement, the fixed estimate and all other expenses of every kind, except.cost of labor contributed by the Pedera.l Government under WY,&, shall be made by special assessment;a local Improvement District shall be established embracing as naer as may be all the property specially benefited .by such improvement,and such specially benefited property shall be assessed to pay for the entire cost of such improvement, except the cost of labor furnished by the 2ederal Government under ZJPA. SECTIOL 3. 2111 persons who may desire to object to the improvement herein mertiored are hereby notified to apper at the Council Chambers in the City hall, ir_ the City of Edmonds, Washington, at a meeting of tge said Council on the 7th day of jjay, 1940, at the hour of eight o'clock P.!d., of said day, then and there to present their objections thereto if any they have. SECTIOL 4. The City Engineer of said City of Edmonds is hereby directed to submit to the City .Csur�oil, at or prior to said 7th day of May, 1940, the estimated cost and experee of the improvement, it this resolution mentioned, and a statement of the proportionate amort thereof which sh-a11 be borne by the property within the proposed Improvement District; and a statement of the aggregate assessed valuation of the real setate, exclusive of improve- ments, within said proposed Improvement District according to the valuation last placed upon. it for general taxation, together with a diagram or print dh6Wing thereon the lots traets or parcels of land and other pro erty which will be specially benefited thereby, and the estimated amount of Ue cost and expense of such tnprovement to be borne by each lot, tract, parcel Of land, or other property. Passed by the City Courcil of the City of +'dmords this 2nd day of April, 1940, and approved the same date. .The City Clerk reported that -Louis C.Ergle offered $250,00 for the Cities interest in Lots 5 and 6 in Block 122, Plat City of Edmonds. It was moved by Chandler and by Calahar_ that -,:the Courcil accept Mr. fo .er.offer. The vote was as follows: Chandler yes, Callahan yes, Clau- sen yes, Marten yes. Carried by unanimous vote of the Councilmen preser_t. A request was made to have the large meter taken out where water is suppliel to the Play Field, and replas6d'�withua.;smaller:.;nne:f:The matter was refured to the Water Committe. The Water Committe recommended that the charge be made if the School District bear the experce of -the charge. On motion the Council instructed the City Attorney todraw up ar, Ordinance Tor the Water Department increasing the Water Departments expenditures for the -improvement of the Water System. On motion the City Engineer was instructed to make ar. estimate of the size and amout of cast iron pipe for the outfall of the forth Trunk Sewer, and the size and amount of the concrete pipe for the Daytor. Street Trurk Sewerout fall, and that the City Clerk call for bids for these materials. There being ro further business or, motion the Council adjorred. _T to city clsqc Mayor. April,16thv 1940. The Council met in regular session with Mayor F'ourtrer presiding. The roll • call showed the followir_� Councilmer present: Char_dler,Bared,.,0�lehar�: Clausen; and Jones. The minute's of the last meetir_g were read and approved. Ordinance lo.529 was read the first time. The question: of pairtirg the steel water tank came up for consideration. Or motion_ the City Engineer was instructed to get prices for sand blasting the water tank and take it up with the Water Committe for their actior_,so they may proceed with the work, provided that the amount does exceed $500,00. The question of furr_ishir_g the steel for the concrete posts and the barbed wire for fencing the land where WELL LO.2 is situa.ted.Block 6.8. Or motion. the Courcil desided to purchase, from A.B.Bertly, the, inch steel for the concrete post did the barb wire for the fence, if he will furnish them at the same price he furnished them for fencing the south Edmonds well. Igo motion the Council passed the fol11�.wir: Resolution.. KESOL TIO. WHEREAS, the City of Edmonds will not satisfactorily accomplish and will i_delay and be unable to perform the repair and mairteranceof its city streets which form a part of the rout of secondary highways, or of other streets upom which expenditures may be authorized by the director of highways; and WHEAEAS, it is the desire of the City of Edmonds. that the director of high- -waysperf orm such repair and mairterance; now, therefore, BE IT TESOLV D, that the City of EDMODDT; does hereby acknowledge that it will r_ot satisfactorily accomplish and will delay and be urable to perform such z repair and meir:tenarios or such City streets and waves notice of the director of highways thereof; BE IT PURTHEK 8i'SOLVEL, that the director of highways is requested ard per- -witted to perform such repair -and mainterance to the amount of $35,00 dollars, an amount not it excess of the amount of money row credited or reasonably antic- ipated to accrue to the City of Edmobdsin the moyor vehicle fund durir:g the next fiscal year, such repair and mainterarce cost to be charged against the amount so credited or to be credited; and BE IT FUELT nBSOLVEA, that upon atatements of the cost of such repair and mairterarce and journal voucher therefor,'approved by the City of Edmonds, for all, labor, equipment, material, supplies. and ex;gineerirg, the State Audtior is authorized and directed to reserve and.credit to the department of highways'in payment for such repair and mainterance any funds credited to the City of Edmonds e in the Motor vehicll fund rat to exceed the above specified sum; all in accord- -ance with the provisiors,of Chapror 187, Session, Lwas of 1937. Passed by the City Council of the City of Edmonds in regular session this 16th day of April, 1940. The Water Committe recommended that the 14,111meter used for metering the water for the School Play Field, remain as. -is until such a time that the Water has use for it, but the water used shall be charged for at the rate of a 1" meter. On motion_ the Council adopted the recommerdatior. It was moved by Callahan ard sconded by Hareid that all water used for the gardore and lawns, during the months of May, June, July and August, in excess of 800 cubic feet shall be charged for at the rate of 10 cents per 100 cubic Beet. Carried. r The question of the use of electric light for the City Park house came up for corsideratior. The care taker having used more than the amount set aside by the Council for that purpose,. $18,00 per year. On motion the Council desided that the car taker must, pay all excesge9 0#ier�•; 5Q�eron®nth. There beirg no further business or_ motion the Council adjourned. i y C199E, Mayor. t• e r 1